Example #1
    def fun(W):
        # glue W and inds together
        glued_together = np.concatenate((W, inds), axis=1)

        # separate W and inds back out
        new_W = W[:, :-1]
        new_inds = np.int64(W[:, -1])

        assert new_inds.dtype == np.int64
        return new_W[new_inds].sum()
Example #2
    def fun(W):
        # glue W and inds together
        glued_together = np.concatenate((W, inds), axis=1)

        # separate W and inds back out
        new_W = W[:,:-1]
        new_inds = np.int64(W[:,-1])

        assert new_inds.dtype == np.int64
        return new_W[new_inds].sum()
Example #3
 def fun(W):
     W = np.concatenate((W, inds), axis=1)
     W = W[:,:-1]
     return W[np.int64(W[:,-1])].sum()
Example #4
    def fit(self):
        group = self.group
        lambdas = self.reg_lambda
        X = self.xs
        y = self.ys
        group = np.array(group)
        group.dtype = np.int64
        if group.shape[0] != X.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('group should be (n_features,)')

        # type check for data matrix
        if not isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Input data should be of type ndarray (got %s).' %

        n_features = np.float(X.shape[1])
        n_features = np.int64(n_features)
        if y.ndim == 1:
            y = y[:, np.newaxis]

        n_classes = 1
        n_classes = np.int64(n_classes)

        # Initialize parameters
        beta_hat = 1 / (n_features) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0,
                                                       [n_features, n_classes])
        #print('betahat 0,1', beta_hat[0:2])
        fit_params = list()

        for l, rl in enumerate(lambdas):
            #print(l, rl)
            fit_params.append({'beta': beta_hat})

            # Warm initialize parameters
            if l == 0:
                fit_params[-1]['beta'] = beta_hat
                fit_params[-1]['beta'] = fit_params[-2]['beta']

            tol = self.tol
            alpha = 1.

            # Temporary parameters to update
            beta = np.zeros([n_features, n_classes])
            beta = fit_params[-1]['beta']
            g = np.zeros([n_features, n_classes])

            # Initialize loss accumulators
            L, DL = list(), list()
            for t in range(0, self.max_iter):
                grad_beta = self._grad_L2loss(beta=beta,
                #print('before grad',beta[0:2])
                beta = beta - self.learning_rate * grad_beta
                #beta = beta - self.learning_rate * (1 / np.sqrt(t + 1)) * g
                #print('after grad',beta[0:2])
                beta = self._prox(beta, rl * self.learning_rate)
                #print('after prox',beta[0:2])
                L.append(self._loss(beta, rl, X, y))
                #print(self._loss(beta, rl, X, y))
                if t > 1:
                    if (L[-1] > L[-2]):
                    DL.append(L[-1] - L[-2])
                    #print('DL, L-1, L-2',DL, L[-1], L[-2])
                    if np.abs(DL[-1] / L[-1]) < tol:
                        print('converged', rl)
                        msg = ('\tConverged. Loss function:'
                               ' {0:.2f}').format(L[-1])
                        msg = ('\tdL/L: {0:.6f}\n'.format(DL[-1] / L[-1]))
            fit_params[-1]['beta'] = beta
            self.lossresults[rl] = L
            self.dls[rl] = DL
        # Update the estimated variables

        self.fit_ = fit_params
        self.ynull_ = np.mean(y)

        # Return
        return self
Example #5
 def fun(W):
     W = np.concatenate((W, inds), axis=1)
     W = W[:, :-1]
     return W[np.int64(W[:, -1])].sum()
Example #6
    def fit(self):

        group = self.group
        lambdas = self.reg_lambda
        parameter = self.parameter
        X = self.xs
        y = self.ys

        group = np.asarray(group, dtype=np.int64)

        group.dtype = np.int64
        if group.shape[0] != X.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('group should be (n_features,)')

        # type check for data matrix
        if not isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Input data should be of type ndarray (got %s).' %

        n_features = np.float(X.shape[1])
        n_features = np.int64(n_features)
        if y.ndim == 1:
            y = y[:, np.newaxis]
            self.ys = y
        n_classes = 1
        n_classes = np.int64(n_classes)

        beta_hat = 1 / (n_features) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0,
                                                       [n_features, n_classes])
        fit_params = list()

        for l, rl in enumerate(lambdas):
            fit_params.append({'beta': beta_hat})
            if l == 0:
                fit_params[-1]['beta'] = beta_hat
                fit_params[-1]['beta'] = fit_params[-2]['beta']
            tol = self.tol
            alpha = 1.
            beta = np.zeros([n_features, n_classes])
            beta = fit_params[-1]['beta']
            g = np.zeros([n_features, n_classes])
            L, DL, L2, PEN = list(), list(), list(), list()
            lamb = self.learning_rate
            bm1 = beta.copy()
            bm2 = beta.copy()
            for t in range(0, self.max_iter):
                L.append(self._loss(beta, rl, X, y))
                L2.append(self._L2loss(beta, X, y))
                w = (t / (t + 3))
                yk = beta + w * (bm1 - bm2)
                beta, lamb = self._btalgorithm(yk, lamb, .5, 1000, rl)
                #X = self.xs
                #y = self.ys
                bm2 = bm1.copy()
                bm1 = beta.copy()
                if t > 1:
                    DL.append(L[-1] - L[-2])
                    if np.abs(DL[-1] / L[-1]) < tol:
                        print('converged', rl)
                        msg = ('\tConverged. Loss function:'
                               ' {0:.2f}').format(L[-1])
                        msg = ('\tdL/L: {0:.6f}\n'.format(DL[-1] / L[-1]))

            fit_params[-1]['beta'] = beta
            self.lossresults[rl] = L
            self.l2loss[rl] = L2
            self.penalty[rl] = PEN
            self.dls[rl] = DL
        # Update the estimated variables

        self.fit_ = fit_params
        self.ynull_ = np.mean(y)

        # Return
        return self