Example #1
def query_catalogue(infile, catalogue, radius, minflux=0.0):
	query_catalogue: module to query the FIRST, NVSS, or WENSS catalogue from Vizier and write it to a record array
	skycoords: coordinates of the pointing centre in astropy format
	catalogue: catalogue to ask for (NVSS, WENSS, or FIRST)
	radius: radius around the pointing centre to ask for in degreees
	minflux: minimum real source flux to receive from a VIZIER query. Default is 0.0 since for most operations you want all sources in the radius region
	returns: record array with RA, DEC, Major axis, Minor axis, parallactic angle, and flux of the sources in the catalogue
        if catalogue == 'FIRST':
            v = Vizier(columns=["*", "+_r", "_RAJ2000", "_DEJ2000", "PA"],
                       column_filters={"Fint": ">" + str(minflux)})
            v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
            sources = v.query_region(getradec(infile),
                                     radius=Angle(radius, "deg"),
            maj_axis = sources[0]['Maj']
            min_axis = sources[0]['Min']
            flux = sources[0]['Fint'] / 1000.0
        elif catalogue == 'NVSS':
            v = Vizier(columns=["*", "+_r", "_RAJ2000", "_DEJ2000", "PA"],
                       column_filters={"S1.4": ">" + str(minflux)})
            v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
            sources = v.query_region(getradec(infile),
                                     radius=Angle(radius, "deg"),
            maj_axis = sources[0]['MajAxis']
            min_axis = sources[0]['MinAxis']
            flux = sources[0]['S1.4'] / 1000.0
        elif catalogue == 'WENSS':
            v = Vizier(columns=["*", "+_r", "_RAJ2000", "_DEJ2000", "PA"],
                       column_filters={"Sint": ">" + str(minflux)})
            v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
            sources = v.query_region(getradec(infile),
                                     radius=Angle(radius, "deg"),
            maj_axis = sources[0]['MajAxis']
            min_axis = sources[0]['MinAxis']
            flux = sources[0]['Sint'] / 1000.0
        catlength = len(sources[0])
        dtype = [('RA', float), ('DEC', float), ('MajAxis', float),
                 ('MinAxis', float), ('PA', float), ('flux', float),
                 ('dist', float)
                 ]  # create a structured array with the source data
        cat = np.zeros((catlength, ), dtype=dtype)
        cat['RA'] = sources[0]['_RAJ2000']
        cat['DEC'] = sources[0]['_DEJ2000']
        cat['MajAxis'] = maj_axis
        cat['MinAxis'] = min_axis
        cat['PA'] = sources[0]['PA']
        cat['flux'] = flux
        cat['dist'] = sources[0]['_r']
        cat = np.rec.array(
        )  # transform the structured array to a record array for easier handling
    except IndexError:
        cat = []
    return cat
Example #2
    def query(self):

        >>> coords = SkyCoord([100, 90],[30, 20], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        >>> r = 10 * u.arcmin
        >>> test = QueryVizier(coords, catalog='UCAC4', radius=r)
        >>> tq = test.query()
        viz = Vizier(columns=self.columns, column_filters=self.column_filters)

        viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1
        # query up to infinitely many rows. By default, this is 50.

        result = viz.query_region(self.coordinates,

        self.queried = result

        return self.queried
Example #3
def panstarrs_query_pos(ra, dec, width):
    v = Vizier(columns=[
        'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'imag', 'e_imag', 'rmag', 'e_rmag', 'gmag',
        'e_gmag', 'zmag', 'e_zmag', 'ymag', 'e_ymag'
    ])  #setting Vizier for specific columns
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1  #no limits on the table length
    table_pre = v.query_region(astropy.coordinates.ICRS(ra=ra * u.deg,
                                                        dec=dec * u.deg),
                               width=width * u.arcmin,
                               catalog='pan-STARRS')  #the real query
    #selection of lines with determined in magnitudes in I, R, G, Z
    if len(table_pre) != 0:
        index = []
        for i in range(0, len(table_pre[0]['RAJ2000'].data)):
        #rename the columns to fit my standard
        table = table_pre[0][index]
        table.rename_column('RAJ2000', 'raMean')
        table.rename_column('DEJ2000', 'decMean')
        table.rename_column('imag', 'i')
        table.rename_column('e_imag', 'i_err')
        table.rename_column('rmag', 'r')
        table.rename_column('e_rmag', 'r_err')
        table.rename_column('gmag', 'g')
        table.rename_column('e_gmag', 'g_err')
        table.rename_column('zmag', 'z')
        table.rename_column('e_zmag', 'z_err')
        table.rename_column('ymag', 'y')
        table.rename_column('e_ymag', 'y_err')
        return table
        return table_pre
Example #4
def fetch_objects_in_box(box,
    This function ...
    :param box:
    :param catalog:
    :param keywords:
    :param radius:
    :param limit:
    :param column_filters:

    # Define the center coordinate for the box
    coordinate = SkyCoordinate(ra=box[0], dec=box[1], unit="deg",
                               frame="fk5")  # frame: icrs, fk5... ?

    # Make a Vizier object
    if column_filters is None:
        viz = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', 'B-V', 'Vmag', 'Plx'],
        viz = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', 'B-V', 'Vmag', 'Plx'],

    # No limit on the number of entries
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = limit if limit is not None else -1

    # Query the box of our image frame
    result = viz.query_region(coordinate.to_astropy(),
                              width=box[3] * Unit("deg"),
                              height=box[2] * Unit("deg"),

    region_string = "# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0\n"
    region_string += "global color=green\n"

    # Result may contain multiple tables (for different catalogs)
    for table in result:

        # For every entry in the table
        for entry in table:

            # Get the right ascension and the declination
            ra = entry[0]
            dec = entry[1]

            # Create a string with the coordinates of the star
            regline = "fk5;circle(%s,%s,%.2f\")\n" % (ra, dec, radius)

            # Add the parameters of this star to the region string
            region_string += regline

    # Return the region
    return regions.parse(region_string)
Example #5
def query_nvss(options, ra0, dec0, s=">0.0", proj='SIN'):
	query_nvss: module which queries the NVSS using the Vizier protocol. 
	inputs: ra0, dec0, s="<20"
	ra0 = the central ra in degrees
	dec0 = the central dec in degrees
	s = the flux cutoff
	returns L, M (relative coordinates in degrees), N (number of sources), S (1.4GHz Flux
	Density in mJy)
	v = Vizier(column_filters={"S1.4":s})
	v.ROW_LIMIT = 10000
	result = v.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(ra=ra0, dec=dec0, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'), 
	    radius=Angle(1, "deg"), catalog='NVSS')
	ra = result[0]['_RAJ2000']
	dec = result[0]['_DEJ2000']
	N = len(result[0])
	if proj.upper()=='SIN':
		L = (ra-ra0)*pl.cos(dec*deg2rad)
		M = dec-dec0
	if proj.upper()=='NCP':
		L = 57.2957795*pl.cos(deg2rad*dec)*pl.sin(deg2rad*(ra-ra0))
		M = 57.2957795*(pl.cos(deg2rad*dec0) - pl.cos(deg2rad*dec)*pl.cos(deg2rad*(ra-ra0)))/pl.sin(deg2rad*dec0) 
	S = result[0]['S1.4']
	ascii.write(result[0], options.outfile+'.dat', format='tab') 
	ann_writer(options, result[0])
	return L, M, N, S
Example #6
def cross_match():
    Nothing but test query data and cross match.
    twomass = Irsa.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(28.2,
                                               unit=(u.deg, u.deg),

