def completeTask(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() taskId = dataDict["id"] doneFlag = dataDict["done"] if (authLib.checkAuthCode({ "username": username, "authCode": authCode }) != 1): return (0) if (authLib.checkIfPremium(username) != 1): return (deleteTask(dataDict)) db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() recurring = getRecurring(taskId) if (recurring == 0): command = "UPDATE tasks SET done = %s, pushScheduled = 'false' WHERE BINARY username = %s AND id = %s" c.execute(command, [doneFlag, username, taskId]) else: recurringTime = recurring command = "UPDATE tasks SET dueTime = dueTime + %s, pushScheduled = 'false' WHERE BINARY username = %s AND id = %s" c.execute(command, [recurringTime, username, taskId]) db.commit() db.close() if (doneFlag == "true"): pushLib.completePush(username, taskId) return (1)
def updatePushable(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"] taskId = dataDict["id"] pushable = "true" if (dataDict["pushable"] == "true"): pushable = "false" if (authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) != 1): return 0 if (pushLib.checkPushSubscribed(username) != 1): return 2 if (pushable == "true"): db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "SELECT title, dueTime FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND id = %s" c.execute(command, [username, taskId]) taskInfo = c.fetchall()[0] pushLib.schedulePush({ "username": username, "id": taskId, "title": taskInfo[0], "dueTime": taskInfo[1] }) return 1 else: pushLib.completePush(username, taskId) return 1
def clientDeleteCustomer(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"] if (authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) == 0): return (0) if (authLib.checkIfPremium(username) == 0): return (2) customerInfo = getCustomerInfo(username) stripeId = customerInfo[1] print( deleteCustomer(username, stripeId, "You're unsubscribed", "Sorry to see you go.")) return (1)
def addTask(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() if (authLib.checkAuthCode({ "username": username, "authCode": authCode }) != 1): return (0) if (dataDict["recurring"] not in [ "false", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly" ]): return (2) if (dataDict["recurring"] != "false" and authLib.checkIfPremium(username) != 1): return (3) createTime = str(time.time()) dataDict["createTime"] = createTime dueTime = dataDict["dueTime"] description = dataDict["description"].strip() done = "false" title = dataDict["title"].strip() tags = dataDict["tags"] hoursBefore = int(dataDict["hoursBefore"]) recurring = dataDict["recurring"] if (pushLib.checkPushSubscribed(username) == 1): pushable = dataDict["pushable"] else: pushable = "false" tagString = "" for tag in tags.split(","): if (tag == ""): continue tagString += tag.strip() + "," tagString = tagString[:-1] db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "INSERT INTO tasks (username, createTime, dueTime, text, done, title, tags, pushScheduled, notificationHours, recurring) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" c.execute(command, [ username, createTime, dueTime, description, done, title, tagString, pushable, hoursBefore, recurring ]) db.commit() db.close() db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "SELECT id FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND createTime = %s" c.execute(command, [username, createTime]) dataDict["id"] = c.fetchall()[0][0] if (pushable == "true" and pushLib.checkPushSubscribed(username) == 1): pushLib.schedulePush(dataDict) return (1)
def deleteTask(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() taskId = dataDict["id"] if (authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) != 1): return (0) db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND id = %s" c.execute(command, [username, taskId]) db.commit() db.close() pushLib.completePush(username, taskId) return (1)
def createCustomer(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"] if (authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) == 0): return (0) if (authLib.checkIfPremium(username) == 1): return (2) stripe.api_key = getKey() token = dataDict["token"] email = dataDict["email"] try: customer = stripe.Customer.create(description="New Customer", email=email, source=token) customerId = customer["id"] subscription = subscribeCustomer(customerId, username) except stripe.error.CardError as e: body = e.json_body err = body["error"] print(err) print("HTTP status is: " + str(e.http_status)) print("Type is: " + str(err["type"])) print("Code is: " + str(err["code"])) print("Message is: " + str(err["message"])) print("Param is: " + str(err["param"])) print("Attempting to delete unusable customer") try: customer.delete() print("Customer deleted successfully") except: print( "Customer delete failed, as customer creation failed earlier") return (err["message"]) except: return (4) db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() subId = subscription["id"] command = "INSERT INTO stripe (stripeId, email, username, subId) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);" c.execute(command, [customerId, email, username, subId]) db.commit() db.close() authLib.upgradeToPremium(username) taskLib.notifyUser( username, "Thanks for Subscribing!", "Premium features like archive and push notifications are now available, look for them in the menu" ) return (1)
