def get_test_loc(path):
    Return the location of a test file or directory given a path relative to
    the testdata directory.
    base = to_posix(TESTDATA_DIR)
    path = to_posix(path)
    path = posixpath.join(base, path)
    # path = to_native(path)
    return path
Example #2
def get_test_loc(path):
    Return the location of a test file or directory given a path relative to
    the testdata directory.
    base = to_posix(TESTDATA_DIR)
    path = to_posix(path)
    path = posixpath.join(base, path)
    # path = to_native(path)
    return path
Example #3
def get_test_loc(path, must_exists=True):
    Return the location of a test file or directory given a path relative to
    the testdata directory.
    base = to_posix(TESTDATA_DIR)
    path = to_posix(path)
    path = posixpath.join(base, path)
    if must_exists:
        assert os.path.exists(path)
    return path
Example #4
def log_errors(errors, quiet, show_all, base_dir=False):
    Iterate of sequence of Error objects and print and log errors with
    a severity superior or equal to level.
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
    file_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '_file')

    msg_format = '%(sever)s: %(message)s'

    # Create error.log if problematic_error detected
    if base_dir and have_problematic_error(errors):
        bdir = to_posix(base_dir)
        LOG_FILENAME = 'error.log'
        log_path = join(bdir, LOG_FILENAME)
        if exists(log_path):

        file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)

    for severity, message in errors:
        sever = severities[severity]
        if not quiet:
            if show_all:
                print(msg_format % locals())
            elif sever in problematic_errors:
                print(msg_format % locals())
        if base_dir:
            # The logger will only log error if severity >= 30
            file_logger.log(severity, msg_format % locals())
Example #5
    def test_PathField_check_location(self):
        test_file = 'license.LICENSE'
        field = model.PathField(name='f', value=test_file, present=True)
        base_dir = get_test_loc('test_model/base_dir')

        errors = field.validate(base_dir=base_dir)
        expected_errrors = []
        assert expected_errrors == errors

        result = field.value[test_file]
        expected = add_unc(posixpath.join(to_posix(base_dir), test_file))
        assert expected == result
Example #6
def log_errors(errors, err_count, quiet, verbose, base_dir=False):
    Iterate of sequence of Error objects and print and log errors with
    a severity superior or equal to level.
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
    file_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '_file')

    msg_format = '%(sever)s: %(message)s'

    # Create error.log if problematic_error detected
    if base_dir and have_problematic_error(errors):
        bdir = to_posix(base_dir)
        LOG_FILENAME = 'error.log'
        log_path = join(bdir, LOG_FILENAME)
        if exists(log_path):
        f = open(log_path, "a")
        error_msg = str(err_count) + u" errors or warnings detected."
        file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)

    for severity, message in errors:
        sever = severities[severity]
        if not quiet:
            if verbose:
                print(msg_format % locals())
            elif sever in problematic_errors:
                print(msg_format % locals())
        if base_dir:
            # The logger will only log error for severity >= 30
            file_logger.log(severity, msg_format % locals())
Example #7
def generate(location,
    Load ABOUT data from a CSV inventory at `location`. Write ABOUT files to
    base_dir. Return errors and about objects.
    not_exist_errors = []
    notice_dict = {}
    api_url = ''
    api_key = ''
    gen_license = False
    # FIXME: use two different arguments: key and url
    # Check if the fetch_license contains valid argument
    if fetch_license:
        # Strip the ' and " for api_url, and api_key from input
        api_url = fetch_license[0].strip("'").strip('"')
        api_key = fetch_license[1].strip("'").strip('"')
        gen_license = True

    # TODO: WHY use posix??
    bdir = to_posix(base_dir)

    errors, abouts = load_inventory(location=location,

    if gen_license:
        license_dict, err = model.pre_process_and_fetch_license_dict(
            abouts, api_url, api_key)
        if err:
            for e in err:
                # Avoid having same error multiple times
                if not e in errors:

    for about in abouts:
        if about.about_file_path.startswith('/'):
            about.about_file_path = about.about_file_path.lstrip('/')
        dump_loc = join(bdir, about.about_file_path.lstrip('/'))

