Example #1
 def test_buf_size_not_power_of_two(self):
     win_s = 320
     hop_s = win_s // 2
         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
             pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
     except AssertionError:
         # when compiled with fftw3, aubio supports non power of two fft sizes
         self.skipTest('creating aubio.pvoc with size %d did not fail' % win_s)
Example #2
 def test_buf_size_not_power_of_two(self):
     win_s = 320
     hop_s = win_s // 2
         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
             pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
     except AssertionError:
         # when compiled with fftw3, aubio supports non power of two fft sizes
         self.skipTest('creating aubio.pvoc with size %d did not fail' % win_s)
Example #3
  def mfcc(self, **options):
    nFilters = options.get("nFilters") or 40  # must be 40 for mfcc
    nCoeffs = options.get("nCoefs") or 13

    sourceBuffer = source(self.audioFilename, self.samplerate, self.hopSize)

    pvocBuffer = pvoc(self.fftWindowSize, self.hopSize)
    mfccBuffer = mfcc(self.fftWindowSize, nFilters, nCoeffs, self.samplerate)

    mfccs = np.zeros([nCoeffs, ])

    timings = []
    frames = []

    totalFrames = 0
    while True:
      samples, read = sourceBuffer()
      spec = pvocBuffer(samples)
      mfcc_out = mfccBuffer(spec)
      mfccs = np.vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))

      totalFrames += read
      timings += [float(totalFrames) / self.samplerate]
      frames += [totalFrames]

      if read < self.hopSize: break

    return mfccs
    def Extract_MFCC(self,player_pos_x,player_pos_y):
        import sys
        from aubio import source, pvoc, mfcc
        from numpy import vstack, zeros, diff
        distance=scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(player, target)

        n_filters = 40  # must be 40 for mfcc
        n_coeffs = 13

        source_filename = './Audios/Hello.wav'
        samplerate = 44100
        win_s = 512
        hop_s = 128

        s = source(source_filename, samplerate, hop_s)
        samplerate = s.samplerate
        p = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
        m = mfcc(win_s, n_filters, n_coeffs, samplerate)

        mfccs = zeros([n_coeffs, ])
        frames_read = 0
        while True:
            samples, read = s()
            spec = p(samples)
            mfcc_out = m(spec)
            mfccs = vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))
            frames_read += read
            if read < hop_s: break
        return mfccs*factor
Example #5
def vocoder(file_id):

    in_file = '/tmp/don_robot/output/' + file_id + ".mp3"
    out_file = '/tmp/don_robot/output/' + file_id + "-voc.mp3"

    samplerate = 44100
    f = source(in_file, samplerate, 256)
    g = sink(out_file, samplerate)
    total_frames, read = 0, 256

    win_s = 512  # fft size
    hop_s = win_s // 2  # hop size
    pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)  # phase vocoder

    while read:
        samples, read = f()
        spectrum = pv(samples)  # compute spectrum
        spectrum.norm *= .5  # reduce amplitude a bit .8
        spectrum.phas[:] = 0.  # zero phase
        new_samples = pv.rdo(spectrum)  # compute modified samples
        g(new_samples, read)  # write to output
        total_frames += read

    format_str = "read {:d} samples from {:s}, written to {:s}"
    print(format_str.format(total_frames, f.uri, g.uri))
    return out_file
    def get_spectrogram(row, col):
        samplerate = 0
        from aubio import pvoc, source, float_type
        from numpy import zeros, log10, vstack
        win_s = 512  # fft window size
        hop_s = win_s // 2  # hop size
        fft_s = win_s // 2 + 1  # spectrum bins

        filename = 'Test.wav'
        a = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)  # source file
        if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
        pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)  # phase vocoder
        specgram = zeros([0, fft_s],
                         dtype=float_type)  # numpy array to store spectrogram
        spec = []
        # analysis
        while True:
            samples, read = a()  # read file
            specgram = vstack(
                (specgram, pv(samples).norm))  # store new norm vector
            if read < a.hop_size: break

        if (row == grid_size.nRow - 1 and grid_size == grid_size.nCol - 1):
            print("row {} col {}".format(row, col))
            specgram = specgram + 100
        return specgram
Example #7
    def __init__(self):
        self.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=redishost, port=6379, password="", decode_responses=True)
        self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        stream = self.p.open(format=self.FORMAT,
                        input_device_index = self.get_input_device_index(),
                        output_device_index = self.get_output_device_index(),
                        frames_per_buffer = self.CHUNK,

        self.a_onset = aubio.onset("default", self.CHUNK, self.hop_s, self.RATE)
        self.a_tempo = aubio.tempo("specflux", self.CHUNK, self.hop_s, self.RATE)
        self.a_pitch = aubio.pitch("default", self.CHUNK, self.hop_s, self.RATE)
        self.a_notes = aubio.notes("default", self.CHUNK, self.hop_s, self.RATE)
        n_filters = 40 # required
        n_coeffs = 13 # I wonder if i made this 1....
        self.a_pvoc = aubio.pvoc(self.CHUNK, self.hop_s)
        self.a_mfcc = aubio.mfcc(self.CHUNK, n_filters, n_coeffs, self.RATE)

        self.tolerance = 0.8
        self.highest_pitch = 0
        self.lowest_pitch = 99999999
        self.average_pitch = 0
        self.average_pitch_samples = 0
        self.last_average = 0
        self.colors = None
        self.pitch_range = None
        self.range_counter = 0
        self.all_notes = set()
    def Extract_MFCC(row, col):
        import sys
        from aubio import source, pvoc, mfcc
        from numpy import vstack, zeros, diff