    v = Vizier(columns=["**", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"])
    v.ROW_LIMIT = 9000000
    result = v.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(ra=280.7421273, dec=-4.2326516,\
    unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),radius=0.05*u.deg, catalog=["GAIA DR2"])

    gaia_data = result[4]

    coo_wise = coord.SkyCoord(twomass['ra'], twomass['dec'])
    coo_twomass = coord.SkyCoord(gaia_data['RAJ2000'], gaia_data['DEJ2000'])
    idx_twomass, d2d_twomass, d3d_twomass = coo_wise.match_to_catalog_sky(
    YSO = gaia_data[:0].copy()
    for k in idx_twomass:

    return YSO
Example #7
def OS_from_viz(viz_ID,
    from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
    v = Vizier()
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    Cats = v.get_catalogs(viz_ID)
    grbCat = Cats[0]
    grbAstroCat = Table(grbCat)
    global colNames
    colNames = ["RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"]
    if extraCols == ['default']:
        for i in range(len(extraCols)):
    hasDistance(grbAstroCat, use_redshift)
    #	global viz_key
    viz_key = 1996
    global vizID
    vizID = viz_ID
    #guiforasset = GUI_name
    files2ops.createFiles(grbAstroCat, file_name, GUI_name, GUI_path,
                          "Vizier:" + viz_ID)
Example #8
    def make_tess_query(self, mag_range=(1, 6), ra_range=(0, 360), dec_range=(-90, 90)):
        Query the TESS input catalog using VizieR
        :param mag_range: the magnitude range you wish to constrain the query by
        :param ra_range: the RA range you wish to constrain the query by
        :param dec_range: The DEC range you wish to constrain the query by
        :return: appends results to the catalogs results array
        print("Retrieving Catalogue")

        columns = ['RAJ2000','DEJ2000','TIC','2MASS','Tessmag','Teff','R*','M*','logg','Dist','Gmag','Vmag']
        v = Vizier(columns=columns)
        v.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        result = v.query_constraints(catalog="J/AJ/156/102",
                                     Vmag='>%s & <%s' %(mag_range[0], mag_range[1]),
                                     RAJ2000=">%s & <%s"%(ra_range[0], ra_range[1]),
                                     DEJ2000='>%s & <%s'%(dec_range[0], dec_range[1]))

        if result:
            good_val = np.where(~np.isnan(result[0]['R_']) & ~np.isnan(result[0]['Dist']))

            self.tess = result[0][good_val]
Example #9
    def from_sky(cls, magnitudelimit=None):
        Create a Constellation from a criteria search of the whole sky.

        magnitudelimit : float
            Maximum magnitude (for Ve = "estimated V").

        # define a query for cone search surrounding this center

        criteria = {}
        if magnitudelimit is not None:
            criteria[cls.defaultfilter + 'mag'] = '<{}'.format(magnitudelimit)

        v = Vizier(columns=cls.columns, column_filters=criteria)
        v.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # run the query
        print('querying Vizier for {}, for {}<{}'.format(
            cls.name, cls.defaultfilter, magnitudelimit))

        table = v.query_constraints(catalog=cls.catalog, **criteria)[0]

        # store the search parameters in this object
        c = cls(cls.standardize_table(table))
        c.standardized.meta['catalog'] = cls.catalog
        c.standardized.meta['criteria'] = criteria
            'magnitudelimit'] = magnitudelimit or c.magnitudelimit
        #c.magnitudelimit = magnitudelimit or c.magnitudelimit
        return c
Example #10
    def get_inclination(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
            "Querying the catalog of radial profiles for 161 face-on spirals ..."

        # The Vizier querying object
        vizier = Vizier()
        vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # Radial profiles for 161 face-on spirals (Munoz-Mateos+, 2007)
        radial_profiles_result = vizier.query_object(self.galaxy_name,

        # Catalog doesnt contain data for a lot of galaxies
        # If it doesnt, use DustPedia galaxy info as a backup solution
        if len(radial_profiles_result) == 0 or len(
                radial_profiles_result[0]) == 0:

            inclination = Angle(self.info["Inclination"][0], "deg")

        # We have a table and it is not empty

            table = radial_profiles_result[0]
            # distance = float(table[0]["Dist"])
            inclination = Angle(float(table[0]["i"]), "deg")

        # Set the inclination
        self.properties.inclination = inclination
Example #11
def query_nvss(options, ra0, dec0, s=">0.0", proj='SIN'):
	query_nvss: module which queries the NVSS using the Vizier protocol. 
	inputs: ra0, dec0, s="<20"
	ra0 = the central ra in degrees
	dec0 = the central dec in degrees
	s = the flux cutoff
	returns L, M (relative coordinates in degrees), N (number of sources), S (1.4GHz Flux
	Density in mJy)
    v = Vizier(column_filters={"S1.4": s})
    v.ROW_LIMIT = 10000
    result = v.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(ra=ra0,
                                           unit=(u.deg, u.deg),
                            radius=Angle(1, "deg"),
    ra = result[0]['_RAJ2000']
    dec = result[0]['_DEJ2000']
    N = len(result[0])
    if proj.upper() == 'SIN':
        L = (ra - ra0) * pl.cos(dec * deg2rad)
        M = dec - dec0
    if proj.upper() == 'NCP':
        L = 57.2957795 * pl.cos(deg2rad * dec) * pl.sin(deg2rad * (ra - ra0))
        M = 57.2957795 * (pl.cos(deg2rad * dec0) - pl.cos(deg2rad * dec) *
                          pl.cos(deg2rad *
                                 (ra - ra0))) / pl.sin(deg2rad * dec0)
    S = result[0]['S1.4']
    ascii.write(result[0], options.outfile + '.dat', format='tab')
    ann_writer(options, result[0])
    return L, M, N, S
Example #12
 def get_catalogue(self, catalogue, boundary_value="nan"):
     if catalogue not in cat_ids:
         self.logger.error("Requested catalogue not recongised.")
     elif catalogue=="SUMSS":
         search_cat=[cat_ids["SUMSS"], cat_ids["MGPS2"]]
     elif catalogue=="NVSS":
     if not self.wcs:
     if not self.header:
     if not self.centre:
     if np.abs(self.size_x-self.size_y) > max([self.size_x,self.size_y])*0.05:
         self.logger.warning("Non square image detected! Will pad the Vizier search area by 2.0 (default 1.5).")
     # if not self.data:
     #     self.load_data()
     v = Vizier(columns=["_r", "_RAJ2000","_DEJ2000", "**"])
     self.logger.info("Querying {} using Vizier...".format(catalogue))
     result=v.query_region(self.centre, radius=self.radius*pad, catalog=search_cat)
     if catalogue=="SUMSS":
         #Searching the galactic plane survey as well, check if there are any found in that one
         if len(catalogs_returned) == 2:
             #Here we have to merge them together, MGPS2 has two extra columns: 'MGPS' and 'E' pandas can just merge them
             # mgps2_result.drop(["MGPS", "E"])
             #And just append the mgps2 sources to the sumss result
     if catalogue=="NVSS":
         df_result["PA"].fillna(0.0, inplace=True)
         self.logger.info("{} sources obtained.".format(catalogue))
         self.logger.info("Filtering {} sources to only those within the image area...".format(catalogue))
         self.nvss_sources=self._filter_catalogue(self.raw_nvss_sources, boundary_value=boundary_value)
         return self.nvss_sources
         self.logger.info("{} sources obtained.".format(catalogue))
         self.logger.info("Filtering {} sources to only those within the image area...".format(catalogue))
         self.sumss_sources=self._filter_catalogue(self.raw_sumss_sources, boundary_value=boundary_value)
         return self.sumss_sources
Example #13
def catalogue_call(avgCoord, opt, cat_name):
    data = namedtuple(typename='data',
                      field_names=['ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'emag', 'cat_name'])

