Example #1
def initial_data(url):
    # this function would clear all data and create 3 users
    # user1 would create channel 1 and user3 would create channel2
    # user2 would join channel1
    requests.delete(url + 'clear')
    # create 3 users
    user_data = {
        'password' : 'password',
        'name_first': 'u',
        'name_last' : '1',
    for idx in range(3):
        email = str(idx + 1) + '*****@*****.**'
        user_data['email'] = email
        requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=user_data)
        requests.post(url + 'auth/login', json={'email': email, 'password': '******'})
    # create 2channels and user2 join channel1
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name' : 'channel_1',
        'is_public' : True,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=data)
    data['token'] = token_generate(3, 'login')
    data['name'] = 'channel_1'
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=data)
    requests.post(url + 'channel/join', json={'token': token_generate(2, 'login'), 'channel_id': 1})
Example #2
def test_valid_setname(url, initial_basics):
        valid test:
    #get token
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name_first': 'first',
        "name_last": 'last',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setname', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    ###http test for length 50###

    long_name = '0123456789'
    long_name = long_name * 5
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name_first': long_name,
        'name_last': long_name,
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setname', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200

    ###http test for length 1###
    #reset user3 name with data
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name_first': '1',
        'name_last': '1',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setname', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
Example #3
def test_search_standard(url, initial_data):
        Test for standard functionality of search() according to spec.
        :param url: pytest fixture that starts the server and gets its URL 
        :type url: pytest fixture

        :param initial_data: pytest fixture to create two users and a channel
        :type initial_data: pytest fixture
    # do send msgs
    msg_data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id': 1,
        'message': ''
    for i in range(6):
        msg_data['message'] = 'msg' + str(i + 1)
        requests.post(url + 'message/send', json=msg_data)

    # user 1 search (1 output)
    search_data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'query_str': '3',
    resp = requests.get(url + 'search', params=search_data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert len(json.loads(resp.text)['messages']) == 1
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['messages'][0]['message_id'] == 10003
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['messages'][0]['u_id'] == 1
    # user 2 search (no output)
    search_data['token'] = token_generate(2, 'login')
    resp = requests.get(url + 'search', params=search_data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert len(json.loads(resp.text)['messages']) == 0
Example #4
def test_register_standard(url):
    A simple test to register standard
    # create a standard user with len(password) == 6 and
    # len(first_name) == 1 and len(last_name) == 1
    input = {
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'password': '******',
        'name_first': 'u',
        'name_last': '1',
    resp = requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=input)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['u_id'] == 1
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['token'] == token_generate(1, 'register')

    # create a standard user with len(password) == 6 and
    # len(first_name) == 50 and len(last_name) == 50
    input = {
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'password': '******',
        'name_first': 'u' * 50,
        'name_last': '2' * 50,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=input)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['u_id'] == 2
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['token'] == token_generate(2, 'register')
Example #5
def test_send_error_invalid_token(url, initial_data):
    error test when given token is invalid
    1. non-existing
    2. logout token
    # start a standup
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'length' : 1
    requests.post(url + 'standup/start', json=data)
    # 1. non-existing token
    data = {
        'token' : 'invalid_token',
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'message' : 'msg',
    resp = requests.post(url + 'standup/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    # 2. user1 logout token
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'logout'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'message' : 'msg',
    resp = requests.post(url + 'standup/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
Example #6
def test_active_standard(url, initial_data):
    user1 calls start in channel_1
    user1 calls active in channel_1
    user3 calls active in channel_2
    # start standup in channel1
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'length' : 1
    requests.post(url + 'standup/start', json=data)

    # chanenl 1 active check
    curr_time = int(time.time())
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
    resp = requests.get(url + '/standup/active', params=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['is_active'] == True
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['time_finish'] == curr_time + 1
    # channel 2 active check
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(3, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 2,
    resp = requests.get(url + '/standup/active', params=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['is_active'] == False
    assert json.loads(resp.text)['time_finish'] is None
Example #7
def test_handle_incorrect_length(url, initial_basics):
        incorrect length test for reset handle

    handle_reps1 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                                    'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                                    'handle_str': 'u'
    assert handle_reps1.status_code == 400

    handle_reps2 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                                    'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                                    'handle_str': 'a' * 21
    assert handle_reps2.status_code == 400

    handle_reps1 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                                    'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                                    'handle_str': ''
    assert handle_reps1.status_code == 400

    handle_reps1 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                                    'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                                    'handle_str': '12'
    assert handle_reps1.status_code == 400
Example #8
def create_channels(url):
        Pytest fixture that creates 6 test channels with tokens from two users
        via HTTP routing.
    channel_data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name': 'Channel 01',
        'is_public': True,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=channel_data)

    channel_data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name': 'Channel 02',
        'is_public': False,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=channel_data)

    channel_data = {
        'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
        'name': 'Channel 03 User 02',
        'is_public': True,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=channel_data)

    channel_data = {
        'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
        'name': 'Channel 04 User 02',
        'is_public': False,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=channel_data)
def test_react_unreact_errors(url, initial_conditions):
    error checking for react and unreact
    only check status code
    # 1. message_id is not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined
    # user 6 react and unreact to msg 10001
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(6, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10001,
        'react_id': 1,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/react', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/unreact', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400

