Example #1
def corr_spline_grad(D, theta):
    ss = np.zeros(D.shape)
    xi = np.abs(D) * theta
    I = np.where(xi <= 0.2)
    if len(I) > 0:
        ss[I] = 1 - xi[I]**2 * (15 - 30 * xi[I])
    I = np.where(np.logical_and(xi > 0.2, xi < 1.0))
    if len(I) > 0:
        ss[I] = 1.25 * (1 - xi[I])**3

    dr = np.zeros(D.shape)
    m, n = D.shape
    u = np.sign(D) * theta

    I = np.where(u <= 0.2)
    if len(I) > 0:
        dr[I] = u[I] * ((90 * xi[I] - 30) * xi[I])
    I = np.where(np.logical_and(xi > 0.2, xi < 1.0))
    if len(I) > 0:
        dr[I] = -3.75 * u[I] * (1 - xi[I]**2)

    for j in range(n):
        _ss = np.copy(ss)
        _ss[:, j] = dr[:, j]
        dr[:, j] = np.prod(_ss, axis=1)

    return dr
Example #2
 def fit(self,X,T,ranked_pairs,smoothed_pairs,ranked_pair_weights=None,smoothed_pair_weights=None):
         Fit the DSSL loss
             X - (n_samples,n_features) ndarray:
                 Design matrix
             T - (n_samples,) ndarray of:
                 Vector of continuous timestamps
             ranked_pairs - (n_ranked_pairs,2) integer ndarray:
                 Contains ranked pairs of samples. Model will try to find 
                 parameters such that score(ranked_pairs[i,0]) > score(ranked_pairs[i,1])
                 for all i.
             smoothed_pairs - (n_smoothed_pairs,2) integer ndarray:
                 Contains pairs of samples that are close in time. Model will 
                 try to find parameters such that minimizes 
                 (score(ranked_pairs[i,0]) - score(ranked_pairs[i,1]))**2/(T(ranked_pairs[i,0]) - T(ranked_pairs[i,1]))**2
                 for all i.
             ranked_pair_weights - (n_ranked_pairs,) float ndarray:
                 Contains sample weights for each of the ranked pairs.
             smoothed_pair_weights - (n_smoothed_pairs,) float ndarray:
                 Contains sample weights for each of the smoothed pairs.
     assert X.shape[0] > 0
     assert T.shape == (X.shape[0],)
     assert ranked_pairs is None or np.issubdtype(ranked_pairs.dtype, np.dtype(int).type)
     assert smoothed_pairs is None or np.issubdtype(smoothed_pairs.dtype, np.dtype(int).type)
     assert ranked_pairs is None or np.all(np.logical_and(ranked_pairs >= 0,ranked_pairs <= X.shape[0]))
     assert smoothed_pairs is None or np.all(np.logical_and(smoothed_pairs >= 0,smoothed_pairs <= X.shape[0]))
     assert ranked_pairs is None or np.all(ranked_pairs[:,0] != ranked_pairs[:,1])
     assert smoothed_pairs is None or np.all(smoothed_pairs[:,0] != smoothed_pairs[:,1])
     # get obj
     obj = self.get_obj(X,T,ranked_pairs,smoothed_pairs,ranked_pair_weights,smoothed_pair_weights)
     # get the gradient function using autograd  
     gfun = grad(obj)
     # init params
     w0 = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
     # optimize objective
     self.res = minimize(obj,w0,method="L-BFGS-B",jac=gfun,options={"gtol":self.gtol,"maxiter":self.maxiter,"disp":self.disp},tol=self.tol)
     return self
Example #3
    def _process_sequence(self, state_sequence):
        """Reduces a state sequence (for tied states), if requested.

        state_sequence : array_like, shape (n,)
            Index of the most likely states for each observation.

        reduced_sequence : array_like, shape (n,)
            Index of the most likely states for each observation, treating tied
            states are the same state.
        if self.n_tied == 0:
            return state_sequence

        reduced_sequence = np.zeros(len(state_sequence))

        limits = [u*(self.n_chain) for u in range(self.n_unique+1)]
        for s in range(self.n_unique):
            reduced_sequence[np.logical_and(state_sequence >= limits[s],
                             state_sequence < limits[s+1])] = s

        return reduced_sequence.astype(int)
Example #4
    def _process_sequence(self, state_sequence):
        """Reduces a state sequence (for tied states), if requested.

        state_sequence : array_like, shape (n,)
            Index of the most likely states for each observation.