        n_filters = 40  # must be 40 for mfcc
        n_coeffs = 13

        source_filename = 'Test.wav'
        samplerate = 44100
        win_s = 512
        hop_s = 128

        s = source(source_filename, samplerate, hop_s)
        samplerate = s.samplerate
        p = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
        m = mfcc(win_s, n_filters, n_coeffs, samplerate)

        mfccs = zeros([
        frames_read = 0
        while True:
            samples, read = s()
            spec = p(samples)
            mfcc_out = m(spec)
            mfccs = vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))
            frames_read += read
            if read < hop_s: break
        if (row == grid_size.nRow - 1 and grid_size == grid_size.nCol - 1):
            mfccs = mfccs + 100
        return mfccs
def vocoder(file_id):
	in_file = '/tmp/don_robot/output/' + file_id + ".mp3"
	out_file = '/tmp/don_robot/output/' + file_id + "-voc.mp3"

	samplerate = 44100
	f = source(in_file, samplerate, 256)
	g = sink(out_file, samplerate)
	total_frames, read = 0, 256

	win_s = 512                          # fft size
	hop_s = win_s // 2                   # hop size
	pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)              # phase vocoder

	while read:
		samples, read = f()
		spectrum = pv(samples)           # compute spectrum
		spectrum.norm *= .5             # reduce amplitude a bit .8
		spectrum.phas[:] = 0.            # zero phase
		new_samples = pv.rdo(spectrum)   # compute modified samples
		g(new_samples, read)             # write to output
 		total_frames += read

	format_str = "read {:d} samples from {:s}, written to {:s}"
	print(format_str.format(total_frames, f.uri, g.uri))
	return out_file
Example #10
def getMelEnergy(path):
	win_s = 512 		#fft size
	hop_s = win_s / 4 	#hop size

	samplerate = 0
	s = source(path, samplerate, hop_s)
	samplerate = s.samplerate

	pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
	f = filterbank(40, win_s)

	energies = np.zeros((40, ))
	o = {}

	total_frames = 0
	downsample = 2

	while True:
		samples, read = s()
		fftgrain = pv(samples)
		new_energies = f(fftgrain)
		energies = np.vstack([energies, new_energies])
		total_frames += read
		if read < hop_s:
	return energies
Example #11
def aubio(source_filename):

    # print("Usage: %s <source_filename> [samplerate] [win_s] [hop_s] [mode]" % sys.argv[0])
    # print("  where [mode] can be 'delta' or 'ddelta' for first and second derivatives")7

    n_filters = 40  # must be 40 for mfcc
    n_coeffs = 26
    win_s = 512
    hop_s = win_s // 4
    # mode = "default"
    samplerate = 0

    s = source(source_filename, samplerate, hop_s)
    samplerate = s.samplerate
    p = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
    m = mfcc(win_s, n_filters, n_coeffs, samplerate)

    mfccs = zeros([
    frames_read = 0
    while True:
        samples, read = s()
        spec = p(samples)
        mfcc_out = m(spec)
        mfccs = vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))
        frames_read += read
        if read < hop_s: break

    return mfccs
Example #12
    def __init__(self,
        super(AubioAnalyser, self).__init__()
        self.winsize = winsize
        self.hopsize = hopsize
        self.coeffs = coeffs
        self.filters = filters
        self.descriptors = {}
        self.methods = [
            "default", "energy", "hfc", "complex", "phase", "specdiff", "kl",
            "mkl", "specflux", "centroid", "slope", "rolloff", "spread",
            "skewness", "kurtosis", "decrease"

        for method in self.methods:
            self.descriptors[method] = aubio.specdesc(method, self.winsize)

        self.pvocoder = aubio.pvoc(self.winsize, self.hopsize)
        self.mfcc_feature = aubio.mfcc(winsize, filters, coeffs, samplerate)
        self.mfccs = numpy.zeros([
Example #13
def mfcc(frame, audiofile):
    Computes the MEL FREQUENCY CEPSTRAL COEFFICIENTS for the frame,
    the frame is zero padded to achieve a frame lenght which is a power
    of two if this is not already the case. The power spectrum is then computed
    and this is placed into filterbanks on a mel-scale. The coefficents of
    12 of the banks is then returned.
    coefficientsCount = 12

    sampleRate = audiofile['sample_rate']
    frame_size = audiofile['frame_size']

    fftsize = pow(2, int(math.log(frame_size, 2) +
                         0.5))  # Round to nearest power of 2 to facilitate FFT

    m = aub.mfcc(fftsize, 40, coefficientsCount, sampleRate)

    #first we need to convert this frame to the power spectrum using a DFT
    p = aub.pvoc(fftsize, int(frame_size))
    #in order to compute DFT the frame must be of a length which is a power of 2, so expand to fftsize using zero padding
    if len(frame) != 16000:
        frame = np.pad(frame, (0, frame_size - len(frame)),
    #compute the power spectrum
    spec = p(frame.astype(np.float32))

