Example #1
def pcolor_latlon(data, lat=None, lon=None, m=None, cmap='RdBu_r',
                  axlims=None, fancy=True, cb_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
    """Create a pseudo-color plot of geo data.

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be plotted.
    lat, lon : ndarray, optional
        Latitude and longitude arrays.  Only used if data is an ndarray.
        If data is an xray.DataArray then lat = data['lat'] and
        lon = data['lon']
    m : Basemap object, optional
        Basemap to plot on.  If omitted, then a map is created with
    cmap : string or colormap object, optional
        Colormap to use.
    axlims : 4-tuple of ints or floats, optional
        Lat-lon limits for map (lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2).  If None, then
        data range is used.
    fancy : bool, optional
        If True, init_latlon will label axes with fancy lat-lon labels.
    cb_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments to plt.colorbar().
    **kwargs : keyword arguments, optional
        Additional keyword arguments to plt.pcolormesh().

    m : Basemap object
    pc : plt.pcolormesh object
    cb : plt.colorbar object

    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        lon = dat.get_coord(data, 'lon')
        vals = np.squeeze(data.values)
        vals = np.squeeze(data)

    # Lat-lon ranges
    if axlims is None:
        lat1, lat2 = np.floor(lat.min()), np.ceil(lat.max())
        lon1, lon2 = np.floor(lon.min()), np.ceil(lon.max())
        lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = axlims

    # Use a masked array so that pcolormesh displays NaNs properly
    vals_plot = np.ma.array(vals, mask=np.isnan(vals))
    x, y = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    if m is None:
        m = init_latlon(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, fancy)
    pc = m.pcolormesh(x, y, vals_plot, cmap=cmap, latlon=True, **kwargs)
    cb = m.colorbar(**cb_kwargs)
    return m, pc, cb
Example #2
def stipple_pts(pts_mask, xname, yname, xsample=1, ysample=1, ax=None,
                marker='+', color='k', alpha=0.25, markersize=6,
                markeredgewidth=1.5, **kwargs):
    """Plot points to stipple a figure.

    pts_mask: xray.DataArray
        Masking array of points to exclude from stippling.
    xname, yname : str
        Name of x and y dimensions in pts_mask.
    xsample, ysample : int
        Sub-sampling of x- and y- dimensions.
    ax : plt.axes object
        Axes to plot on.  If None, then use current axes.

    Remaining parameters are keyword arguments to plt.plot() to specify
    format for plotting the stipple points.

    # Get grid points
    x = dat.get_coord(pts_mask, xname)
    y = dat.get_coord(pts_mask, yname)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Mask out points to be excluded
    if not xgrid.shape == pts_mask.shape:
        pts_mask = pts_mask.T
    xpts = np.ma.masked_array(xgrid, mask=pts_mask)
    ypts = np.ma.masked_array(ygrid, mask=pts_mask)

    # Sub-sample
    xpts = xpts[::ysample, ::xsample]
    ypts = ypts[::ysample, ::xsample]

    # Plot stippling
    if ax is not None:
    plt.plot(xpts, ypts, marker=marker, color=color, alpha=alpha,
             markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth, **kwargs)

    return None
def testing(data, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, t, k):

    latname = get_coord(data, 'lat', 'name')
    lonname = get_coord(data, 'lon', 'name')

    data_sub = dat.subset(data, latname, lat1, lat2, lonname, lon1, lon2)

    ap.pcolor_latlon(data_sub[t,k], axlims=(lat1,lat2,lon1,lon2), cmap='jet')

    avg0 = data_sub.mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=-1)
    avg1 = mean_over_geobox(data, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, area_wtd=False)
    avg2 = mean_over_geobox(data, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, area_wtd=True)
    avg3 = mean_over_geobox(data, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, area_wtd=True,

    print(avg0[t, k].values)
    print(avg1[t, k].values)
    print(avg2[t, k].values)
    print(avg3[t, k].values)
Example #4
import atmos.plots as ap
import atmos.data as dat
import atmos.utils as utils
from atmos.data import get_coord, mean_over_geobox