    TABLES = {
        'APASS': '******',
        'SDSS': 'V/147/sdss12',
        'PanSTARRS': 'II/349/ps1',
        'SkyMapper': 'II/358/smss'

    tbname = TABLES.get(cat_name, None)
    kwargs = {'radius': '0.33 deg'}
    kwargs['catalog'] = cat_name

        v = Vizier(columns=[
        ])  # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns
        v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
        query = v.query_region(avgCoord, **kwargs)
    except VOSError:
        raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format(
            avgCoord.ra.value, avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name))

    if query.keys():
        resp = query[tbname]
        raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format(
            avgCoord.ra.value, avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name))

    logger.debug(f'Looking for sources in {cat_name}')
    if cat_name in ['APASS', 'PanSTARRS']:
        radecname = {'ra': 'RAJ2000', 'dec': 'DEJ2000'}
    elif cat_name == 'SDSS':
        radecname = {'ra': 'RA_ICRS', 'dec': 'DE_ICRS'}
    elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper':
        radecname = {'ra': 'RAICRS', 'dec': 'DEICRS'}
        radecname = {'ra': 'raj2000', 'dec': 'dej2000'}

    # Filter out bad data from catalogues
    if cat_name == 'PanSTARRS':
        resp = resp[where((resp['Qual'] == 52) | (resp['Qual'] == 60)
                          | (resp['Qual'] == 61))]
    elif cat_name == 'SDSS':
        resp = resp[resp['Q'] == 3]
    elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper':
        resp = resp[resp['flags'] == 0]

    data.cat_name = cat_name
    data.ra = array(resp[radecname['ra']].data)
    data.dec = array(resp[radecname['dec']].data)

    # extract RA, Dec, Mag and error as arrays
    data.mag = array(resp[opt['filter']].data)
    data.emag = array(resp[opt['error']].data)
    return data
Example #14
def download_table(cdsname,

    if name is None:
        name = cdsname

    cols = ['**'] + extracols

    # v = Vizier(columns = cols, vizier_server='vizier.cfa.harvard.edu')
    v = Vizier(columns=cols)

    v.ROW_LIMIT = limit
    t = v.query_region(SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg'),
                       radius='%g degrees' % sr,

    if len(t):
        t = t[0]

        if conversions:
            for cfrom in conversions.keys():
                cto = conversions[cfrom]

                if cfrom in t.colnames:
                    t.rename_column(cfrom, cto)

        if columns:
            for _ in t.colnames:
                if _ in columns:

        # Check column names
        for _ in columns:
            if _ not in t.colnames and _[0] != '*':
                print("Column", _, "is missing!")

        if verbose:
            print("Downloaded table", name, "from", cdsname, "at", ra, dec, sr,
                  ":", len(t), "rows and", len(t.colnames), "columns")

        t = None
        if verbose:
            print("Can't download table", name, "from", cdsname, "at", ra, dec,

    return t
Example #15
def galaxies_in_box(center, ra_span, dec_span):

    This function ...
    :param center:
    :param ra_span:
    :param dec_span:

    # Initialize a list to contain the galaxies
    names = []

    # Other way ?? Much more results ?
    #ra_radius = 0.5 * ra_span.value
    #dec_radius = 0.5 * dec_span.value
    #radius = math.sqrt(ra_radius**2 + dec_radius**2)
    #result_table = Ned.query_region(center, radius=radius)

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["galaxies", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Querying the HYPERLEDA catalog ...")

    # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
    result = viz.query_region(center.to_astropy(), width=ra_span, height=dec_span, catalog=["VII/237"])

    # I noticed something strange happening once; where there were no entries in the result,
    # with the following parameters:
    #   center = (149.07614359, 69.24847936)
    #   ra_span = 1.600000128 deg
    #   dec_span = 1.3966667784 deg
    #   catalog = ["VII/237"]
    # When ra_span was only slightly changed (e.g. change the last digit to a '7'), output was normal
    # Thus, it seems that the query goes wrong with specific values of the width (and/or height), in which
    # case changing the value very slightly resolves the problem...
    # I am baffled by this and I see no reasonable explanation.
    if result is None or len(result) == 0:

        ra_span *= 1.0 + 1e-5
        result = viz.query_region(center.to_astropy(), width=ra_span, height=dec_span, catalog=["VII/237"])

    table = result[0]

    # Loop over the rows in the table
    for entry in table:
        name = "PGC " + str(entry["PGC"])
        coordinate = SkyCoordinate(ra=entry["RAJ2000"], dec=entry["DEJ2000"], unit="deg", frame="fk5")
        namepluscoordinate = (name, coordinate)

    # Return the list of galaxies
    return names
Example #16
def galaxies_in_box(center, ra_span, dec_span):

    This function ...
    :param center:
    :param ra_span:
    :param dec_span:

    # Initialize a list to contain the galaxies
    names = []

    # Other way ?? Much more results ?
    #ra_radius = 0.5 * ra_span.value
    #dec_radius = 0.5 * dec_span.value
    #radius = math.sqrt(ra_radius**2 + dec_radius**2)
    #result_table = Ned.query_region(center, radius=radius)

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["galaxies", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Querying the HYPERLEDA catalog ...")

    # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
    result = viz.query_region(center.to_astropy(), width=ra_span, height=dec_span, catalog=["VII/237"])

    # I noticed something strange happening once; where there were no entries in the result,
    # with the following parameters:
    #   center = (149.07614359, 69.24847936)
    #   ra_span = 1.600000128 deg
    #   dec_span = 1.3966667784 deg
    #   catalog = ["VII/237"]
    # When ra_span was only slightly changed (e.g. change the last digit to a '7'), output was normal
    # Thus, it seems that the query goes wrong with specific values of the width (and/or height), in which
    # case changing the value very slightly resolves the problem...
    # I am baffled by this and I see no reasonable explanation.
    if len(result) == 0:

        ra_span *= 1.0 + 1e-5
        result = viz.query_region(center.to_astropy(), width=ra_span, height=dec_span, catalog=["VII/237"])

    table = result[0]

    # Loop over the rows in the table
    for entry in table:
        name = "PGC " + str(entry["PGC"])
        coordinate = SkyCoordinate(ra=entry["_RAJ2000"], dec=entry["_DEJ2000"], unit="deg", frame="fk5")
        namepluscoordinate = (name, coordinate)

    # Return the list of galaxies
    return names
Example #17
 def aavso(self, string):
     Return AAVSO variable star 
     Catalog Title: B/vsx/vsx       
     v = Vizier(catalog='B/vsx/vsx', columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', '*'])
     v.ROW_LIMIT = 500000
     result = v.query_constraints(Name=string)
     for table_name in result.keys():
         table = result[table_name]
     return table
Example #18
 def GalInABox2(self, catalog):
     v = Vizier(columns = ['RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'z', 'GWGC', 'Bmag', 'Jmag', 'Kmag', 'Hmag'])
     v.ROW_LIMIT = 99999999
     center = SkyCoord(M.p_pos.means_[0][0], M.p_pos.means_[0][1], unit = (u.rad, u.rad))
     raggio = np.sqrt(np.diag(M.p_pos.covariances_[0])).max()
     table = v.query_region(center, radius = 5*raggio*u.rad, catalog = catalog) # width = width, height = height, catalog = catalog)
     data  = pd.DataFrame()
     # for tablei in table:
     #     data = data.append(tablei.to_pandas(), ignore_index = True)
     data = data.append(table[1].to_pandas())
     return data.dropna(subset = ['RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'z'])
def get_catalog():
    coo = SkyCoord.from_name('GJ3470')
    rad = 40*u.arcmin
    cat_id = 'I/284/out'
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    tab = v.query_region(coo, radius=rad, catalog = cat_id)[0]
    x2 = tab['RAJ2000']
    y2 = tab['DEJ2000']
Example #20
def getVizierResults(name, radius):
    from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
    from astropy import units as u
    v = Vizier(columns=["all"], catalog='I/345/gaia2')
    v.ROW_LIMIT = 25000
    results = v.query_object(name,
                             radius=radius * u.arcsec)
    keys = results[0].keys()
    objectList = gaiaClass.GAIAObjects(gaiaTable=results[0])

    return objectList
Example #21
def getRandomVizier(numResults):
    from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
    from astropy import units as u
    v = Vizier(columns=["all"],
                   "RandomI": "830339102..840339102",
                   "e_Plx": "<0.1"
    v.ROW_LIMIT = numResults
    result = v.get_catalogs('I/345/gaia2')
    return result[0].keys(), result[0]
Example #22
    def get_s4g_properties(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Querying the S4G catalog ...")

        # The Vizier querying object
        vizier = Vizier(columns=[
            'Name', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'amaj', 'ell', 'Dmean', "e_Dmean",
        vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # Get parameters from S4G catalog
        result = vizier.query_object(self.galaxy_name,
        table = result[0]

        # Galaxy name for S4G catalog
        self.properties.name = table["Name"][0]

        # Galaxy center from decomposition (?)
        ra_center = table["RAJ2000"][0]
        dec_center = table["DEJ2000"][0]
        center = SkyCoordinate(ra=ra_center,
        self.properties.center = center

        # Center position
        #self.properties.center = SkyCoordinate(ra=self.info["RA"][0], dec=self.info["DEC"][0], unit="deg") # center position from DustPedia

        # Distance
        self.properties.distance = table["Dmean"][0] * u("Mpc")
        self.properties.distance_error = table["e_Dmean"][0] * u("Mpc")

        # Major axis, ellipticity, position angle
        self.properties.major_arcsec = table["amaj"][0] * u("arcsec")
        self.properties.major = (self.properties.distance *

        # Ellipticity
        self.properties.ellipticity = table["ell"][0]
        self.properties.position_angle = Angle(table["PA"][0] + 90.0, u("deg"))
Example #23
def get_catalog(pattern):
    d = get_target_coords(pattern)
    cooEQ = d['target_coords'].fk5.transform_to(FK5(equinox="J2019.9"))
    rad = 40 * u.arcmin
    cat_id = 'I/284/out'
    v = Vizier(catalog=cat_id,
               columns=["RAJ2000", "DEJ2000", "Plx", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"],
               column_filters={'Imag': '>14'})
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    tab = v.query_region(cooEQ, radius=rad, catalog=cat_id)[0]
    g = dict()
    g['ra_cat'] = tab['RAJ2000']
    g['dec_cat'] = tab['DEJ2000']
    return (g)
Example #24
 def regionincatalog(self, astre_ra, astre_dec, angle_width, angle_height,
                     mag, catalog_name, field_ra, field_dec, field_mag):
     Returns the table of RA, DEC and markers        
             astre_ra (float)        : RA
             astre_dec (float)       : DEC
             angle_width (float)     : Degrees
             angle_height (float)    : Degrees
             mag (float)             : Maximun magnitude
             catalog_name (str)      : Catalog Vizier name
             field_ra (float)        : field of RA
             field_dec (float)       : Field of DEC,
             field_mag (float)       : Field maximun magnitude        
     table_ra = []
     table_dec = []
     table_marker = []
     # Recherche dans le catalog
     # Field catalog : _RAJ2000, _DEJ2000, Vmag, r'mag, Gmag ...
     v = Vizier(columns=[field_ra, field_dec, field_mag])
     # Nombre limite de recherche
     v.ROW_LIMIT = 500000
     # Recherche et création de la table
     mag_format = '<' + str(mag)
     result = v.query_region(SkyCoord(ra=astre_ra,
                                      unit=(u.deg, u.deg),
                             width=Angle(angle_width, "deg"),
                             height=Angle(angle_height, "deg"),
                             column_filters={'Gmag': mag_format})
     if mag <= 14:
         stars = constant.starslow
         stars = constant.starshight
     for table_name in result.keys():
         table = result[table_name]
         for line in table:
             ra = float(line[0])
             dec = float(line[1])
             mv = float(line[2])
             if mv != 'masked':
                 marker_size = stars[int(mv) + stars[0]]
         return Table([table_ra, table_dec, table_marker],
                      names=['RA', 'DEC', 'MARKER'])
Example #25
def fetch_objects_in_box(box, catalog, keywords, radius, limit=None, column_filters=None):

    This function ...
    :param box:
    :param catalog:
    :param keywords:
    :param radius:
    :param limit:
    :param column_filters:

    # Define the center coordinate for the box
    coordinate = SkyCoordinate(ra=box[0], dec=box[1], unit="deg", frame="fk5") # frame: icrs, fk5... ?

