Example #1
def get_trace_from_ws_and_Ks(eps, Ky, Kx, ws=None):
    Gy = center_K(Ky)
    Gx = center_K(Kx)
    N = len(Kx)
    #print 'ws', ws
    if ws is None:
        ws = np.ones(N)
#    pdb.set_trace()
    ans = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.diag(ws), Gy), np.linalg.inv(np.dot(np.diag(ws), Gx + float(N) * eps * np.eye(N)))))    
    return ans
Example #2
def KL_two_gaussians(params):
    d = np.shape(params)[0]-1
    mu = params[0:d,0]
    toSigma = params[0:d,1:d+1]
    intSigma = toSigma-np.diag(np.diag(toSigma))+np.diag(np.exp(np.diag(toSigma)))
    Sigma = intSigma-np.tril(intSigma)+np.transpose(np.triu(intSigma))
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    #print Sigma
    #print np.linalg.det(Sigma)
    return 1/2*(np.log(np.linalg.det(Sigma)/np.linalg.det(sigmaPrior))-d+np.trace(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),sigmaPrior))+np.dot(np.transpose(mu-muPrior),np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),mu-muPrior)))
Example #3
def test_make_diagonal():
    def fun(D):
        return to_scalar(np.make_diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))

    D = np.random.randn(4)
    A = np.make_diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
    assert np.allclose(np.diag(A), D)
    check_grads(fun, D)

    D = np.random.randn(3, 4)
    A = np.make_diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
    assert all([np.allclose(np.diag(A[i]), D[i]) for i in range(3)])
    check_grads(fun, D)
 def predict(params, xstar, with_noise = False, FITC = False):
     """Returns the predictive mean and covariance at locations xstar,
        of the latent function value f (without observation noise)."""
     mean, cov_params, noise_scale, x0, y0 = unpack_gp_params(params)
     cov_f_f = cov_func(cov_params, xstar, xstar)
     cov_y_f = cov_func(cov_params, x0, xstar)
     cov_y_y = cov_func(cov_params, x0, x0) + noise_scale * np.eye(len(y0))
     pred_mean = mean +   np.dot(solve(cov_y_y, cov_y_f).T, y0 - mean)
     pred_cov = cov_f_f - np.dot(solve(cov_y_y, cov_y_f).T, cov_y_f)
     if FITC:
         pred_cov = np.diag(np.diag(pred_cov))
     if with_noise:
         pred_cov = pred_cov + noise_scale*np.eye(len(xstar))
     return pred_mean, pred_cov
Example #5
    def loglikelihood(self, g, beta, mu_ivp, alpha, pi, priors):
        logprobs = []
        for i, ifx in enumerate(self._ifix):
            # get the logprobability for each mixture component
            ll = 0.
            zM = self._forward(g, beta, mu_ivp[i], ifx)
            for q, yq in enumerate(self.Y_train_):
                ll += norm.logpdf(
                    yq, zM[..., q], scale=1/np.sqrt(alpha)).sum()

            logprobs.append(ll + np.log(pi[i]))
        logprobs = np.array(logprobs)

        lpmax = max(logprobs)

        loglik = lpmax + np.log(np.exp(logprobs - lpmax).sum())

        Cg = self.latentforces[0].kernel(self.ttc[:, None])
        Cg[np.diag_indices_from(Cg)] += 1e-5
        Lg = np.linalg.cholesky(Cg)
        logprior = -0.5 * g.dot(cho_solve((Lg, True), g)) - \
                   np.log(np.diag(Lg)).sum() - \
                   Lg.shape[0] / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi)

        for vn, x in zip(['beta'], beta):
                prior_logpdf = priors[vn]
                logprior += prior_logpdf(x)
            except KeyError:

        return loglik + logprior
    def plot_single_gp(ax, params, layer, unit, plot_xs):
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)

        deep_map = create_deep_map(params)
        gp_details = deep_map[layer][unit]
        gp_params = pack_gp_params(gp_details)

        pred_mean, pred_cov = predict_layer_funcs[layer][unit](gp_params, plot_xs, with_noise = False, FITC = False)
        x0 = deep_map[layer][unit]['x0']
        y0 = deep_map[layer][unit]['y0']
        noise_scale = deep_map[layer][unit]['noise_scale']

        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        if n_samples_to_plot > 19:
            ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
            ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
            np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                           (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                           alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')

        # Show samples from posterior.
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov*(random), size=n_samples_to_plot)
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)
        ax.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
        #ax.errorbar(x0, y0, yerr = noise_scale, fmt='o')
Example #7
    def entropy(self, params):

        mu, sig = self.get_params(params)
        a = self.zlen*np.log(2*np.pi) + self.zlen
        b = 2*np.sum(np.log((np.diag(sig))))

        return 0.5*(a+b)
Example #8
def test_exact_log_det_vectorized():
    D = 10
    N = 7
    rs = npr.RandomState(0)
    mats = []
    exact_logdets = []
    for i in xrange(N):
        # Build N different functions, each multiplying against a different matrix.
        cur_mat = np.eye(D) - 0.1 * np.diag(rs.rand(D))
        cur_func = lambda v : np.dot(cur_mat, v)
        exact_logdets.append(exact_log_det_non_vectorized(cur_func, D))

    def mvp_vec(v):
        """Vectorized version takes in N vectors of length D, and multiples
        each v against the corresponding matrix in the list."""
        assert v.shape == (N, D), v.shape
        mvps = []
        for i in xrange(N):
            print "i:", i, v[i]
            mvps.append(np.dot(mats[i], v[i]))
        return fast_array_from_list(mvps)
    vec_logdets = exact_log_det(mvp_vec, D, N)

    assert np.all(vec_logdets == exact_logdets),\
        "vectorized: {} non-vectorized: {}".format(vec_logdets, exact_logdets)
Example #9
    def callback(params):
        print("Log likelihood {}".format(-objective(params)))

        # Show posterior marginals.
        plot_xs = np.reshape(np.linspace(-7, 7, 300), (300, 1))
        pred_mean, pred_cov = predict(params, X, y, plot_xs)
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
        ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
                    pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                    (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]

        # Show samples from posterior.
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov, size=10)
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)

        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
        plt.pause(1.0 / 60.0)
Example #10
    def test_multidim_array(self, s, tol):
        """Tests that arguments which are multidimensional arrays are
        properly evaluated and differentiated in QNodes."""

