Example #1
    def _get_image_files(self, path):
        Each path should contain a data and labels folder containing images.
        Creates a list of tuples containing path name for data and label.
        tiles = util.get_image_files(os.path.join(path, 'data'))
        labels = util.get_image_files(os.path.join(path, 'labels'))

        self._is_valid_dataset(tiles, labels)
        return list(zip(tiles, labels))
Example #2
def calculate_std_from_dataset(path, dataset):
    #dataset = util.get_dataset(path)

    variance = []
    #for set in dataset:
    folder_path = os.path.join(path, dataset, 'data')
    tiles = util.get_image_files(folder_path)

    samples = []

    i = 0
    for tile in tiles:
        i += 1
        im = Image.open(os.path.join(folder_path, tile), 'r')
        s, v = get_image_estimate(im)


        if (i % 10 == 0):
            print("Progress", i)

    #Average standard deviation by averaging the variances and taking square root of average.
    #Source: http://bit.ly/1VS5pmT

    combined = np.concatenate(samples)
    print("Real std", np.std(combined))

    dataset_std = np.sqrt(np.sum(variance) / len(variance))

    return dataset_std
Example #3
def calculate_std_from_dataset(path, dataset):
    #dataset = util.get_dataset(path)

    variance = []
    #for set in dataset:
    folder_path = os.path.join(path, dataset,  'data')
    tiles = util.get_image_files(folder_path)

    samples = []

    i = 0
    for tile in tiles:
        i += 1
        im = Image.open(os.path.join(folder_path, tile), 'r')
        s, v = get_image_estimate(im)


        if(i%10 == 0):
            print("Progress", i)

    #Average standard deviation by averaging the variances and taking square root of average.
    #Source: http://bit.ly/1VS5pmT

    combined = np.concatenate(samples)
    print("Real std" , np.std(combined))

    dataset_std = np.sqrt(np.sum(variance) / len(variance))

    return dataset_std
Example #4
        os.makedirs(sub_dir + "/data")

dataset_base = "/home/olav/Pictures/Norwegian_roads_dataset"
dataset_dest = "/home/olav/Pictures/Norwegian_roads_dataset_alpha"
datasets = loader.get_dataset(dataset_base)
color_to_alpha = False
content = ["data"]

create_dataset_structure(dataset_dest, datasets)

for set in datasets:
    for t in content:
        rel_path = "/" + set + "/" + t

        images = loader.get_image_files(dataset_base + rel_path)

        for img_path in images:
            src_path = dataset_base + rel_path + "/" + img_path
            dest_path = dataset_dest + rel_path + "/" + img_path

            src_im = Image.open(src_path)
            im = src_im.convert('RGBA')
            if color_to_alpha:
                pixel_data = im.load()

                height = im.size[1]
                width = im.size[0]
                for y in xrange(height): # For each row ...
                    for x in xrange(width): # Iterate through each column ...