    # Make a Vizier object
    if column_filters is None:
        viz = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000','B-V', 'Vmag', 'Plx'], keywords=keywords)
        viz = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000','B-V', 'Vmag', 'Plx'], column_filters=column_filters, keywords=keywords)

    # No limit on the number of entries
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = limit if limit is not None else -1

    # Query the box of our image frame
    result = viz.query_region(coordinate.to_astropy(), width=box[3] * Unit("deg"), height=box[2] * Unit("deg"), catalog=catalog)

    region_string = "# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0\n"
    region_string += "global color=green\n"

    # Result may contain multiple tables (for different catalogs)
    for table in result:

        # For every entry in the table
        for entry in table:

            # Get the right ascension and the declination
            ra = entry[0]
            dec = entry[1]

            # Create a string with the coordinates of the star
            regline = "fk5;circle(%s,%s,%.2f\")\n" % (ra, dec, radius)

            # Add the parameters of this star to the region string
            region_string += regline

    # Return the region
    return regions.parse(region_string)
Example #26
def get_catalog(target, xobj, yobj, pattern):
    o = get_obj(target, xobj, yobj, pattern)
    cooEQ = SkyCoord.from_name(o['obj']).fk5.transform_to(
    rad = 40 * u.arcmin
    cat_id = 'I/284/out'
    v = Vizier(catalog=cat_id,
               columns=["RAJ2000", "DEJ2000", "Plx", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"],
               column_filters={'Imag': '>14'})
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    tab = v.query_region(cooEQ, radius=rad, catalog=cat_id)[0]
    g = dict()
    g['ra_cat'] = tab['RAJ2000']
    g['dec_cat'] = tab['DEJ2000']
    return (g)
Example #27
    def __query_box(self, ra, dec, base, height, catalog):
        """Vizier.query_region in a square/rectangular FoV using astroquery module."""

        base_str, height_str = str(base) + 'd', str(height) + 'd'
        catalog_constraints = Vizier(catalog=[self.catalog],
                                     columns=['*', '_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', self.column_1, self.column_2],
                                     column_filters={self.column_1 : self.filter_1,
                                                     self.column_2 : self.filter_2})
        catalog_constraints.ROW_LIMIT = -1  # completed catalog
        query_result = catalog_constraints.query_region(SkyCoord(
            ra = ra, dec = dec, unit = (u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),
                                                        width = height_str, height = base_str)       
        return query_result
Example #28
 def __query_circle(self, ra, dec, radius, catalog):
     """Vizier.query_region in a circle FoV  using astroquery module."""
     radius_str = str(radius) + 'd'
     catalog_constraints = Vizier(catalog=[self.catalog],
                                  columns=['*', '_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', self.column_1, self.column_2],
                                  column_filters={self.column_1 : self.filter_1,
                                                  self.column_2 : self.filter_2})
     catalog_constraints.ROW_LIMIT = -1  # completed catalog
     query_result = catalog_constraints.query_region(SkyCoord(
         ra = ra, dec = dec, unit = (u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'), radius = radius_str)
     return query_result
Example #29
def search_vizier_for_2mass_sources(ra, dec, radius):
    """Function to perform online query of the 2MASS catalogue and return
    a catalogue of known objects within the field of view"""

    v = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', 'Jmag', 'e_Jmag', \
                                    'Hmag', 'e_Hmag','Kmag', 'e_Kmag'],\
    v.ROW_LIMIT = 5000
    c = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra + ' ' + dec,
                             unit=(units.deg, units.deg))
    r = radius * units.arcminute
    result = v.query_region(c, radius=r, catalog=['2MASS'])

    return result[0]
Example #30
def GalInABox(ra, dec, ra_unit, dec_unit, catalog='GLADE', all=False):
    Dati gli intervalli RA e DEC (pensati come gli estremi di una forma qualunque),
    la funzione restituisce un DataFrame contenente tutte le galassie contenute
    in CATALOG entro il rettangolo definito dagli intervalli

    ra, dec: list
        Intervalli di coordinate angolari entro le quali è interamente contenuta
        la regione desiderata

    ra_unit, dec_unit: astropy.units.core.Unit
        Unità di misura in cui sono espressi RA e DEC.
        Default: deg

    catalog: string, optional.
        Catalogo dal quale estrarre i dati.
        Default: GLADE2 (pensato per coll. LIGO-Virgo).

    all: boolean, optional
        Se all = True restituisce tutte le colonne scaricate dal catalogo.
        Se all = False, solamente quelle corrispondenti a RA, DEC e z.
    df: Pandas DataFrame
        DataFrame Pandas contenente gli oggetti selezionati dal catalogo.

    if all:
        v = Vizier()
        v = Vizier(columns=['RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'z', 'Bmag'])

    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    ra = np.array(ra)
    dec = np.array(dec)
    center = sc(ra.mean(), dec.mean(), unit=(ra_unit, dec_unit))
    width = (ra.max() - ra.min()) / 2. * ra_unit
    height = (dec.max() - dec.min()) / 2. * dec_unit

    table = v.query_region(center, width=width, height=height, catalog=catalog)
    data = pd.DataFrame()
    for tablei in table:
        data = data.append(tablei.to_pandas(), ignore_index=True)

    return data.dropna()
Example #31
def get_galaxy_s4g_one_component_info(name):

    This function ...
    :param name:

    # The Vizier querying object
    vizier = Vizier()
    vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Get the "galaxies" table
    result = vizier.query_object(name, catalog=["J/ApJS/219/4/galaxies"])

    # No results?
    if len(result) == 0: return None, None, None, None, None, None

    # Get table
    table = result[0]

    # PA: [0.2/180] Outer isophote position angle
    # e_PA: [0/63] Standard deviation in PA
    # Ell:  [0.008/1] Outer isophote ellipticity
    # e_Ell: [0/0.3] Standard deviation in Ell

    # PA1: Elliptical isophote position angle in deg
    # n: Sersic index
    # Re: effective radius in arcsec

    # Tmag: total magnitude

    s4g_name = table["Name"][0]

    pa = Angle(table["PA"][0] - 90., "deg")
    pa_error = Angle(table["e_PA"][0], "deg")

    ellipticity = table["Ell"][0]
    ellipticity_error = table["e_Ell"][0]

    n = table["n"][0]

    re = table["Re"][0] * u("arcsec")

    mag = table["Tmag"][0]

    # Return the results
    return s4g_name, pa, ellipticity, n, re, mag
Example #32
def get_catalog(target, pattern):
    '''Gets a catalog from target's name and gives his objects coordinates
        in RA and DEC'''
    d = get_target_coords(target, pattern)
    cooEQ = d['target_coords']
    rad = 40 * u.arcmin
    cat_id = 'I/284/out'
    v = Vizier(catalog=cat_id,
               columns=["RAJ2000", "DEJ2000", "Plx", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"],
               column_filters={'Imag': '>14'})
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    tab = v.query_region(cooEQ, radius=rad, catalog=cat_id)[0]
    g = dict()
    g['RA_catalog'] = tab['RAJ2000']
    g['DEC_catalog'] = tab['DEJ2000']
    return (g)
Example #33
    def query_circle(self, ra, dec, radius, catalog, column_1, filter_1):
        """Vizier.query_region in a circle FoV  using astroquery module."""