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read data
url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds = xray.open_dataset(url)
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['PS']
q = ds['QV']
lat = get_coord(ps, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(ps, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(T, 'plev')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Averaging over box - constant array

lon1, lon2 = 20, 80
lat1, lat2 = 65, 85

data = 2.5 * np.ones(ps.shape)

avg1 = mean_over_geobox(data,
from atmos.utils import print_if
from atmos.constants import const as constants
from atmos.data import get_coord

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read some data from OpenDAP url

url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds = xray.open_dataset(url)
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['PS']
q = ds['QV']

lat = get_coord(T, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(T, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(T, 'plev')
pname = get_coord(T, 'plev', 'name')
units_in = dat.pres_units(T[pname].units)
plev = dat.pres_convert(plev, units_in, 'Pa')
p0 = 1e5

print('Calculating potential temperature')
theta = av.potential_temp(T, plev, p0)
print('Calculating equivalent potential temperature')
theta_e = av.equiv_potential_temp(T, plev, q, p0)

# t, k = 0, 6
# t, k = 0, 22
t, k = 0, 14
Example #6
def streamfunction(v,
    """Return the Eulerian mass streamfunction.

    v : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Meridional wind speed in m/s.
    lat : ndarray, optional
        Array of latitude in degrees.  If omitted, lat is extracted
        from xray.DataArray input v.
    pres : ndarray, optional
        Pressures in Pa.  Can be a vector for pressure-level data, or
        a grid of pressures of the same shape as v.  If omitted, pres
        is extracted from xray.DataArray input v.
    pdim : {-3, -2}, optional
        Dimension of v corresponding to vertical levels.  Can be either
        the second-last or third-last dimension.  If omitted, pdim is
        extracted from xray.DataArray v.
    scale : float, optional
        Scale factor for output, e.g. 1e-9 to output streamfunction in
        10^9 kg/s.
    sector_scale : float, optional
        Scaling factor for the streamfunction over a sector lon1-lon2
        (i.e. should be set to (lon2 - lon1)/360.0 or None if full longitude
        range is going to be included).
    psi : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Eulerian mass stream function in units of 1/scale kg/s.

    R = constants.radius_earth.values
    g = constants.g.values

    if isinstance(v, xray.DataArray):
        i_DataArray = True
        name, attrs, coords, _ = xr.meta(v)
        if lat is None:
            lat = dat.get_coord(v, 'lat')
        if pres is None:
            pres = dat.get_coord(v, 'plev')
            pname = dat.get_coord(v, 'plev', 'name')
            pres = dat.pres_convert(pres, v[pname].units, 'Pa')
        if pdim is None:
            pdim = dat.get_coord(v, 'plev', 'dim') - v.ndim
        v = v.values.copy()
        i_DataArray = False
        if lat is None or pres is None or pdim is None:
            raise ValueError('Inputs lat, pres and pdim must be provided when '
                             'v is an ndarray.')

    # Standardize the shape of v
    pdim_in = pdim
    if pdim == -2:
        v = np.expand_dims(v, axis=-1)
        pdim = -3
    elif pdim != -3:
        raise ValueError('Invalid pdim %d.  Must be -2 or -3.' % pdim)

    dims = list(v.shape)
    nlevel = dims[pdim]
    dims[pdim] += 1
    nlat = dims[-2]

    # Tile the pressure levels to make a grid
    pmid = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float)
    pmid[..., :-1, :, :] = dat.biggify(pres, v, tile=True)

    # Cosine-weighted meridional velocity
    coslat = np.cos(np.radians(lat))
    vcos = np.zeros(v.shape, dtype=float)
    for j in range(nlat):
        vcos[..., j, :] = v[..., j, :] * coslat[j]

    # Compute streamfunction, integrating from top of atmosphere down
    sfctn = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float)
    for k in range(nlevel - 1, -1, -1):
        dp = pmid[..., k + 1, :, :] - pmid[..., k, :, :]
        sfctn[..., k, :, :] = sfctn[..., k + 1, :, :] + vcos[..., k, :, :] * dp

    # Scale the output and remove the added dimension(s)
    sfctn *= scale * 2 * np.pi * R / g
    psi = sfctn[..., :-1, :, :]
    if pdim_in == -2:
        psi = psi[..., 0]
    if sector_scale is not None:
        psi = psi * sector_scale

    if i_DataArray:
        psi = xray.DataArray(psi,
                             name='Eulerian mass streamfunction',
        psi.attrs['units'] = '%.1e kg/s' % (1 / scale)

    return psi
Example #7
def divergence_spherical_2d(Fx, Fy, lat=None, lon=None):
    """Return the 2-D spherical divergence.