    #compute the MFCC, which returns the coefficents of each of the 12 coefficents
    mfcc_out = m(spec)
    return mfcc_out
Example #14
 def dataIn():
     pv = pvoc(self.win_s, self.hop_s)
     while True:
         samples, read = self.source()  # Read the file
         cvec = pv(samples)
         if read < self.source.hop_size:
             break  # Out of samples
         yield (cvec)
Example #15
 def test_no_overlap(self):
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 1024
     f = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec(hop_s)
     for _ in range(4):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal(t, 0.)
Example #16
 def test_no_overlap(self):
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 1024
     f = pvoc (win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec (hop_s)
     for _ in range(4):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal ( t, 0.)
Example #17
def get_spectrogram(filename, samplerate = 0):
    win_s = 512                                        # fft window size
    hop_s = win_s // 2                                 # hop size
    fft_s = win_s // 2 + 1                             # spectrum bins

    a = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)            # source file
    if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
    pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)                            # phase vocoder
    specgram = zeros([0, fft_s], dtype=float_type)     # numpy array to store spectrogram

    # analysis
    while True:
        samples, read = a()                              # read file
        specgram = vstack((specgram,pv(samples).norm))   # store new norm vector
        if read < a.hop_size: break

    # plotting
    fig = plt.imshow(log10(specgram.T + .001), origin = 'bottom', aspect = 'auto', cmap=plt.cm.gray_r)
    ax = fig.axes
    ax.axis([0, len(specgram), 0, len(specgram[0])])
    # show axes in Hz and seconds
    time_step = hop_s / float(samplerate)
    total_time = len(specgram) * time_step
    outstr = "total time: %0.2fs" % total_time
    print(outstr + ", samplerate: %.2fkHz" % (samplerate / 1000.))
    n_xticks = 10
    n_yticks = 10

    def get_rounded_ticks( top_pos, step, n_ticks ):
        top_label = top_pos * step
        # get the first label
        ticks_first_label = top_pos * step / n_ticks
        # round to the closest .1
        ticks_first_label = round ( ticks_first_label * 10. ) / 10.
        # compute all labels from the first rounded one
        ticks_labels = [ ticks_first_label * n for n in range(n_ticks) ] + [ top_label ]
        # get the corresponding positions
        ticks_positions = [ ticks_labels[n] / step for n in range(n_ticks) ] + [ top_pos ]
        # convert to string
        ticks_labels = [  "%.1f" % x for x in ticks_labels ]
        # return position, label tuple to use with x/yticks
        return ticks_positions, ticks_labels
    # apply to the axis
    x_ticks, x_labels = get_rounded_ticks ( len(specgram), time_step, n_xticks )
    y_ticks, y_labels = get_rounded_ticks ( len(specgram[0]), (samplerate / 1000. / 2.) / len(specgram[0]), n_yticks )
    ax.set_xticks( x_ticks )
    ax.set_yticks ( y_ticks )
    ax.set_xticklabels( x_labels )
    ax.set_yticklabels ( y_labels )
    ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (kHz)')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] +
            ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
    return fig
def get_spectrogram(filename, samplerate=0):
    win_s = 512  # fft window size
    hop_s = win_s // 2  # hop size
    fft_s = win_s // 2 + 1  # spectrum bins

    a = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)  # source file
    if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
    pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)  # phase vocoder
    specgram = zeros([0, fft_s], dtype=float_type)  # numpy array to store spectrogram

    # analysis
    while True:
        samples, read = a()  # read file
        specgram = vstack((specgram, pv(samples).norm))  # store new norm vector
        if read < a.hop_size: break

    # plotting
    fig = plt.imshow(log10(specgram.T + .001), origin='bottom', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.cm.gray_r)
    ax = fig.axes
    ax.axis([0, len(specgram), 0, len(specgram[0])])
    # show axes in Hz and seconds
    time_step = hop_s / float(samplerate)
    total_time = len(specgram) * time_step
    outstr = "total time: %0.2fs" % total_time
    print(outstr + ", samplerate: %.2fkHz" % (samplerate / 1000.))
    n_xticks = 10
    n_yticks = 10

    def get_rounded_ticks(top_pos, step, n_ticks):
        top_label = top_pos * step
        # get the first label
        ticks_first_label = top_pos * step / n_ticks
        # round to the closest .1
        ticks_first_label = round(ticks_first_label * 10.) / 10.
        # compute all labels from the first rounded one
        ticks_labels = [ticks_first_label * n for n in range(n_ticks)] + [top_label]
        # get the corresponding positions
        ticks_positions = [ticks_labels[n] / step for n in range(n_ticks)] + [top_pos]
        # convert to string
        ticks_labels = ["%.1f" % x for x in ticks_labels]
        # return position, label tuple to use with x/yticks
        return ticks_positions, ticks_labels

    # apply to the axis
    x_ticks, x_labels = get_rounded_ticks(len(specgram), time_step, n_xticks)
    y_ticks, y_labels = get_rounded_ticks(len(specgram[0]), (samplerate / 1000. / 2.) / len(specgram[0]), n_yticks)
    ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (kHz)')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] +
                 ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
    return fig
Example #19
    def activate(self):

        if self._audio is None:
            self._audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()

        # Setup a pre-emphasis filter to help balance the highs
        self.pre_emphasis = None
        if self._config['pre_emphasis']:
            self.pre_emphasis = aubio.digital_filter(3)
            # old, do not use
            #self.pre_emphasis.set_biquad(1., -self._config['pre_emphasis'], 0, 0, 0)

            #self.pre_emphasis.set_biquad(1.3662, -1.9256, 0.5621, -1.9256, 0.9283)