        radius_str = str(radius) + 'd'

        catalog_constraints = Vizier(
            columns=['*', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', column_1],
            column_filters={column_1: filter_1})

        catalog_constraints.ROW_LIMIT = -1  # completed catalog
        query_result = catalog_constraints.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(
            ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),

        return query_result
Example #34
    def from_cone(cls, center, radius=3 * u.arcmin, magnitudelimit=None, **kw):
        Create a Constellation from a cone search of the sky,
        characterized by a positional center and a radius from it.

        center : SkyCoord object
            The center around which the query will be made.
        radius : float, with units of angle
            The angular radius for the query.
        magnitudelimit : float
            The maximum magnitude to include in the download.
            (This is explicitly thinking UV/optical/IR, would
            need to change to flux to be able to include other

        # make sure the center is a SkyCoord
        center = parse_center(center)

        criteria = {}
        if magnitudelimit is not None:
            criteria[cls.defaultfilter + 'mag'] = '<{}'.format(magnitudelimit)

        v = Vizier(columns=cls.columns, column_filters=criteria)
        v.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # run the query
            'querying Vizier for {}, centered on {} with radius {}, for G<{}'.
            format(cls.name, center, radius, magnitudelimit))

        table = v.query_region(coordinates=center,

        # store the search parameters in this object
        c = cls(cls.standardize_table(table))
        c.standardized.meta['catalog'] = cls.catalog
        c.standardized.meta['center'] = center
        c.standardized.meta['radius'] = radius
        c.standardized.meta['magnitudelimit'] = magnitudelimit
        c.center = center
        c.radius = radius
        #c.magnitudelimit = magnitudelimit or cls.magnitudelimit
        return c
Example #35
    def get_s4g_properties(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Querying the S4G catalog ...")

        # The Vizier querying object
        vizier = Vizier(columns=['Name', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'amaj', 'ell', 'Dmean', "e_Dmean", "PA"])
        vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # Get parameters from S4G catalog
        result = vizier.query_object(self.galaxy_name, catalog=["J/PASP/122/1397/s4g"])
        table = result[0]

        # Galaxy name for S4G catalog
        self.properties.name = table["Name"][0]

        # Galaxy center from decomposition (?)
        ra_center = table["RAJ2000"][0]
        dec_center = table["DEJ2000"][0]
        center = SkyCoordinate(ra=ra_center, dec=dec_center, unit="deg", frame='fk5')
        self.properties.center = center

        # Center position
        #self.properties.center = SkyCoordinate(ra=self.info["RA"][0], dec=self.info["DEC"][0], unit="deg") # center position from DustPedia

        # Distance
        self.properties.distance = table["Dmean"][0] * u("Mpc")
        self.properties.distance_error = table["e_Dmean"][0] * u("Mpc")

        # Major axis, ellipticity, position angle
        self.properties.major_arcsec = table["amaj"][0] * u("arcsec")
        self.properties.major = (self.properties.distance * self.properties.major_arcsec).to("pc", equivalencies=dimensionless_angles())

        # Ellipticity
        self.properties.ellipticity = table["ell"][0]
        self.properties.position_angle = Angle(table["PA"][0] + 90.0, u("deg"))
Example #36
def query_cat(catalog, min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec, columns=None,
    Use vizquery to get a reference catalog from vizier
    from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
    import numpy as np
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    # Build vizquery statement
    width = int(np.ceil((max_ra-min_ra)*60))
    height = int(np.ceil((max_dec-min_dec)*60))
    center = SkyCoord((min_ra+max_ra)/2, (min_dec+max_dec)/2, unit='deg')
    # If no column filters are specified, use the defaults
    if column_filters is None:
        if catalog.startswith('SDSS'):
            column_filters = {
                'cl': '=6',
        elif catalog.startswith('UKIDSS'):
            column_filters = {
                'cl': '=-1',
                'm': '=1'
            column_filters = {}
    # Query the catalog in Vizier
    v = Vizier(columns=columns, column_filters=column_filters, 
    result = v.query_region(center, width='{0}m'.format(width*1.25), 
    refcat = result[0]
    return refcat
Example #37
File: vdb.py Project: kharyuk/astro
def process_vdb(vdbname, gfields, sun, ind, ra_interest, dec_interest, print_coord = True, print_head = True):
    lcol = 12
    fields = [] + gfields
    v = Vizier(columns = fields, catalog = vdbname)
    v.ROW_LIMIT = -1
    result = v.query_constraints(catalog = vdbname, RAJ2000 = ra_interest, DEJ2000 = dec_interest)

    numobjs = len(result[0])
    twelveoc = 12*60*60
    tms = twelveoc*np.array([1., 3., 4.])

    prline = '==========' + '=' + '============'
    prhead = 'Date      ' + ' ' + ' Time       '
    l = len(fields)
    if not print_coord:
        l -= 2
    for i in xrange(l):
        prline = prline + '=' + '='*lcol
        tmp = fields[i]
        if len(tmp) < lcol:
            tmp = tmp + ' '*(lcol - len(tmp))
        prhead = prhead + ' ' + tmp
    prhead = prhead + ' ' + 'Dec distance'
    prline = prline + '=' + '============'
    if print_head:   
        print prline
        print prhead
        print prline
    for i in xrange(numobjs):
        ri = result[0][i].as_void()
        ri= list(ri)
        [ra, dec] = [ri[-2], ri[-1]]
        ra = parse_coord( ra, 'ra', ' ')
        dec = parse_coord( dec, 'deg', ' ')
        t, num = comp_time(sun[ind-1][1], sun[ind][1], sun[ind+1][1], ra)
        t = t.f2s()

        if num > 0:
            t += 2*twelveoc
        tmp = tms - t
        sz = tmp[tmp > 0].size
        if sz == 1:
            idx = ind+1
        elif sz == 2:
            idx = ind
        elif sz == 3:
            idx = ind-1
        t = coord(0, 0, t + twelveoc, 1, 'ra')
        if idx == ind:
            curdate = sun[idx][0]
            tmp = str(curdate[0])
            if len(tmp) <  2:
                tmp = ' ' + tmp
            date = '' + tmp + '/'
            tmp = str(curdate[1])
            if len(tmp) < 2:
                tmp = ' ' + tmp
            date = date + tmp + '/' + str(curdate[2])
            dist = comp_dist(curdate[0], curdate[1], t, dec)

            printer = '' + date + ' ' + str(t)
            stri = [str(x) for x in ri[:-2]]
            if print_coord:
                stri = stri + [str(ra), str(dec)]
            for x in stri:
                if len(x) < lcol:
                    x = ' '*(lcol - len(x)) + x
                printer = printer + ' ' + x
            printer = printer + ' ' + str(dist)
            print printer
Example #38
    def load(self, ra=0.0, dec=90.0, radius=0.2, write=True, faintlimit=None):

        # select the columns that should be downloaded from UCAC
        catalog = 'UCAC4'
        ratag = '_RAJ2000'
        dectag = '_DEJ2000'
        if catalog == 'UCAC4':
            vcat = 'I/322A/out'
            rmagtag = 'f.mag'
            jmagtag = 'Jmag'
            vmagtag = 'Vmag'
            pmratag, pmdectag = 'pmRA', 'pmDE'
            columns = ['_RAJ2000', '_DECJ2000', 'pmRA', 'pmDE', 'f.mag', 'Jmag', 'Vmag', 'UCAC4']

