def _fetch(self, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body='', max_redirects=5, content_parser=None): """ Fetches a URL. :param str url: The URL to fetch. :param str method: HTTP method of the request. :param dict params: Dictionary of request parameters. :param dict headers: HTTP headers of the request. :param str body: Body of ``POST``, ``PUT`` and ``PATCH`` requests. :param int max_redirects: Number of maximum HTTP redirects to follow. :param function content_parser: A callable to be used to parse the :attr:`` from :attr:`.Response.content`. """ params = params or {} params.update(self.access_params) headers = headers or {} headers.update(self.access_headers) scheme, host, path, query, fragment = parse.urlsplit(url) body = parse.parse_qsl(body) query = parse.urlencode(params) if method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'): if not body: body = params query = '' headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) elif method in ('GET'): body = [] print(path, query) request_path = parse.urlunsplit(('', '', path or '', query or '', '')) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 host: {0}'.format(host)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 path: {0}'.format(request_path)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 method: {0}'.format(method)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 body: {0}'.format(str(body))) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 params: {0}'.format(params)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format(headers)) # Connect try: url = parse.urlunsplit((scheme.lower(), host, request_path, '', '')) response = yield from aiohttp.request(method, url, data=body, headers=headers) response.page_content = yield from except Exception as e: raise FetchError('Could not connect!', original_message=e.args[0], url=url) location = response.headers.get('Location') if response.status in (300, 301, 302, 303, 307) and location: if location == url: raise FetchError('Url redirects to itself!', url=location, status=response.status) elif max_redirects > 0: remaining_redirects = max_redirects - 1 self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Redirecting to {0}'.format(url)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Remaining redirects: '.format(remaining_redirects)) # Call this method again. response = self._fetch(url=location, params=params, method=method, headers=headers, max_redirects=remaining_redirects) else: raise FetchError('Max redirects reached!', url=location, status=response.status) else: self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Got response:') self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 url: {0}'.format(url)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u251C\u2500 status: {0}'.format(response.status)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, ' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format(list(response.headers.items()))) return authomatic.core.Response(response, content_parser)
def _fetch(cls, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body='', max_redirects=5, content_parser=None): """ Fetches a URL. :param str url: The URL to fetch. :param str method: HTTP method of the request. :param dict params: Dictionary of request parameters. :param dict headers: HTTP headers of the request. :param str body: Body of ``POST``, ``PUT`` and ``PATCH`` requests. :param int max_redirects: Number of maximum HTTP redirects to follow. :param function content_parser: A callable to be used to parse the :attr:`` from :attr:`.Response.content`. """ params = params or {} headers = headers or {} scheme, host, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url) query = urllib.urlencode(params) if method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'): if not body: # Put querystring to body body = query query = None headers.update( {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) request_path = urlparse.urlunsplit((None, None, path, query, None)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 host: {}'.format(host)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 path: {}'.format(request_path)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 method: {}'.format(method)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 body: {}'.format(body)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 params: {}'.format(params)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {}'.format(headers)) # Connect if scheme.lower() == 'https': connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) try: connection.request(method, request_path, body, headers) except Exception as e: raise FetchError('Could not connect!', original_message=e.message, url=request_path) response = connection.getresponse() location = response.getheader('Location') if response.status in (300, 301, 302, 303, 307) and location: if location == url: raise FetchError('Url redirects to itself!', url=location, status=response.status) elif max_redirects > 0: remaining_redirects = max_redirects - 1 cls._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Redirecting to {}'.format(url)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Remaining redirects: '.format(remaining_redirects)) # Call this method again. response = cls._fetch(url=location, params=params, method=method, headers=headers, max_redirects=remaining_redirects) else: raise FetchError('Max redirects reached!', url=location, status=response.status) else: cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u'Got response:') cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 url: {}'.format(url)) cls._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 status: {}'.format(response.status)) cls._log( logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {}'.format(response.getheaders())) return authomatic.core.Response(response, content_parser)
def custom_fetch(self, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body='', max_redirects=5, content_parser=None): # NOQA params = params or {} params.update(self.access_params) headers = headers or {} headers.update(self.access_headers) scheme, host, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url) query = urllib.urlencode(params) if method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'): if not body: # Put querystring to body body = query query = None headers.update( {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) request_path = urlparse.urlunsplit((None, None, path, query, None)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 host: {0}'.format(host)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 path: {0}'.format(request_path)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 method: {0}'.format(method)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 body: {0}'.format(body)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 params: {0}'.format(params)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format(headers)) # Connect proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy', None) if proxy is None: if scheme.lower() == 'https': connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) else: proxy_scheme, proxy_host, proxy_path, _, _ = urlparse.urlsplit(proxy) proxy_host, proxy_port = proxy_host.split(':') self._log( logging.INFO, u'Using proxy on %s://%s:%s' % (proxy_scheme, proxy_host, proxy_port)) if proxy_scheme.lower() == 'https': connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(proxy_host, proxy_port) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(proxy_host, proxy_port) request_path = "%s://%s" % (scheme, (join(host.rstrip('/'), request_path.lstrip('/')))) try: connection.request(method, request_path, body, headers) except Exception as e: raise FetchError('Could not connect!', original_message=e.message, url=request_path) response = connection.getresponse() location = response.getheader('Location') if response.status in (300, 301, 302, 303, 307) and location: if location == url: raise FetchError('Url redirects to itself!', url=location, status=response.status) elif max_redirects > 0: remaining_redirects = max_redirects - 1 self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Redirecting to {0}'.format(url)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'Remaining redirects: {0}'.format(remaining_redirects)) # Call this method again. response = self._fetch(url=location, params=params, method=method, headers=headers, max_redirects=remaining_redirects) else: raise FetchError('Max redirects reached!', url=location, status=response.status) else: self._log(logging.DEBUG, u'Got response:') self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 url: {0}'.format(url)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 status: {0}'.format(response.status)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format(response.getheaders())) return authomatic.core.Response(response, content_parser)