            # USE THESE FOR MATT_MEl
            # weaker bass, good for vocals, highs
            #self.pre_emphasis.set_biquad(0.87492, -1.74984, 0.87492, -1.74799, 0.75169)
            # bass heavier overall more balanced
            self.pre_emphasis.set_biquad(0.85870, -1.71740, 0.85870, -1.71605,

        # Setup the phase vocoder to perform a windowed FFT
        self._phase_vocoder = aubio.pvoc(
            self._config['mic_rate'] // self._config['sample_rate'])
        self._frequency_domain_null = aubio.cvec(self._config['fft_size'])
        self._frequency_domain = self._frequency_domain_null
        self._frequency_domain_x = np.linspace(
            0, self._config['mic_rate'], (self._config["fft_size"] // 2) + 1)

        # Enumerate all of the input devices and find the one matching the
        # configured device index
        _LOGGER.info("Audio Input Devices:")
        info = self._audio.get_host_api_info_by_index(0)
        for i in range(0, info.get('deviceCount')):
            if (self._audio.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(
                    0, i).get('maxInputChannels')) > 0:
                _LOGGER.info("  [{}] {}".format(
                        0, i).get('name')))

        # Open the audio stream and start processing the input
        self._stream = self._audio.open(
            frames_per_buffer=self._config['mic_rate'] //

        _LOGGER.info("Audio source opened.")
Example #20
 def __init__(self, sample_rate=11025, buf_size=1024, hop_size=256,
              n_mfcc_filters=40, n_mfcc_coeffs=13, pitch_method='yin'):
     """Initialize feature extractor."""
     self._sample_rate = int(sample_rate)
     self._pvoc = aubio.pvoc(buf_size, hop_size)
     self._mfcc = aubio.mfcc(buf_size, n_mfcc_filters, n_mfcc_coeffs,
     self._pitch = aubio.pitch(
         method=pitch_method, buf_size=buf_size, hop_size=hop_size,
Example #21
def get_spectrogram(filename, samplerate=0):
    win_s = 512  # fft window size
    hop_s = win_s / 2  # hop size
    fft_s = win_s / 2 + 1  # spectrum bins

    a = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)  # source file
    if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
    pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)  # phase vocoder
    specgram = zeros([0, fft_s],
                     dtype='float32')  # numpy array to store spectrogram

    # analysis
    while True:
        samples, read = a()  # read file
        specgram = vstack(
            (specgram, pv(samples).norm))  # store new norm vector
        if read < a.hop_size: break

    # plotting
    imshow(log10(specgram.T + .001),
    axis([0, len(specgram), 0, len(specgram[0])])
    # show axes in Hz and seconds
    time_step = hop_s / float(samplerate)
    total_time = len(specgram) * time_step
    print "total time: %0.2fs" % total_time,
    print ", samplerate: %.2fkHz" % (samplerate / 1000.)
    n_xticks = 10
    n_yticks = 10

    def get_rounded_ticks(top_pos, step, n_ticks):
        top_label = top_pos * step
        # get the first label
        ticks_first_label = top_pos * step / n_ticks
        # round to the closest .1
        ticks_first_label = round(ticks_first_label * 10.) / 10.
        # compute all labels from the first rounded one
        ticks_labels = [ticks_first_label * n
                        for n in range(n_ticks)] + [top_label]
        # get the corresponding positions
        ticks_positions = [ticks_labels[n] / step
                           for n in range(n_ticks)] + [top_pos]
        # convert to string
        ticks_labels = ["%.1f" % x for x in ticks_labels]
        # return position, label tuple to use with x/yticks
        return ticks_positions, ticks_labels

    # apply to the axis
    xticks(*get_rounded_ticks(len(specgram), time_step, n_xticks))
    yticks(*get_rounded_ticks(len(specgram[0]), (samplerate / 2. / 1000.) /
                              len(specgram[0]), n_yticks))
    ylabel('Frequency (kHz)')
    xlabel('Time (s)')
Example #22
 def setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None,
           blocksize=None, totalframes=None):
     super(AubioMelEnergy, self).setup(
         channels, samplerate, blocksize, totalframes)
     self.n_filters = 40
     self.n_coeffs = 13
     self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
     self.melenergy = filterbank(self.n_filters, self.input_blocksize)
     self.block_read = 0
     self.melenergy_results = []
Example #23
    def activate(self):

        if self._audio is None:
            self._audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()

        # Setup a pre-emphasis filter to help balance the highs
        self.pre_emphasis = None
        if self._config['pre_emphasis']:
            self.pre_emphasis = aubio.digital_filter(3)
            self.pre_emphasis.set_biquad(1., -self._config['pre_emphasis'], 0,
                                         0, 0)

        # Setup the phase vocoder to perform a windowed FFT
        self._phase_vocoder = aubio.pvoc(
            self._config['mic_rate'] // self._config['sample_rate'])
        self._frequency_domain_null = aubio.cvec(self._config['fft_size'])
        self._frequency_domain = self._frequency_domain_null
        self._frequency_domain_x = np.linspace(
            0, self._config['mic_rate'], (self._config["fft_size"] // 2) + 1)

        # Enumerate all of the input devices and find the one matching the
        # configured device index
        _LOGGER.info("Audio Input Devices:")
        info = self._audio.get_host_api_info_by_index(0)
        for i in range(0, info.get('deviceCount')):
            if (self._audio.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(
                    0, i).get('maxInputChannels')) > 0:
                _LOGGER.info("  [{}] {}".format(
                        0, i).get('name')))

