def setTimeAttribute(self, dataset_path, attribute_name, hour, **kwargs):
     if isinstance(hour, basestring):
         if ':' not in hour:
             errmsg = '"%s" is an invalid value for "%s"'
             raise ValueError, errmsg % (hour, attribute_name)
         self.setObjectAttribute(dataset_path, attribute_name, hour)
         include_timezone = kwargs.get('include_timezone', False)
         if not tzutils.isInTimezone(hour, self.tzinfo):
             tzhour = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(hour, self.tzinfo)
             hour_str = tzutils.hourAsString(tzhour, include_timezone)
         else: hour_str = tzutils.hourAsString(hour, include_timezone)
         self.setObjectAttribute(dataset_path, attribute_name, hour_str)
Example #2
    def generateProvenanceRecords(self, prov_path, start_time, data, **kwargs):
        """ Generates provenance records based on statistics from a single
        data array.

        prov_path  : string - path to a provenance dataset.
        start_time : datetime, scalar - hour/doy of provenance entry. If
                     input data is 3D, it is the first hour/doy and entries
                     will be generated for each day.
        data       : 2D or 3D numpy array - data to be used to calculate
                     provenance statistics. If 3D, time must be the 1st
        timezone = \
            self.datasetAttribute(prov_path, 'timezone', self.default_timezone)
        start_hour = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(start_time, timezone)

        timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', self.timestamp)

        generator = self.provenanceGenerator(prov_path)
        generator_args = inspect.getargspec(generator).args
        records = []

        if 'source' in generator_args:
            source = kwargs.get('source',
                                self.fileAttribute('source', 'unknown'))
            if data.ndim == 2:
                records.append(generator(source, start_hour, timestamp, data))
                end_hour = start_hour
                num_hours = data.shape[0]
                for hour in range(num_hours):
                    time_ = start_hour + datetime.timedelta(hours=hour)
                    record = generator(source, time_, timestamp, data[hour])
                end_hour = time_
            if data.ndim == 2:
                records.append(generator(start_hour, timestamp, data))
                end_hour = start_hour
                num_hours = data.shape[0]
                for hour in range(num_hours):
                    time_ = start_hour + datetime.timedelta(hours=hour)
                    records.append(generator(time_, timestamp, data[hour]))
                end_hour = time_

        return start_hour, end_hour, records
Example #3
    def fcastObsTimespan(self, reference_date_or_time, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(reference_date_or_time,
            target = kwargs.get('target_hour', self.project.target_hour)
            ref_time = datetime.datetime.combine(reference_date_or_time,
        else: # assume it is already a datetime.datetime
            ref_time = reference_date_or_time

        timezone = kwargs.get('timezone', 'UTC')
        ref_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(ref_time, timezone)
        fcast_days = kwargs.get('fcast_days',self.project.fcast_days)
        fcast_hours = fcast_days * 24
        end_time = ref_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=fcast_hours)

        obs_days = kwargs.get('obs_days',self.project.obs_days)
        obs_hours = obs_days * 24
        start_time = ref_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=obs_hours)

        return start_time, ref_time, end_time
variable = args[0].upper()

if summary is None:
    if variable == 'PCPN': summary = 'total'
    else: summary = 'extremes'

if units is None:
    if variable == 'PCPN': units = 'in'
    elif variable == 'RHUM': units = '%'
    elif variable in ('DPT', 'TMP'): units = 'F'

num_date_args = len(args) - 1

if num_date_args == 0:  # 1 day ending today at target_hour
    hour = datetime.datetime.combine(today, datetime.time(hour=target_hour))
    end_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(hour, local_timezone) + ONE_HOUR
    start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=23)
    hour = datetime.datetime(target_year, int(args[1]), int(args[2]),
    if num_date_args == 2:  # one day ending at month, day, target hour
        end_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(hour, local_timezone) + ONE_HOUR
        start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)

    elif num_date_args == 3:  # month, first day, last day
        start_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(hour, local_timezone) + ONE_HOUR
        hour = datetime.datetime(target_year, int(args[1]), int(args[3]),
        end_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(hour, local_timezone) + ONE_HOUR

    elif num_date_args == 4:  # month, day, month, day
Example #5
grib_source = options.grib_source
is_utc_time = options.is_utc_time
region_key = options.region
source_key = options.source
verbose = options.verbose or debug

grib_var_name = args[0].upper()

num_args = len(args)
if len(args) == 1:
    local_hour = tzutils.asLocalHour(, 'US/Eastern')
    utc_hour = tzutils.asUtcHour(target_hour)
elif num_args > 1:
    if num_args >= 5:
        time_tuple = tuple([int(t) for t in args[1:5]])
        utc_hour = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(time_tuple, 'UTC')
        local_hour = tzutils.asLocalHour(utc_hour, 'US/Eastern')
        errmsg = 'At least 5 arguments are required when requesting a '
        errmsg += 'specific time. (variable year month day hour)'
        raise RuntimeError, errmsg
    errmsg = 'No arguments passed to script. You must at least specify'
    raise RuntimeError, '%s the grib variable name.' % errmsg

if debug:
    print 'requesting ...'
    print '    variable :', grib_var_name
    print '    local hour :', local_hour
    print '    UTC hour :', utc_hour
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

analysis = options.analysis
debug = options.debug
dev_mode = options.dev_mode
grib_region = options.grib_region
grib_source = options.grib_source
grib_timezone = options.grib_timezone
verbose = options.verbose or debug

analysis_source = '.'.join((analysis,grib_source))

grib_var_name = args[0].upper()
grib_time = (int(args[1]),int(args[2]),int(args[3]),int(args[4]))
grib_time = tzutils.asHourInTimezone(grib_time, 'UTC')
print 'requesting dump of %s grib for %s' % (analysis_source, str(grib_time))

if analysis == 'urma':
    from atmosci.reanalysis.urma.config import URMA_SOURCES
elif analysis == 'rtma':
    from atmosci.reanalysis.rtma.config import RTMA_SOURCES
    errmsg = '"%s" is an unsupported reanalysis.'
    raise ValueError, errmsg % analysis

# create a factory for access to grib & static files
grib_factory = ReanalysisGribFileFactory(analysis_source, CONFIG)
if dev_mode: grib_factory.useDirpathsForMode('dev')
Example #7
 def asLocalTime(self, time_obj):
     return tzutils.asHourInTimezone(time_obj, self.local_tzinfo)
Example #8
 def asFileTime(self, time_obj):
     return tzutils.asHourInTimezone(time_obj, self.file_tzinfo)