        multidim_array = np.reshape(b, s)
        def circuit(w):
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(0,s)], wires=0) # b[0]
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(1,s)], wires=1) # b[1]
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(2,s)], wires=2) # ...
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(3,s)], wires=3)
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(4,s)], wires=4)
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(5,s)], wires=5)
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(6,s)], wires=6)
            qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(7,s)], wires=7)
            return tuple(qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(idx)) for idx in range(len(b)))

        dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=8)
        circuit = qml.QNode(circuit, dev)

        # circuit evaluations
        circuit_output = circuit(multidim_array)
        expected_output = np.cos(b)
        assert np.allclose(circuit_output, expected_output, atol=tol, rtol=0)

        # circuit jacobians
        circuit_jacobian = circuit.jacobian([multidim_array])
        expected_jacobian = -np.diag(np.sin(b))
        assert np.allclose(circuit_jacobian, expected_jacobian, atol=tol, rtol=0)
    def neg_likelihood(self, theta):
        sn2, sp2, log_lscale, w = self.split_theta(theta)
        scaled_x = scale_x(log_lscale, self.train_x)
        Phi = self.nn.predict(w, scaled_x)
        Phi_y = np.dot(Phi, self.train_y.T)
        A = np.dot(Phi, Phi.T) + self.m * sn2 / sp2 * np.eye(self.m)
        LA = np.linalg.cholesky(A)

        logDetA = 2*np.log(np.diag(LA)).sum()
        datafit = (np.dot(self.train_y, self.train_y.T) - np.dot(Phi_y.T, chol_inv(LA, Phi_y)))/sn2
        neg_likelihood = 0.5*(datafit + logDetA + self.num_train*np.log(2*np.pi*sn2) - self.m*np.log(self.m*sn2/sp2))
        neg_likelihood = neg_likelihood.sum()
        if np.isnan(neg_likelihood):
            neg_likelihood = np.inf

        w_nobias = self.nn.w_nobias(w, self.dim)
        l1_reg = self.l1 * np.sum(np.abs(w_nobias))
        l2_reg = self.l2 * np.dot(w_nobias, w_nobias.T)
        neg_likelihood += l1_reg + l2_reg

        if neg_likelihood < self.loss:
            self.loss = neg_likelihood
            self.theta = np.copy(theta)
            self.A = A.copy()
            self.LA = LA.copy()

        return neg_likelihood
Example #12
 def MBAM_jac_RHS(
     self, V: "2N dimensional initial conditions vector"
 ) -> "RHS of the geodesic equation":
     N = int(np.size(V) / 2)
     θ = V[:N]
     dθ = V[N:]
     g = self.g(θ)
     ret = np.c_[np.zeros((N, N)), np.diag(N * [1])]
     if np.linalg.matrix_rank(g) == N:
         ret1 = np.c_[
             np.zeros((N, N)), -2 *
             np.einsum('a,bi,cab->ci', dθ, np.diag(N * [1]), self.Γ2(θ))]
         ret = np.r_[ret, ret1]
         return np.array(2 * N * [np.nan])
     return ret
Example #13
    def test_multidim_array(self):
        "Tests that arguments which are multidimensional arrays are properly evaluated and differentiated in QNodes."

        for s in b_shapes:
            multidim_array = np.reshape(b, s)

            def circuit(w):
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(0, s)], 0)  # b[0]
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(1, s)], 1)  # b[1]
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(2, s)], 2)  # ...
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(3, s)], 3)
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(4, s)], 4)
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(5, s)], 5)
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(6, s)], 6)
                qml.RX(w[np.unravel_index(7, s)], 7)
                return tuple(qml.expval.PauliZ(idx) for idx in range(len(b)))

            circuit = qml.QNode(circuit, self.dev8)

            # circuit evaluations
            circuit_output = circuit(multidim_array)
            expected_output = np.cos(b)

            # circuit jacobians
            circuit_jacobian = circuit.jacobian(multidim_array)
            expected_jacobian = -np.diag(np.sin(b))
    def plot_full_gp(ax, params, plot_xs):
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)

        sampled_means_and_covs = [
            sample_mean_cov_from_deep_gp(params, plot_xs)
            for i in xrange(n_samples)
        sampled_means, sampled_covs = zip(*sampled_means_and_covs)
        avg_pred_mean = np.mean(sampled_means, axis=0)
        avg_pred_cov = np.mean(sampled_covs, axis=0)
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(avg_pred_cov))
        if n_samples > 1:
            ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
                        avg_pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                        (avg_pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]
            ax.plot(plot_xs, avg_pred_mean, 'b')

        sampled_funcs = np.array([
            rs.multivariate_normal(mean, cov * (random))
            for mean, cov in sampled_means_and_covs
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)
        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_title("Full GP, X to Y")
Example #15
    def likelihood(self, hyper):
        #print self.params,self.bound

        if (self.noise_e != None and self.noise_fix_e is False):
            sigma_n_e = hyper[2]
            sigma_n_e = 0.

        theta_e = hyper[self.id_theta_e]
        self.theta_e = theta_e

        K = self.RBF(theta_e, self.Xe) + np.eye(self.Ne) * (sigma_n_e)
        self.K = K
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(K + np.eye(self.Ne) * self.stab)
        self.L = L

        alpha1_ = np.linalg.solve(self.L.T, np.linalg.solve(self.L, self.mc))
        alpha2_ = np.linalg.solve(self.L.T, np.linalg.solve(self.L, self.ye))
        rho = np.matmul(self.mc.T, alpha2_) / np.matmul(self.mc.T, alpha1_)
        self.rho = rho

        alpha = np.linalg.solve(L.T,
                                np.linalg.solve(L, (self.ye - rho * self.mc)))
        self.alpha = alpha

        NLML = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + 0.5 * np.matmul(
            (self.ye - rho * self.mc).T, alpha) + 0.5 * np.log(
                2. * np.pi) * self.Ne
        self.NLML = NLML
        return NLML
Example #16
 def mu_grad_old(self, Xnew):
     """ Old mu_grad using actual math.. who needs that when you have autograd
     alpha = solve(self.L.T, solve(self.L, self.Y*self.Ystd+self.Ymean ) )
     Knew_N,_ = self.K(self.lengthscale, (Xnew-self.Xmean)/self.Xstd, self.X)
     normalX = (self.X * self.Xstd) + self.Xmean
     return np.diag( (-1/(self.lengthscale*self.Xstd)**2)*np.dot( np.tile(Xnew.T, self.n) - normalX.T, np.multiply(Knew_N.T, alpha) ) )
Example #17
def posterior_field_general(prior_embedding_y, k_xx, k_yy, epsil, delta):
    Obtain the posterior weights involved in Kernel Bayes' Rule.