        # PyAudio may segfault, reset device index if it seems implausible
        if self._config['device_index'] >= info.get(
        ) or self._audio.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(
                0, self._config['device_index']).get('maxInputChannels') <= 0:
            _LOGGER.warn("Invalid device_index setting, resetting it to 0")
            self._config['device_index'] = 0

        # Open the audio stream and start processing the input
        self._stream = self._audio.open(
            frames_per_buffer=self._config['mic_rate'] //

        _LOGGER.info("Audio source opened.")
Example #24
 def test_zeros(self):
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 256
     f = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec(hop_s)
     for time in range(4 * win_s / hop_s):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal(array(t), 0)
         assert_equal(s.norm, 0)
         assert_equal(s.phas, 0)
         assert_equal(r, 0)
Example #25
 def setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None,
           blocksize=None, totalframes=None):
     super(AubioMelEnergy, self).setup(
         channels, samplerate, blocksize, totalframes)
     self.n_filters = 40
     self.n_coeffs = 13
     self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
     self.melenergy = filterbank(self.n_filters, self.input_blocksize)
     self.block_read = 0
     self.melenergy_results = []
Example #26
 def reconstruction(self, sigin, hop_s, ratio):
     buf_s = hop_s * ratio
     f = pvoc(buf_s, hop_s)
     zeros = fvec(hop_s)
     r2 = f.rdo(f(sigin))
     for _ in range(1, ratio):
         r2 = f.rdo(f(zeros))
     # compute square errors
     sq_error = (r2 - sigin)**2
     # make sure all square errors are less than desired precision
     assert_array_less(sq_error, max_sq_error)
Example #27
def analyzeMFCC(grain):
    windowSize = int(float(grain["frameCount"]))
    s = source(grain["file"], int(grain["sampleRate"]), windowSize)
    sampleRate = s.samplerate
    p = pvoc(windowSize, windowSize)
    m = mfcc(windowSize, 40, 13, s.samplerate)
    samples, read = s()
    spec = p(samples)
    mfcc_out = m(spec)
    mfccs = mfcc_out.tolist()
    return mfccs
Example #28
 def reconstruction(self, sigin, hop_s, ratio):
     buf_s = hop_s * ratio
     f = pvoc(buf_s, hop_s)
     zeros = fvec(hop_s)
     r2 = f.rdo( f(sigin) )
     for _ in range(1, ratio):
         r2 = f.rdo( f(zeros) )
     # compute square errors
     sq_error = (r2 - sigin)**2
     # make sure all square errors are less than desired precision
     assert_array_less(sq_error, max_sq_error)
Example #29
def analyzeMFCC(grain):
    windowSize = int(float(grain["frameCount"]))
    s = source(grain["file"], int(grain["sampleRate"]), windowSize - 1)
    sampleRate = s.samplerate
    p = pvoc(windowSize, windowSize - 1)
    m = mfcc(windowSize, 40, 13, s.samplerate)
    samples, read = s()
    spec = p(samples)
    mfcc_out = m(spec)
    mfccs = mfcc_out.tolist()
    return mfccs 
Example #30
 def test_zeros(self):
   win_s, hop_s = 1024, 256
   f = pvoc (win_s, hop_s)
   t = fvec (hop_s)
   for time in range( 4 * win_s / hop_s ):
     s = f(t)
     r = f.rdo(s)
     assert_equal ( array(t), 0)
     assert_equal ( s.norm, 0)
     assert_equal ( s.phas, 0)
     assert_equal ( r, 0)
Example #31
    def __init__(self):
        super(AubioMfcc, self).__init__()
        self.input_blocksize = 1024
        self.input_stepsize = self.input_blocksize // 4

        # Aubio MFCC Initialisation
        self.n_filters = 40
        self.n_coeffs = 13
        self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
        self.mfcc = None
        self.block_read = 0
        self.mfcc_results = np.zeros([self.n_coeffs, ])
Example #32
 def test_steps_three_random_channels(self):
     from random import random
     f = pvoc(64, 16)
     t0 = fvec(16)
     t1 = fvec(16)
     for i in xrange(16):
         t1[i] = random() * 2. - 1.
     t2 = f.rdo(f(t1))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
     assert_almost_equal(t1, t2, decimal=6)
Example #33
 def test_zeros(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of zeros gives zeros """
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 256
     f = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec(hop_s)
     for time in range(4 * win_s / hop_s):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal(array(t), 0)
         assert_equal(s.norm, 0)
         assert_equal(s.phas, 0)
         assert_equal(r, 0)
Example #34
    def __init__(self):
        super(AubioMfcc, self).__init__()
        self.input_blocksize = 1024
        self.input_stepsize = self.input_blocksize / 4