        # create a query through Vizier
        v = Vizier(catalog=vcat, columns=columns)
        v.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        # either reload an existing catalog file or download to create a new one
        starsfilename = settings.intermediates + self.directory
        starsfilename += "{catalog}ra{ra:.4f}dec{dec:.4f}rad{radius:.4f}".format(
            radius=radius) + '.npy'

            # try to load a raw catalog file
            logger.info("loading a catalog of stars from {0}".format(starsfilename))
            t = np.load(starsfilename)
        except IOError:
            logger.info('could not load stars')
            # otherwise, make a new query
            logger.info("querying {catalog} "
                        "for ra = {ra}, dec = {dec}, radius = {radius}".format(
                catalog=catalog, ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=radius))
            # load via astroquery
            t = v.query_region(astropy.coordinates.ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec,
                                                        unit=(astropy.units.deg, astropy.units.deg)),
                               radius='{:f}d'.format(radius), verbose=True)[0]

            # save the queried table
            np.save(starsfilename, t)

        # define the table
        self.table = astropy.table.Table(t)

        ras = np.array(t[:][ratag])
        decs = np.array(t[:][dectag])
        pmra = np.array(t[:][pmratag])
        pmdec = np.array(t[:][pmdectag])
        rmag = np.array(t[:][rmagtag])
        jmag = np.array(t[:][jmagtag])
        vmag = np.array(t[:][vmagtag])

        rbad = (np.isfinite(rmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(vmag))
        rmag[rbad] = vmag[rbad]
        rbad = (np.isfinite(rmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(jmag))
        rmag[rbad] = jmag[rbad]

        jbad = (np.isfinite(jmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(vmag))
        jmag[jbad] = vmag[jbad]
        jbad = (np.isfinite(jmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(rmag))
        jmag[jbad] = rmag[jbad]

        vbad = (np.isfinite(vmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(rmag))
        vmag[vbad] = rmag[vbad]
        vbad = (np.isfinite(vmag) == False) * (np.isfinite(jmag))
        vmag[vbad] = jmag[vbad]

        temperatures = relations.pickles(rmag - jmag)
        imag = rmag - relations.davenport(rmag - jmag)

        pmra[np.isfinite(pmra) == False] = 0.0
        pmdec[np.isfinite(pmdec) == False] = 0.0

        ok = np.isfinite(imag)
        if faintlimit is not None:
            ok *= imag <= faintlimit

        logger.info("found {0} stars with {1} < V < {2}".format(np.sum(ok), np.min(rmag[ok]), np.max(rmag[ok])))
        self.ra = ras[ok]
        self.dec = decs[ok]
        self.pmra = pmra[ok]
        self.pmdec = pmdec[ok]
        self.tmag = imag[ok]
        self.temperature = temperatures[ok]
        self.epoch = 2000.0
Example #39
st = (sra-rad)
while st <= sra+rad:
	st = st + step
	ntiles += 1

### Hipparcos
print('Querying Hipparcos')
t0 = time.time()
v = Vizier(columns=['_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000','HIP', 'Plx', 'e_Plx', 'pmRA', 'e_pmRA', 'pmDE', 'e_pmDE', 'Hpmag', 'e_Hpmag'])

# for some reason we need this first to get more than 50 entries 
Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1
v.ROW_LIMIT = -1

result = v.query_region(coord.ICRS(ra=sra, dec=sde, unit=(u.deg, u.deg)), radius=Angle(rad, "deg"), catalog='I/311')



ra = np.array(table[:]['_RAJ2000'])
dec = np.array(table[:]['_DEJ2000'])
Example #40
def create_star_catalog(frame, catalogs=None):

    This function ...

    # Initialize empty lists for the table columns
    catalog_column = []
    id_column = []
    ra_column = []
    dec_column = []
    ra_error_column = []
    dec_error_column = []
    magnitude_columns = {}
    magnitude_error_columns = {}
    on_galaxy_column = []
    confidence_level_column = []

    # Get the range of right ascension and declination of this image
    center, ra_span, dec_span = frame.coordinate_range

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["stars", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Loop over the different catalogs
    for catalog in catalogs:

        # Initialize a list to specify which of the stars added to the columns from other catalogs is already
        # matched to a star of the current catalog
        encountered = [False] * len(catalog_column)

        # Inform the user
        log.debug("Querying the " + catalog + " catalog")

        # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
        result = viz.query_region(center.to_astropy(), width=ra_span, height=dec_span, catalog=catalog)
        table = result[0]

        number_of_stars = 0
        number_of_stars_in_frame = 0
        number_of_new_stars = 0

        magnitudes = {}
        magnitude_errors = {}

        # Get the magnitude in different bands
        for name in table.colnames:

            # If this column name does not end with "mag", skip it
            if not name.endswith("mag"): continue

            # If the column name contains more than one character before "mag", skip it
            if len(name.split("mag")[0]) > 1: continue

            # Get the name of the band
            band = name.split("mag")[0]

            # Create empty lists for the magnitudes and errors
            magnitudes[band] = []
            magnitude_errors[band] = []

        # Loop over all entries in the table
        for i in range(len(table)):

            # -- General information --

            # Get the ID of this star in the catalog
            if catalog == "UCAC4": star_id = table["UCAC4"][i]
            elif catalog == "NOMAD": star_id = table["NOMAD1"][i]
            elif catalog == "II/246": star_id = table["_2MASS"][i]
            else: raise ValueError("Catalogs other than 'UCAC4', 'NOMAD' or 'II/246' are currently not supported")

            # -- Positional information --

            # Get the position of the star as a SkyCoord object and as pixel coordinate
            position = SkyCoordinate(ra=table["_RAJ2000"][i], dec=table["_DEJ2000"][i], unit="deg", frame="fk5")
            pixel_position = position.to_pixel(frame.wcs)

            # Get the right ascension and declination for the current star
            star_ra = table["_RAJ2000"][i]
            star_dec = table["_DEJ2000"][i]

            number_of_stars += 1

            # If this star does not lie within the frame, skip it
            if not frame.contains(position): continue

            number_of_stars_in_frame += 1

            # Get the mean error on the right ascension and declination
            if catalog == "UCAC4" or catalog == "NOMAD":

                ra_error = table["e_RAJ2000"][i] * Unit("mas")
                dec_error = table["e_DEJ2000"][i] * Unit("mas")

            elif catalog == "II/246":

                error_maj = table["errMaj"][i] * Unit("arcsec")
                error_min = table["errMin"][i] * Unit("arcsec")
                error_theta = Angle(table["errPA"][i], "deg")

                # Temporary: use only the major axis error (convert the error ellipse into a circle)
                ra_error = error_maj.to("mas")
                dec_error = error_maj.to("mas")

            else: raise ValueError("Catalogs other than 'UCAC4', 'NOMAD' or 'II/246' are currently not supported")

