Example #1
def cheatPrecisionHelper(x, N):
    # A quick fix for numerical precision issues.  In the future, don't
    # use this and use a more stable algorithm.
    # Assumes that x is psd matrix
    x = (x + x.T) / 2.0
    x[np.diag_indices(N)] += np.ones(N) * 1e-8
    return x
Example #2
def params2chol(params, D):
    R = np.zeros((D, D))
    triu_inds = np.triu_indices(D)
    diag_inds = np.diag_indices(D)
    R[triu_inds] = params.copy()
    R[diag_inds] = np.exp(R[diag_inds])
    return R
Example #3
def add_jitter(kernel, jitter=1e-5):

    # Add the jitter
    diag_indices = np.diag_indices(np.min(kernel.shape[:2]))
    to_add = np.zeros_like(kernel)
    to_add[diag_indices] += jitter
    kernel = kernel + to_add

    return kernel
Example #4
def KL_via_sampling(params,eps):
    #also need to include lognormal as a replacement for gamma distribution
    #this is giving log of negatives
    d = np.shape(params)[0]-1
    mu = params[0:d,0]
    Sigma = params[0:d,1:d+1]
    di = np.diag_indices(d)
    Sigma[di] = np.exp(Sigma[di])
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    E = 0
    for j in range(np.shape(eps)[0]):
        beta = mu+np.dot(Sigma,eps[j,:])
        E+= np.log(normal_pdf(beta,mu,Sigma)/normal_pdf(beta,muPrior,sigmaPrior))
    E = np.mean(E)
    return E
Example #5
def KL_via_sampling(params, eps):
    #also need to include lognormal as a replacement for gamma distribution
    #this is giving log of negatives
    d = np.shape(params)[0] - 1
    mu = params[0:d, 0]
    Sigma = params[0:d, 1:d + 1]
    di = np.diag_indices(d)
    Sigma[di] = np.exp(Sigma[di])
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    E = 0
    for j in range(np.shape(eps)[0]):
        beta = mu + np.dot(Sigma, eps[j, :])
        E += np.log(
            normal_pdf(beta, mu, Sigma) /
            normal_pdf(beta, muPrior, sigmaPrior))
    E = np.mean(E)
    return E
    def backwardStep(self, t, beta):

        J, h, logZ = beta
        u = self.u[t]

        J = J + self.Jy
        h = h + self.hy[t + 1]

        # H = np.linalg.solve( J.T + self.J11.T, J.T ).T
        H = rightSolve(J + self.J11, J)
        L = -H
        L[np.diag_indices(L.shape[0])] += 1

        _J = L @ J @ L.T
        _J += H @ self.J11 @ H.T
        _J = self.A.T @ _J @ self.A

        _h = h - J @ u
        _h = self.A.T @ L @ _h

        if (self.computeMarginal):
            # Transition, emission and last
            _logZ = 0.5 * u.dot(
                self.J11.dot(u)) + self.log_Z + self.log_Zy[t + 1] + logZ

            JInt = J + self.J11
            hInt = self.J11.dot(u) + h
            JChol = cho_factor(JInt, lower=True)
            JInvh = cho_solve(JChol, hInt)

            # Marginalization
            _logZ += -0.5 * hInt.dot( JInvh ) + \
                     np.log( np.diag( JChol[ 0 ] ) ).sum() - \
                     self.D_latent * _HALF_LOG_2_PI
            _logZ = 0

        return _J, _h, _logZ
Example #7
def mat_from_diag_triu_tril(diag, tri_upp, tri_low):
    """Build matrix from given components.

    Forms a matrix from diagonal, strictly upper triangular and
    strictly lower traingular parts.

    diag : array_like, shape=[..., n]
    tri_upp : array_like, shape=[..., (n * (n - 1)) / 2]
    tri_low : array_like, shape=[..., (n * (n - 1)) / 2]

    mat : array_like, shape=[..., n, n]
    n = diag.shape[-1]
    (i, ) = np.diag_indices(n, ndim=1)
    j, k = np.triu_indices(n, k=1)
    mat = np.zeros(diag.shape + (n, ))
    mat[..., i, i] = diag
    mat[..., j, k] = tri_upp
    mat[..., k, j] = tri_low
    return mat
    def forwardStep(self, t, alpha):

        J, h, logZ = alpha
        u = self.u[t - 1]

        M = self.AInv.T @ J @ self.AInv
        # H = np.linalg.solve( M.T + self.J11.T, M.T ).T
        H = rightSolve(M + self.J11, M)
        L = -H
        L[np.diag_indices(L.shape[0])] += 1

        _J = L @ M @ L.T
        _J += H @ self.J11 @ H.T
        _J += self.Jy

        _h = h + J @ self.AInv.dot(u)
        _h = L @ self.AInv.T @ _h
        _h += self.hy[t]

        # Transition and last
        _logZ = 0.5 * u.dot(self.J11.dot(u)) + self.log_Z + logZ

        JInt = J + self.J22
        hInt = self.J12.T.dot(u) + h
        JChol = cho_factor(JInt, lower=True)
        JInvh = cho_solve(JChol, hInt)

        # Marginalization
        _logZ += -0.5 * hInt.dot( JInvh ) + \
                 np.log( np.diag( JChol[ 0 ] ) ).sum() - \
                 self.D_latent * _HALF_LOG_2_PI

        # Emission
        _logZ += self.log_Zy[t]

        return _J, _h, _logZ
Example #9
def chol2params(chol, dchol, D):
    triu_inds = np.triu_indices(D)
    diag_inds = np.diag_indices(D)
    dchol[diag_inds] = chol[diag_inds] * dchol[diag_inds]
    params = dchol[triu_inds].copy()
    return params