        reduced_sequence : array_like, shape (n,)
            Index of the most likely states for each observation, treating tied
            states are the same state.
        if self.n_tied == 0:
            return state_sequence

        reduced_sequence = np.zeros(len(state_sequence))

        limits = [u*(self.n_chain) for u in range(self.n_unique+1)]
        for s in range(self.n_unique):
            reduced_sequence[np.logical_and(state_sequence >= limits[s],
                             state_sequence < limits[s+1])] = s

        return reduced_sequence.astype(int)
Example #5
def loglik(ts,
    phi_kernel = influence.as_influence_kernel(phi_kernel)
    mu_kernel = background.as_background_kernel(mu_kernel)

    if t_end is None:
        t_end = ts[-1]
    # as an optimisation we allow passing in an eval_ts array,
    # in which case t_start and t_end are ignored.
    if eval_ts is None:
        if t_end > ts[-1]:
            eval_ts = np.concatenate((ts[ts > t_start], [t_end]))
            eval_ts = ts[np.logical_and((ts > t_start), (ts < t_end))]

    lam = lam_hawkes(ts=ts,
    big_lam = big_lam_hawkes(ts=ts,
    # if not np.isfinite(np.sum(np.log(lam)) - big_lam):
    #     from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()()

    return np.sum(np.log(lam)) - big_lam
Example #6
def include_aligned(displacement, dcutoff, pval, pcutoff=0.05, less=True):
    # split data up into spatial pixels, according to the distance of the RF center from the stimulus center
    if less:
        criterion = lambda x: (x**2).sum(0) < dcutoff**2
        criterion = lambda x: (x**2).sum(0) > dcutoff**2
    return np.logical_and(criterion(displacement), pval < pcutoff)
Example #7
def data_processing(y, var_distrib, cast_types=False):
    dtypes_dict = {'continuous': float, 'categorical': str, 'ordinal': float,\
                  'bernoulli': int, 'binomial': int}

    p = y.shape[1]
    le_dict = {}

    df = deepcopy(y)
    # Formating the data

    # Encode non-continuous variables
    for col_idx, colname in enumerate(df.columns):
        if np.logical_and(var_distrib[col_idx] != 'continuous',
                          var_distrib[col_idx] != 'binomial'):

            le = LabelEncoder()
            df[colname] = le.fit_transform(df[colname])
            le_dict[colname] = deepcopy(le)

    # Feature category (cf)
    if cast_types:
        dtype = {df.columns[j]: dtypes_dict[var_distrib[j]] for j in range(p)}
        df = df.astype(dtype)

    return df, le_dict
Example #8
def test_sigmoid():
    x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
    y = sigmoid(x)
    yidx = np.argsort(y)
    xidx = np.argsort(x)
    assert (np.all(np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(y, 0), np.less_equal(y,
    assert (np.all(np.equal(yidx, xidx)))
Example #9
def test_batch_transform():
    X = np.random.normal(0, 5, size=(10, 2))
    Y = batch_transform(X, [sigmoid, stable_exp])
    assert (np.all(np.equal(X.shape, Y.shape)))
    assert (np.all(
        np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(Y[:, 0], 0), np.less_equal(Y[:, 0],
    assert (np.all(np.greater_equal(Y[:, 0], 0)))
Example #10
def corr_spline(D, theta):
    ss = np.zeros(D.shape)
    xi = np.abs(D) * theta

    I = np.where(xi <= 0.2)
    if len(I) > 0:
        ss[I] = 1 - xi[I]**2 * (15 - 30 * xi[I])

    I = np.where(np.logical_and(xi > 0.2, xi < 1.0))
    if len(I) > 0:
        ss[I] = 1.25 * (1 - xi[I])**3

    r = np.prod(ss, axis=1)
    return r
Example #11
def get_likelihood_based_interval(thetas, interval_coverage, model):
  thetas should be a list of free parameters for the model
  q should be in [0,100]

  Returns list of thetas, starting with lowest model.eval_objective(theta)
  up to the qth percentile.
  #fn_vals = [model.eval_objective(theta) for theta in thetas]
  #sorted_inds = np.array(np.argsort(fn_vals))
  #thresh = int(np.floor(thetas.shape[0]*(q/100.0)))
  #return thetas[sorted_inds[:thresh]], np.array(fn_vals)[sorted_inds]

  fn_vals = np.array([model.eval_objective(theta) for theta in thetas])

  upper = np.percentile(fn_vals, interval_coverage+(100-interval_coverage)/2)
  lower = np.percentile(fn_vals, (100-interval_coverage)/2)
  inds = np.where(np.logical_and(lower <= fn_vals, fn_vals <= upper))
  return fn_vals[inds]
Example #12
def getquantile(x, lower=0.025, upper=0.975, return_indices=False):
    """ Indicates which elements of `x` fall into a quantile range

        x: `ndarray(nsamples)`
        lower: `0<=float<max(upper,1)`. Lower quantile
        upper: `min(0, lower)<float<=1`. Upper quantile
        return_indices: `bool`. If `False`, returns boolean array. If `True` returns indices for entries of `x` falling between `lower` and `upper`.

        `ndarray`. Dimensionality will depend on `return_indices`

    lb, ub = np.percentile(x, [lower * 100, upper * 100])
    y = np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(x, lb), np.less(x, ub))

    if return_indices:
        y = np.arange(x.size)[y]

    return y
Example #13
def test_softmax():
    x = np.arange(10)
    p = softmax(x)
    assert p.sum() == 1
    assert np.logical_and(np.all(np.greater_equal(p, 0)),
                          np.all(np.less_equal(p, 1)))
Example #14
def spec(guesses, targets):
	tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==0, targets==0))
	fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==1, targets==0))
	return np.true_divide(tn, tn + fp)
Example #15

lfp = {}
x = {}
z = {}
for probe in ['probeC', 'probeD']:

