Example #1
def get_attributes(user, definitions=None, source=None, **kwargs):
        Return attributes dictionnary

        Dictionnary format:
        attributes = dict()
        data_from_source = list()
        a1 = dict()
                a1['oid'] = definition_name
                a1['definition'] = definition_name
                    definition may be the definition name like 'gn'
                    or an alias like 'givenName'
                a1['name'] = attribute_name_in_ns
                a1['namespace'] = ns_name
        a1['values'] = list_of_values
        attributes[source_name] = data_from_source

        First attempt on 'definition' key.
        Else, definition is searched by 'name' and 'namespece' keys.
    if not user:
        logger.error('get_attributes: No user provided')
        return None
    logger.debug('get_attributes: Searching attributes for user %s' \
        % user)

    from authentic2.attribute_aggregator.models import LdapSource
    sources = None
    if source:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The required source is %s' % source)
            sources = [source.ldapsource]
            logger.debug('get_attributes: The source is an LDAP source!')
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                The required source is not a LDAP one')
            return None
        sources = LdapSource.objects.all()
    if not sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: No LDAP source configured')
        return None

    attributes = dict()

    for source in sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The LDAP source is known as %s' \
            % source.name)

        identifier = None
            Check if the user is authenticated by LDAP.
            If it is, grab the user dn from the LDAPUser object
            from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend
            backend = LDAPBackend()
            u = backend.get_user(user.id)
            dn = u.ldap_user.dn
            if not dn:
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    User not logged with LDAP')
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    User logged with dn %s' % dn)
                '''is it logged in that source?'''
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    Is the user logged with the source %s?' % source.name)
                    l = ldap.open(source.server)
                    l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
                    username = source.user
                    password = source.password
                    if username and password:
                        l.simple_bind(username, password)
                    ldap_result_id = \
                        l.search(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
                    result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
                    logger.debug('get_attributes: Yes it is, result %s %s' \
                        % (result_type, result_data))
                    identifier = dn
                except ldap.LDAPError, err:
                    logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                        User dn %s unknown in %s or error %s' \
                            % (dn, source.name, str(err)))
        except Exception, err:
            logger.error('get_attributes: \
                Error working with the LDAP backend %s' % str(err))
        if not identifier:
            identifier = get_user_alias_in_source(user, source)
        if not identifier:
            logger.error('get_attributes: \
                No user identifier known into that source')
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                the user is known as %s in source %s' \
                % (identifier, source.name))

                l = ldap.open(source.server)
                l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
                username = source.user
                password = source.password
                if username and password:
                    l.simple_bind(username, password)
            except ldap.LDAPError, err:
                logger.error('get_attributes: \
                    an error occured at binding due to %s' % err)
Example #2
def get_attributes(user, definitions=None, source=None, auth_source=False, **kwargs):
        Return attributes dictionnary

        Dictionnary format:
        attributes = dict()
        data_from_source = list()
        a1 = dict()
                a1['oid'] = definition_name
                a1['definition'] = definition_name
                    definition may be the definition name like 'gn'
                    or an alias like 'givenName'
                a1['name'] = attribute_name_in_ns
                a1['namespace'] = ns_name
        a1['values'] = list_of_values
        attributes[source_name] = data_from_source

        First attempt on 'definition' key.
        Else, definition is searched by 'name' and 'namespece' keys.
    if not user:
        logger.error('get_attributes: No user provided')
        return None
    logger.debug('get_attributes: Searching attributes for user %s' \
        % user)

    from authentic2.attribute_aggregator.models import LdapSource
    sources = None
    if source and not auth_source:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The required source is %s' % source)
            sources = [source.ldapsource]
            logger.debug('get_attributes: The source is an LDAP source!')
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                The required source is not a LDAP one')
            return None
        sources = LdapSource.objects.all()
    if not sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: No LDAP source configured')
        return None

    attributes = dict()

    for source in sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The LDAP source is known as %s' \
            % source.name)
            Check if the user is authenticated by LDAP.
            If it is, grab the user dn from the LDAPUser object

            We support our LDAP backend and django_auth_ldap.
            The way to grab the dn from the session is different.