        # The following code is to check if there is any directory ends with spaces
        split_path = about.about_file_path.split('/')
        dir_endswith_space = False
        for segment in split_path:
            if segment.endswith(' '):
                msg = (
                    u'File path : '
                    u'%(dump_loc)s '
                    u'contains directory name ends with spaces which is not '
                    u'allowed. Generation skipped.' % locals())
                errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
                dir_endswith_space = True
        if dir_endswith_space:
            # Continue to work on the next about object

            # Generate value for 'about_resource' if it does not exist
            if not about.about_resource.value:
                about.about_resource.value = OrderedDict()
                about_resource_value = ''
                if about.about_file_path.endswith('/'):
                    about_resource_value = u'.'
                    about_resource_value = basename(about.about_file_path)
                about.about_resource.value[about_resource_value] = None
                about.about_resource.present = True
                # Check for the existence of the 'about_resource'
                # If the input already have the 'about_resource' field, it will
                # be validated when creating the about object
                loc = util.to_posix(dump_loc)
                about_file_loc = loc
                path = join(dirname(util.to_posix(about_file_loc)),
                if not exists(path):
                    path = util.to_posix(path.strip(UNC_PREFIX_POSIX))
                    path = normpath(path)
                    msg = (u'Field about_resource: '
                           u'%(path)s '
                           u'does not exist' % locals())

            if gen_license:
                # Write generated LICENSE file
                license_key_name_context_url_list = about.dump_lic(
                    dump_loc, license_dict)
                if license_key_name_context_url_list:
                    # use value not "presence"
                    if not about.license_file.present:
                        about.license_file.value = OrderedDict()
                        for lic_key, lic_name, lic_context, lic_url in license_key_name_context_url_list:
                            gen_license_name = lic_key + u'.LICENSE'
                                gen_license_name] = lic_context
                            about.license_file.present = True
                            if not about.license_name.present:
                            if not about.license_url.present:
                        if about.license_url.value:
                            about.license_url.present = True
                        if about.license_name.value:
                            about.license_name.present = True


            if android:
                Create MODULE_LICENSE_XXX and get context to create NOTICE file
                follow the standard from Android Open Source Project
                import os
                parent_path = os.path.dirname(util.to_posix(dump_loc))

                notice_path, notice_context = about.android_notice(parent_path)
                if notice_path in notice_dict.keys():
                    notice_dict[notice_path] += '\n\n' + notice_context
                    notice_dict[notice_path] = notice_context

            for e in not_exist_errors:
                errors.append(Error(INFO, e))

        except Exception as e:
            # only keep the first 100 char of the exception
            # TODO: truncated errors are likely making diagnotics harder
            emsg = repr(e)[:100]
            msg = (u'Failed to write .ABOUT file at : '
                   u'%(dump_loc)s '
                   u'with error: %(emsg)s' % locals())
            errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))

    if android:
        # Check if there is already a NOTICE file present
        for path in notice_dict.keys():
            if os.path.exists(path):
                msg = (u'NOTICE file already exist at: %s' % path)
                errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
                about.dump_android_notice(path, notice_dict[path])

    return unique(errors), abouts
Example #8
def load_inventory(location, base_dir, reference_dir=None):
    Load the inventory file at `location` for ABOUT and LICENSE files stored in
    the `base_dir`. Return a list of errors and a list of About objects
    validated against the `base_dir`.

    Optionally use `reference_dir` as the directory location of extra reference
    license and notice files to reuse.
    errors = []
    abouts = []
    base_dir = util.to_posix(base_dir)
    # FIXME: do not mix up CSV and JSON
    if location.endswith('.csv'):
        # FIXME: this should not be done here.
        dup_cols_err = check_duplicated_columns(location)
        if dup_cols_err:
            return errors, abouts
        inventory = util.load_csv(location)
        inventory = util.load_json(location)

        # FIXME: this should not be done here.
        dup_about_resource_err = check_duplicated_about_resource(inventory)
        if dup_about_resource_err:
            return errors, abouts
        newline_in_file = check_newline_in_file_field(inventory)
        if newline_in_file:
            return errors, abouts
    except Exception as e:
        # TODO: why catch ALL Exception
        msg = "The essential field 'about_resource' is not found in the <input>"
        errors.append(Error(CRITICAL, msg))
        return errors, abouts

    for i, fields in enumerate(inventory):
        # check does the input contains the required fields
        required_fields = model.About.required_fields

        for f in required_fields:
            if f not in fields:
                msg = "Required field: %(f)r not found in the <input>" % locals(
                errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
                return errors, abouts
        afp = fields.get(model.About.ABOUT_RESOURCE_ATTR)

