Example #1
def loadFigImage(im):
    Return a matplotlib `Figure` with the given raster image spanning the plot extents
    and with data coordinates equal to pixel coordinates. All axis and labels are
    :param im: either path to image file, or RGB image array in uint8 or uint16 type
    :rtype: tuple(Figure,Axes)
    if isinstance(im, string_types):
        im = loadImage(im)
    im = image2mpl(im)
    h, w = im.shape[0], im.shape[1]
    dpi = 80
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w / dpi, h / dpi), dpi=dpi)
    ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0, 0, 1, 1])
    ax.set_xlim(0, w)
    ax.set_ylim(0, h)
    if im.ndim == 2:
        fig.figimage(im, cmap=cm.gray)
    fig._dontSetColors = True

    return fig, ax
Example #2
def maskAllInFolder(folderPath, outputFolderPath, ext='jpg', maskFn=maskStarfield, preserveExif=True):
    Masks the starfield of all images in `folderPath` and stores the masked images
    in `outputFolderPath`.
    :param str ext: image extension
    :param function maskFn: the masking function to use, 
        by default the standard algorithm from :mod:`auromat.solving.masking`
    :param bool preserveExif: whether to copy EXIF data (exiftool must be installed)
    if preserveExif:
        et = exiftool.ExifTool()
    for imageFilename in os.listdir(folderPath):
        imagePath = os.path.join(folderPath, imageFilename)
        maskedPath = os.path.join(outputFolderPath, os.path.splitext(imageFilename)[0] + '.' + ext)
        mask, _ = maskFn(imagePath)
        im = loadImage(imagePath)
        im[~mask] = 0
        saveImage(maskedPath, im)
        if preserveExif:
            et.copy_tags(imagePath, maskedPath)
    if preserveExif:
Example #3
def maskAllInFolder(folderPath,
    Masks the starfield of all images in `folderPath` and stores the masked images
    in `outputFolderPath`.
    :param str ext: image extension
    :param function maskFn: the masking function to use, 
        by default the standard algorithm from :mod:`auromat.solving.masking`
    :param bool preserveExif: whether to copy EXIF data (exiftool must be installed)
    if preserveExif:
        et = exiftool.ExifTool()

    for imageFilename in os.listdir(folderPath):
        imagePath = os.path.join(folderPath, imageFilename)
        maskedPath = os.path.join(
            os.path.splitext(imageFilename)[0] + '.' + ext)
        mask, _ = maskFn(imagePath)
        im = loadImage(imagePath)
        im[~mask] = 0
        saveImage(maskedPath, im)

        if preserveExif:
            et.copy_tags(imagePath, maskedPath)

    if preserveExif:
Example #4
 def img_unmasked(self):
     if self._img_unmasked is None:
         rgb = loadImage(self._imagePath)
         if rgb.shape[0] != rgb.shape[1]:
             # contains caption below image, cut it off
             rgb = rgb[:rgb.shape[1],:]
             assert rgb.shape == (rgb.shape[1],rgb.shape[1],3)
         self._img_unmasked = rgb
     return self._img_unmasked
Example #5
def estimateArcSecRange(imagePath, imageSize=None):
    focal35mm = readFocalLength35mm(imagePath)
    if focal35mm is None:
        return None
    focal35mmLow = focal35mm * 0.9
    focal35mmHigh = focal35mm * 1.1
    if imageSize is None:
        _, w, = loadImage(imagePath).shape
        _, w = imageSize
    # see http://cbellh47.blogspot.nl/2010/01/astrometry-101-pixel-scale.html
    pixelSizeMm = 35 / w
    arcsecLow = (pixelSizeMm / focal35mmHigh * u.rad).to(u.arcsec).value
    arcsecHigh = (pixelSizeMm / focal35mmLow * u.rad).to(u.arcsec).value
    return (arcsecLow, arcsecHigh)
Example #6
    def _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, name):
        if not keepTempFiles:
        if os.path.exists(objsPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder,
                             objsBaseOutput + '_' + name + '.jpg')
            saveImage(p, loadImage(objsPath))  # convert png to jpg

        if not fitsWcsHeader and os.path.exists(axyPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, axyBaseOutput + name + '.axy')
            shutil.copy(axyPath, p)