def editTask(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"] authCode = dataDict["authCode"] title = dataDict["title"].strip() dueTime = str(dataDict["dueTime"]) taskId = str(dataDict["id"]) text = dataDict["description"].strip() tags = dataDict["tags"] hoursBefore = int(dataDict["hoursBefore"]) recurring = dataDict["recurring"] if (pushLib.checkPushSubscribed(username)): pushable = dataDict["pushable"] else: pushable = "false" tagString = "" for tag in tags.split(","): if (tag == ""): continue tagString += tag.strip() + "," tagString = tagString[:-1] if (authLib.checkAuthCode({ "username": username, "authCode": authCode }) != 1): return (0) if (dataDict["recurring"] not in [ "false", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly" ]): return (2) if (dataDict["recurring"] != "false" and authLib.checkIfPremium(username) != 1): return (3) db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "UPDATE tasks SET title = %s, text = %s, dueTime = %s, tags = %s, done = %s, pushScheduled = %s, notificationHours = %s, recurring = %s WHERE BINARY username = %s AND id = %s" c.execute(command, [ title, text, dueTime, tagString, "false", pushable, hoursBefore, recurring, username, taskId ]) db.commit() db.close() if (pushable == "true" and pushLib.checkPushSubscribed(username)): pushLib.schedulePush(dataDict) else: pushLib.completePush(username, taskId) return (1)
def addSub(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() if (authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) != 1): return (0) if (authLib.checkIfPremium(username) == 0): return (3) subInfo = dataDict["subInfo"] db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "INSERT INTO pushInfo (username, subString, lastReturn) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);" c.execute(command, [username, subInfo, "201"]) command = "UPDATE users SET sendPushes = %s WHERE BINARY username = %s;" c.execute(command, ["true", username]) db.commit() db.close() return (1)
def handlePostRequest(dataDict): returnCode = 0 for key in dataDict: dataDict[key] = dataDict[key].encode("utf-8") method = dataDict["method"] if (method == "login"): returnCode = authLib.createAuthCode(dataDict["username"], dataDict["userPass"]) if (method == "createUser"): returnCode = authLib.createUser(dataDict) if (method == "authUser"): returnCode = authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) if (method == "addTask"): returnCode = taskLib.addTask(dataDict) if (method == "completeTask"): returnCode = taskLib.completeTask(dataDict) if (method == "getAll"): returnCode = getLib.getAll(dataDict) if (method == "editTask"): returnCode = taskLib.editTask(dataDict) if (method == "getTagged"): returnCode = getLib.getTagged(dataDict) if (method == "search"): returnCode = if (method == "dateSearch"): returnCode = getLib.dateSearch(dataDict) if (method == "getTaskDates"): returnCode = getLib.getTaskDates(dataDict) if (method == "deleteTask"): returnCode = taskLib.deleteTask(dataDict) if (method == "changePass"): returnCode = authLib.changePass(dataDict) if (method == "updateSub"): returnCode = pushLib.addSub(dataDict) if (method == "createCustomer"): returnCode = stripeLib.createCustomer(dataDict) if (method == "checkPremium"): returnCode = authLib.clientCheckIfPremium(dataDict) if (method == "clientDeleteCustomer"): returnCode = stripeLib.clientDeleteCustomer(dataDict) if (method == "updatePushable"): returnCode = taskLib.updatePushable(dataDict) return (returnCode)
def getTaskDates(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() sort = dataDict["sort"] month = int(dataDict["month"]) year = int(dataDict["year"]) auth = authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) if (auth != 1): return (0) db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "SELECT dueTime FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND BINARY done != %s" c.execute(command, [username, "true"]) tasks = c.fetchall() tasks = list(tasks) returnString = str(month) + ";" for task in tasks: dueTime = task[0] dueTimeString = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time.gmtime(dueTime)) returnString += (dueTimeString + ",") db.close() returnString += ";" + str(year) return (returnString)
def getTagged(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() searchTag = dataDict["tag"].strip() sort = dataDict["sort"] auth = authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) timeOffset = float(dataDict["timeOffset"]) if (auth != 1): return (0) returnString = "" db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND BINARY done != %s" c.execute(command, [username, "true"]) tasks = c.fetchall() tasks = list(tasks) for task in tasks: for item in task: if (type(item) == StringType): item = item.decode("utf-8") if (len(tasks) == 0): return (2) if (sort == "default"): tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]) infoString = "<div class='task' id='infoHeader' style='height:auto;width:auto;'><h2 class='taskTitle'>Tasks tagged with \"" + searchTag + "\" :</h2></div>" returnString += infoString for task in tasks: taskId = str(task[0]) username = task[1] createTime = float(task[2]) dueTime = float(task[3]) text = task[4] title = task[6] tags = task[7] pushable = task[8] recurring = task[10] if (recurring == "false"): recurringString = "" else: recurringString = " <i class='fa fa-repeat' aria-hidden='true'></i>(" + recurring.title( ) + ")" if ("'" in title): title = title.replace("'", "'") if ("'" in text): text = text.replace("'", "'") if (searchTag not in tags.split(",")): continue if (task[5] == "true"): continue timeString = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", time.gmtime(dueTime - timeOffset)) dateSearchList = time.