        # FIXME: this should not be a failure condition
        if not afp or not afp.strip():
            msg = 'Empty column: %(afp)r. Cannot generate .ABOUT file.' % locals(
            errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
            afp = util.to_posix(afp)
            loc = join(base_dir, afp)
        about = model.About(about_file_path=afp)
        about.location = loc

        # Update value for 'about_resource'
        # keep only the filename or '.' if it's a directory
        if 'about_resource' in fields:
            updated_resource_value = u''
            resource_path = fields['about_resource']
            if resource_path.endswith(u'/'):
                updated_resource_value = u'.'
                updated_resource_value = basename(resource_path)
            fields['about_resource'] = updated_resource_value

        ld_errors = about.load_dict(
        # 'about_resource' field will be generated during the process.
        # No error need to be raise for the missing 'about_resource'.
        for e in ld_errors:
            if e.message == 'Field about_resource is required':
        for e in ld_errors:
            if not e in errors:

    return unique(errors), abouts
 def test_to_posix_from_posix(self):
     test = r'/this/that'
     expected = '/this/that'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result
 def test_to_posix_from_win(self):
     test = r'c:\this\that'
     expected = 'c:/this/that'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result
 def test_to_posix_from_mixed(self):
     test = r'/this/that\this'
     expected = '/this/that/this'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result
Example #12
def generate(location, base_dir, license_notice_text_location=None,
             fetch_license=False, policy=None, conf_location=None,
             with_empty=False, with_absent=False, use_mapping=False, mapping_file=None):
    Load ABOUT data from a CSV inventory at `location`. Write ABOUT files to
    base_dir using policy flags and configuration file at conf_location.
    Policy defines which action to take for merging or overwriting fields and
    files. Return errors and about objects.
    not_exist_errors = []
    api_url = ''
    api_key = ''
    gen_license = False
    # Check if the fetch_license contains valid argument
    if fetch_license:
        # Strip the ' and " for api_url, and api_key from input
        api_url = fetch_license[0].strip("'").strip('"')
        api_key = fetch_license[1].strip("'").strip('"')
        gen_license = True

    bdir = to_posix(base_dir)
    errors, abouts = load_inventory(

    if gen_license:
        license_dict, err = model.pre_process_and_fetch_license_dict(abouts, api_url, api_key)
        if err:
            for e in err:
                # Avoid having same error multiple times
                if not e in errors:

    for about in abouts:
        if about.about_file_path.startswith('/'):
            about.about_file_path = about.about_file_path.lstrip('/')
        dump_loc = join(bdir, about.about_file_path.lstrip('/'))

        # The following code is to check if there is any directory ends with spaces
        split_path = about.about_file_path.split('/')
        dir_endswith_space = False
        for segment in split_path:
            if segment.endswith(' '):
                msg = (u'File path : '
                       u'%(dump_loc)s '
                       u'contains directory name ends with spaces which is not '
                       u'allowed. Generation skipped.' % locals())
                errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
                dir_endswith_space = True
        if dir_endswith_space:
            # Continue to work on the next about object

            # Generate value for 'about_resource' if it does not exist
            if not about.about_resource.value:
                about.about_resource.value = OrderedDict()
                about_resource_value = ''
                if about.about_file_path.endswith('/'):
                    about_resource_value = u'.'
                    about_resource_value = basename(about.about_file_path)
                about.about_resource.value[about_resource_value] = None
                about.about_resource.present = True
                # Check for the existence of the 'about_resource'
                # If the input already have the 'about_resource' field, it will
                # be validated when creating the about object
                loc = util.to_posix(dump_loc)
                about_file_loc = loc
                path = join(dirname(util.to_posix(about_file_loc)), about_resource_value)
                if not exists(path):
                    path = util.to_posix(path.strip(UNC_PREFIX_POSIX))
                    path = normpath(path)
                    msg = (u'Field about_resource: '
                           u'%(path)s '
                           u'does not exist' % locals())