    # Load data (saved by extract_data.py)
    with open('%s/results/neuropixel_viz_%s_m405751.pkl' % (root_path, probe),
              'rb') as f:
        d = pickle.load(f)

    x[probe] = d['x']  # (69, 2) spatial locations, microns
    t = d['t']  # (2500, 1) time points in seconds (in 0.4ms increments)
    t *= 1000.  # convert to ms
    t_ind = np.logical_and(t >= -40.0, t <= 110.0)
    t = np.expand_dims(t[t_ind], 1)
    lfp_tmp = d[
        'y'][:, t_ind, :]  # (69, 2500, 150) which is (spatial, time, trials)
    lfp_tmp /= 100.  # Scaling
    # remove evoked LFP
    lfp_tmp = lfp_tmp - np.mean(lfp_tmp, 2, keepdims=True)
    lfp[probe] = lfp_tmp

    # Desired CSD prediction locations
    z[probe] = np.stack([24. * np.ones(len(csd_loc[probe])), csd_loc[probe]]).T

# %% Visualize data, check for outlier trials
ol_bool = {}
for probe in ['probeC', 'probeD']:
    trial_sd = np.std(lfp[probe], axis=2, keepdims=True)
Example #16
def ppv(guesses, targets):
	tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==1, targets==1))
	fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==1, targets==0))
	return np.true_divide(tp, tp + fp)
Example #17
def MIAMI(y, n_clusters, r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, authorized_ranges,\
          target_nb_pseudo_obs = 500, it = 50, \
          eps = 1E-05, maxstep = 100, seed = None, perform_selec = True,\
              dm = [], max_patience = 1): # dm: Hack to remove
    ''' Generates pseudo-observations from a trained M1DGMM
    y (numobs x p ndarray): The observations containing mixed variables
    n_clusters (int): The number of clusters to look for in the data
    r (list): The dimension of latent variables through the first 2 layers
    k (list): The number of components of the latent Gaussian mixture layers
    init (dict): The initialisation parameters for the algorithm
    var_distrib (p 1darray): An array containing the types of the variables in y 
    nj (p 1darray): For binary/count data: The maximum values that the variable can take. 
                    For ordinal data: the number of different existing categories for each variable
    authorized_ranges (ndarray): The ranges in which the observations have to lie in
    target_nb_pseudo_obs (int): The number of pseudo-observations to generate         
    it (int): The maximum number of MCEM iterations of the algorithm
    eps (float): If the likelihood increase by less than eps then the algorithm stops
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimisation step for each variable
    seed (int): The random state seed to set (Only for numpy generated data for the moment)
    perform_selec (Bool): Whether to perform architecture selection or not
    dm (np array): The distance matrix of the observations. If not given M1DGMM computes it
    returns (dict): The predicted classes, the likelihood through the EM steps
                    and a continuous representation of the data

    out = M1DGMM(y, 'auto', r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, it,\
             eps, maxstep, seed, perform_selec = perform_selec,\
                 dm = dm, max_patience = max_patience)

    # Upacking the model from the M1DGMM output
    #best_z = out['best_z']
    k = out['best_k']
    r = out['best_r']
    w_s = out['best_w_s']
    lambda_bin = out['lambda_bin']
    lambda_ord = out['lambda_ord']
    lambda_categ = out['lambda_categ']
    lambda_cont = out['lambda_cont']
    mu_s = out['mu']
    sigma_s = out['sigma']

    nj_bin = nj[pd.Series(var_distrib).isin(['bernoulli',
    nj_ord = nj[var_distrib == 'ordinal'].astype(int)
    nj_categ = nj[var_distrib == 'categorical'].astype(int)

    y_std = y[:, var_distrib == 'continuous'].std(axis=0, keepdims=True)

    M0 = 100  # The number of z to draw
    S0 = np.prod(k)
    MM = 30  # The number of y to draw for each z

    # Data augmentation part

    # Create pseudo-observations iteratively:
    nb_pseudo_obs = 0

    y_new_all = []
    w_snorm = np.array(w_s) / np.sum(w_s)

    total_nb_obs_generated = 0
    while nb_pseudo_obs <= target_nb_pseudo_obs:

        # Generate a batch of latent variables

        # Draw some z^{(1)} | Theta using z^{(1)} | s, Theta
        z = np.zeros((M0, r[0]))

        z0_s = multivariate_normal(size = (M0, 1), \
            mean = mu_s[0].flatten(order = 'C'), cov = block_diag(*sigma_s[0]))
        z0_s = z0_s.reshape(M0, S0, r[0], order='C')

        comp_chosen = np.random.choice(S0, M0, p=w_snorm)
        for m in range(M0):  # Dirty loop for the moment
            z[m] = z0_s[m, comp_chosen[m]]

        # Generate a batch of pseudo-observations

        y_bin_new = []
        y_categ_new = []
        y_ord_new = []
        y_cont_new = []

        for mm in range(MM):
            y_bin_new.append(draw_new_bin(lambda_bin, z, nj_bin))
            y_categ_new.append(draw_new_categ(lambda_categ, z, nj_categ))
            y_ord_new.append(draw_new_ord(lambda_ord, z, nj_ord))
            y_cont_new.append(draw_new_cont(lambda_cont, z))

