Example #1
    numblocks = pickle.load(codedfile)
    numblocks -= 4  #last encoded samples might be missing from rounding to bytes
    print("numblocks=", numblocks)
    for chan in range(channels):  #loop over channels:
        print("channel ", chan)
        ricecoeffcomp = pickle.load(codedfile)
        ricecoeff = struct.unpack('B' * len(ricecoeffcomp), ricecoeffcomp)
        #print("ricecoeff=", ricecoeff)
        ychandec = np.zeros((N, numblocks))

        for k in range(N):  #loop across subbands:
            if (k % 100 == 0): print("Subband:", k)
            ys = pickle.load(codedfile)  #Rice coded subband samples
            signedrice = rice(b=ricecoeff[k], signed=True)
            yricedec = BitStream()
            ychandec[k, :] = yricedec.read(signedrice, numblocks)
        if chan == 0: y0 = ychandec
        if chan == 1: y1 = ychandec

print("Inverse IntMDCT:")
xrek = IntMDCTsynfb(y0, y1, fb)
xrek = np.clip(xrek, -2**15, 2**15 - 1)
print("Write decoded signal to wav file ", decfile)
wav.write(decfile, fs, np.int16(xrek))
Example #2
#Demo of a rice endoder
#Gerald Schuller, Aug. 2018

#for installation: sudo pip install audio.coders
from audio.coders import rice
from bitstream import BitStream
import numpy as np

origs = np.arange(-2, 6)
print("Original= ", origs)
#b: exponent of 2
ricecode = rice(b=1, signed=True)
riceencoded = BitStream(origs.astype(np.int32), ricecode)
print("rice encoded=", riceencoded)

for index in origs:
    print("Index: ", index, "Rice code: ", BitStream(index, ricecode))

ricedecoded = riceencoded.read(ricecode, 8)
print("rice decoded=", ricedecoded)