    Fx, Fy : ndarrays or xray.DataArrays
        Longitude, latitude components of a vector function in
        spherical coordinates.  Latitude and longitude should be the
        second-last and last dimensions, respectively, of Fx and Fy.
        Maximum size 5-D.
    lat, lon : ndarrays, optional
        Longitude and latitude in degrees.  If these are omitted, then
        Fx and Fy must be xray.DataArrays with latitude and longitude
        in degrees within the coordinates.

    d, d1, d2 : ndarrays or xray.DataArrays
        d1 = dFx/dx, d2 = dFy/dy, and d = d1 + d2.

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and
    Large-Scale Circulation, by Geoffrey K. Vallis, Cambridge
    University Press, 2006 -- Equation 2.30.

    nmax = 5
    ndim = Fx.ndim
    if ndim > nmax:
        raise ValueError('Input data has too many dimensions. Max 5-D.')

    if isinstance(Fx, xray.DataArray):
        i_DataArray = True
        name, attrs, coords, _ = xr.meta(Fx)
        if lat is None:
            lat = get_coord(Fx, 'lat')
        if lon is None:
            lon = get_coord(Fx, 'lon')
        i_DataArray = False
        if lat is None or lon is None:
            raise ValueError('Lat/lon inputs must be provided when input '
                             'data is an ndarray.')

    R = constants.radius_earth.values
    lon_rad = np.radians(lon)
    lat_rad = np.radians(lat)

    # Add singleton dimensions for looping, if necessary
    for i in range(ndim, nmax):
        Fx = np.expand_dims(Fx, axis=0)
        Fy = np.expand_dims(Fy, axis=0)

    dims = Fx.shape
    nlon = dims[-1]
    nlat = dims[-2]

    d1 = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float)
    d2 = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float)

    for i in range(nlat):
        dx = np.gradient(lon_rad)
        coslat = np.cos(lat_rad[i])
        for k1 in range(dims[0]):
            for k2 in range(dims[1]):
                for k3 in range(dims[2]):
                    sub = Fx[k1, k2, k3, i, :]
                    d1[k1, k2, k3, i, :] = np.gradient(sub, dx) / (R * coslat)
    for j in range(nlon):
        dy = np.gradient(lat_rad)
        coslat = np.cos(lat_rad)
        # Set to NaN at poles to keep from blowing up
        coslat[abs(lat) > 89] = np.nan
        for k1 in range(dims[0]):
            for k2 in range(dims[1]):
                for k3 in range(dims[2]):
                    sub = Fy[k1, k2, k3, :, j] * coslat
                    d2[k1, k2, k3, :, j] = np.gradient(sub, dy) / (R * coslat)

    # Collapse any additional dimensions that were added
    for i in range(ndim, d1.ndim):
        d1, d2 = d1[0], d2[0]

    d = d1 + d2

    if i_DataArray:
        d = xray.DataArray(d, coords=coords)
        d1 = xray.DataArray(d1, coords=coords)
        d2 = xray.DataArray(d2, coords=coords)

    return d, d1, d2
import atmos.plots as ap
import atmos.data as dat
from atmos.data import get_coord, interp_latlon

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

filename = 'data/more/ncep2_climatology_monthly.nc'
ds = dat.ncload(filename)
mon = ds['mon'].values
u = ds['u']
v = ds['v']
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['ps']
lat = get_coord(ps, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(ps, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(u, 'plev')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# interp_latlon

lat_new = np.arange(-90, 90, 1.)
lon_new = np.arange(0, 360, 1.)

