Example #1
def is_pos_def(A):
    """Check if matrix A is positive definite."""
        return True
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        return False
Example #2
def is_pd(K):
    from autograd.numpy.linalg import cholesky
        print('Matrix IS positive definite')
        return 1
        print('Matrix is NOT positive definite')
        return 0
Example #3
def qa_posterior_moments(m, K_ff, y, noise):
    B = cholesky(K_ff + 1e-7 * np.eye(K_ff.shape[0]))
    Sigma = inv(np.dot(B.T, B) + noise * np.eye(B.shape[0])) / noise

    mu = np.dot(Sigma, np.dot(B.T, (y - m).T))
    print(mu.shape, Sigma.shape, y.shape)
    return mu, Sigma
Example #4
def ensure_psd(mtx_list):
    ''' Checks the positive-definiteness (psd) of a list of matrix. 
    If a matrix is not psd it is replaced by a "similar" positive-definite matrix.
    mtx_list (list of 2d-array/3d-arrays): The list of matrices to check
    returns (list of 2d-array/3d-arrays): A list of matrices that are all psd.
    L = len(mtx_list)
    for l in range(L):
        for idx, X in enumerate(mtx_list[l]):
            except LinAlgError:
                mtx_list[l][idx] = make_positive_definite(make_symm(X), tol = 10E-5)
    return mtx_list
Example #5
def sample_gpp_multi(x, kernel='rbf', noise=1e-6):
    """ samples from the gp prior. x shape [N_data,1]"""
    covariance = kernel_dict[kernel]
    j = noise * np.eye(x.shape[0])
    K = covariance(x, x) + j[None, :]
    L = cholesky(K)
    e = rs.randn(x.shape[0])
    return np.dot(L, e)  # [ns, nd]
Example #6
    def gen_point_source_psf_image(pixel_grid, image, loc,
                                   psf_weights, psf_means, psf_covars):
        # use image PSF
        icovs = np.array([npla.inv(c) for c in psf_covars])
        dets  = np.array([npla.det(c) for c in psf_covars])
        chols = np.array([npla.cholesky(c) for c in psf_covars])

        return mog_like(pixel_grid, psf_means, icovs, dets, psf_weights)
Example #7
def sample_gpp(x, n_samples, kernel='rbf', noise=1e-10):
    """ samples from the gp prior. x shape [N_data,1]"""
    covariance = kernel_dict[kernel]
    K = covariance(x, x) + noise * np.eye(x.shape[0])
    #print(K[0],K[:,0], K.shape) ; exit()
    L = cholesky(K)
    e = rs.randn(n_samples, x.shape[0])
    return np.dot(e, L.T)  # [ns, nd]
Example #8
def informative_priors(centres, covs, K):
    a = np.ones(2) * (10**0.5)  # large alpha means pi values are ~=
    b = np.ones(2) * (
        1000**0.5)  # large beta keeps Gaussian from which mu is drawn small
    V = [inv(cholesky(covs[k])) / (1000**0.5) for k in range(K)]
    m = centres
    u = np.ones(2) * (1000) - 2
    return a, b, V, m, u
Example #9
def sample_normal(params, N_samples, full_cov=False):
    mean, cov = params
    if full_cov:
        jitter = 1e-7 * np.eye(mean.shape[0])
        L = cholesky(cov + jitter)
        e = rs.randn(N_samples, mean.shape[0])
        return np.dot(e, L) + mean
        return rs.randn(N_samples, mean.shape[0]) * cov + mean  # [ns, nw]
Example #10
 def sample_gpp(x, n_samples):
     """ Samples from the gp prior x = inputs with shape [N_data]
     returns : samples from the gp prior [N_data, N_samples] """
     x = np.ravel(x)
     n_data = len(x)
     K = covariance(x[:, None], x[:, None])
     L = cholesky(K + 1e-7 * np.eye(n_data))
     e = rs.randn(n_data, n_samples)
     return np.dot(L, e)
Example #11
 def sample_gp_prior(x, n_samples):
     """ Samples from the gp prior x = inputs with shape [N_data]
     returns : samples from the gp prior [N_samples, N_data] """
     x = np.ravel(x)
     n_data = len(x)
     K = covariance(x[:, None], x[:, None])
     L = cholesky(K + 1e-4 * np.eye(n_data))
     e = np.random.normal(size=(n_data, n_samples))
     f_gp_prior = np.dot(L, e)
     return f_gp_prior.T
Example #12
 def update_params(self, means, covs, pis):
     assert covs.shape[1] == covs.shape[2] == self.D
     assert self.K == covs.shape[0] == len(pis), "%d != %d != %d"%(self.K, covs.shape[0], len(pis))
     #assert np.isclose(np.sum(pis), 1.)
     self.means = means
     self.covs  = covs
     self.pis   = pis
     self.dets  = np.array([npla.det(c) for c in self.covs])
     self.icovs = np.array([npla.inv(c) for c in self.covs])
     self.chols = np.array([npla.cholesky(c) for c in self.covs])
    def log_gp_prior(y_bnn, x):
        """ computes: the expectation value of the log of the gp prior :
        E [ log p_gp(f) ] where p_gp(f) = N(f|0,K) where f ~ p_BNN(f)
        = -0.5 * E [ (L^-1f)^T(L^-1f) ] + const; K = LL^T (cholesky decomposition)
        (we ignore constants for now as we are not optimizing the covariance hyper-params)

