Example #1
def get_directory(user, parent_path):
    # TODO: Add realm protection.
    url_prefix = request.url_root + 'v1'
    links = {'self': {'href': request.base_url}}
    # Check to make sure the requested path exists.
    parent_path = parent_path.strip('/')
    parent_path = parent_path + "/"
    requested_path = TimeSeriesPath.find({'user_id': user['_id'],
        'parent_path': parent_path })
    if requested_path and requested_path.count() > 0:
        # Get all the timeseries paths that have the specified parent path.
        for path in TimeSeriesPath.get_collection().aggregate(
        [{'$match': {"user_id": user['_id'], "parent_path": parent_path}},
        {'$group': {'_id': {'name':'$name', 'title':'$title'}}}]
            links[path['_id']['name']] = { 'href': '%s/%s.json' % (url_prefix,
                (parent_path if parent_path else '') + path['_id']['name'])}
            # Include the title in the returned data if the path has one set.
            if 'title' in path['_id']:
                links[path['_id']['name']]['title'] = path['_id']['title']
        return json.dumps({'_links': links})
Example #2
def get_directory(user, parent_path):
    # TODO: Add realm protection.
    url_prefix = request.url_root + 'v1'
    links = {'self': {'href': request.base_url}}

    # Check to make sure the requested path exists.
    parent_path = parent_path.strip('/')
    parent_path = parent_path + "/"
    requested_path = TimeSeriesPath.find({
        'user_id': user['_id'],
        'parent_path': parent_path

    if requested_path and requested_path.count() > 0:
        # Get all the timeseries paths that have the specified parent path.
        for path in TimeSeriesPath.get_collection().aggregate([{
                '$match': {
                    "user_id": user['_id'],
                    "parent_path": parent_path
        }, {
                '$group': {
                    '_id': {
                        'name': '$name',
                        'title': '$title'
            links[path['_id']['name']] = {
                '%s/%s.json' %
                 (parent_path if parent_path else '') + path['_id']['name'])

            # Include the title in the returned data if the path has one set.
            if 'title' in path['_id']:
                links[path['_id']['name']]['title'] = path['_id']['title']

        return json.dumps({'_links': links})