# DataArray input
ps_i = interp_latlon(ps, lat_new, lon_new)

# ndarray input
ps_i2 = interp_latlon(ps.values, lat_new, lon_new, lat, lon)
Example #9
def contourf_latpres(data, lat=None, plev=None, clev=None, init=True,
                    cmap='RdBu_r', symmetric=True, topo=None, topo_clr='black',
                    p_units='hPa', axlims=(-90, 90, 0, 1000),
                    lattick_width=None, ptick_width=None):
    """Plot filled contours of data in latitude-pressure plane.

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be contoured.
    lat : ndarray, optional
        Latitude (degrees).  If data is an xray.DataArray, lat is
        extracted from data['lat'].
    plev : ndarray, optional
        Pressure levels.  If data is an xray.DataArray, plev is
        extracted from data['plev'].
    clev : float or ndarray, optional
        Contour levels (ndarray) or spacing interval (float)
    init : bool, optional
        If True, initialize plot axes and topography with init_latpres().
    cmap : string or colormap object, optional
        Colormap to use.
    symmetric : bool, optional
        Set contour levels to be symmetric about zero.
    topo : ndarray or xray.DataArray, optional
        Topography to shade (average surface pressure in units of plev).
        If topo is an ndarray, it must be on the same latitude grid as
        data.  If topo is an xray.DataArray, its latitude grid is
        extracted from topo['lat']. Only used if init is True.
    topo_clr : string or mpl_color, optional
        Color to fill topographic profile. Only used if init is True.
    p_units : string, optional
        Units for pressure axis label.  Only used if init is True.
    axlims : 4-tuple of floats or ints
        Axis limits (latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax).  Only used if init is True.
    lattick_width, ptick_width : int or float, optional
        Spacing for latitude and pressure ticks.  Only used if init is True.

    # Data to be contoured
    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        plev = dat.get_coord(data, 'plev')

    # Contour levels
    if isinstance(clev, float) or isinstance(clev, int):
        # Define contour levels from selected interval spacing
        clev = clevels(data, clev, symmetric=symmetric)

    # Plot contours
    y, z = np.meshgrid(lat, plev)
    if clev is None:
        plt.contourf(y, z, np.squeeze(data), cmap=cmap)
        plt.contourf(y, z, np.squeeze(data), clev, cmap=cmap)

    # Initialize plot
    if init:

        # Topography data
        if isinstance(topo, np.ndarray) or isinstance(topo, list):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo, lat
        elif isinstance(topo, xray.DataArray):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo.values, topo['lat']
            topo_ps, topo_lat = None, None

        # Initialize axes and plot topography
        latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax = axlims
        init_latpres(latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax, topo_ps=topo_ps,
                     topo_lat=topo_lat, topo_clr=topo_clr, p_units=p_units,
                     lattick_width=lattick_width, ptick_width=ptick_width)

Example #10
def contour_latpres(data, lat=None, plev=None, clev=None, init=True,
                    colors='black', topo=None, topo_clr='black', p_units='hPa',
                    axlims=(-90, 90, 0, 1000), lattick_width=None,
                    ptick_width=None, omitzero=False, zerolinewidth=2,
    Plot contour lines in latitude-pressure plane

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be contoured.
    lat : ndarray, optional
        Latitude (degrees).  If data is an xray.DataArray, lat is
        extracted from data['lat'].
    plev : ndarray, optional
        Pressure levels.  If data is an xray.DataArray, plev is
        extracted from data['plev'].
    clev : float or ndarray, optional
        Contour levels (ndarray) or spacing interval (float)
    init : bool, optional
        If True, initialize plot axes and topography with init_latpres().
    colors: string or mpl_color, optional
        Contour line color.
    topo : ndarray or xray.DataArray, optional
        Topography to shade (average surface pressure in units of plev).
        If topo is an ndarray, it must be on the same latitude grid as
        data.  If topo is an xray.DataArray, its latitude grid is
        extracted from topo['lat']. Only used if init is True.
    topo_clr : string or mpl_color, optional
        Color to fill topographic profile. Only used if init is True.
    p_units : string, optional
        Units for pressure axis label.  Only used if init is True.
    axlims : 4-tuple of floats or ints
        Axis limits (latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax).  Only used if init is True.
    lattick_width, ptick_width : int or float, optional
        Spacing for latitude and pressure ticks.  Only used if init is True.
    omitzero : bool, optional
        If True, omit zero contour.
    zerolinewidth : int or float, optional
        Include zero contour with specified line width.
    contour_kw : dict, optional
        Dict of additional keyword arguments to plt.contour().