    The posterior refers to the posterior distribution of y given x.

    prior_embedding_y : numpy.ndarray
        The prior kernel embedding on y evaluated at the training outputs (n,)
    k_xx : numpy.ndarray
        The gram matrix on the observed input variables (n, n)
    k_yy : numpy.ndarray
        The gram matrix on the observed output variables (n, n)
    epsil : float
        The regularisation parameter for the prior
    delta : float
        The regularisation parameter for the likelihood
        The posterior field ready to be conditioned on arbitrary
        input x values and queried at arbitrary output y values (n, n)
    # [Data Size] scalar
    n, = prior_embedding_y.shape

    # [Identity] (n, n)
    identity = np.eye(n)

    # [Prior Effect] (n, n)
    d = np.diag(np.dot(_pinv(k_yy + (epsil**2) * identity), prior_embedding_y))

    # [Posterior Weights] (n, n)
    return np.dot(_pinv(np.dot(d, k_xx) + ((delta**2) / n) * identity), d)
def cost(usv):
    delta = .5
    u = usv[0]
    s = usv[1]
    vt = usv[2]
    X = np.dot(np.dot(u, np.diag(s)), vt)
    return np.sum(np.sqrt((X - A)**2 + delta**2) - delta)
Example #19
 def __init__(self):
     #set our drift dynamics
     self.f_drift = f_trivial
     self.g_ctrl = g_mono
     self.u = u_step
     self.h = h_single
     #set our graph
     n_elements = 10
     n_regions = int(np.floor(n_elements/2))
     self.G = nx.random_regular_graph(4, n_elements)
     self.L = nx.linalg.laplacian_matrix(self.G).todense()
     self.D = np.array(nx.linalg.incidence_matrix(self.G).todense())
     self.D = np.diag(np.ones(shape=(n_elements,)))
     # for each of our elements, assign them to a brain region
     self.e_to_r = np.random.randint(0,n_regions,size=n_elements)
     #do our disease layer
     n_symp = 2
     #self.Xi = np.random.randint(0,1,size=(n_regions,n_symp))
     self.Xi = Xi_1
     self.P = self.L
     self.x_state = np.random.uniform(size=(1000,1))
     self.n_regions = n_regions
     self.n_symp = n_symp
     self.n_elements = n_elements
Example #20
    def callback(params):
        print("Log likelihood {}".format(-objective(params)))
        # Show posterior marginals.
        plot_xs = np.reshape(np.linspace(-7, 7, 300), (300,1))
        pred_mean, pred_cov = predict(params, X, y, plot_xs)
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
        ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
                np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                               (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')

        # Show samples from posterior.
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov, size=10)
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)

        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
    def marginal_likelihood(self, X, W=None, Psi=None):
        function: marginal_likelihood
        Description: Compute the marginal likelihood for given data X.
            X -   (np.array) Data matrix. Shape (N,D)
            W -   (np.array) Factor loading matrix. Shape (K,D).
            Psi - (np.array) Output covariance matrix. Shape (D,D). Positive, diagonal.
            ml -  (np.array) Array of shape (N,) where ml[n] is the marginal
                  log likelihood of data case X[n,:].
        #print 'ML'

        N, D = X.shape

        if (W is None): W = self.W
        if (Psi is None): Psi = self.Psi
        #ml = np.zeros(N)
        cov_mat = np.dot(W.T, W) + Psi
        inv_cov_mat = np.linalg.inv(cov_mat)
        #norm_term = (1/(np.sqrt(np.power(2*np.pi,D)*np.linalg.det(cov_mat))))
        sgn, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(2 * np.pi * cov_mat)
        norm_term = -0.5 * (logdet) * sgn
        second_term = (-0.5 * (np.diag(np.dot(np.dot(X, inv_cov_mat), X.T))))
        ml1 = (norm_term) + second_term
        #ml2 = (autograd.scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(X,np.zeros(D), cov_mat))
        #print norm_term, second_term

        return ml1
Example #22
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dimension) @ np.diag([3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)

    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, samples,
    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    # from pymanopt.solvers import ConjugateGradient
    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    estimated_span_matrix = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

        "Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
        "matrix:", np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector))
Example #23
def make_positive_definite(m, tol = None):
    ''' Computes a matrix close to the original matrix m that is positive definite.
    This function is just a transcript of R' make.positive.definite function.
    m (2d array): A matrix that is not necessary psd.
    tol (int): A tolerence level controlling how "different" the psd matrice
                can be from the original matrix
    returns (2d array): A psd matrix
    d = m.shape[0]
    if (m.shape[1] != d): 
        raise RuntimeError("Input matrix is not square!")
    eigvalues, eigvect = eigh(m)
    # Sort the eigen values
    idx = eigvalues.argsort()[::-1]   
    eigvalues = eigvalues[idx]
    eigvect = eigvect[:,idx]
    if (tol == None): 
        tol = d * np.max(np.abs(eigvalues)) * sys.float_info.epsilon
    delta = 2 * tol
    tau = np.maximum(0, delta - eigvalues)
    dm = multi_dot([eigvect, np.diag(tau), eigvect.T])
    return(m + dm)
Example #24
def test_approx_log_det_vectorized():
    D = 10
    N = 7
    rs = npr.RandomState(0)
    rs2 = npr.RandomState(0)
    mats = []
    alds = []
    for i in xrange(N):
        cur_mat = np.eye(D) - 0.1 * np.diag(rs.rand(D))
        cur_func = lambda v : np.dot(cur_mat, v.T)
        alds.append(approx_log_det_non_vectorized(cur_func, D, rs=rs2))
    alds = np.array(alds)

    def mvp_vec(v):
        """Vectorized version takes in N vectors of length D, and multiples
           each v against the corresponding matrix in the list.
           Takes in a matrix of length N x D, returns an N x D matrix."""
        assert v.shape == (N, D), v.shape
        mvps = []
        for i in xrange(N):
            mvps.append(np.dot(mats[i], v[i]))
        retval = fast_array_from_list(mvps)
        assert retval.shape == (N,D), retval.shape
        return fast_array_from_list(mvps)

    vec_logdets = approx_log_det(mvp_vec, D, N, rs=npr.RandomState(0))

    assert np.all(vec_logdets - alds < 0.0001), "vectorized: {} non-vectorized: {}, diff: {}".format(vec_logdets, alds, vec_logdets - alds)
Example #25
    def hmc_sample(params, rs, num_samples, callback=None):
        """Generate a samples from HMC with given parameters and return them,
           as well as an unbiased estimate on the lower bound."""