        if not fitsWcsHeader and os.path.exists(logPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, logBaseOutput + name + '.log')
            shutil.copy(logPath, p)
Example #7
def correctLensDistortion(imagePath,
    Correct lens distortion of an image using its EXIF headers and the lensfun library.
    If the camera or lens are not found in the lensfun database, an exception is raised.
    :param undistImagePath: path to output image; folders must already exist! 
    :param exiftoolObj: if not None, use the given exiftool object (must have nums=False)
    :param lensfunDbObj: if not None, use the given lensfun.Database object
    :param mod: if not None, use this Modifier instead of calling getLensfunModifier()
                Note: lensfunDbObj is not used in this case.
    :raise ValueError: when lens wasn't found in EXIF data
    :raise CameraNotFoundInDBError: when the camera wasn't found in lensfun database
    :raise LensNotFoundInDBError: when the lens wasn't found in lensfun database  
    im = loadImage(imagePath)
    if mod is None:
        height, width = im.shape[0], im.shape[1]
        mod, _, _ = getLensfunModifier(imagePath,

    undistCoords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()
    imUndistorted = lensfunpy.util.remap(im, undistCoords)
    saveImage(undistImagePath, imUndistorted, **saveImageKws)

    # TODO set a flag indicating that lens correction has been done
    #      there is no standard flag for that
    #      the closest one is Xmp.digiKam.LensCorrectionSettings
    #      see http://api.kde.org/extragear-api/graphics-apidocs/digikam/html/classDigikam_1_1LensFunFilter.html
    #      adding custom XMP tags requires to change some exiftool config file...
    if preserveExif:
        if exiftoolObj:
            exiftoolObj.copy_tags(imagePath, undistImagePath)
            with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
                et.copy_tags(imagePath, undistImagePath)
Example #8
def correctLensDistortion(imagePath, undistImagePath, 
                          lensfunDbObj=None, mod=None, 
                          exiftoolObj=None, preserveExif=True,
    Correct lens distortion of an image using its EXIF headers and the lensfun library.
    If the camera or lens are not found in the lensfun database, an exception is raised.
    :param undistImagePath: path to output image; folders must already exist! 
    :param exiftoolObj: if not None, use the given exiftool object (must have nums=False)
    :param lensfunDbObj: if not None, use the given lensfun.Database object
    :param mod: if not None, use this Modifier instead of calling getLensfunModifier()
                Note: lensfunDbObj is not used in this case.
    :raise ValueError: when lens wasn't found in EXIF data
    :raise CameraNotFoundInDBError: when the camera wasn't found in lensfun database
    :raise LensNotFoundInDBError: when the lens wasn't found in lensfun database  
    im = loadImage(imagePath)
    if mod is None:
        height, width = im.shape[0], im.shape[1]
        mod, _, _ = getLensfunModifier(imagePath, width, height, lensfunDbObj, exiftoolObj)

    undistCoords = mod.apply_geometry_distortion()    
    imUndistorted = lensfunpy.util.remap(im, undistCoords)
    saveImage(undistImagePath, imUndistorted, **saveImageKws)
    # TODO set a flag indicating that lens correction has been done
    #      there is no standard flag for that
    #      the closest one is Xmp.digiKam.LensCorrectionSettings
    #      see http://api.kde.org/extragear-api/graphics-apidocs/digikam/html/classDigikam_1_1LensFunFilter.html
    #      adding custom XMP tags requires to change some exiftool config file...
    if preserveExif:
        if exiftoolObj:
            exiftoolObj.copy_tags(imagePath, undistImagePath)
            with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
                et.copy_tags(imagePath, undistImagePath)
Example #9
def solveImage(imagePath,
               solveTimeout=60 * 5,
               parameters=['xy', 'xy2', 'xy4', 's'],
    Tries different combinations to solve the image using astrometry.net.
    :param imagePath:
    :param channel: the channel to use for source extraction
        'R','G','B', or None for combining all channels into a grayscale image
    :param maskingFn: function to use for masking the given image,
                      if None, masking is skipped
    :param sigma: noise level of the image (optional)
    :param solveTimeout: maximum time in seconds after which astrometry.net is killed
    :param debugOutputFolder: if given, the path to which debug files are written
    :param noAstrometryPlots: whether to let astrometry.net generate plots,
                              if True, then debugOutputFolder must be given 
    :param arcsecRange: tuple(low,high), if not given, then it is guessed from
                        the image file if possible
    :param astrometryBinPath: path to the bin/ folder of astrometry.net;
                              if not given, then whatever is in PATH will be used
    :param bool useModifiedPath: invokes astrometry.net with /usr/bin/env PATH=os.environ['PATH']
                                 This may be useful when the PATH was modified after launching Python.
    :param int pixelError: size of pixel positional error, use higher values (e.g. 10)
                           if image contains star trails (ISS images)
    :param oddsToSolve: default 1e9, see astrometry.net docs
    :rtype: dictionary containing FITS WCS header, or None if solving failed
    imageBase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imagePath))[0]

    tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmpDirAstrometry = os.path.join(tmpDir, 'astrometry')

    # TODO we need to return which solving strategy (downsampling, extractor) was used
    #      -> this should probably be added to the .axy header
    #      as astrometry.net repeatedly downsamples in certain cases it
    #      is hard to determine the correct downsampling that was used
    #      -> see also http://trac.astrometry.net/ticket/1117

    if maskingFn is None:
        imageMaskedPath = imagePath
        maskedSuffix = ''
        imageSize = None
        if channel is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError
        maskedSuffix = '_masked'
        imageMaskedPath = os.path.join(tmpDir,
                                       imageBase + maskedSuffix + ".png")

        # step 1: create starfield-masked image
        t0 = time.time()

        if not debugOutputFolder:
            debugPathPrefix = None
            debugPathPrefix = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, imageBase) + '_'
        mask, sigma_ = maskingFn(imagePath, debugPathPrefix=debugPathPrefix)
        if sigma is None:
            sigma = sigma_
        im = loadImage(imagePath)
        im[~mask] = 0
        if channel is None:
        elif channel.lower() == 'r':
            im = im[:, :, 0]
        elif channel.lower() == 'g':
            im = im[:, :, 1]
        elif channel.lower() == 'b':
            im = im[:, :, 2]
            raise ValueError(
                'channel is "{}" but must be R,G,B or None'.format(channel))
        saveImage(imageMaskedPath, im)
        imageSize = (im.shape[0], im.shape[1])

        print('masking:', time.time() - t0, 's')

        if debugOutputFolder is not None:
            shutil.copy(imageMaskedPath, debugOutputFolder)

    # step 2: invoke astrometry.net

    # Note that astrometry.net assumes that images are taken from earth.
    # As the ISS is very near to earth, the error is most likely below the
    # accuracy that astrometry.net provides and also below the common pixel
    # resolution of images and can therefore be ignored.
    keepTempFiles = False if debugOutputFolder is None else True

    if debugOutputFolder is None:
        noAstrometryPlots = True

    logFilename = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '.log'
    logFilenameOutput = imageBase + '.log'
    logPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, logFilename)
    logBaseOutput = imageBase + '_'

    objsBase = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '_objs'
    objsBaseOutput = imageBase + '_objs'
    objsPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, objsBase + '.png')

    indxBase = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '_indx'
    indxBaseOutput = imageBase + '_indx'
    indxFilename = indxBase + '.png'
    indxFilenameOutput = indxBaseOutput + '.png'
    indxPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, indxFilename)

    matchFilename = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '.match'
    matchFilenameOutput = imageBase + '.match'
    matchPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, matchFilename)

    indxXyFilename = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '.xyls'
    indxXyFilenameOutput = imageBase + '.xyls'
    indxXyPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, indxXyFilename)

    axyFilename = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '.axy'
    axyFilenameOutput = imageBase + '.axy'
    axyPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, axyFilename)
    axyBaseOutput = imageBase + '_'

    corrFilename = imageBase + maskedSuffix + '.corr'
    corrFilenameOutput = imageBase + '.corr'
    corrPath = os.path.join(tmpDirAstrometry, corrFilename)