        # Stack the quantities
        y_bin_new = np.vstack(y_bin_new)
        y_categ_new = np.vstack(y_categ_new)
        y_ord_new = np.vstack(y_ord_new)
        y_cont_new = np.vstack(y_cont_new)

        # "Destandardize" the continous data
        y_cont_new = y_cont_new * y_std

        # Put them in the right order and append them to y
        type_counter = {'count': 0, 'ordinal': 0,\
                        'categorical': 0, 'continuous': 0}

        y_new = np.full((M0 * MM, y.shape[1]), np.nan)

        # Quite dirty:
        for j, var in enumerate(var_distrib):
            if (var == 'bernoulli') or (var == 'binomial'):
                y_new[:, j] = y_bin_new[:, type_counter['count']]
                type_counter['count'] = type_counter['count'] + 1
            elif var == 'ordinal':
                y_new[:, j] = y_ord_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
            elif var == 'categorical':
                y_new[:, j] = y_categ_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
            elif var == 'continuous':
                y_new[:, j] = y_cont_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
                raise ValueError(var, 'Type not implemented')

        # Acceptation rule

        # Check that each variable is in the good range
        y_new_exp = np.expand_dims(y_new, 1)

        total_nb_obs_generated += len(y_new)

        mask = np.logical_and(y_new_exp >= authorized_ranges[0][np.newaxis],\
                       y_new_exp <= authorized_ranges[1][np.newaxis])

        # Keep an observation if it lies at least into one of the ranges possibility
        mask = np.any(mask.mean(2) == 1, axis=1)

        y_new = y_new[mask]
        nb_pseudo_obs = len(np.concatenate(y_new_all))

    # Keep target_nb_pseudo_obs pseudo-observations
    y_new_all = np.concatenate(y_new_all)
    y_new_all = y_new_all[:target_nb_pseudo_obs]

    y_all = np.vstack([y, y_new_all])
    share_kept_pseudo_obs = len(y_new_all) / total_nb_obs_generated

    out['y_all'] = y_all
    out['share_kept_pseudo_obs'] = share_kept_pseudo_obs

    return (out)
Example #18
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, order=None: anp.ravel(g, order=order))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis: anp.expand_dims(g, axis))
anp.squeeze.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis=None: anp.squeeze(g, axis))
anp.diag.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.diag(g, k))
anp.flipud.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, : anp.flipud(g))
anp.fliplr.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, : anp.fliplr(g))
anp.rot90.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=1: anp.rot90(g, k))
anp.trace.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, offset=0: anp.trace(g, offset))
anp.full.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, shape, fill_value, dtype=None: anp.
                full(shape, g, dtype),
anp.triu.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.triu(g, k=k))
anp.tril.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.tril(g, k=k))
anp.clip.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, a_min, a_max: g * anp.logical_and(
    ans != a_min, ans != a_max))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis1, axis2: anp.swapaxes(g, axis1, axis2))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, a, axis, start=0: anp.rollaxis(g, axis, start))
anp.real_if_close.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: npg.match_complex(vs, g))
anp.real.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: anp.real(g))
anp.imag.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: npg.match_complex(vs, -1j * g))
anp.conj.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: anp.conj(g))
anp.angle.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: npg.match_complex(
    g * anp.conj(x * 1j) / anp.abs(x)**2))
anp.where.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, c, x=None, y=None: anp.where(
    c, g, anp.zeros(anp.shape(g))),
anp.where.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, c, x=None, y=None: anp.where(
Example #19
def boxQP(H, g, lower, upper, x0):
    n = H.shape[0]
    clamped = np.zeros(n)
    free = np.ones(n)
    Hfree = np.zeros(n)
    oldvalue = 0
    result = 0
    nfactor = 0
    clamp = lambda value: np.maximum(lower, np.minimum(upper, value))

    maxIter = 100
    minRelImprove = 1e-8
    minGrad = 1e-8
    stepDec = 0.6
    minStep = 1e-22
    Armijo = 0.1

    if x0.shape[0] == n:
        x = clamp(x0)
        lu = np.array([lower, upper])
        lu[np.isnan(lu)] = np.nan
        x = np.nanmean(lu, axis=1)

    value = np.dot(x.T, np.dot(H, x)) + np.dot(x.T, g)

    for iteration in range(maxIter):
        if result != 0:

        if iteration > 1 and (oldvalue - value) < minRelImprove * abs(oldvalue):
            result = 4
            logging.info("[QP info] Improvement smaller than tolerance")

        oldvalue = value

        grad = g + np.dot(H, x)

        old_clamped = clamped
        clamped = np.zeros(n)
        clamped[np.logical_and(x == lower, grad > 0)] = 1
        clamped[np.logical_and(x == upper, grad < 0)] = 1
        free = np.logical_not(clamped)

        if np.all(clamped):
            result = 6
            logging.info("[QP info] All dimensions are clamped")

        if iteration == 0:
            factorize = True
            factorize = np.any(old_clamped != clamped)

        if factorize:
                if not np.all(np.allclose(H, H.T)):
                    H = np.triu(H)
                Hfree = np.linalg.cholesky(H[np.ix_(free, free)])
            except LinAlgError:
                eigs, _ = np.linalg.eig(H[np.ix_(free, free)])
                result = -1
                logging.info("[QP info] Hessian is not positive definite")
            nfactor += 1

        gnorm = np.linalg.norm(grad[free])
        if gnorm < minGrad:
            result = 5
            logging.info("[QP info] Gradient norm smaller than tolerance")

        grad_clamped = g + np.dot(H, x*clamped)
        search = np.zeros(n)

        y = np.linalg.lstsq(Hfree.T, grad_clamped[free])[0]
        search[free] = -np.linalg.lstsq(Hfree, y)[0] - x[free]
        sdotg = np.sum(search*grad)
        if sdotg >= 0:
            print(f"[QP info] No descent direction found. Should not happen. Grad is {grad}")