        # Unpack parameters
        mean = parser.get(params, 'mean')
        stddevs = np.exp(parser.get(params, 'log_stddev'))
        hmc_stepsize = np.exp(parser.get(params, 'hmc_log_stepsize'))
        mass_mat = parser.get(params, 'mass_mat')
        v_A = parser.get(params, 'v_A')
        v_B = parser.get(params, 'v_B')
        v_cov = np.exp(parser.get(params, 'v_log_cov'))
        rev_A = parser.get(params, 'rev_A')
        rev_B = parser.get(params, 'rev_B')
        rev_cov = np.exp(parser.get(params, 'rev_log_cov'))

        #Create initial sample and combine its log_lik and its entropy
        init_zs = mean + rs.randn(num_samples, D) * stddevs
        init_ll = loglik_func(init_zs)
        init_log_prob_mvn = build_logprob_mvn(mean,
        init_ent = init_log_prob_mvn(init_zs)
        init_L_est = init_ll - init_ent

        samples, lower_bound_est = run_hmc(init_zs, loglik_func,
                                           loglik_func_grad, hmc_stepsize,
                                           mass_mat, v_A, v_B, v_cov, rev_A,
                                           rev_B, rev_cov, num_steps,
                                           leap_steps, rs, callback)
        return samples, lower_bound_est + init_L_est
Example #26
    def plot_single_gp(ax, params, layer, unit, plot_xs):
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)

        deep_map = create_deep_map(params)
        gp_details = deep_map[layer][unit]
        gp_params = pack_gp_params(gp_details)

        pred_mean, pred_cov = predict_layer_funcs[layer][unit](
            gp_params, plot_xs, with_noise=False, FITC=False)
        x0 = deep_map[layer][unit]['x0']
        y0 = deep_map[layer][unit]['y0']
        noise_scale = deep_map[layer][unit]['noise_scale']

        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        if n_samples_to_plot > 19:
            ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
            ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
                        pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                        (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]

        # Show samples from posterior.
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean,
                                               pred_cov * (random),
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)
        ax.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
        #ax.errorbar(x0, y0, yerr = noise_scale, fmt='o')
Example #27
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    num_rows = 10
    rank = 3
    matrix = np.random.normal(size=(num_rows, num_rows))
    matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt.
    manifold = Oblique(rank, num_rows)
    cost, euclidean_gradient, euclidean_hessian = create_cost_and_derivates(
        manifold, matrix, backend
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(

    optimizer = TrustRegions(verbosity=2 * int(not quiet))
    X = optimizer.run(problem).point

    if quiet:

    C = X.T @ X
    print("Diagonal elements:", np.diag(C))
    print("Eigenvalues:", np.sort(np.linalg.eig(C)[0].real)[::-1])
    def callback0(params, timer=None):
        global Nfeval, prev_norm, opt_params, opt_test_err
        if Nfeval % 1 == 0:
            al, bl = params
            L = bl * bl * np.exp(-L0 / al / al / 2) + 1e-6 * EYEN
            if nystr:
                alpha = EYEN - eig_vec_K @ np.linalg.inv(
                    eig_vec_K.T @ L @ eig_vec_K / N2 + np.diag(1 / eig_val_K)) @ eig_vec_K.T @ L / N2
                alpha = alpha @ W_nystr @ Y
                LWL_inv = chol_inv(L @ W @ L + L / N2 + JITTER * EYEN)
                alpha = LWL_inv @ L @ W @ Y
                # L_W_inv = chol_inv(W*N2+L_inv)
            test_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-test_L0 / al / al / 2)
            pred_mean = test_L @ alpha
            if timer:
            test_err = ((pred_mean - test_Y) ** 2).mean()  # ((pred_mean-test_Y)**2/np.diag(pred_cov)).mean()+(np.log(np.diag(pred_cov))).mean()
            norm = alpha.T @ L @ alpha

        Nfeval += 1
        if prev_norm is not None:
            if norm[0, 0] / prev_norm >= 3:
                if opt_params is None:
                    opt_test_err = test_err
                    opt_params = params
                print(True, opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm)
                raise Exception

        if prev_norm is None or norm[0, 0] <= prev_norm:
            prev_norm = norm[0, 0]
        opt_test_err = test_err
        opt_params = params
        print('params,test_err, norm: ', opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm)
Example #29
    def ExpectedImprovement(self, X_star):
        # Normalize data
        X_star = (X_star - self.Xmean) / self.Xstd
        X = self.X
        y = self.y
        L = self.L
        theta = self.hyp[:-1]
        psi = self.kernel(X_star, X, theta)

        alpha = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L), np.linalg.solve(L,y))
        pred_u_star = np.matmul(psi,alpha)

        beta = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L), np.linalg.solve(L,psi.T))
        var_u_star = self.kernel(X_star, X_star, theta) - np.matmul(psi,beta)
        var_u_star = np.abs(np.diag(var_u_star))[:,None]
        # Expected Improvement
        # from https://people.orie.cornell.edu/pfrazier/Presentations/2011.11.INFORMS.Tutorial.pdf
        best = np.min(y)
        delta = -(pred_u_star - best)
        deltap = -(pred_u_star - best)
        deltap[delta < 0] = 0
        Z = delta/np.sqrt(var_u_star)
        EI_acq = deltap - np.abs(deltap)*norm.cdf(-Z) + np.sqrt(var_u_star)*norm.pdf(Z)
        if isinstance(EI_acq, np.ndarray) == False:
            EI_acq = EI_acq._value
        return EI_acq                                   
    def get_causal_effect(params, do_A, w):
        "to be called within experiment function."
        al, bl = params
        L = bl * bl * np.exp(-L0 / al / al / 2) + 1e-6 * EYEN
        if nystr:
            alpha = EYEN - eig_vec_K @ np.linalg.inv(
                eig_vec_K.T @ L @ eig_vec_K / N2 + np.diag(1 / eig_val_K / N2)) @ eig_vec_K.T @ L / N2
            alpha = alpha @ W_nystr @ Y * N2
            LWL_inv = chol_inv(L @ W @ L + L / N2 + JITTER * EYEN)
            alpha = LWL_inv @ L @ W @ Y
            # L_W_inv = chol_inv(W*N2+L_inv)

