def prime_gen():
    """ Gerador de nĂºmeros primos """
    yield 2
    primes = []
    for value in count(start=3, step=2):
        stream_primes = takewhile(lambda x: x * x <= value, primes)
        if all(value % stream_primes != 0):
            yield value
Example #2
def splitter(lines, sep="-=", keep_idx=False):
  Splits underlined blocks without indentation (reStructuredText pattern).

  lines :
    A list of strings
  sep :
    Underline symbols. A line with only such symbols will be seen as a
    underlined one.
  keep_idx :
    If False (default), the function returns a collections.OrderedDict. Else,
    returns a
    list of index pairs

  A collections.OrderedDict instance where a block with underlined key like
  ``"Key\\n==="`` and a list of lines following will have the item (key, list
  of lines), in the order that they appeared in the lists input. Empty keys
  gets an order numbering, and might happen for example after a ``"----"``
  separator. The values (lists of lines) don't include the key nor its
  underline, and is also stripped/trimmed as lines (i.e., there's no empty
  line as the first and last list items, but first and last line may start/end
  with whitespaces).

  separators = audiolazy.Stream(
                 idx - 1 for idx, el in enumerate(lines)
                         if all(char in sep for char in el)
                         and len(el) > 0
  first_idx = separators.copy().take()
  blk_data = OrderedDict()

  empty_count = iter(audiolazy.count(1))
  next_empty = lambda: "--Empty--{0}--".format(next(empty_count))

  if first_idx != 0:
    blk_data[next_empty()] = lines[:first_idx]

  for idx1, idx2 in separators.blocks(size=2, hop=1):
    name = lines[idx1].strip() if lines[idx1].strip() != "" else next_empty()
    blk_data[name] = lines[idx1+2 : idx2]

  # Strips the empty lines
  for name in blk_data:
    while blk_data[name][-1].strip() == "":
    while blk_data[name][0].strip() == "":
      blk_data[name] = blk_data[name][1:]

  return blk_data
Example #3
def splitter(lines, sep="-=", keep_idx=False):
  Splits underlined blocks without indentation (reStructuredText pattern).

  lines :
    A list of strings
  sep :
    Underline symbols. A line with only such symbols will be seen as a
    underlined one.
  keep_idx :
    If False (default), the function returns a collections.OrderedDict. Else,
    returns a
    list of index pairs

  A collections.OrderedDict instance where a block with underlined key like
  ``"Key\\n==="`` and a list of lines following will have the item (key, list
  of lines), in the order that they appeared in the lists input. Empty keys
  gets an order numbering, and might happen for example after a ``"----"``
  separator. The values (lists of lines) don't include the key nor its
  underline, and is also stripped/trimmed as lines (i.e., there's no empty
  line as the first and last list items, but first and last line may start/end
  with whitespaces).

  separators = audiolazy.Stream(
                 idx - 1 for idx, el in enumerate(lines)
                         if all(char in sep for char in el)
                         and len(el) > 0
  first_idx = separators.copy().take()
  blk_data = OrderedDict()

  empty_count = iter(audiolazy.count(1))
  next_empty = lambda: "--Empty--{0}--".format(next(empty_count))

  if first_idx != 0:
    blk_data[next_empty()] = lines[:first_idx]

  for idx1, idx2 in separators.blocks(size=2, hop=1):
    name = lines[idx1].strip() if lines[idx1].strip() != "" else next_empty()
    blk_data[name] = lines[idx1+2 : idx2]

  # Strips the empty lines
  for name in blk_data:
    while blk_data[name][-1].strip() == "":
    while blk_data[name][0].strip() == "":
      blk_data[name] = blk_data[name][1:]

  return blk_data
Example #4
def mgl_seq(x):
  Sequence whose sum is the Madhava-Gregory-Leibniz series.

    [x,  -x^3/3, x^5/5, -x^7/7, x^9/9, -x^11/11, ...]

    An endless sequence that has the property
    ``atan(x) = sum(mgl_seq(x))``.
    Usually you would use the ``atan()`` function, not this one.

  odd_numbers = thub(count(start=1, step=2), 2)
  return Stream(1, -1) * x ** odd_numbers / odd_numbers
def mgl_seq(x):
  Sequence whose sum is the Madhava-Gregory-Leibniz series.

    [x,  -x^3/3, x^5/5, -x^7/7, x^9/9, -x^11/11, ...]

    An endless sequence that has the property
    ``atan(x) = sum(mgl_seq(x))``.
    Usually you would use the ``atan()`` function, not this one.

  odd_numbers = thub(count(start=1, step=2), 2)
  return Stream(1, -1) * x ** odd_numbers / odd_numbers