        # armijo linesearch
        step = 1
        nstep = 0
        xc = clamp(x + step*search)
        vc = np.dot(xc.T, g) + 0.5*np.dot(xc.T, np.dot(H, xc))
        while (vc - oldvalue) / (step*sdotg) < Armijo:
            step *= stepDec
            nstep += 1
            xc = clamp(x + step * search)
            vc = np.dot(xc.T, g) + 0.5 * np.dot(xc.T, np.dot(H, xc))

            if step < minStep:
                result = 2

        # accept candidate
        x = xc
        value = vc

        # print(f"[QP info] Iteration {iteration}, value of the cost: {vc}")

    if iteration >= maxIter:
        result = 1

    return x, result, Hfree, free
Example #20
def atomsDistances(positions, cell, cutoff_radius=6.0, self_interaction=False):
    """ Compute the distance of every atom to its neighbors.

    This function computes the distances of every central atom to its neighbors. If the
    distances is larger than the cutoff radius, then the distances will be handled as 0.
    Here, periodic boundary condition is assuming true for every axis.

    positions: np.ndarray
        Atomic positions. The size of this tensor will be (N_atoms, 3), where N_atoms is the number of atoms
        in the cluster.
    cell: np.ndarray
        Periodic cell, which has the size of (3, 3)
    cutoff_radius: float
        Cutoff Radius, which is a hyper parameters. The default is 6.0 Angstrom.
    self_interaction: boolean
        Default is False, which means that results will not consider the atom itself as its neighbor.
    distances: np.ndarray
        Differentialble distances array.
    first_atoms: np.ndarray
        Atoms that we observed in the cell. The np.unique of first_atoms will be np.arange of the number of
        atoms in the cell.
    second_atoms: np.ndarray
        Atoms that are considered as the neighbor atoms of first atoms. The distances of first_atoms and
        second_atoms will be computed and stored in the distances array.
    cell_shift_vector: np.ndarray
        The cell shift vector of every atom.
    # Compute reciprocal lattice vectors.
    inverse_cell = np.linalg.pinv(cell).T

    # Compute distances of cell faces.
    face_dist_c = 1 / np.linalg.norm(inverse_cell, axis=0)

    # We use a minimum bin size of 3 A
    bin_size = max(cutoff_radius, 3)

    # Compute number of bins, the minimum bin size must be [1., 1., 1.].
    nbins_c = np.maximum(
        (face_dist_c / bin_size - (face_dist_c / bin_size) % 1), [1., 1., 1.])
    nbins = np.prod(nbins_c)

    # Compute the number of neighbor cell that need to be search
    neighbor_search_x, neighbor_search_y, neighbor_search_z =\
                np.ceil(bin_size * nbins_c / face_dist_c).astype(int)

    # Sort atoms into bins.
    scaled_positions_ic = np.dot(positions, inverse_cell) % 1
    bin_index_ic = scaled_positions_ic * nbins_c - (scaled_positions_ic *
                                                    nbins_c) % 1

    # Convert Cartesian bin index to unique scalar bin index.
    bin_index_i = (bin_index_ic[:, 0] + nbins_c[0] *
                   (bin_index_ic[:, 1] + nbins_c[1] * bin_index_ic[:, 2]))

    # atom_i contains atom index in new sort order.
    atom_i = np.argsort(bin_index_i)
    bin_index_i = bin_index_i[atom_i]

    # Compute the maximum number of atoms in a bin
    max_natoms_per_bin = np.bincount(np.int_(bin_index_i)).max()

    # Sort atoms into bins. The atoms_in_bin_ba contains the information about where the atoms located.
    atoms_in_bin_ba = -np.ones([np.int_(nbins), max_natoms_per_bin], dtype=int)

    for i in range(max_natoms_per_bin):
        # Create a mask array that identifies the first atom of each bin.
        mask = np.append([True], bin_index_i[:-1] != bin_index_i[1:])
        # Assign all first atoms.
        atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(bin_index_i[mask]), i] = atom_i[mask]

        # Remove atoms that we just sorted into atoms_in_bin_ba. The next
        # "first" atom will be the second and so on.
        mask = np.logical_not(mask)
        atom_i = atom_i[mask]
        bin_index_i = bin_index_i[mask]

    # Create the shift list that indicates that where the cell might shift.
    shift = []
    for x in range(-neighbor_search_x, neighbor_search_x + 1):
        for y in range(-neighbor_search_y, neighbor_search_y + 1):
            for z in range(-neighbor_search_z, neighbor_search_z + 1):
                shift += [[x, y, z]]