        EYhat_do_A = []
        for a in do_A:
            a = np.repeat(a, [w.shape[0]]).reshape(-1, 1)
            w = w.reshape(-1, 1)
            aw = np.concatenate([a, w], axis=-1)
            ate_L0 = _sqdist(aw, X)
            ate_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-ate_L0 / al / al / 2)
            h_out = ate_L @ alpha

            mean_h = np.mean(h_out).reshape(-1, 1)
            print('a = {}, beta_a = {}'.format(np.mean(a), mean_h))

        return np.concatenate(EYhat_do_A)
Example #31
 def compute_Lagrangian_gradient(self):
     Φ = self.compute_Φ()
     [new_W, W_λ] = eig_solver(Φ, db['q'], mode='smallest')
     gradient = Φ.dot(db['W']) - db['W'].dot(np.diag(W_λ))
     print('Gradient :\n')
     return gradient
Example #32
    def get_dF_js_idM(self, M, N, M_tangent_bundle_sub, N_tangent_bundle, selectedpoints, dim = None):

        if dim == None:
            dim = self.dim
        q = self.q
        affinity_matrix = M.geom.affinity_matrix

        nsel = len(selectedpoints)
        dF = np.zeros((nsel, dim, q))

        for i in range(nsel):
            pt = selectedpoints[i]
            neighborspt = affinity_matrix[selectedpoints[i]].indices
            deltap0 = M.data[neighborspt, :] - M.data[pt, :]
            deltaq0 = N.data[neighborspt, :] - N.data[pt, :]
            projected_M = np.matmul(M_tangent_bundle_sub.tangent_bases[i, :, :].transpose(),
            # projected_rescaled_M = np.matmul(np.diag(M_tangent_bundle_sub.rmetric.Gsvals[selectedpoints[i]]),projected_M.transpose())
            projected_rescaled_M = projected_M.transpose()
            b = np.linalg.pinv(projected_rescaled_M)
            a = np.zeros((len(neighborspt), q))
            rescaled_basis = np.matmul(N_tangent_bundle.tangent_bases[selectedpoints[i], :, :][:, :],
            projected_N = np.dot(rescaled_basis.transpose(), deltaq0.transpose())
            projected_N_expanded = np.matmul(N_tangent_bundle.tangent_bases[selectedpoints[i], :, :][:, :], projected_N)
            a = projected_N_expanded
            dF[i, :, :][:, :] = np.matmul(a, b).transpose()
        return (dF)
def eqn19sum_numerical(paramslin, x,z, pij, run_time, gamma, alpha):
    params = util.unlinearise_params(paramslin, verbose=0)
    precomp = precompute(z, gamma, alpha, [0, run_time])
    kzzinv = precomp.Lzzinv.T @ precomp.Lzzinv
    kzzinv_m = kzzinv @ params.m
    eqn19sum = 0
    kzzinv_S_kzzinv = kzzinv @ params.L @ params.L.T @ kzzinv
    mutilde_list = []
    for i in range(1, x.shape[1]):
        taus = np.array([x[0, i] - x[0, :i]])
        kxx = kdiag(taus, gamma)
        kxz = k(taus, z, gamma, alpha)
        mutilde = (kxz @ kzzinv_m).flatten()
        mutilde_list += mutilde.tolist()
        sigmatilde = np.sqrt(np.diag(kxx - kxz @ kzzinv @ kxz.T + kxz @ kzzinv_S_kzzinv @ kxz.T))
        assert mutilde.ndim == 1
        assert sigmatilde.ndim == 1
        for j in range(len(mutilde)):
            mui = mutilde[j]
            sigmai = sigmatilde[j]
            interp_f = np.linspace(mui - 6*sigmai, mui + 6 * sigmai, 4096)
            delta = interp_f[1] - interp_f[0]
            e_log_f2 = multivariate_normal(mui, sigmai**2).pdf(interp_f) * np.log(interp_f ** 2) * delta
            eqn19sum += pij[i, j + 1] * np.sum(e_log_f2)
    return eqn19sum
Example #34
    def ExpectedImprovement(self, X_star):
        # Normalize data
        X_star = (X_star - self.Xmean) / self.Xstd
        X = self.X
        y = self.y
        L = self.L
        theta = self.hyp[:-1]
        psi = self.kernel(X_star, X, theta)

        alpha = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L), np.linalg.solve(L,y))
        pred_u_star = np.matmul(psi,alpha)

        beta = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L), np.linalg.solve(L,psi.T))
        var_u_star = self.kernel(X_star, X_star, theta) - np.matmul(psi,beta)
        var_u_star = np.abs(np.diag(var_u_star))[:,None]
        # Expected Improvement
        best = np.min(y)
        Z = (best - pred_u_star)/var_u_star
        EI_acq = (best - pred_u_star)*norm.cdf(Z) + var_u_star*norm.pdf(Z)

        return EI_acq
def set_lnpdf(model="baseball", dset="boston"):
    if model == "baseball":
        return lambda x: np.squeeze(baseball.lnpdf_flat(x, 0)
                                    ), baseball.D, model
    if model == "frisk":
        lnpdf, unpack, num_params, frisk_df, param_names = \
            frisk.make_model_funs(crime=2., precinct_type=1)
        return lnpdf, num_params, model
    if model == "normal":
        D, r = 10, 2
        mu0 = np.zeros(D)
        C_true = np.random.randn(D, r) * 2.
        v_true = np.random.randn(D)
        Sigma_true = np.dot(C_true, C_true.T) + np.diag(np.exp(v_true))
        print Sigma_true
        lnpdf = lambda x: misc.make_fixed_cov_mvn_logpdf(Sigma_true)(x,
        return lnpdf, D, model
    if model == "bnn":
        (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = \
            uci.load_dataset(dset, split_seed=0)
        lnpdf, predict, loglike, parser, (std_X, ustd_X), (std_Y, ustd_Y) = \
            nn.make_nn_regression_funs(Xtrain[:100], Ytrain[:100],
                                       layer_sizes=None, obs_variance=None)
        lnpdf_vec = lambda ths: np.array(
            [lnpdf(th) for th in np.atleast_2d(ths)])
        return lnpdf_vec, parser.N, "-".join([model, dset])
Example #36
    def likelihood(self, hyp):
        X_L = self.X_L
        y_L = self.y_L
        X_H = self.X_H
        y_H = self.y_H