        bnn_weights                   |  dim = [N_weights_samples, N_weights]
        K = covariance/Kernel matrix  |  dim = [N_data, N_data] ; dim L = dim K
        y_bnn output of a bnn         |  dim = [N_data, N_weights_samples]
        returns : E[log p_gp(y)]      |  dim = [N_function_samples] """

        K = covariance(x, x)+noise_var*np.eye(len(x))   # shape [N_data, N_data]
        L = cholesky(K)                                 # K = LL^T ; shape L = shape K
        a = solve(L, y_bnn)                             # a = L^-1 y_bnn ; shape L^-1 y_bnn =
        log_gp = -0.5*np.mean(a**2, axis=0)             # Compute E [a^2]
        return log_gp
Example #14
    def log_pdf(self, hyp):
        x = np.atleast_2d(self.inputs)
        y = np.atleast_2d(self.targets)

        n, D = x.shape
        n, E = y.shape

        hyp = hyp.reshape(E, -1)
        K = self.kernel(hyp, x)  # [E, n, n]
        L = cholesky(K)
        alpha = np.hstack([solve(K[i], y[:, i]) for i in range(E)])
        y = y.flatten(order='F')

        logp = 0.5 * n * E * log(2 * np.pi) + 0.5 * np.dot(y, alpha) + np.sum(
            [log(np.diag(L[i])) for i in range(E)])

        return logp
Example #15
    def log_gp_prior(f_bnn, x, t):
        """ computes: the expectation value of the log of the gp prior :
        E_{X~p(X)} [log p_gp(f)] where p_gp(f) = N(f|0,K) where f ~ p_BNN(f)
        = -0.5 * E_{X~p(X)} [ (L^-1f)^T(L^-1f) ] + const; K = LL^T (cholesky decomposition)
        (we ignore constants for now as we are not optimizing the covariance hyperparams)

        bnn_weights                   |  dim = [N_weights_samples, N_weights]
        K = covariance/Kernel matrix  |  dim = [N_data, N_data] ; dim L = dim K
        f_bnn output of a bnn         |  dim = [N_data, N_weights_samples]
        returns : E[log p_gp(f)]      |  dim = [N_function_samples] """