            Check also if the source we have to grab attributes from is the
            ldap used as backend. Else, the dn in session is not for that LDAP

            If we only want attributs from the authn backend, if the ldap
            source is not the used for authn, stop process.
        dn = None
        is_source_backend = False
        source_url = source.get_url()
            from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend
            dn = LDAPBackend().get_user(user.id).ldap_user.dn
            # Only a single ldap can be used as backend with django_auth_ldap
            back_url = settings.AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI
            if back_url == source_url:
                is_source_backend = True
        if not dn and getattr(user, 'backend_id') and \
            back_url, dn = user.backend_id.split('!', 1)
            if back_url == source_url:
                is_source_backend = True
        if auth_source and not is_source_backend:
            logger.debug('get_attributes: only attributes from backend and '
                'this source is not, see next')
        if not dn:
            dn = get_user_alias_in_source(user, source)
        if not dn:
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                No user identifier known into that source %s' % source.name)

        logger.debug('get_attributes: \
            the user is known as %s in source %s' \
            % (dn, source.name))

            l = ldap.open(source.server, port=source.port)
            l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
            username = source.user
            password = source.password
            if username and password:
                l.simple_bind(username, password)
        except ldap.LDAPError, err:
            logger.error('get_attributes: \
                an error occured at binding due to %s' % err)
                No seach of user with the scope, only exact dn
#                base_dn = source.base
#                search_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
            search_scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
            retrieve_attributes = None
            if definitions:
                #The definition name is the ldap attribute name
                logger.debug('get_attributes: attributes requested \
                    are %s' % definitions)
                retrieve_attributes = \
                    [d.encode('utf-8') for d in definitions]
#                dn = ldap.dn.explode_dn(identifier,
#                    flags=ldap.DN_FORMAT_LDAPV3)
#                search_filter = dn[0]
#                logger.debug('get_attributes: rdn is %s' % search_filter)

            data = []
#                    ldap_result_id = l.search(base_dn, search_scope,
#                        search_filter, retrieve_attributes)
                ldap_result_id = l.search(dn, search_scope,
                result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
                logger.debug('get_attributes: result %s %s' \
                    % (result_type, result_data))
                for d, dic in result_data:
                    logger.debug('get_attributes: found %s' % d)
                    if d == dn:
                        logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                            Attributes are %s' % dic)
                        for key in dic.keys():
                            attr = {}
                            attr['definition'] = key
                            attr['values'] = [\
                                a.decode('utf-8') for a in dic[key]]
            except ldap.LDAPError, err:
                logger.error('get_attributes: \
                    an error occured at searching due to %s' % err)
Example #3
def get_attributes(user, definitions=None, source=None, **kwargs):
        Return attributes dictionnary

        Dictionnary format:
        attributes = dict()
        data_from_source = list()
        a1 = dict()
                a1['oid'] = definition_name
                a1['definition'] = definition_name
                    definition may be the definition name like 'gn'
                    or an alias like 'givenName'
                a1['name'] = attribute_name_in_ns
                a1['namespace'] = ns_name
        a1['values'] = list_of_values
        attributes[source_name] = data_from_source

        First attempt on 'definition' key.
        Else, definition is searched by 'name' and 'namespece' keys.
    if not user:
        logger.error('get_attributes: No user provided')
        return None
    logger.debug('get_attributes: Searching attributes for user %s' \
        % user)

    from authentic2.attribute_aggregator.models import LdapSource
    sources = None
    if source:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The required source is %s' % source)
            sources = [source.ldapsource]
            logger.debug('get_attributes: The source is an LDAP source!')
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                The required source is not a LDAP one')
            return None
        sources = LdapSource.objects.all()
    if not sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: No LDAP source configured')
        return None

    attributes = dict()

    for source in sources:
        logger.debug('get_attributes: The LDAP source is known as %s' \
            % source.name)

        identifier = None
            Check if the user is authenticated by LDAP.
            If it is, grab the user dn from the LDAPUser object
            from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend
            backend = LDAPBackend()
            u = backend.get_user(user.id)
            dn = u.ldap_user.dn
            if not dn:
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    User not logged with LDAP')
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    User logged with dn %s' % dn)
                '''is it logged in that source?'''
                logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                    Is the user logged with the source %s?' % source.name)
                    l = ldap.open(source.server)
                    l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
                    username = source.user
                    password = source.password
                    if username and password:
                        l.simple_bind(username, password)
                    ldap_result_id = \
                        l.search(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
                    result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
                    logger.debug('get_attributes: Yes it is, result %s %s' \
                        % (result_type, result_data))
                    identifier = dn
                except ldap.LDAPError, err:
                    logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                        User dn %s unknown in %s or error %s' \
                            % (dn, source.name, str(err)))
        except Exception, err:
            logger.error('get_attributes: \
                Error working with the LDAP backend %s' %str(err))
        if not identifier:
            identifier = get_user_alias_in_source(user, source)
        if not identifier:
            logger.error('get_attributes: \
                No user identifier known into that source')
            logger.debug('get_attributes: \
                the user is known as %s in source %s' \
                % (identifier, source.name))

                l = ldap.open(source.server)
                l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
                username = source.user
                password = source.password
                if username and password:
                    l.simple_bind(username, password)
            except ldap.LDAPError, err:
                logger.error('get_attributes: \
                    an error occured at binding due to %s' % err)