Example #1
class Model(object):

    def __init__(self, layout):
        self.layout = layout
        startX = layout.getStartX()
        startY = layout.getStartY()
        startDirName = layout.getJuniorDir()
        self.junior = AutoDriver()
            Vec2d(startX, startY), 
            Vec2d(0, 0)
        self.cars = [self.junior]
        self.otherCars = []
        self.finish = Block(layout.getFinish())

        agentComm = AgentCommunication()
        agentGraph = layout.getAgentGraph()
        for _ in range(Const.NUM_AGENTS):
            startNode = self._getStartNode(agentGraph)
            other = Agent(startNode, layout.getAgentGraph(), self, agentComm)
        self.observations = []
        self.modelLock = threading.Lock()
        self.probCarSet = False
    def _initBlocks(self, layout):
        self.blocks = []
        for blockData in layout.getBlockData():
            block = Block(blockData)
    def _initIntersections(self, layout):
        self.intersections = []
        for blockData in layout.getIntersectionNodes():
            block = Block(blockData)
    def _getStartNode(self, agentGraph):
        while True:
            node = agentGraph.getRandomNode()
            pos = node.getPos()
            alreadyChosen = False
            for car in self.otherCars:
                if car.getPos() == pos:
                    alreadyChosen = True
            if not alreadyChosen: 
                return node
    def checkVictory(self):
        bounds = self.junior.getBounds()
        for point in bounds:
            if self.finish.containsPoint(point.x, point.y): return True
        return False
    def checkCollision(self, car):
        bounds = car.getBounds()
        # check for collision with fixed obstacles
        for point in bounds:
            if not self.inBounds(point.x, point.y): return True
        # check for collision with other cars
        for other in self.cars:
            if other == car: continue
            if other.collides(car.getPos(), bounds): return True
        return False
    def getIntersection(self, x, y):
        for intersection in self.intersections:
            if intersection.containsPoint(x, y): return intersection
        return None
    def inIntersection(self, x, y):
        return self.getIntersection(x, y) != None
    def inBounds(self, x, y):
        if x < 0 or x >= self.getWidth(): return False
        if y < 0 or y >= self.getHeight(): return False
        for block in self.blocks:
            if block.containsPoint(x, y): return False
        return True
    def getWidth(self):
        return self.layout.getWidth()
    def getHeight(self):
        return self.layout.getHeight()
    def getBeliefRows(self):
        return self.layout.getBeliefRows()
    def getBeliefCols(self):
        return self.layout.getBeliefCols()
    def getBlocks(self):
        return self.blocks
    def getFinish(self):
        return self.finish
    def getCars(self):
        return self.cars
    def getOtherCars(self):
        return self.otherCars
    def getJunior(self):
        return self.junior
    def getAgentGraph(self):
        return self.layout.getAgentGraph()
    def getJuniorGraph(self):
        return self.layout.getJuniorGraph()
    def setProbCar(self, beliefs):
        total = util.Belief(self.getBeliefRows(), self.getBeliefCols(), 0.0)
        for r in range(self.getBeliefRows()):
            for c in range(self.getBeliefCols()):
                pNot = 1.0
                for b in beliefs:
                    carP = b.getProb(r, c)
                    pNot *= (1.0 - carP)
                p = 1.0 - pNot
                total.setProb(r, c, p)
        self.probCar = total
        self.probCarSet = True
    def getProbCar(self):
        if not self.probCarSet: return None
        probCar = copy.deepcopy(self.probCar)
        return probCar
Example #2
class Model(object):
    def __init__(self, layout):
        self.layout = layout
        startX = layout.getStartX()
        startY = layout.getStartY()
        startDirName = layout.getJuniorDir()
        self.junior = AutoDriver()
        self.junior.setup(Vec2d(startX, startY), startDirName, Vec2d(0, 0))
        self.cars = [self.junior]
        self.otherCars = []
        self.finish = Block(layout.getFinish())

        agentComm = AgentCommunication()
        agentGraph = layout.getAgentGraph()
        for _ in range(Const.NUM_AGENTS):
            startNode = self._getStartNode(agentGraph)
            other = Agent(startNode, layout.getAgentGraph(), self, agentComm)
        self.observations = []
        self.modelLock = threading.Lock()
        self.probCarSet = False

    def _initBlocks(self, layout):
        self.blocks = []
        for blockData in layout.getBlockData():
            block = Block(blockData)

    def _initIntersections(self, layout):
        self.intersections = []
        for blockData in layout.getIntersectionNodes():
            block = Block(blockData)

    def _getStartNode(self, agentGraph):
        while True:
            node = agentGraph.getRandomNode()
            pos = node.getPos()
            alreadyChosen = False
            for car in self.otherCars:
                if car.getPos() == pos:
                    alreadyChosen = True
            if not alreadyChosen:
                return node

    def checkVictory(self):
        bounds = self.junior.getBounds()
        for point in bounds:
            if self.finish.containsPoint(point.x, point.y): return True
        return False

    def checkCollision(self, car):
        bounds = car.getBounds()
        # check for collision with fixed obstacles
        for point in bounds:
            if not self.inBounds(point.x, point.y): return True

        # check for collision with other cars
        for other in self.cars:
            if other == car: continue
            if other.collides(car.getPos(), bounds): return True
        return False

    def getIntersection(self, x, y):
        for intersection in self.intersections:
            if intersection.containsPoint(x, y): return intersection
        return None

    def inIntersection(self, x, y):
        return self.getIntersection(x, y) != None

    def inBounds(self, x, y):
        if x < 0 or x >= self.getWidth(): return False
        if y < 0 or y >= self.getHeight(): return False
        for block in self.blocks:
            if block.containsPoint(x, y): return False
        return True

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.layout.getWidth()

    def getHeight(self):
        return self.layout.getHeight()

    def getBeliefRows(self):
        return self.layout.getBeliefRows()

    def getBeliefCols(self):
        return self.layout.getBeliefCols()

    def getBlocks(self):
        return self.blocks

    def getFinish(self):
        return self.finish

    def getCars(self):
        return self.cars

    def getOtherCars(self):
        return self.otherCars

    def getJunior(self):
        return self.junior

    def getAgentGraph(self):
        return self.layout.getAgentGraph()

    def getJuniorGraph(self):
        return self.layout.getJuniorGraph()

    def setProbCar(self, beliefs):
        total = util.Belief(self.getBeliefRows(), self.getBeliefCols(), 0.0)
        for r in range(self.getBeliefRows()):
            for c in range(self.getBeliefCols()):
                pNot = 1.0
                for b in beliefs:
                    carP = b.getProb(r, c)
                    pNot *= (1.0 - carP)
                p = 1.0 - pNot
                total.setProb(r, c, p)
        self.probCar = total
        self.probCarSet = True

    def getProbCar(self):
        if not self.probCarSet: return None
        probCar = copy.deepcopy(self.probCar)
        return probCar