        y = np.vstack((y_L,y_H))
        NL = y_L.shape[0]
        NH = y_H.shape[0]
        N = y.shape[0]
        rho = hyp[-3]
        sigma_n_L = np.exp(hyp[-2])
        sigma_n_H = np.exp(hyp[-1] )
        theta_L = hyp[self.idx_theta_L]
        theta_H = hyp[self.idx_theta_H]
        K_LL = self.kernel(X_L, X_L, theta_L) + np.eye(NL)*sigma_n_L
        K_LH = rho*self.kernel(X_L, X_H, theta_L)
        K_HH = rho**2 * self.kernel(X_H, X_H, theta_L) + \
                        self.kernel(X_H, X_H, theta_H) + np.eye(NH)*sigma_n_H
        K = np.vstack((np.hstack((K_LL,K_LH)),
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(K + np.eye(N)*self.jitter) 
        self.L = L
        alpha = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L), np.linalg.solve(L,y))    
        NLML = 0.5*np.matmul(np.transpose(y),alpha) + \
               np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) + 0.5*np.log(2.*np.pi)*N  
        return NLML[0,0]
Example #37
def mvt_logpdf(x, mu, Li, df):
    dim = Li.shape[0]
    Ki = np.dot(Li.T, Li)

    #determinant is just multiplication of diagonal elements of cholesky
    logdet = 2*log(1./np.diag(Li)).sum()
    lpdf_const = (gammaln((df + dim) / 2)
                                     + (log(df)+log(np.pi)) * dim*0.5
                                     + logdet * 0.5)

    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    if x.shape[1] != mu.size:
        x = x.T
    assert(x.shape[1] == mu.size
               or x.shape[0] == mu.size)
    d = (x - mu.reshape((1 ,mu.size))).T
    Ki_d_scal = np.dot(Ki, d) /df          #vector
    d_Ki_d_scal_1 = diag_dot(d.T, Ki_d_scal) + 1. #scalar

    res_pdf = (lpdf_const 
               - 0.5 * (df + dim) * np.log(d_Ki_d_scal_1)).flatten() 
    if res_pdf.size == 1:
        res_pdf = np.float(res_pdf)
    return res_pdf
Example #38
    def transition_matrix(self):
        if self._transition_matrix is not None:
            return self._transition_matrix

        As, rs, ps = self.Ps, self.rs, self.ps

        # Fill in the transition matrix one block at a time
        K_total = self.total_num_states
        P = np.zeros((K_total, K_total))
        starts = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(rs)[:-1]))
        ends = np.cumsum(rs)
        for (i, j), Aij in np.ndenumerate(As):
            block = P[starts[i]:ends[i], starts[j]:ends[j]]

            # Diagonal blocks (stay in sub-state or advance to next sub-state)
            if i == j:
                for k in range(rs[i]):
                    # p(z_{t+1} = (.,i+k) | z_t = (.,i)) = (1-p)^k p
                    # for 0 <= k <= r - i
                    block += (1 - ps[i])**k * ps[i] * np.diag(
                        np.ones(rs[i] - k), k=k)

            # Off-diagonal blocks (exit to a new super state)
                # p(z_{t+1} = (j,1) | z_t = (k,i)) = (1-p_k)^{r_k-i+1} * A[k, j]
                block[:, 0] = (1 - ps[i])**np.arange(rs[i], 0, -1) * Aij

        assert np.allclose(P.sum(1), 1)
        assert (0 <= P).all() and (P <= 1.).all()

        # Cache the transition matrix
        self._transition_matrix = P

        return P
Example #39
def location_mixture_logpdf(samps, locations, location_weights, distr_at_origin, contr_var = False, variant = 1):
#    lpdfs = zeroprop.logpdf()
    diff = samps - locations[:, np.newaxis, :]
    lpdfs = distr_at_origin.logpdf(diff.reshape([np.prod(diff.shape[:2]), diff.shape[-1]])).reshape(diff.shape[:2])
    logprop_weights = log(location_weights/location_weights.sum())[:, np.newaxis]
    if not contr_var: 
        return logsumexp(lpdfs + logprop_weights, 0)
    #time_m1 = np.hstack([time0[:,:-1],time0[:,-1:]])
        time0 = lpdfs + logprop_weights + log(len(location_weights))
        if variant == 1:
            time1 = np.hstack([time0[:,1:],time0[:,:1]])
            cov = np.mean(time0**2-time0*time1)
            var = np.mean((time0-time1)**2)
            lpdfs = lpdfs  -    cov/var * (time0-time1)        
            return logsumexp(lpdfs - log(len(location_weights)), 0)
        elif variant == 2:
            cvar = (time0[:,:,np.newaxis] - 
                    np.dstack([np.hstack([time0[:, 1:], time0[:, :1]]),
                               np.hstack([time0[:,-1:], time0[:,:-1]])]))

            ## self-covariance matrix of control variates
            K_cvar = np.diag(np.mean(cvar**2, (0, 1)))
            #add off diagonal
            K_cvar = K_cvar + (1.-np.eye(2)) * np.mean(cvar[:,:,0]*cvar[:,:,1])
            ## covariance of control variates with random variable
            cov = np.mean(time0[:,:,np.newaxis] * cvar, 0).mean(0)
            optimal_comb = np.linalg.inv(K_cvar) @ cov
            lpdfs = lpdfs  -  cvar @ optimal_comb
            return logsumexp(lpdfs - log(len(location_weights)), 0)
Example #40
def cost(X):
    mu = 0.132

    global D2
    global V1
    global V2
    global Cor1
    global Cor2
    global k_
    coup = (np.linalg.norm(Cor1.T @ V1[:, 0:k_] - Cor2.T @ V2[:, 0:k_] @ X,

    res = (X.T @ np.diag(D2[0:k_]) @ X)**2
    diag_res = np.diagonal(res, offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)

    diag_res = np.sum(diag_res)

    sumres = np.sum(res)

    val = sumres - diag_res
    #val=np.linalg.norm(X.T @ diag2 @ X - diag2, 'fro') ** 2