    # Therefore, the possible positions of neighborhood bin can be computed by the following code.
    neighborbin = (bin_index_ic[:, None] + np.array(shift)[None, :]) % nbins_c
    cell_shift = ((bin_index_ic[:, None] + np.array(shift)[None, :]) -
                  neighborbin) / nbins_c
    neighborbin = neighborbin[:, :, 0] + nbins_c[0] * (
        neighborbin[:, :, 1] + nbins_c[1] * neighborbin[:, :, 2])

    distances = []
    first_atoms = []
    second_atoms = []
    cell_shift_vector = []
    for i in range(len(positions)):
        # Create a mask that indicates which neighborhood bin contains atoms.
        if self_interaction:
            mask = (atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != -1)
            mask = np.logical_and(
                atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != -1,
                atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != i)
        distances_vec = positions[atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(
            neighborbin[i])]] - positions[i]
        # the distance should consider the cell shift
        distances_vec = distances_vec + np.dot(cell_shift[i], cell)[:, None]
        # make the cell shift vector for every atom instead of every bin.
        _cell_shift_vector = np.repeat(cell_shift[i][:, None],
        distances_vec = distances_vec[mask]
        temp_distances = np.sum(distances_vec * distances_vec, axis=1)
        temp_distances = (temp_distances)**0.5
        cutoff_mask = (temp_distances < cutoff_radius)
        _second_atoms = atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(
        _first_atoms = [i] * len(_second_atoms)
        _cell_shift_vector = _cell_shift_vector[cutoff_mask]

    distances = np.array(distances)
    cell_shift_vector = np.array(cell_shift_vector)
    first_atoms = np.array(first_atoms)
    second_atoms = np.array(second_atoms)

    return distances, first_atoms, second_atoms, cell_shift_vector
Example #21
def integrate_rkdp5(
    Integrate using the RKDP5(4) method. For quick intuition, consult [2] and [3].
    See table 5.2 on pp. 178 of [1] or [3] for the Butcher tableau. See pp. 167-169 of [1]
    for automatic step size control and starting step size. Scipy's RK45 implementation
    in python [4] was used as a reference for this implementation.

    [1] E. Hairer, S.P. Norsett and G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations
    i. Nonstiff Problems. 2nd edition. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics,
    Springer-Verlag (1993)
    [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge–Kutta_methods
    [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormand–Prince_method
    [4] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/integrate/_ivp/rk.py
    [5] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2947231/how-can-i-derive-the-dense-output-of-ode45/2948244
    atol :: float or array(N) - the absolute tolerance of the component-wise
        local error, i.e. "Atoli" in e.q. 4.10 on pp. 167 of [1]
    rhs :: (x :: float, y :: array(N)) -> dy_dx :: array(N)
        - the right-hand side of the equation dy_dx = rhs(x, y)
        that defines the first order differential equation
    rtol :: float or array(N) - the relative tolerance of the component-wise
        local error, i.e. "Rtoli" in e.q. 4.10 on pp. 167 of [1]
    step_safety_factor :: float - the safety multiplication factor used in the
        step update rule, i.e. "fac" in e.q. 4.13 on pp. 168 of [1]
    step_update_factor_max :: float - the maximum step multiplication factor used in the
        step update rule, i.e. "facmax" in e.q. 4.13 on pp. 168 of [1]
    step_update_factor_min :: float - the minimum step multiplication factor used in the
        step update rule, i.e. "facmin"in e.q.e 4.13 on pp. 168 of [1]
    x_eval :: ndarray (eval_count) - an array of points `x` whose
        corresponding `y` value should be evaluated. It is assumed
        that this list does not contain duplicates, that
        the values are sorted in increasing order, and that
        all values are greater than `x_initial`.
    x_final :: float - the final value of x (inclusive) that concludes the integration interval
    x_initial :: float - the initial value of x (inclusive) that begins the integration interval
    y_initial :: array(N) - the initial value of y

    y_evald :: ndarray (eval_count x N) - an array of points `y` whose
        corresponding `x` value is specified in x_eval
    # Determine how far to integrate to.
    if len(x_eval) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No output was specified.")
        x_final = x_eval[-1]

    # Compute initial step size per pp. 169 of [1].
    f0 = rhs(x_initial, y_initial)
    d0 = rms_norm(y_initial)
    d1 = rms_norm(f0)
    if d0 < 1e-5 or d1 < 1e-5:
        h0 = 1e-6
        h0 = 0.01 * d0 / d1
    y1 = y_initial + h0 * f0
    f1 = rhs(x_initial + h0, y1)
    d2 = rms_norm(f1 - f0) / h0
    if anp.maximum(d1, d2) <= 1e-15:
        h1 = anp.maximum(1e-6, h0 * 1e-3)
        h1 = anp.power(0.01 / anp.maximum(d1, d2), 1 / (P + 1))
    step_current = anp.minimum(100 * h0, h1)

    # Integrate.
    y_eval_list = list()
    x_current = x_initial
    y_current = y_initial
    k1 = f0
    while x_current <= x_final:
        step_rejected = False
        step_accepted = False
        # Repeatedly attempt to move to the next position in the mesh
        # until the step size is adapted such that the local step error
        # is within an acceptable tolerance.
        while not step_accepted:
            # Attempt to step by `step_current`.
            ks, y1, y1h = integrate_rkdp5_step(step_current,
            # Before the step size is updated for the next step, note where
            # the current attempted step size places us in the mesh.
            x_new = x_current + step_current
            # Compute the local error associated with the attempted step.
            scale = atol + anp.maximum(anp.abs(y1), anp.abs(y1h)) * rtol
            error_norm = rms_norm((y1 - y1h) / scale)

