Example #1
def infer_dh_parameter(last_frame, this_frame):

    last_z = geo.Line(k=last_frame.z, p=last_frame.o)

    this_z = geo.Line(k=this_frame.z, p=this_frame.o)

    alpha, a = geo.angle_distance(last_z, this_z, last_frame.x)

    last_x = geo.Line(k=last_frame.x, p=last_frame.o)
    this_x = geo.Line(k=this_frame.x, p=this_frame.o)

    theta, d = geo.angle_distance(last_x, this_x, this_frame.z)
    return DHRow(a=a, alpha=alpha, d=d, theta=theta)
Example #2
def absolute_axis(axes, frames):
    assert len(axes) == len(frames)
    ret = []
    for a, f in zip(axes, frames):
        line = ge.Line(k=np.matmul(f[:3, :3], a), p=f[:3, -1])
    return ret
Example #3
def infer_initial_frame(joints):

    p_ref, d_ref = search_reference_axis(joints)
    z = joints[0]
    # when all axis are the same
    if d_ref is None:
        dx = geo.pick_perpendicular_direction(z.k)
        return geo.Line(p=z.p, k=dx)

    dx = geo.common_normal(z, d_ref)

    if p_ref is None:
        origin = z.p
        cn = geo.common_normal(z, p_ref)
        origin = geo.common_normal_intersection(z, p_ref, cn)
    return geo.Line(p=origin, k=dx)
Example #4
def assign_dh_frame(last_x, this_z, next_z):

    # same line case
    if geo.same_line(this_z, next_z):
        return last_x

    dx = geo.common_normal(this_z, next_z)

    # intersect case, select dx has lesser angle with last-x
    if geo.coplanar(this_z, next_z):
        sign = np.sign(geo.cosine(dx, last_x.k))
        if sign != 0:
            dx = sign * dx

    # determine the origin
    if geo.parallel(this_z.k, next_z.k):
        origin = geo.planar_intersection(last_x, this_z)
        origin = geo.common_normal_intersection(this_z, next_z, dx)

    return geo.Line(p=origin, k=dx)