    cs : plt.contour object (non-zero contours only)

    # Data to be contoured
    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        plev = dat.get_coord(data, 'plev')

    # Initialize plot
    if init:

        # Topography data
        if isinstance(topo, np.ndarray) or isinstance(topo, list):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo, lat
        elif isinstance(topo, xray.DataArray):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo.values, topo['lat']
            topo_ps, topo_lat = None, None

        # Initialize axes and plot topography
        latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax = axlims
        init_latpres(latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax, topo_ps=topo_ps,
                     topo_lat=topo_lat, topo_clr=topo_clr, p_units=p_units,
                     lattick_width=lattick_width, ptick_width=ptick_width)

    # Contour levels
    if isinstance(clev, float) or isinstance(clev, int):
        # Define contour levels from selected interval spacing
        clev = clevels(data, clev, omitzero=omitzero)

    # Plot contours
    y, z = np.meshgrid(lat, plev)
    if clev is None:
        cs = plt.contour(y, z, np.squeeze(data), colors=colors, **contour_kw)
        cs = plt.contour(y, z, np.squeeze(data), clev, colors=colors, **contour_kw)

    # Zero contour
    if not omitzero and zerolinewidth > 0:
        plt.contour(y, z, np.squeeze(data), 0, colors=colors,
                    linewidths=zerolinewidth, **contour_kw)

    return cs
Example #11
def pcolor_latpres(data, lat=None, plev=None, init=True, cmap='RdBu_r',
                   topo=None, topo_clr='black', p_units='hPa',
                   axlims=(-90, 90, 0, 1000), lattick_width=None,
    """Create pseudo-color plot of data in latitude-pressure plane.

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be contoured.
    lat : ndarray, optional
        Latitude (degrees).  If data is an xray.DataArray, lat is
        extracted from data['lat'].
    plev : ndarray, optional
        Pressure levels.  If data is an xray.DataArray, plev is
        extracted from data['plev'].
    init : bool, optional
        If True, initialize plot axes and topography with init_latpres().
    cmap : string or colormap object, optional
        Colormap to use.
    topo : ndarray or xray.DataArray, optional
        Topography to shade (average surface pressure in units of plev).
        If topo is an ndarray, it must be on the same latitude grid as
        data.  If topo is an xray.DataArray, its latitude grid is
        extracted from topo['lat']. Only used if init is True.
    topo_clr : string or mpl_color, optional
        Color to fill topographic profile. Only used if init is True.
    p_units : string, optional
        Units for pressure axis label.  Only used if init is True.
    axlims : 4-tuple of floats or ints
        Axis limits (latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax).  Only used if init is True.
    lattick_width, ptick_width : int or float, optional
        Spacing for latitude and pressure ticks.  Only used if init is True.

    pc : plt.pcolormesh object

    # Data to be plotted
    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        plev = dat.get_coord(data, 'plev')
        vals = np.squeeze(data.values)
        vals = np.squeeze(data)

    # Use a masked array so that pcolormesh displays NaNs properly
    vals_plot = np.ma.array(vals, mask=np.isnan(vals))

    # Pseudo-color plot of data
    y, z = np.meshgrid(lat, plev)
    pc = plt.pcolormesh(y, z, vals_plot, cmap=cmap)

    # Initialize plot
    if init:

        # Topography data
        if isinstance(topo, np.ndarray) or isinstance(topo, list):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo, lat
        elif isinstance(topo, xray.DataArray):
            topo_ps, topo_lat = topo.values, topo['lat']
            topo_ps, topo_lat = None, None

        # Initialize axes and plot topography
        latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax = axlims
        init_latpres(latmin, latmax, pmin, pmax, topo_ps=topo_ps,
                     topo_lat=topo_lat, topo_clr=topo_clr, p_units=p_units,
                     lattick_width=lattick_width, ptick_width=ptick_width)

    return pc
Example #12
def contour_latlon(data, lat=None, lon=None, clev=None, m=None, colors='black',
                   linewidths=2.0, linestyles=None, axlims=None, fancy=True):
    """Create a contour line plot of geo data.