        s = 1e-6 * np.eye(len(x))
        K = covariance(x, x) + s  # shape [N_data, N_data]
        L = cholesky(K) + s  # shape K = LL^T
        a = solve(L, f_bnn)  # shape = shape f_bnn (L^-1 f_bnn)
        log_gp = -0.5 * np.mean(a**2, axis=0)  # Compute E_{X~p(X)}
        return log_gp
Example #16
def compute_z_moments(w_s, eta_old, H_old, psi_old):
    ''' Compute the first moment and the variance of the latent variable 
    w_s (list of length s1): The path probabilities for all s in S1
    eta_old (list of nb_layers elements of shape (K_l x r_{l-1}, 1)): eta  
                        estimators of the previous iteration for each layer
    H_old (list of nb_layers elements of shape (K_l x r_l-1, r_l)): Lambda 
                        estimators of the previous iteration for each layer
    psi_old (list of nb_layers elements of shape (K_l x r_l-1, r_l-1)): Psi 
                        estimators of the previous iteration for each layer
    returns (tuple of length 2): E(z^{(l)}) and Var(z^{(l)})  

    k = [eta.shape[0] for eta in eta_old]
    L = len(eta_old)

    Ez = [[] for l in range(L)]
    AT = [[] for l in range(L)]

    w_reshaped = w_s.reshape(*k, order='C')

    for l in reversed(range(L)):
        # Compute E(z^{(l)})
        idx_to_sum = tuple(set(range(L)) - set([l]))

        wl = w_reshaped.sum(idx_to_sum)[..., n_axis, n_axis]
        Ezl = (wl * eta_old[l]).sum(0, keepdims=True)
        Ez[l] = Ezl

        etaTeta = eta_old[l] @ t(eta_old[l], (0, 2, 1))
        HlHlT = H_old[l] @ t(H_old[l], (0, 2, 1))

        E_zlzlT = (wl * (HlHlT + psi_old[l] + etaTeta)).sum(0, keepdims=True)
        var_zl = E_zlzlT - Ezl @ t(Ezl, (0, 2, 1))

            var_zl = ensure_psd([var_zl])[0]  # Numeric stability check
            raise RuntimeError('Var z1 was not psd')

        AT_l = cholesky(var_zl)
        AT[l] = AT_l

    return Ez, AT
Example #17
    def logevidence(self, params):
        kern_params, wnoise, mean_params = self.unpack_params(params,
        Kxx = self.build_Kxx(self.xt, self.xt, params, prior=True)

        L = cholesky(Kxx)
        iL = inv(L)
        inv_Kxx = iL.T @ iL
        if self.mean:
            mu = self.mean(self.xt, params)[None]  # D x T
            yc = (self.ykdt - mu).reshape([self.k, -1])
            yc = self.ykt_

        logdet = self.k * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) * 2
        ll = -1 / 2 * np.sum(
            (yc @ inv_Kxx) * yc) - 1 / 2 * logdet - self.k / 2 * np.log(
                2 * np.pi) * self.t * self.d
        # lp = mvn.logpdf(yc, yc[0].squeeze()*0, Kxx).sum() # check marg-log-likelihood
        return ll.sum()
Example #18
    def gen_prof_mog_params(image, loc,
                            gal_sig, gal_rho, gal_phi,
                            psf_weights, psf_means, psf_covars,
                            prof_amp, prof_sig):

        v_s = image.equa2pixel(loc)
        R = galaxies.gen_galaxy_transformation(gal_sig, gal_rho, gal_phi)
        W = np.dot(R, R.T)
        K_psf  = psf_weights.shape[0]
        K_prof = prof_amp.shape[0]

        # compute MOG components
        num_components = K_psf * K_prof
        weights = np.zeros(num_components, dtype=np.float)
        means   = np.zeros((num_components, 2), dtype=np.float)
        covars  = np.zeros((num_components, 2, 2), dtype=np.float)
        cnt     = 0
        for k in range(K_psf):                              # num PSF Componenets
            for j in range(K_prof):                         # galaxy type components
                ## compute weights and component mean/variances
                weights[cnt] = psf_weights[k] * prof_amp[j]

                ## compute means
                means[cnt,0] = v_s[0] + psf_means[k, 0]
                means[cnt,1] = v_s[1] + psf_means[k, 1]

                ## compute covariance matrices
                for ii in range(2):
                    for jj in range(2):
                        covars[cnt, ii, jj] = psf_covars[k, ii, jj] + \
                                              prof_sig[j] * W[ii, jj]