    # 2. react_id is not a valid React ID. The only valid react ID the frontend has is 1
    # user 1 react and unreact to msg 10001 with react_id 0
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10001,
        'react_id': 0,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/react', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/unreact', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400

    # 3. Message with ID message_id already contains an active React
    # with ID react_id from the authorised user
    # user 1 react to msg 10001 and do it again
    # user 1 unreact to msg 10001 and do in again
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10001,
        'react_id': 1,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/react', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/react', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/unreact', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/unreact', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400

    # 4.given token is invalid
    data = {
        'token': 'invalid token',
        'message_id': 10001,
        'react_id': 1,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/react', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/unreact', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
def test_remove_message_id(url, initial_conditions):
    # message not sent by user
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(5, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10002,
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'message/remove', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400

    # message sent by user
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10002,
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'message/remove', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
Example #11
def initial_data(url):
        Pytest fixture that registers and logs in two users and creates
        a channel via HTTP routing.
    requests.delete(url + 'clear')
    data = {
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'password': '******',
        'name_first': 'name_first',
        'name_last': 'name_last',
    requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=data)
    requests.post(url + 'auth/login',
                      'email': data['email'],
                      'password': data['password']
    data['email'] = '*****@*****.**'
    requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=data)
    requests.post(url + 'auth/login',
                      'email': data['email'],
                      'password': data['password']
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name': 'channel',
        'is_public': False,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=data)
Example #12
def test_upload_photo_invalid_bounds(url, initial_basics):
    input error when given bounds are invalid
    user1 upload a img with invalid bounds
    and check its status_code
    1. negative value
    2. out of ranges
    img_url = 'https://img1.looper.com/img/gallery/things-only-adults-notice-in-shrek/intro-1573597941.jpg'
    # 1. negative value
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'img_url': img_url,
        'x_start': -1,
        'x_end': 200,
        'y_start': -1,
        'y_end': 200,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'user/profile/uploadphoto', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    # 2. out of ranges
    data['x_start'] = 1000000
    data['y_start'] = 0
    resp = requests.post(url + 'user/profile/uploadphoto', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    data['x_start'] = 0
    data['y_start'] = 0
    data['x_end'] = 100000
    resp = requests.post(url + 'user/profile/uploadphoto', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
def test_remove_owner(url, initial_conditions):
    #user not owner of channel
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(3, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10003,
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'message/remove', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400

    #user owner of channel
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10001,
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'message/remove', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
Example #14
def test_http_listall_standard(url, create_users, create_channels):
        Test for standard functionality of channels_list() according to spec.

        :param url: pytest fixture that starts the server and gets its URL 
        :type url: pytest fixture

        :param create_users: pytest fixture to create two test users 
        :type create_users: pytest fixture

        :param create_channels: pytest fixture to create six test channels 
        :type create_channels: pytest fixture
    resp = requests.get(url + 'channels/listall', params={'token': token_generate(1, 'login')})
    payload = resp.json()

    # test length and accuracy of returned channels list, making sure 
    # channels of User 2 is not listed
    assert len(payload['channels']) == 4
    channel_01_listed = payload['channels'][0]
    channel_02_listed = payload['channels'][1]
    channel_03_listed = payload['channels'][2]
    channel_04_listed = payload['channels'][3]
    assert channel_01_listed['channel_id'] == 1
    assert channel_01_listed['name'] == 'Channel 01'
    assert channel_02_listed['channel_id'] == 2
    assert channel_02_listed['name'] == 'Channel 02'
    assert channel_03_listed['channel_id'] == 3
    assert channel_03_listed['name'] == 'Channel 03 User 02'
    assert channel_04_listed['channel_id'] == 4
    assert channel_04_listed['name'] == 'Channel 04 User 02'
def test_remove_invalid_token(url, initial_conditions):
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'logout'),
        'message_id': 10001,
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'message/remove', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
Example #16
def test_setemail_invalid_token(url, initial_basics):
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'logout'),
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setemail', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
Example #17
def test_clear(url):
        Test for standard functionality of clear() according to spec.