    res = val + mu * coup
    return res
Example #41
def natural_predict_forward_temps(J, J11, J12, h):
    J, J11, J12 = -2*J, -2*J11, -J12
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J + J11)
    v = solve_triangular(L, h)
    lognorm = 1./2*np.dot(v,v) - np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
    v2 = solve_triangular(L, v, trans='T')
    temp = solve_triangular(L, J12)
    return L, v, v2, temp, h, lognorm
Example #42
 def regularized_persudo_inverse_(self, mat, reg=1e-5):
     Use SVD to realize persudo inverse by perturbing the singularity values
     to ensure its positive-definite properties
     u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(mat)
     s[ s < 0 ] = 0.0        #truncate negative values...
     diag_s_inv = np.zeros((v.shape[0], u.shape[1]))
     diag_s_inv[0:len(s), 0:len(s)] = np.diag(1./(s+reg))
     return v.dot(diag_s_inv).dot(u.T)
Example #43
def my_spectral_clustering(sim_mat, n_clusters=2):
    N = sim_mat.shape[0]
    sim_mat = sim_mat - np.diag(np.diag(sim_mat))
    t1 = 1./np.sqrt(np.sum(sim_mat, axis=1))
    t2 = np.dot(t1.reshape(N,1), t1.reshape(1,N))

    lap_mat = np.eye(N) - sim_mat * t2
    eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eig(lap_mat)
    idx = eig_val.argsort()
    eig_val = eig_val[idx]
    eig_vec = np.real(eig_vec[:, idx])
    t3 = np.diag(np.sqrt(1./np.sum(eig_vec[:,0:n_clusters]**2, axis=1)))
    embd = np.dot(t3, eig_vec[:, 0:n_clusters])

    clf = KMeans(n_clusters = n_clusters, n_jobs=-1)
    label_pred = clf.fit_predict(embd)
    return label_pred
Example #44
    def sample_invwishart(S, nu):
        n = S.shape[0]
        chol = np.linalg.cholesky(S)

        if (nu <= 81 + n) and (nu == np.round(nu)):
            x = npr.randn(nu, n)
            x = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.atleast_1d(chi2.rvs(nu - np.arange(n)))))
            x[np.triu_indices_from(x, 1)] = npr.randn(n*(n-1)//2)
        R = np.linalg.qr(x, 'r')
        T = solve_triangular(R.T, chol.T, lower=True).T
        return np.dot(T, T.T)
Example #45
    def callback(params, t, g):
        print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, -objective(params, t)))

        target_distribution = lambda x : np.exp(log_posterior(x, t))
        plot_isocontours(ax, target_distribution)

        mean, log_std = unpack_params(params)
        variational_contour = lambda x: mvn.pdf(x, mean, np.diag(np.exp(2*log_std)))
        plot_isocontours(ax, variational_contour)
Example #46
def expectation(params,y,X,eps,N,u):
    #for each sample of theta, calculate likelihood
    #likelihood has participants
    #for each participant, we have N particles
    #with L samples, n participants, N particles per participant and sample, we have
    #L*n*N particles
    #get the first column to be mu
    d = np.shape(X)[-1]+1
    mu = params[0:d,0]
    toSigma = params[0:d,1:d+1]
    intSigma = toSigma-np.diag(np.diag(toSigma))+np.diag(np.exp(np.diag(toSigma)))
    Sigma = intSigma-np.tril(intSigma)+np.transpose(np.triu(intSigma))
    print mu
    print Sigma
    n = X.shape[0]
    E = 0
    #iterate over number of samples of theta
    for j in range(np.shape(eps)[0]):
        beta = mu+np.dot(Sigma,eps[j,:])
        #this log likelihood will iterate over both the participants and the particles
    return E/len(beta)
Example #47
def condition_on(mu, sigma, A, y, sigma_obs):
    temp1 = np.dot(A, sigma)
    sigma_pred = np.dot(temp1, A.T) + sigma_obs
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma_pred)
    v = solve_triangular(L, y - np.dot(A, mu))
    ll = -1./2 * np.dot(v, v) - np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) \
        - y.shape[0]/2.*np.log(2*np.pi)
    mu_cond = mu + np.dot(temp1.T, solve_triangular(L, v, 'T'))

    temp2 = solve_triangular(L, temp1)
    sigma_cond = sigma - np.dot(temp2.T, temp2)

    return (mu_cond, sigma_cond), ll
Example #48
 def unpack_params(params):
     """Unpacks parameter vector into the proportions, means and covariances
     of each mixture component.  The covariance matrices are parametrized by
     their Cholesky decompositions."""
     log_proportions    = parser.get(params, 'log proportions')
     normalized_log_proportions = log_proportions - logsumexp(log_proportions)
     means              = parser.get(params, 'means')
     lower_tris = np.tril(parser.get(params, 'lower triangles'), k=-1)
     diag_chols = np.exp( parser.get(params, 'log diagonals'))
     chols = []
     for lower_tri, diag in zip(lower_tris, diag_chols):
         chols.append(np.expand_dims(lower_tri + np.diag(diag), 0))
     chols = np.concatenate(chols, axis=0)
     return normalized_log_proportions, means, chols
Example #49
 def evaluate_prior(all_params):  # clean up code so we don't compute matrices twice
     all_layer_params = unpack_all_params(all_params)
     log_prior = 0
     deep_map = create_deep_map(all_params)
     for layer, layer_map in deep_map.iteritems():
         for unit, gp_map in layer_map.iteritems():
             cov_y_y = covariance_function(gp_map["cov_params"], gp_map["x0"], gp_map["x0"]) + gp_map[
             ] * np.eye(len(gp_map["y0"]))
             log_prior += mvn.logpdf(
                 gp_map["y0"], np.ones(len(cov_y_y)) * gp_map["mean"], cov_y_y + np.diag(np.diag(cov_y_y)) * 0
             )  # CHANGE
             ##log_prior += mvn.logpdf(gp_map['y0'],np.ones(len(cov_y_y))*gp_map['mean'],cov_y_y + np.eye(len(cov_y_y))*tuning_param)
             ###log_prior += mvn.logpdf(gp_map['y0'],np.ones(len(cov_y_y))*gp_map['mean'],np.diag(np.diag(cov_y_y))*10)
     return log_prior
Example #50
def natural_predict(J, h, J11, J12, J22, logZ):
    # convert from natural parameter to the usual J definitions
    J, J11, J12, J22 = -2*J, -2*J11, -J12, -2*J22

    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J + J11)
    v = solve_triangular(L, h)
    lognorm = 1./2*np.dot(v,v) - np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
    h_predict = -np.dot(J12.T, solve_triangular(L, v, trans='T'))

    temp = solve_triangular(L, J12)
    J_predict = J22 - np.dot(temp.T, temp)

    assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(J_predict) > 0)

    return (-1./2*J_predict, h_predict), lognorm + logZ
Example #51
def test_lognorm_grads():
    n = 3