    # remove old debug files first
    if keepTempFiles:
        for filename in [
                matchFilenameOutput, indxFilenameOutput, indxXyFilenameOutput,
                corrFilenameOutput, axyFilenameOutput, logFilenameOutput,
                objsBaseOutput + '_xy2.jpg', objsBaseOutput + '_xy4.jpg',
                objsBaseOutput + '_xy.jpg', objsBaseOutput + '_s.jpg',
                axyBaseOutput + 'xy2.axy', axyBaseOutput + 'xy4.axy',
                axyBaseOutput + 'xy.axy', axyBaseOutput + 's.axy',
                logBaseOutput + 'xy2.log', logBaseOutput + 'xy4.log',
                logBaseOutput + 'xy.log', logBaseOutput + 's.log'
            path = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, filename)
            if os.path.exists(path):

    t0 = time.time()

    def _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, name):
        if not keepTempFiles:
        if os.path.exists(objsPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder,
                             objsBaseOutput + '_' + name + '.jpg')
            saveImage(p, loadImage(objsPath))  # convert png to jpg

        if not fitsWcsHeader and os.path.exists(axyPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, axyBaseOutput + name + '.axy')
            shutil.copy(axyPath, p)

        if not fitsWcsHeader and os.path.exists(logPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, logBaseOutput + name + '.log')
            shutil.copy(logPath, p)

    # first try astrometry.net's own star extraction (simplexy) with different downsampling options

    if arcsecRange:
        if len(arcsecRange) != 2:
            raise ValueError('arcsecRange must be a pair (low,high)')
        arcsecLowHigh = arcsecRange
        arcsecLowHigh = estimateArcSecRange(imagePath, imageSize)
    _solve = partial(_solveStarfield,

    # "The downsampling just seems to generally do a better job of source detection on
    #  most of the images we get, at least at about 2-4. I think it has to do with either
    #  the PSF size (default is too narrow) or saturation (downsampling smears out
    #  saturated pixels, making them not so saturated)." (Dustin Lang)
    # (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/astrometry/Pp_MZD6s4w8/muuH-1T_zpAJ)
    fitsWcsHeader = None
    if 'xy2' in parameters:
        fitsWcsHeader = _solve(useSextractor=False, downsample=2)
        _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, 'xy2')

    # Astrometry.net might have already tried downsample=4 when downsample=2 was requested
    # in case no stars could be extracted, so it might happen that we repeat this below.
    # We have to try it anyway because with downsample=2 it could have happened that
    # only 1 or 2 stars in the corners were detected after which astrometry didn't repeat
    # downsampling and just failed.
    # There should be an astrometry flag to disable the repeated downsampling,
    # see also https://groups.google.com/d/msg/astrometry/qNOgWTL1pVA/BNIbqkXEM-gJ
    # Note that with repeated downsampling, astrometry re-uses the sigma (noise level)
    # from the original downsampling, so there may be slight differences if
    # astrometry is manually called with downsample=4 because it recomputes sigma
    # based on downsample=4.
    # NOTE: this is the behaviour of the -D flag of image2xy, which cannot be set from solve-field!

    if fitsWcsHeader is None and 'xy4' in parameters:
        if keepTempFiles and os.path.exists(tmpDirAstrometry):
        fitsWcsHeader = _solve(useSextractor=False, downsample=4)
        _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, 'xy4')

    # if this didn't work, we try SExtractor for star extraction

    if fitsWcsHeader is None and 's' in parameters:
        if keepTempFiles and os.path.exists(tmpDirAstrometry):
        fitsWcsHeader = _solve(useSextractor=True, downsample=None)
        _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, 's')

    # in case the input image has a low resolution (which is not the case for ISS images)
    # we also might have luck with downsampling disabled and using simplexy:

    if fitsWcsHeader is None and 'xy' in parameters:
        if keepTempFiles and os.path.exists(tmpDirAstrometry):
        fitsWcsHeader = _solve(useSextractor=False, downsample=None)
        _copyTempFiles(fitsWcsHeader, 'xy')

    print('solving:', time.time() - t0, 's')

    if fitsWcsHeader is not None:
        if keepTempFiles and os.path.exists(indxPath):
            p = os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, indxBaseOutput + '.jpg')
            saveImage(p, loadImage(indxPath))  # convert png to jpg

        tempPaths = [matchPath, indxXyPath, axyPath, corrPath, logPath]
        outputFilenames = [
            matchFilenameOutput, indxXyFilenameOutput, axyFilenameOutput,
            corrFilenameOutput, logFilenameOutput
        if keepTempFiles:
            outputPaths = [
                os.path.join(debugOutputFolder, f) for f in outputFilenames
            for tempPath, outputPath in zip(tempPaths, outputPaths):
                if os.path.exists(tempPath):
                    shutil.move(tempPath, outputPath)
                        'WARNING!! {} does not exist after successfully solving, but it should!'


    return fitsWcsHeader