        # Aubio MFCC Initialisation
        self.n_filters = 40
        self.n_coeffs = 13
        self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
        self.mfcc = None
        self.block_read = 0
        self.mfcc_results = np.zeros([self.n_coeffs, ])
 def test_zeros(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of zeros gives zeros """
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 256
     f = pvoc (win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec (hop_s)
     for time in range( 4 * win_s / hop_s ):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal ( array(t), 0)
         assert_equal ( s.norm, 0)
         assert_equal ( s.phas, 0)
         assert_equal ( r, 0)
Example #36
 def test_steps_three_random_channels(self):
   from random import random
   f = pvoc(64, 16)
   t0 = fvec(16)
   t1 = fvec(16)
   for i in xrange(16):
       t1[i] = random() * 2. - 1.
   t2 = f.rdo(f(t1))
   t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
   t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
   t2 = f.rdo(f(t0))
   assert_almost_equal( t1, t2, decimal = 6 )
Example #37
    def __init__(self):
        super(AubioMelEnergy, self).__init__()
        self.input_blocksize = 1024
        self.input_stepsize = self.input_blocksize / 4

        # Aubio Melenergy Initialisation
        self.n_filters = 40
        self.n_coeffs = 13
        self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
        self.melenergy = filterbank(self.n_filters, self.input_blocksize)
        self.block_read = 0
        self.melenergy_results = []
Example #38
    def __init__(self):
        super(AubioMelEnergy, self).__init__()
        self.input_blocksize = 1024
        self.input_stepsize = self.input_blocksize / 4

        # Aubio Melenergy Initialisation
        self.n_filters = 40
        self.n_coeffs = 13
        self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
        self.melenergy = filterbank(self.n_filters, self.input_blocksize)
        self.block_read = 0
        self.melenergy_results = []
Example #39
 def setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None,
           blocksize=None, totalframes=None):
     super(AubioMfcc, self).setup(
         channels, samplerate, blocksize, totalframes)
     self.n_filters = 40
     self.n_coeffs = 13
     self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
     self.mfcc = mfcc(self.input_blocksize,
     self.block_read = 0
     self.mfcc_results = numpy.zeros([self.n_coeffs, ])
Example #40
 def setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None,
           blocksize=None, totalframes=None):
     super(AubioMfcc, self).setup(
         channels, samplerate, blocksize, totalframes)
     self.n_filters = 40
     self.n_coeffs = 13
     self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
     self.mfcc = mfcc(self.input_blocksize,
     self.block_read = 0
     self.mfcc_results = numpy.zeros([self.n_coeffs, ])
Example #41
def mfccs(windows):
    p = aubio.pvoc(window_size, hop_size)
    m = aubio.mfcc(window_size, n_filters, n_coeffs, sample_rate)
    windows = np.float32(windows)
    mfccs = np.zeros([13,])
    for i in range(len(windows)):
        samples = windows[i]
        spec = p(samples)
        mfcc_out = m(spec)
        mfccs = np.vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))
    del p
    del m
    return mfccs
Example #42
    def __init__(self, args):
        valid_opts1 = ['hop_size', 'buf_size']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts1)
        self.pv = aubio.pvoc(**self.options)

        valid_opts2 = ['buf_size', 'n_filters', 'n_coeffs', 'samplerate']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts2)
        self.mfcc = aubio.mfcc(**self.options)

        # remember all options
        self.parse_options(args, list(set(valid_opts1 + valid_opts2)))

        super(process_mfcc, self).__init__(args)
 def test_resynth_three_steps(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of steps is correct with 25% overlap """
     hop_s = 16
     buf_s = hop_s * 4
     sigin = fvec(hop_s)
     zeros = fvec(hop_s)
     f = pvoc(buf_s, hop_s)
     for i in xrange(hop_s):
         sigin[i] = random() * 2. - 1.
     t2 = f.rdo( f(sigin) )
     t2 = f.rdo( f(zeros) )
     t2 = f.rdo( f(zeros) )
     t2 = f.rdo( f(zeros) )
     assert_almost_equal( sigin, t2, decimal = precision )
Example #44
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args
        valid_opts = ['hop_size', 'buf_size']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts)
        self.pv = aubio.pvoc(**self.options)

        valid_opts = ['buf_size', 'n_filters']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts)
        self.filterbank = aubio.filterbank(**self.options)

        super(process_melbands, self).__init__(args)
Example #45
File: cmd.py Project: aubio/aubio
    def __init__(self, args):
        valid_opts1 = ['hop_size', 'buf_size']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts1)
        self.pv = aubio.pvoc(**self.options)

        valid_opts2 = ['buf_size', 'n_filters', 'n_coeffs', 'samplerate']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts2)
        self.mfcc = aubio.mfcc(**self.options)

        # remember all options
        self.parse_options(args, list(set(valid_opts1 + valid_opts2)))

        super(process_mfcc, self).__init__(args)
Example #46
File: cmd.py Project: aubio/aubio
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args
        valid_opts = ['hop_size', 'buf_size']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts)
        self.pv = aubio.pvoc(**self.options)

        valid_opts = ['buf_size', 'n_filters']
        self.parse_options(args, valid_opts)
        self.filterbank = aubio.filterbank(**self.options)