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be plotted.
    lat, lon : ndarray, optional
        Latitude and longitude arrays.  Only used if data is an ndarray.
        If data is an xray.DataArray then lat = data['lat'] and
        lon = data['lon']
    clev : scalar or array of ints or floats, optional
        Contour spacing (scalar) or contour levels (array).
    m : Basemap object, optional
        Basemap to plot on.  If omitted, then a map is created with
    colors : string or mpl_color, optional
        Contour line color(s).
    linewidths : int or float, optional
        Line width for contour lines
    linestyles :  {None, 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted'}, optional
        Line style for contour lines.
    axlims : 4-tuple of ints or floats, optional
        Lat-lon limits for map (lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2).  If None, then
        data range is used.
    fancy : bool, optional
        If True, init_latlon will label axes with fancy lat-lon labels.

    m : Basemap object
    cs : plt.contour object

    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        lon = dat.get_coord(data, 'lon')

    if isinstance(clev, float) or isinstance(clev, int):
        # Define contour levels from selected interval spacing
        clev = clevels(data, clev)

    # Lat-lon ranges
    if axlims is None:
        lat1, lat2 = np.floor(lat.min()), np.ceil(lat.max())
        lon1, lon2 = np.floor(lon.min()), np.ceil(lon.max())
        lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = axlims
    x, y = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    if m is None:
        m = init_latlon(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, fancy)
    if clev is None:
        cs = m.contour(x, y, np.squeeze(data), colors=colors,
                       linewidths=linewidths, linestyles=linestyles,
        cs = m.contour(x, y, np.squeeze(data), clev, colors=colors,
                       linewidths=linewidths, linestyles=linestyles,
    return m, cs
Example #13
def contourf_latlon(data, lat=None, lon=None, clev=None, m=None, cmap='RdBu_r',
                    symmetric=True, axlims=None, fancy=True, colorbar=True,
    """Create a filled contour plot of geo data.

    data : ndarray or xray.DataArray
        Data to be plotted.
    lat, lon : ndarray, optional
        Latitude and longitude arrays.  Only used if data is an ndarray.
        If data is an xray.DataArray then lat = data['lat'] and
        lon = data['lon']
    clev : scalar or array of ints or floats, optional
        Contour spacing (scalar) or contour levels (array).
    m : Basemap object, optional
        Basemap to plot on.  If omitted, then a map is created with
    cmap : string or colormap object, optional
        Colormap to use.
    symmetric : bool, optional
        Set contour levels to be symmetric about zero.
    axlims : 4-tuple of ints or floats, optional
        Lat-lon limits for map (lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2).  If None, then
        data range is used.
    fancy : bool, optional
        If True, init_latlon will label axes with fancy lat-lon labels.
    colorbar : bool, optional
        If True, include a colorbar.
    **kwargs : keyword arguments, optional
        Additional keyword arguments to plt.contourf().

    m : Basemap object

    if isinstance(data, xray.DataArray):
        lat = dat.get_coord(data, 'lat')
        lon = dat.get_coord(data, 'lon')

    if isinstance(clev, float) or isinstance(clev, int):
        # Define contour levels from selected interval spacing
        clev = clevels(data, clev, symmetric=symmetric)

    # Lat-lon ranges
    if axlims is None:
        lat1, lat2 = np.floor(lat.min()), np.ceil(lat.max())
        lon1, lon2 = np.floor(lon.min()), np.ceil(lon.max())
        lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = axlims

    x, y = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    if m is None:
        m = init_latlon(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, fancy)
    if clev is None:
        m.contourf(x, y, np.squeeze(data), cmap=cmap, latlon=True, **kwargs)
        m.contourf(x, y, np.squeeze(data), clev, cmap=cmap, latlon=True, **kwargs)
    if colorbar:
    return m
from atmos.utils import print_if
from atmos.constants import const as constants
from atmos.data import get_coord