        :param url: pytest fixture that starts the server and gets its URL 
        :type url: pytest fixture
    data = {
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'password': '******',
        'name_first': 'u',
        'name_last': '1',
    requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=data)
    data['email'] = '*****@*****.**'
    requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=data)
    requests.post(url + 'auth/login',
                      'email': data['email'],
                      'password': '******'
    resp = requests.get(url + 'users/all',
                        params={'token': token_generate(2, 'login')})
    assert len(json.loads(resp.text)['users']) == 2

    # create a channel
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create',
                      'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
                      'name': 'name',
                      'is_public': True
    resp = requests.get(url + 'channels/listall',
                        params={'token': token_generate(2, 'login')})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert len(json.loads(resp.text)['channels']) == 1
    # do clear
    resp = requests.delete(url + 'clear')
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    # cannot get all users
    resp = requests.get(url + 'users/all',
                        params={'token': token_generate(2, 'login')})
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    # cannot get all channels
    resp = requests.get(url + 'channels/listall',
                        params={'token': token_generate(2, 'login')})
    assert resp.status_code == 400
Example #18
def test_sethandle_valid(url, initial_basics):
    valid test for sethandle
    #reset user1 handle with data
    data = {'token': token_generate(1, 'login'), 'handle_str': 'updatename'}
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
def test_edit_not_an_owner(url, initial_conditions):
    #user not an owner
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(3, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10003,
        'message': 'new message',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'message/edit', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    #user is owner
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10002,
        'message': 'new message',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'message/edit', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
Example #20
def test_profile_setemail_valid(url, initial_basics):
        invalid test of 0 characters and 26 charaters of firstname
    #reset email for user
    data2 = {'token': token_generate(1, 'login'), 'email': '*****@*****.**'}
    resp = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setemail', json=data2)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
def test_edit_messageid(url, initial_conditions):
    # incorrect message_id
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(5, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10002,
        'message': 'new message',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'message/edit', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    # correct message_id
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
        'message_id': 10002,
        'message': 'new message',
    resp = requests.put(url + 'message/edit', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
Example #22
def test_profile_setemail_occupied(url, initial_basics):
        invalid test of incorrect email format
    #reset user1 name with data
    data = {'token': token_generate(1, 'login'), 'email': '*****@*****.**'}
    resp1 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/setemail', json=data)
    assert resp1.status_code == 400
Example #23
def test_profile_invalid_token(url, initial_basics):
    data = {
        'token': 'invalid_token',
        'u_id': 1,
    profile_resp = requests.get(url + 'user/profile', params=data)
    assert profile_resp.status_code == 400
    data['token'] = token_generate(1, 'logout')
    assert profile_resp.status_code == 400
Example #24
def test_handle_being_used(url, initial_basics):
        invalid test for the handle has being used
        user1 set a handle and user2 set the same handle

    requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                     'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                     'handle_str': 'temp1_handle_str'

    handle_resp2 = requests.put(url + 'user/profile/sethandle',
                                    'token': token_generate(2, 'login'),
                                    'handle_str': 'temp1_handle_str'
    assert handle_resp2.status_code == 400
def test_send_invalid_token(url, initial_conditions):
    #incorrect channel_id
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'logout'),
        'channel_id': 0,
        'message': 'this shouldnt work',
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
def test_edit_invalid_token(url, initial_conditions):
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'logout'),
        'message_id': 10001,
        'message': 'new message',

    resp = requests.put(url + 'message/edit', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
def test_send_bad_message(url, initial_conditions):
    #message over 1000 characters
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id': 1,
        'message': 'c' * 1001,
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
def test_send_standard(url, initial_conditions):
    #standard send
    data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id': 1,
        'message': 'This is the first message.',
    resp = requests.post(url + 'message/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
def initial_conditions(url):
    # creates 5 users, user 1 creates a channel, the rest write a message to
    # that channel user 1 and 2 are owners
    user_data = {
        'password': '******',
        'name_first': '1',
        'name_last': '1',
    for idx in range(6):
        email = str(idx + 1) + '*****@*****.**'
        user_data['email'] = email
        requests.post(url + 'auth/register', json=user_data)
        requests.post(url + 'auth/login',
                          'email': email,
                          'password': '******'
    channel_data = {
        'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'name': 'channel' + str(idx),
        'is_public': True,
    requests.post(url + 'channels/create', json=channel_data)
    for idx in range(1, 5):
        requests.post(url + 'channel/join',
                          'token': token_generate(idx + 1, 'login'),
                          'channel_id': 1
        data = {
            'token': token_generate(idx + 1, 'login'),
            'channel_id': 1,
            'message': 'message ' + str(idx),
        requests.post(url + 'message/send', json=data)
        if idx == 1:
            data = {
                'token': token_generate(1, 'login'),
                'channel_id': 1,
                'u_id': 2,
            requests.post(url + 'channel/addowner', json=data)
Example #30
def test_send_error_invalid_msg(url, initial_data):
    error test when msg is too long (1000 characters)
    user1 calls start in channel1 and send a too long msg
    # start a standup
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'length' : 1
    requests.post(url + 'standup/start', json=data)
    # send a too long msg
    data = {
        'token' : token_generate(1, 'login'),
        'channel_id' : 1,
        'message' : 'm' * 1001
    resp = requests.post(url + 'standup/send', json=data)
    assert resp.status_code == 400