        super(process_melbands, self).__init__(args)
Example #47
 def test_resynth_three_steps(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of steps is correct with 25% overlap """
     hop_s = 16
     buf_s = hop_s * 4
     sigin = fvec(hop_s)
     zeros = fvec(hop_s)
     f = pvoc(buf_s, hop_s)
     for i in range(hop_s):
         sigin[i] = random() * 2. - 1.
     t2 = f.rdo(f(sigin))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(zeros))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(zeros))
     t2 = f.rdo(f(zeros))
     assert_almost_equal(sigin, t2, decimal=precision)
Example #48
    def __init__(self, options):
        if options.settings['fbuckets'] == 'third-octave':
            options.settings['fbuckets'] = [22.4,
                                            25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63,
                                            80, 100, 125, 160, 200,
                                            250, 315, 400, 500, 630,
                                            800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000,
                                            2500, 3150, 4000, 5000, 6300,
                                            8000, 10000, 12500, 16000, 20000,
        elif options.settings['fbuckets'] == 'octave':
            options.settings['fbuckets'] = [22,
                                            31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500,
                                            1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000,
        self.midi_processor = None
        self.sysex_command_array = []
        for command in options.settings['fsysexnum'].split(' '):
            self.sysex_command_array.append(int(command, 0))
        self.filter_bank = filterbank(len(options.settings['fbuckets']) - 2,
                                      (int(options.settings['framesize']) *
        self.frequencies = fvec(options.settings['fbuckets'])
        self.phase_vocoder = pvoc(int(float(options.settings['framesize']) *
                                  int(float(options.settings['framesize']) *
                                      float(options.settings['fframemult']) *

        self.frame_arrays = np.zeros(
        self.frame_count = 0
        self.maximum_frequencies = np.zeros(
            (len(options.settings['fbuckets']) - 2,), dtype=np.float32)
        self.last_energies = np.zeros((len(options.settings['fbuckets']) - 2,),
        self.count_energies = np.zeros((int(options.settings['fcount']),
                                                 'fbuckets']) - 2)),
        self.energy_count = 0
        self.rest_stop = 0
        self.frame_multiplier = int(options.settings['fframemult'])
        self.count = int(options.settings['fcount'])
        self.graceful = float(options.settings['fgraceful'])
Example #49
    def __iter__(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print('[DEBUG] PhaseVocPR.__iter__()')
        pv = pvoc(self.win_s, self.hop_s)
        if self.verbose:
                '        Created Phase Vocoder (pv = pvoc(self.win_s, self.hop_s)'

        while True:
            samples, read = self.source()  # Read the file
            cvec = pv(samples)
            if read < self.source.hop_size:
                break  # Out of samples
            yield (cvec)
Example #50
 def test_steps_two_channels(self):
   """ check the resynthesis of steps is correct """
   f = pvoc(1024, 512)
   t1 = fvec(512)
   t2 = fvec(512)
   # positive step in first channel
   t1[100:200] = .1
   # positive step in second channel
   t1[20:50] = -.1
   s1 = f(t1)
   r1 = f.rdo(s1)
   s2 = f(t2)
   r2 = f.rdo(s2)
   #self.plot_this ( s1.norm.T )
   assert_almost_equal ( t1, r2, decimal = 6 )
Example #51
 def test_steps_two_channels(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of steps is correct """
     f = pvoc(1024, 512)
     t1 = fvec(512)
     t2 = fvec(512)
     # positive step in first channel
     t1[100:200] = .1
     # positive step in second channel
     t1[20:50] = -.1
     s1 = f(t1)
     r1 = f.rdo(s1)
     s2 = f(t2)
     r2 = f.rdo(s2)
     #self.plot_this ( s1.norm.T )
     assert_almost_equal(t1, r2, decimal=6)
Example #52
def mfccs(windows):
    p = aubio.pvoc(window_size, hop_size)
    m = aubio.mfcc(window_size, n_filters, n_coeffs, sample_rate)
    windows = np.float32(windows)

    mfccs = np.zeros([
    for i in range(len(windows)):
        samples = windows[i]
        spec = p(samples)
        mfcc_out = m(spec)
        mfccs = np.vstack((mfccs, mfcc_out))
    del p
    del m
    return mfccs
def get_spectrogram(filename, samplerate = 0):
  win_s = 512                                        # fft window size
  hop_s = win_s / 2                                  # hop size
  fft_s = win_s / 2 + 1                              # spectrum bins

  a = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)            # source file
  if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
  pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)                            # phase vocoder
  specgram = zeros([0, fft_s], dtype='float32')      # numpy array to store spectrogram

  # analysis
  while True:
    samples, read = a()                              # read file
    specgram = vstack((specgram,pv(samples).norm))   # store new norm vector
    if read < a.hop_size: break

  # plotting
  imshow(log10(specgram.T + .001), origin = 'bottom', aspect = 'auto', cmap=cm.gray_r)
  axis([0, len(specgram), 0, len(specgram[0])])
  # show axes in Hz and seconds
  time_step = hop_s / float(samplerate)
  total_time = len(specgram) * time_step
  print "total time: %0.2fs" % total_time,
  print ", samplerate: %.2fkHz" % (samplerate / 1000.)
  n_xticks = 10
  n_yticks = 10

  def get_rounded_ticks( top_pos, step, n_ticks ):
      top_label = top_pos * step
      # get the first label
      ticks_first_label = top_pos * step / n_ticks
      # round to the closest .1
      ticks_first_label = round ( ticks_first_label * 10. ) / 10.
      # compute all labels from the first rounded one
      ticks_labels = [ ticks_first_label * n for n in range(n_ticks) ] + [ top_label ]
      # get the corresponding positions
      ticks_positions = [ ticks_labels[n] / step for n in range(n_ticks) ] + [ top_pos ]
      # convert to string
      ticks_labels = [  "%.1f" % x for x in ticks_labels ]
      # return position, label tuple to use with x/yticks
      return ticks_positions, ticks_labels