                # increment index
                cnt += 1

        icovs = np.array([npla.inv(c) for c in covars])
        dets  = np.array([npla.det(c) for c in covars])
        chols = np.array([npla.cholesky(c) for c in covars])
        return means, covars, icovs, dets, chols, weights
def jitchol(mat, jitter=0):
    """Run Cholesky decomposition with an increasing jitter,
    until the jitter becomes too large.

    mat : (m, m) np.ndarray
        Positive-definite matrix
    jitter : float
        Initial jitter
        chol = cholesky(mat)
        return chol
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        new_jitter = jitter*10.0 if jitter > 0.0 else 1e-15
        if new_jitter > 1.0:
            raise RuntimeError('Matrix not positive definite even with jitter')
            'Matrix not positive-definite, adding jitter {:e}'
        return jitchol(mat + new_jitter * np.eye(mat.shape[-1]), new_jitter)
Example #20
def log_gp_prior(y_bnn, K):  # [nf, nd] [nd, nd]
    """ computes: log p_gp(f), f ~ p_BNN(f) """
    L = cholesky(K)
    a = solve(L, y_bnn.T)  # a = L^-1 y_bnn  [nf, nd]
    return -0.5 * np.mean(a**2, axis=0)  # [nf]
Example #21
def plot_gp_posterior(x, xtest, y, s=1e-4, samples=10, title="", plot='gp'):
    N = len(x)
    n = len(xtest)
    K = covariance(x, x) + s * np.eye(N)
    L = cholesky(K)

    # compute the mean at our test points.
    Lk = solve(L, covariance(x, xtest))
    mu = np.dot(Lk.T, solve(L, y))

    # compute the variance at our test points.
    K_ = covariance(xtest, xtest)
    var = np.diag(K_) - np.sum(Lk**2, axis=0)
    std = np.sqrt(var)

    # draw samples from the prior at our test points.
    L = cholesky(K_ + s * np.eye(n))
    f_prior = np.dot(L, np.random.normal(size=(n, samples)))

    L = cholesky(K_ + s * np.eye(n) - np.dot(Lk.T, Lk))
    f_post = mu + np.dot(L, np.random.normal(size=(n, samples)))

    # --------------------------PLOTTING--------------------------------

    fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    ax.plot(x, y, 'ko', ms=4)

    # Get critical values for the deciles
    lvls = 0.1 * np.linspace(1, 9, 9)
    alphas = 1 - 0.5 * lvls
    zs = norm.ppf(alphas)
    pal = pal_col[plot]
    cols = colors[plot]

    # plot samples, mean and deciles
    mean = np.mean(f_prior, axis=1)
    std = np.std(f_prior, axis=1)
    ax.plot(xtest, f_prior, sns.xkcd_rgb[sample_col[plot]], lw=1)

    ax.plot(xtest, mean, sns.xkcd_rgb[cols[0]], lw=1)
    print(xtest.shape, mean.shape, std.shape)
    for z, col in zip(zs, pal):
                        mean - z * std,
                        mean + z * std,

    plt.xlim([-8, 8])
    plt.savefig(title + "GP prior_draws.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

    std = np.sqrt(var)
    fig = plt.figure()
    bx = fig.add_subplot(111)

    bx.plot(x, y, 'ko', ms=4)
    # plot samples, mean and deciles
    bx.plot(xtest, f_post, sns.xkcd_rgb[sample_col[plot]], lw=1)
    # bx.plot(xtest, mu, sns.xkcd_rgb[cols[0]], lw=1)
    print(xtest.shape, mu.shape, std.shape)
    mu = mu.ravel()
    #for z, col in zip(zs, pal):
    #    bx.fill_between(xtest.ravel(), mu - z * std, mu + z * std, color=col)

    plt.xlim([-8, 8])
    plt.ylim([-2, 3])
    plt.savefig(title + "GP post_draws.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
Example #22
def sample_gpp(ker_params, x, n_samples):  # x shape [nd,1]
    K = covariance(ker_params, x, x) + 1e-7 * np.eye(x.shape[0])
    L = cholesky(K)
    e = rs.randn(n_samples, x.shape[0])
    return np.dot(e, L.T)  # [ns, nd]