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y", time.gmtime(dueTime - float(timeOffset))).split("/") dateSearchList[1] = str(int(dateSearchList[1]) - 1) returnString += "<div class='task' id='" + taskId + "'><h2 class='taskTitle' onclick='openEdit(" + taskId + ");'>" + title + "</h2>" if (text != ""): returnString += "<div class='taskBody'>" + text + "</div>" else: returnString += "<div class='taskBody'><span class='italic'>No details</span></div>" returnString += "<div class='tagAndDueTimeWrapper'><div class='dueTime' onclick='dateSearch(" + dateSearchList[ 0] + "," + dateSearchList[1] + "," + dateSearchList[ 2] + ");'>" + timeString + recurringString returnString += "</div>" returnString += "<div class='taskTags'>" if (len(tags) < 1): returnString += "<span class='noTaskTag'><span class='italic'>No tags</span></span>" for tag in tags.split(","): if (tag == ""): continue returnString += "<span class='taskTag' onclick='getTagged(\"" + tag + "\");'>" + tag + "</span>" returnString += "</div></div>" if (pushable == "true"): returnString += "<button type='button' class='notificationToggle' onclick='updatePushable(" + taskId + ",\"true\");'><i class='fa fa-bell' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" else: returnString += "<button type='button' class='notificationToggle' onclick='updatePushable(" + taskId + ",\"false\");'><i class='fa fa-bell-o' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" returnString += "<button type='button' class='archiveButton' onclick='completeTaskPost(" + taskId + ");'><i class='fa fa-check-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" returnString += "</div>" if (returnString == infoString): return (2) returnString += "<div class='task' id='infoFooter' style='height:auto;'><input type='button' id='archiveButton' onclick='getAll();' value='Go Back'></div>" return (returnString)
def getAll(dataDict): username = dataDict["username"].strip() authCode = dataDict["authCode"].strip() sort = dataDict["sort"] doneFlag = dataDict["archived"] timeOffset = dataDict["timeOffset"] if (doneFlag == "true" and authLib.checkIfPremium(username) == 0): return (3) if (doneFlag == "false"): buttonText = "<i class='fa fa-check-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>" buttonVal = "class='archiveButton'" onClick = "completeTaskPost" if (doneFlag == "true"): buttonText = "<i class='fa fa-reply' aria-hidden='true'></i>" buttonVal = "class='restoreButton'" onClick = "restoreTaskPost" auth = authLib.checkAuthCode(dataDict) if (auth != 1): return (0) returnString = "" db = authLib.dbCon() c = db.cursor() command = "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE BINARY username = %s AND BINARY done = %s" c.execute(command, [username, doneFlag]) tasks = c.fetchall() tasks = list(tasks) if (len(tasks) == 0): return (2) if (sort == "default"): tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]) if (sort == "createTime"): tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) if (doneFlag == "true"): returnString += "<div class='task' style='height:auto;' id='infoHeader'><h2 style='margin:auto;'>Archived Tasks:</h2></div>" for task in tasks: # print(task) taskId = str(task[0]) username = task[1] createTime = float(task[2]) dueTime = float(task[3]) text = task[4] title = task[6] tags = task[7] pushable = task[8] recurring = task[10] if (recurring == "false"): recurringString = "" else: recurringString = " <i class='fa fa-repeat' aria-hidden='true'></i>(" + recurring.title( ) + ")" if ("'" in title): title = title.replace("'", "'") if ("'" in text): text = text.replace("'", "'") timeString = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", time.gmtime(dueTime - float(timeOffset))) dateSearchList = time.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y", time.gmtime(dueTime - float(timeOffset))).split("/") dateSearchList[1] = str(int(dateSearchList[1]) - 1) returnString += "<div class='task' id='" + taskId + "'><h2 class='taskTitle' onclick='openEdit(" + taskId + ");'>" + title + "</h2>" if (text != ""): returnString += "<div class='taskBody'>" + text + "</div>" else: returnString += "<div class='taskBody'><span class='italic'>No details</span></div>" returnString += "<div class='tagAndDueTimeWrapper'><div class='dueTime' onclick='dateSearch(" + dateSearchList[ 0] + "," + dateSearchList[1] + "," + dateSearchList[ 2] + ");'>" + timeString + recurringString returnString += "</div>" returnString += "<div class='taskTags'>" if (len(tags) < 1): returnString += "<span class='noTaskTag'><span class='italic'>No tags</span></span>" for tag in tags.split(","): if (tag == ""): continue returnString += "<span class='taskTag' onclick='getTagged(\"" + tag + "\");'>" + tag + "</span>" returnString += "</div></div>" returnString += "<button type='button' " + buttonVal + " onclick='" + onClick + "(" + taskId + ");'>" + buttonText + "</button>" if (doneFlag == "true"): returnString += "<button type='button' class='deleteButton' onclick='deleteTask(" + taskId + ");'><i class='fa fa-times' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" else: if (pushable == "true"): returnString += "<button type='button' class='notificationToggle' onclick='updatePushable(" + taskId + ",\"true\");'><i class='fa fa-bell' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" else: returnString += "<button type='button' class='notificationToggle' onclick='updatePushable(" + taskId + ",\"false\");'><i class='fa fa-bell-o' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>" returnString += "</div>" if (doneFlag == "true"): returnString += "<div class='task' id='infoFooter' style='height:auto;'><input type='button' id='archiveButton' onclick='getAll();' value='Go Back'></div>" return (returnString)