  # apply to the axis
  xticks( *get_rounded_ticks ( len(specgram), time_step, n_xticks ) )
  yticks( *get_rounded_ticks ( len(specgram[0]), (samplerate / 2. / 1000.) / len(specgram[0]), n_yticks ) )
  ylabel('Frequency (kHz)')
  xlabel('Time (s)')
 def test_resynth_two_steps(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of steps is correct with 50% overlap """
     hop_s = 512
     buf_s = hop_s * 2
     f = pvoc(buf_s, hop_s)
     sigin = fvec(hop_s)
     zeros = fvec(hop_s)
     # negative step
     sigin[20:50] = -.1
     # positive step
     sigin[100:200] = .1
     s1 = f(sigin)
     r1 = f.rdo(s1)
     s2 = f(zeros)
     r2 = f.rdo(s2)
     #self.plot_this ( s2.norm.T )
     assert_almost_equal ( r2, sigin, decimal = precision )
Example #55
    def __init__(self):
        super(AubioSpecdesc, self).__init__()
        self.input_blocksize = 1024
        self.input_stepsize = self.input_blocksize / 4

        # Aubio Specdesc Initialisation
        self.block_read = 0
        self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
        self.methods = [
            'default', 'energy', 'hfc', 'complex', 'phase', 'specdiff', 'kl',
            'mkl', 'specflux', 'centroid', 'slope', 'rolloff', 'spread', 'skewness',
            'kurtosis', 'decrease']
        self.specdesc = {}
        self.specdesc_results = {}
        for method in self.methods:
            self.specdesc[method] = specdesc(method, self.input_blocksize)
            self.specdesc_results[method] = []
def get_spectrogram(filename, samplerate=0):
    win_s = 320  # fft window size
    hop_s = 160  # hop size
    fft_s = win_s // 2 + 1  # spectrum bins

    a = aubio.source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)  # source file
    if samplerate == 0: samplerate = a.samplerate
    pv = aubio.pvoc(win_s, hop_s)  # phase vocoder
    specgram = np.zeros([0, fft_s], dtype=aubio.float_type)  # numpy array to store spectrogram

    # analysis
    while True:
        samples, read = a()  # read file
        sp0 = pv(samples)
        specgram = np.vstack((specgram, sp0.norm))  # store new norm vector
        if read < a.hop_size: break
    np.savetxt("specgram.txt", specgram.flatten(), fmt='%f')
Example #57
    def __init__(self, samplerate=44100, winsize=1024, hopsize=512, filters=40,
        super(AubioAnalyser, self).__init__()
        self.winsize = winsize
        self.hopsize = hopsize
        self.coeffs = coeffs
        self.filters = filters
        self.descriptors = {}
        self.methods = ["default", "energy", "hfc", "complex", "phase",
                        "specdiff", "kl", "mkl", "specflux", "centroid",
                        "slope", "rolloff", "spread", "skewness", "kurtosis",

        for method in self.methods:
            self.descriptors[method] = aubio.specdesc(method, self.winsize)

        self.pvocoder = aubio.pvoc(self.winsize, self.hopsize)
        self.mfcc_feature = aubio.mfcc(winsize, filters, coeffs, samplerate)
        self.mfccs = numpy.zeros([self.coeffs, ])
Example #58
 def test_zeros(self):
     """ check the resynthesis of zeros gives zeros """
     win_s, hop_s = 1024, 256
     f = pvoc (win_s, hop_s)
     t = fvec (hop_s)
     for _ in range( int ( 4 * win_s / hop_s ) ):
         s = f(t)
         r = f.rdo(s)
         assert_equal ( t, 0.)
         assert_equal ( s.norm, 0.)
             assert_equal ( s.phas, 0 )
         except AssertionError:
             assert_equal (s.phas[s.phas > 0], +np.pi)
             assert_equal (s.phas[s.phas < 0], -np.pi)
             assert_equal (np.abs(s.phas[np.abs(s.phas) != np.pi]), 0)
             self.skipTest('pvoc(fvec(%d)).phas != +0, ' % win_s \
                     + 'This is expected when using fftw3 on powerpc.')
         assert_equal ( r, 0.)
Example #59
 def setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None,
           blocksize=None, totalframes=None):
     self.block_read = 0
     self.pvoc = pvoc(self.input_blocksize, self.input_stepsize)
     self.methods = [
         'default', 'energy', 'hfc', 'complex', 'phase', 'specdiff', 'kl',
         'mkl', 'specflux', 'centroid', 'slope', 'rolloff', 'spread', 'skewness',
         'kurtosis', 'decrease']
     self.specdesc = {}
     self.specdesc_results = {}
     for method in self.methods:
         self.specdesc[method] = specdesc(method, self.input_blocksize)
         self.specdesc_results[method] = []
Example #60
    def __init__(self, sample_rate=None, buffersize=None):
        self.sample_rate = sample_rate or self.sample_rate
        self.buffersize = buffersize or self.buffersize
        self.window_size = self.buffersize * 2
        self.stream = None

        self.onset = aubio.onset(
            'specflux', self.window_size, self.buffersize, self.sample_rate)
        self.tempo = aubio.tempo(
            'default', self.window_size, self.buffersize, self.sample_rate)

        self.energy = aubio.specdesc('specflux', self.buffersize * 2)
        self.pv = aubio.pvoc(self.buffersize * 2, self.buffersize)

        self.pitch = aubio.pitch(
            "yinfft", self.window_size, self.buffersize, self.sample_rate)

        self.py_audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()