            if gen_license:
                # Write generated LICENSE file
                license_key_name_context_url_list = about.dump_lic(dump_loc, license_dict)
                if license_key_name_context_url_list:
                    # Do not help user to fill in the license name
                    # if not about.license_name.present:
                    #    about.license_name.value = lic_name
                    #    about.license_name.present = True
                    if not about.license_file.present:
                        about.license_file.value = OrderedDict()
                        for lic_key, lic_name, lic_context, lic_url in license_key_name_context_url_list:
                            gen_license_name = lic_key + u'.LICENSE'
                            about.license_file.value[gen_license_name] = lic_context
                            about.license_file.present = True
                            if not about.license_name.present:
                            if not about.license_url.present:
                        if about.license_url.value:
                            about.license_url.present = True
                        if about.license_name.value:
                            about.license_name.present = True

            # Write the ABOUT files
            about.dump(dump_loc, use_mapping=use_mapping, mapping_file=mapping_file, with_empty=with_empty, with_absent=with_absent)
            for e in not_exist_errors:
                errors.append(Error(INFO, e))
        except Exception as e:
            # only keep the first 100 char of the exception
            emsg = repr(e)[:100]
            msg = (u'Failed to write .ABOUT file at : '
                   u'%(dump_loc)s '
                   u'with error: %(emsg)s' % locals())
            errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
    dedup_errors = deduplicate(errors)
    return dedup_errors, abouts
Example #13
def load_inventory(location, base_dir, license_notice_text_location=None,
                   use_mapping=False, mapping_file=None):
    Load the inventory file at `location` for ABOUT and LICENSE files
    stored in the `base_dir`. Return a list of errors and a list of
    About objects validated against the base_dir.
    Optionally use `license_notice_text_location` as the location of
    license and notice texts.
    Optionally use mappings for field names if `use_mapping` is True
    or a custom mapping_file if provided.
    errors = []
    abouts = []
    base_dir = util.to_posix(base_dir)
    if location.endswith('.csv'):
        dup_cols_err = check_duplicated_columns(location)
        if dup_cols_err:
            return errors, abouts
        inventory = util.load_csv(location, use_mapping, mapping_file)
        inventory = util.load_json(location, use_mapping, mapping_file)

        dup_about_paths_err = check_duplicated_about_file_path(inventory)
        if dup_about_paths_err:
            return errors, abouts
        msg = (
               "The essential field 'about_file_path' is not found.\n"
               "Use the --mapping or --mapping-file option to map the "
               "input keys and verify the mapping information are correct.\n"
               "OR correct the column names in the <input>"
        errors.append(Error(CRITICAL, msg))
        return errors, abouts

    for i, fields in enumerate(inventory):
        # check does the input contains the required fields
        required_fields = model.About.required_fields

        for f in required_fields:
            if f not in fields:
                msg = (
                    "Required column: %(f)r not found.\n"
                    "Use the --mapping or --mapping-file option to map the "
                    "input keys and verify the mapping information are correct.\n"
                    "OR correct the column names in the <input>"
                ) % locals()

                errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
                return errors, abouts
        afp = fields.get(model.About.about_file_path_attr)

        if not afp or not afp.strip():
            msg = 'Empty column: %(afp)r. Cannot generate .ABOUT file.' % locals()
            errors.append(Error(ERROR, msg))
            afp = util.to_posix(afp)
            loc = join(base_dir, afp)
        about = model.About(about_file_path=afp)
        about.location = loc
        running_inventory = False
        ld_errors = about.load_dict(fields, base_dir, running_inventory,
                                    use_mapping, mapping_file, license_notice_text_location,
        # 'about_resource' field will be generated during the process.
        # No error need to be raise for the missing 'about_resource'.
        for e in ld_errors:
            if e.message == 'Field about_resource is required':
        for e in ld_errors:
            if not e in errors:
    return errors, abouts
Example #14
 def test_to_posix_from_posix(self):
     test = r'/this/that'
     expected = '/this/that'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result
Example #15
 def test_to_posix_from_win(self):
     test = r'c:\this\that'
     expected = 'c:/this/that'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result
Example #16
 def test_to_posix_from_mixed(self):
     test = r'/this/that\this'
     expected = '/this/that/this'
     result = util.to_posix(test)
     assert expected == result