Example #1
def compute_ensemble(qs, t0, t1, t2, F, mu, mol_I, max_steps = 1000000):
    muz = zeros(qs.shape[0])
    for i in xrange(qs.shape[0]):
        qt = ar.asym_rotor(t0, t1, t2, max_steps, qs[i,:], F, mu, mol_I)
        muz[i] = ar.muz_bar(qt,F,mu,mol_I)
        print "computing (", i, "/", qs.shape[0], ") <muz> = ", muz[i]
    return muz
Example #2
def animate(coords, mass, dipole, temp, F, cycles, w0=None, max_tstep=100000, no_anim=True):
    coords    angstrom
    mass      amu
    t         ps
    dipole    e * angstrom
    temp      kelvin 
    F         amu * angstrom / ps**2.0 / e

    cm_coords = coords - tile(center_of_mass(coords, mass), (coords.shape[0], 1))

    mol_I, mol_Ix = eig(inertia_tensor(cm_coords, mass))

    print "principal moments of inertia"
    print mol_I

    q0, w0 = initial_cond(coords, mass, dipole, temp, F)

    print "initial conditions"
    print " q0 = ", q0, " norm(q0) = ", norm(q0)
    print " w0 = ", w0, " norm(w0) = ", norm(w0)

    # q0 = array([0., 0., 1., 0.])
    # w0 = array([0.,1.,0.], dtype=float)

    print "time in picoseconds"

    # t0 = 2.0 * pi / norm(w0) * cycles[0]
    # t1 = t0 + 2.0 * pi / norm(w0) * cycles[1]
    # t2 = t1 + 2.0 * pi / norm(w0) * cycles[2]

    t0 = cycles[0]
    t1 = t0 + cycles[1]
    t2 = t1 + cycles[2]

    print "t0 = ", t0
    print "t1 = ", t1
    print "t2 = ", t2
    print "total time = ", t0 + t1 + t2

    print "integrating motion of rotor"

    qt = ar.asym_rotor(t0, t1, t2, max_tstep, r_[q0, w0], F, dipole, mol_I)

    print "qt.shape = ", qt.shape

    # now extract the orientation quaternions
    tsr = qt[:, 0]
    qtr = qt[:, 1:5]
    wtr = qt[:, 5:8]

    # diagnostic plots

    # field in rk time steps
    ft = zeros(len(tsr))
    ft[tsr < t0] = 0.0
    ft[(tsr > t0) * (tsr < t1)] = F * tsr / (t1 - t0)
    ft[tsr > t1] = F

    fp = pylab.figure(figsize=(3, 4))

    # total energy
    pylab.subplot(4, 1, 1)
    pylab.plot(tsr, array([total_energy(qt[i, :], ft[i], dipole, mol_I) for i in xrange(len(tsr))]))
    pylab.title("Total Energy")

    # angular momentum
    pylab.subplot(4, 1, 2)
    L = r_[[angular_momentum(qt[i, :], ft[i], dipole, mol_I) for i in xrange(len(tsr))]]

    print "L.shape = ", L.shape
    # pylab.plot(tsr, array([norm(L[i,:]) for i in xrange(len(tsr))]), 'r-')
    pylab.plot(tsr, array([L[i, 0] for i in xrange(len(tsr))]), "b-")
    pylab.plot(tsr, array([L[i, 1] for i in xrange(len(tsr))]), "g-")
    pylab.plot(tsr, array([L[i, 2] for i in xrange(len(tsr))]), "r-")
    pylab.title("Angular Momentum")

    # dipole projection
    pylab.subplot(4, 1, 3)
    dp = array([dipole_projection(qt[i, :], ft[i], dipole, mol_I) for i in xrange(len(tsr))])
    dpavg = cumsum(dp) / (arange(len(dp)) + 1.0)
    pylab.plot(tsr, dpavg)

    pylab.title("Projected Dipole (polarization)")

    # field strength
    pylab.subplot(4, 1, 4)
    pylab.plot(tsr, ft)
    pylab.title("Field Strength")



    if no_anim:

        # frame rate is 10 ps to 1 s
    frames = floor(t2 / 10 * 30)
    print "total time is ", t2, " rendering ", frames, " frames"
    ts, qt = interpolate_quat(tsr, qtr, frames)

    # field
    ft = zeros(len(ts))
    ft[ts < t0] = 0.0
    ft[(ts > t0) * (ts < t1)] = F * ts / (t1 - t0)
    ft[ts > t1] = F

    # render the molecule
    f = mlab.figure(size=(500, 500), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0))
    # # draw the molecule
    molecule = mlab.points3d(
        cm_coords[:, 0], cm_coords[:, 1], cm_coords[:, 2], scale_factor=2, color=(1, 1, 0), resolution=20
    # and the dipole moment
    dip = mlab.quiver3d(
        [0], [0], [0], [dipole[0]], [dipole[1]], [dipole[2]], scale_factor=1, line_width=2.0, color=(0, 1, 0)


    # timelab = mlab.text(0.1, 0.9, 'Time: 0 ps', width=0.4)
    # fieldlab = mlab.text(0.5, 0.9, 'Field: 0 kV/cm', width=0.4)

    ms = molecule.mlab_source
    dms = dip.mlab_source
    for t, fi, q in zip(ts, ft, qt):
        # timelab.text = "Time: %d ps" % t
        # fieldlab.text = "Field: %f" % fi
        M = q_to_rotmatrix(q)
        cp = dot(cm_coords, M)
        dp = dot(dipole, M) * 12.0
        ms.set(x=cp[:, 0], y=cp[:, 1], z=cp[:, 2])
        dms.set(u=[dp[0]], v=[dp[1]], w=[dp[2]])