            # -- Magnitudes --

            # Loop over the different bands for which a magnitude is defined
            for band in magnitudes:

                # Determine the column name
                column_name = band + "mag"

                value = table[column_name][i]

                if isinstance(value, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant):



                    # Add the magnitude value

                    # Check for presence of error on magnitude
                    error_column_name = "e_" + column_name
                    if error_column_name in table.colnames:
                        error = table[error_column_name][i]
                        if isinstance(error, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): magnitude_errors[band].append(None)
                        else: magnitude_errors[band].append(Magnitude(error))
                    else: magnitude_errors[band].append(None)

            # -- Cross-referencing with previous catalogs --

            # If there are already stars in the list, check for correspondences with the current stars
            for index in range(len(encountered)):

                # Skip stars that are already encountered as matches with the current catalog (we assume there can only
                # be one match of a star of one catalog with the star of another catalog, within the radius of 3 pixels)
                if encountered[index]: continue

                saved_star_position = SkyCoordinate(ra=ra_column[index], dec=dec_column[index], unit="deg", frame="fk5")
                saved_star_pixel_position = saved_star_position.to_pixel(frame.wcs)

                # Calculate the distance between the star already in the list and the new star
                difference = saved_star_pixel_position - pixel_position

                # Check whether the distance is less then 3 pixels
                if difference.norm < 3.0:

                    # Inform the user
                    log.debug("Star " + star_id + " could be identified with star " + id_column[index] + " from the " + catalog_column[index] + " catalog")

                    # Increment the confidence level for the 'saved' star
                    confidence_level_column[index] += 1

                    # Set the 'encountered' flag to True for the 'saved' star
                    encountered[index] = True

                    # Break, because the current star does not have to be saved again (it is already in the lists)

            # If no other stars are in the list yet or no corresponding star was found (no break was
            # encountered), just add all stars of the current catalog

                number_of_new_stars += 1

                # Inform the user
                #print("DEBUG: Adding star " + star_id + " at " + str(position.to_string("hmsdms")))

                # Fill in the column lists

        # Debug messages
        log.debug("Number of stars that were in the catalog: " + str(number_of_stars))
        log.debug("Number of stars that fell within the frame: " + str(number_of_stars_in_frame))
        log.debug("Number of stars that were only present in this catalog: " + str(number_of_new_stars))

    # Create and return the table
    data = [catalog_column, id_column, ra_column, dec_column, ra_error_column, dec_error_column, confidence_level_column]
    names = ['Catalog', 'Id', 'Right ascension', 'Declination', 'Right ascension error', 'Declination error', 'Confidence level']

    # TODO: add magnitudes to the table ?

    #magnitude_column_names = []
    #for band in magnitudes:

        # Values
        ##column = MaskedColumn(magnitudes[band], mask=[mag is None for mag in magnitudes[band]])
        #column_name = band + " magnitude"

        # Errors
        ##column = MaskedColumn(magnitude_errors[band], mask=[mag is None for mag in magnitude_errors[band]])
        #column_name = band + " magnitude error"

    # Create the catalog
    meta = {'name': 'stars'}
    catalog = tables.new(data, names, meta)

    # Set units
    catalog["Right ascension"].unit = "deg"
    catalog["Declination"].unit = "deg"
    catalog["Right ascension error"].unit = "mas"
    catalog["Declination error"].unit = "mas"
    #for name in magnitude_column_names:
    #    self.catalog[name].unit = "mag"

    # Return the catalog
    return catalog
Example #41
def get_galaxy_info(name, position):

    This function ...
    :param name:
    :param position:

    # Obtain more information about this galaxy

        ned_result = Ned.query_object(name)
        ned_entry = ned_result[0]

        # Get a more common name for this galaxy (sometimes, the name obtained from NED is one starting with 2MASX .., use the PGC name in this case)
        if ned_entry["Object Name"].startswith("2MASX "): gal_name = name
        else: gal_name = ned_entry["Object Name"]

        # Get the redshift
        gal_redshift = ned_entry["Redshift"]
        if isinstance(gal_redshift, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_redshift = None

        # Get the type (G=galaxy, HII ...)
        gal_type = ned_entry["Type"]
        if isinstance(gal_type, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.TimeoutError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None


        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["galaxies", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
    result = viz.query_object(name.replace(" ", ""), catalog=["VII/237"])

    # Not found ... TODO: fix this ... this object was in the first query output
    if len(result) == 0: return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    table = result[0]

    # Get the correct entry (sometimes, for example for mergers, querying with the name of one galaxy gives two hits! We have to obtain the right one each time!)
    if len(table) == 0: raise ValueError("The galaxy could not be found under this name")
    elif len(table) == 1: entry = table[0]

        entry = None

        # Some rows don't have names, if no match is found based on the name just take the row that has other names defined
        rows_with_names = []
        for row in table:
            if row["ANames"]: rows_with_names.append(row)

        # If only one row remains, take that one for the galaxy we are looking for
        if len(rows_with_names) == 1: entry = rows_with_names[0]

        # Else, loop over the rows where names are defined and look for a match
            for row in rows_with_names:

                names = row["ANames"]

                if name.replace(" ", "") in names or gal_name.replace(" ", "") in names:

                    entry = row

        # If no matches are found, look for the table entry for which the coordinate matches the given position (if any)
        if entry is None and position is not None:
            for row in table:
                if np.isclose(row["_RAJ2000"], position.ra.value) and np.isclose(row["_DEJ2000"], position.dec.value):
                    entry = row

    # Note: another temporary fix
    if entry is None: return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    # Get the right ascension and the declination
    position = SkyCoordinate(ra=entry["_RAJ2000"], dec=entry["_DEJ2000"], unit="deg", frame="fk5")

    # Get the names given to this galaxy
    gal_names = entry["ANames"].split() if entry["ANames"] else []

    # Get the size of the galaxy
    ratio = np.power(10.0, entry["logR25"]) if entry["logR25"] else None
    diameter = np.power(10.0, entry["logD25"]) * 0.1 * Unit("arcmin") if entry["logD25"] else None

    #print("  D25_diameter = ", diameter)

    radial_profiles_result = viz.query_object(name, catalog="J/ApJ/658/1006")

    if len(radial_profiles_result) > 0:

        radial_profiles_entry = radial_profiles_result[0][0]

        gal_distance = radial_profiles_entry["Dist"] * Unit("Mpc")
        gal_inclination = Angle(radial_profiles_entry["i"], "deg")
        gal_d25 = radial_profiles_entry["D25"] * Unit("arcmin")


        gal_distance = None
        gal_inclination = None
        gal_d25 = None

    # Get the size of major and minor axes
    gal_major = diameter
    gal_minor = diameter / ratio if diameter is not None and ratio is not None else None

    # Get the position angle of the galaxy
    gal_pa = Angle(entry["PA"] - 90.0, "deg") if entry["PA"] else None

    # Create and return a new Galaxy instance
    return gal_name, position, gal_redshift, gal_type, gal_names, gal_distance, gal_inclination, gal_d25, gal_major, gal_minor, gal_pa