    L = np.linalg.cholesky(rand_psd(n))
    v = npr.randn(n)

    foo = lambda L, v: 1./2*np.dot(v,v) - np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
    ans = foo(L, v)

    a = grad(foo, 0)(L, v)
    b = lognorm_grad_arg0(1., ans, L, v)
    check(a, b)

    a = grad(foo, 1)(L, v)
    b = lognorm_grad_arg1(1., ans, L, v)
    check(a, b)
    def plot_gp(ax, X, y, pred_mean, pred_cov, plot_xs):
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
        ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
                np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                               (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')

        # Show samples from posterior.
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov, size=10)
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)
        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
    def plot_single_gp(ax, x0, y0, pred_mean, pred_cov, plot_xs):
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        if n_samples > 1:
            ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
            ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
            np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                           (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                           alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')

        # Show samples from posterior.
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov*(random), size=n_samples)
        ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T)
        ax.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
Example #54
 def __init__(self, mu, K, Ki = None, logdet_K = None, L = None): 
     mu = np.atleast_1d(mu).flatten()
     K = np.atleast_2d(K) 
     assert(np.prod(mu.shape) == K.shape[0] )
     assert(K.shape[0] == K.shape[1])
     self.mu = mu
     self.K = K
     (val, vec) = np.linalg.eigh(K)
     idx = np.arange(mu.size-1,-1,-1)
     (self.eigval, self.eigvec) = (np.diag(val[idx]), vec[:,idx])
     self.eig = self.eigvec.dot(np.sqrt(self.eigval))
     self.dim = K.shape[0]
     #(self.Ki, self.logdet) = (np.linalg.inv(K), np.linalg.slogdet(K)[1])
     (self.Ki, self.L, self.Li, self.logdet) = pdinv(K)
     self.lpdf_const = -0.5 *np.float(self.dim * np.log(2 * np.pi)
                                        + self.logdet)
Example #55
    def loss(W_vect, X, T):
        log_prior = -L2_reg * np.dot(W_vect, W_vect)

        # compute distribution for each input
        params    = predict_distribution(W_vect, X)
        means     = params[:, :8]
        var_prior = - np.sum(params[:, -8:] * params[:, -8:])
        variances = np.exp(params[:,-8:]) # axis aligned variances
        ll = 0.
        for i in xrange(T.shape[0]):
            ll = ll + np.sum(
                    means = means[i,:,None].T,
                    icovs = np.array([ np.diag(1./variances[i]) ]),
                    dets  = np.array([1.]),
                    pis   = np.array([1.]))
        return - log_prior - ll - var_prior
Example #56
def fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=28, reg=1e-7, eig_pow=1.0):
    Fit a multivariate normal to the data X (n x d) and draw J points 
    from the fit. 
    - reg: regularizer to use with the covariance matrix
    - eig_pow: raise eigenvalues of the covariance matrix to this power to construct 
        a new covariance matrix before drawing samples. Useful to shrink the spread 
        of the variance.
    with NumpySeedContext(seed=seed):
        d = X.shape[1]
        mean_x = np.mean(X, 0)
        cov_x = np.cov(X.T)
        if d==1:
            cov_x = np.array([[cov_x]])
        [evals, evecs] = np.linalg.eig(cov_x)
        evals = np.maximum(0, np.real(evals))
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(evals))
        evecs = np.real(evecs)
        shrunk_cov = evecs.dot(np.diag(evals**eig_pow)).dot(evecs.T) + reg*np.eye(d)
        V = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_x, shrunk_cov, J)
    return V
    def plot_deep_gp(ax, params, plot_xs):
        rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        sampled_means_and_covs = [sample_mean_cov_from_deep_gp(params, plot_xs) for i in xrange(n_samples)]
        sampled_means, sampled_covs = zip(*sampled_means_and_covs)
        avg_pred_mean = np.mean(sampled_means, axis = 0)
        avg_pred_cov = np.mean(sampled_covs, axis = 0)
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(avg_pred_cov))
        if n_samples > 1:
            ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
            np.concatenate([avg_pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                           (avg_pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                           alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')
            ax.plot(plot_xs, avg_pred_mean, 'b')

        sampled_funcs = np.array([rs.multivariate_normal(mean, cov*(random)) for mean,cov in sampled_means_and_covs])
        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_title("Full Deep GP, inputs to outputs")
Example #58
    def callback(params,t,g):

        paramis = [0, - 6.32795237, - 0.69221531, - 0.24707744]
        print("Log likelihood {}".format(-objective(params,t)))
        # Show posterior marginals.
        plot_xs = np.reshape(np.linspace(-7, 7, 300), (300, 1))
        mu, log_std = params[:D], params[D:2*D]
        pred_mean, pred_cov = predict(paramis, pseudo, mu, plot_xs)
        marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov))
        ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b')
        ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]),
        np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std,
                                  (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]),
                 alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None')
        ax.plot(X, y, 'kx')
        ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
        plt.pause(1.0 / 60.0)

        print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, -objective(params, t)))
Example #59
    def plot_train_fits(W, axarr):
        params    = pred_fun(W, train_images)
        means     = params[:, :8]
        variances = np.exp(params[:,-8:]) # axis aligned variances

        # plot 5 random data points and 4 random marginals
        idx  = np.sort(np.random.permutation(train_images.shape[0])[:axarr.shape[0]])
        dims = np.sort(np.random.permutation(samps.shape[-1])[:axarr.shape[1]])
        for r, i in enumerate(idx):
            for c, d in enumerate(dims):
                axarr[r, c].cla()
                n, bins, patches = axarr[r, c].hist(samps[i, :, d], 
                                                    bins=20, normed=True)
                axarr[r, c].plot( [means[i, d], means[i, d]], [0, n.max()] )
                thgrid = np.linspace(min(bins[0],  means[i,d]),
                                     max(bins[-1], means[i,d]), 50)
                axarr[r, c].plot(thgrid, 
                                   means = np.array([ means[i] ]),
                                   covs  = np.array([ np.diag(variances[i]) ]),
                                   pis   = np.array([1.]),
                                   ind   = d)))
                axarr[r, c].set_title("Idx = %d, dim = %d"%(i, d))
Example #60
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.diag(x))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))