            # If the step is accepted, increase the step size,
            # and move to the next step.
            if error_norm < 1:
                step_accepted = True
                # Avoid division by zero in update.
                if error_norm == 0:
                    step_update_factor = step_update_factor_max
                    step_update_factor = anp.minimum(
                        step_safety_factor * anp.power(error_norm, ERROR_EXP))
                # Avoid an extraneous update in next step.
                if step_rejected:
                    step_update_factor = anp.minimum(1, step_update_factor)
                step_current = step_current * step_update_factor
            # If the step was rejected, decrease the step size,
            # and reattempt the step.
                step_rejected = True
                step_update_factor = anp.maximum(
                    step_safety_factor * anp.power(error_norm, ERROR_EXP))
                step_current = step_current * step_update_factor
        # Interpolate any output points that ocurred in the step.
        x_eval_step_indices = anp.nonzero(
            anp.logical_and(x_current <= x_eval, x_eval <= x_new))[0]
        x_eval_step = x_eval[x_eval_step_indices]
        if len(x_eval_step) != 0:
            y_eval_step = rkdp5_dense(ks, x_current, x_new, x_eval_step,
                                      y_current, y1)
            for y_eval_ in y_eval_step:

        # Update the position in the mesh.
        x_current = x_new
        y_current = y1
        k1 = ks[6]  # k[6] = k7

    return anp.stack(y_eval_list)
Example #22
def load_celegans_network(props=np.ones((3, 4))):
    """" This function loads a connectome with a subsample of the entire connectome. The sub-sample
        is given by props. props[i,j] = proportion of neurons of category (i,j) to include
        category i = body position (Head = 0, Middle =1, Tail =2)
        category j = neuron type (Sensory = 0, Motor = 1, Interneuron =2, Poly-type =3)
        Besides names and positions of neurons, it outputs an array of adjacency matrix, for each type of
        connectivity (Synapse, electric junction and NMJ (?))"""

    NeuronTypeCSV = csv.reader(open('data/NeuronType.csv', 'r'),
    neuron_info_all = [[] for index in range(4)]
    relevant_indexes = [0, 1, 2, 14]
    # load relevant information (names, numerica position, anatomical position and type)
    for row in NeuronTypeCSV:
        for j0, j in enumerate(relevant_indexes):
            neuron_info_all[j0].append(row[j].strip(' \t\n\r'))

    names_with_zeros = deepcopy(neuron_info_all[0])
    # erase extra zeros in name
    for j in range(279):
        indZero = neuron_info_all[0][j].find('0')
        if (indZero >= 0 and indZero < len(neuron_info_all[0][j]) - 1):
            neuron_info_all[0][j] = neuron_info_all[0][j].replace('0', '')

    names = deepcopy(neuron_info_all[0])
    xpos = np.array(neuron_info_all[1])

    location = neuron_info_all[2]

    issensory = np.zeros(279)
    ismotor = np.zeros(279)
    isinterneuron = np.zeros(279)

    NeuronTypeISM = csv.reader(open('data/NeuronTypeISM.csv', 'r'),

    for row in NeuronTypeISM:
            index = names.index(row[0])
            words = row[2].lower()
            if ('sensory' in words):
                issensory[index] = 1
            if ('motor' in words):
                ismotor[index] = 1
            if ('interneuron' in words):
                isinterneuron[index] = 1
    NeuronRemainingTypesISM = csv.reader(open(
        'data/NeuronRemainingTypesISM.csv', 'r'),
    for row in NeuronRemainingTypesISM:
            index = neuron_info_all[0].index(row[0])
            words = row[1].lower()
            if ('sensory' in words):
                issensory[index] = 1
            if ('motor' in words):
                ismotor[index] = 1
            if ('interneuron' in words):
                isinterneuron[index] = 1

    ConnectomeCSV = csv.reader(open('data/NeuronConnect.csv', 'r'),
    As_weighted = np.zeros((3, 279, 279))

    for row in ConnectomeCSV:
            index1 = names_with_zeros.index(row[0])
            index2 = names_with_zeros.index(row[1])
            if ('S' in row[2] or 'R' in row[2] or 'Sp' in row[2]
                    or 'Rp' in row[2]):
                As_weighted[0, index1,
                            index2] = As_weighted[0, index1, index2] + float(
            if ('EJ' in row[2]):
                As_weighted[1, index1,
                            index2] = As_weighted[1, index1, index2] + float(
            if ('NMJ' in row[2]):
                As_weighted[2, index1,
                            index2] = As_weighted[2, index1, index2] + float(
    As = (As_weighted > 0).astype(int)

    ind_type = [[] for _ in range(4)]