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read some data from OpenDAP url

url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds = xray.open_dataset(url)
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['PS']
q = ds['QV']

lat = get_coord(T, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(T, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(T, 'plev')
pname = get_coord(T, 'plev', 'name')
units_in = dat.pres_units(T[pname].units)
plev = dat.pres_convert(plev, units_in, 'Pa')
p0 = 1e5

print('Calculating potential temperature')
theta = av.potential_temp(T, plev, p0)
print('Calculating equivalent potential temperature')
theta_e = av.equiv_potential_temp(T, plev, q, p0)

# t, k = 0, 6
# t, k = 0, 22
t, k = 0, 14
import atmos.utils as utils
import atmos.plots as ap
import atmos.data as dat
from atmos.data import get_coord, interp_plevels

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read monthly mean climatologies and do some test calcs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

filename = 'data/more/ncep2_climatology_monthly.nc'
ds = dat.ncload(filename)
u = ds['u']
v = ds['v']
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['ps']
lat = get_coord(u, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(u, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(u, 'plev')
mon = ds['mon'].values

topo = dat.get_ps_clim(lat, lon) / 100
topo.units = 'hPa'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Correct for topography

u_orig = u
u = dat.correct_for_topography(u_orig, topo)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interpolate onto new pressure grid
import atmos.plots as ap
import atmos.data as dat
from atmos.data import get_coord, latlon_equal, lon_convention, set_lon

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

filename = 'data/more/ncep2_climatology_monthly.nc'
ds = dat.ncload(filename)
mon = ds['mon'].values
u = ds['u']
v = ds['v']
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['ps']
lat = get_coord(ps, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(ps, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(u, 'plev')

topo = dat.get_ps_clim(lat, lon) / 100
topo.units = 'hPa'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds_m = xray.open_dataset(url)
T_m = ds_m['T']
Example #17
import atmos.plots as ap
import atmos.data as dat
from atmos.data import get_coord, latlon_equal, lon_convention, set_lon

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

filename = 'data/more/ncep2_climatology_monthly.nc'
ds = dat.ncload(filename)
mon = ds['mon'].values
u = ds['u']
v = ds['v']
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['ps']
lat = get_coord(ps, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(ps, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(u, 'plev')

topo = dat.get_ps_clim(lat, lon) / 100
topo.units = 'hPa'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds_m = xray.open_dataset(url)
T_m = ds_m['T']
from atmos.data import get_coord
from atmos.variables import vorticity, rossby_num

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read data
url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds = xray.open_dataset(url)
#T = ds['T']
#ps = ds['PS']
u = ds['U']
v = ds['V']
#q = ds['QV']
lat = get_coord(v, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(v, 'lon')
plev = get_coord(v, 'plev')

topo = dat.get_ps_clim(lat, lon) / 100
topo.units = 'hPa'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Relative and absolute vorticity

# DataArray
rel_vort, abs_vort, f = vorticity(u, v)

# ndarray
rel_vort2, abs_vort2, f2 = vorticity(u.values, v.values, lat, lon)
Example #19
# Multiple linear regression

nobs = 100
x = np.random.random((nobs, 2))
x = sm.add_constant(x)
beta = [1, .1, .5]
e = np.random.random(nobs)
y = np.dot(x, beta) + e
results = sm.OLS(y, x).fit()
print results.summary()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read some data from OpenDAP url

url = ('http://goldsmr3.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/MERRA_MONTHLY/'

ds = xray.open_dataset(url)
T = ds['T']
ps = ds['PS']
q = ds['QV']
plev = get_coord(T, 'plev')
lat = get_coord(T, 'lat')
lon = get_coord(T, 'lon')

# t, k = 0, 6
# t, k = 0, 22
t, k = 0, 14
pstr = '%d hPa' % (plev[k]/100)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------