    # 0=sensory,motor,interneuron,poly
    ind_type[0] = np.where(
            np.logical_and(issensory.astype(bool), (1 - ismotor).astype(bool)),
            (1 - isinterneuron).astype(bool)))[0]
    ind_type[1] = np.where(
            np.logical_and((1 - issensory).astype(bool), ismotor.astype(bool)),
            (1 - isinterneuron).astype(bool)))[0]
    ind_type[2] = np.where(
            np.logical_and((1 - issensory).astype(bool),
                           (1 - ismotor).astype(bool)),

    ind_type[3] = np.where(issensory + ismotor + isinterneuron >= 2)[0]

    # Head, Middle, Tail

    ind_pos = [[] for _ in range(3)]
    ind_pos[0] = [i for i, j in enumerate(location) if j == 'H']
    ind_pos[1] = [i for i, j in enumerate(location) if j == 'M']
    ind_pos[2] = [i for i, j in enumerate(location) if j == 'T']

    ind_type_pos_number = np.zeros((3, 4))

    ind_type_pos = [[] for _ in range(3)]

    for j in range(3):
        ind_type_pos[j] = [[] for _ in range(4)]

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
            ind_type_pos[j][i] = [
                val for val in ind_pos[j] if val in ind_type[i]
            ind_type_pos_number[j, i] = len(ind_type_pos[j][i])

    ind_neuron_subsampled = [[] for _ in range(3) for _ in range(4)]
    for j in range(3):
        ind_neuron_subsampled[j] = [[] for _ in range(4)]

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
                ind_neuron_subsampled[j][i] = np.random.choice(
                    np.floor(ind_type_pos_number[j, i] *
                             props[j, i]).astype(int),
                ind_neuron_subsampled[j][i] = []

    ind_neuron_subsampled = np.sort(
            np.concatenate(ind_neuron_subsampled[j][:], axis=0)
            for j in range(3)

    As = As[np.ix_(range(3), ind_neuron_subsampled, ind_neuron_subsampled)]
    xpos = np.array(deepcopy(xpos[ind_neuron_subsampled]).astype(float))
    names = [j for j0, j in enumerate(names) if j0 in ind_neuron_subsampled]

    return As, names, xpos
Example #23
def MIAMI(y, n_clusters, r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, authorized_ranges,\
          target_nb_pseudo_obs = 500, it = 50, \
          eps = 1E-05, maxstep = 100, seed = None, perform_selec = True,\
              dm = [], max_patience = 1): # dm: Hack to remove
    ''' Complete the missing values using a trained M1DGMM
    y (numobs x p ndarray): The observations containing mixed variables
    n_clusters (int): The number of clusters to look for in the data
    r (list): The dimension of latent variables through the first 2 layers
    k (list): The number of components of the latent Gaussian mixture layers
    init (dict): The initialisation parameters for the algorithm
    var_distrib (p 1darray): An array containing the types of the variables in y 
    nj (p 1darray): For binary/count data: The maximum values that the variable can take. 
                    For ordinal data: the number of different existing categories for each variable
    nan_mask (ndarray): A mask array equal to True when the observation value is missing False otherwise
    target_nb_pseudo_obs (int): The number of pseudo-observations to generate         
    it (int): The maximum number of MCEM iterations of the algorithm
    eps (float): If the likelihood increase by less than eps then the algorithm stops
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimisation step for each variable
    seed (int): The random state seed to set (Only for numpy generated data for the moment)
    perform_selec (Bool): Whether to perform architecture selection or not
    dm (np array): The distance matrix of the observations. If not given M1DGMM computes it
    n_neighbors (int): The number of neighbors to use for NA imputation
    returns (dict): The predicted classes, the likelihood through the EM steps
                    and a continuous representation of the data

    # !!! Hack
    cols = y.columns
    # Formatting
    if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): y = np.asarray(y)

    assert len(k) < 2  # Not implemented for deeper MDGMM for the moment

    out = M1DGMM(y, n_clusters, r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, it,\
             eps, maxstep, seed, perform_selec = perform_selec,\
                 dm = dm, max_patience = max_patience, use_silhouette = True)

    # Compute the associations
    vars_contributions(pd.DataFrame(y, columns = cols), out['Ez.y'], assoc_thr = 0.0, \
                           title = 'Contribution of the variables to the latent dimensions',\
                           storage_path = None)

    # Upacking the model from the M1DGMM output
    p = y.shape[1]
    k = out['best_k']
    r = out['best_r']
    mu = out['mu'][0]
    sigma = out['sigma'][0]
    w = out['best_w_s']
    #eta = out['eta'][0]

    #Ez_y = out['Ez.y']

    lambda_bin = np.array(out['lambda_bin'])
    lambda_ord = out['lambda_ord']
    lambda_categ = out['lambda_categ']
    lambda_cont = np.array(out['lambda_cont'])

    nj_bin = nj[pd.Series(var_distrib).isin(['bernoulli',
    nj_ord = nj[var_distrib == 'ordinal'].astype(int)
    nj_categ = nj[var_distrib == 'categorical'].astype(int)

    y_std = y[:,var_distrib == 'continuous'].astype(float).std(axis = 0,\
                                                                    keepdims = True)

    nb_points = 200

    # Bloc de contraintes
    is_constrained = np.isfinite(authorized_ranges).any(1)[0]
    is_min_constrained = np.isfinite(authorized_ranges[0])[0]
    is_max_constrained = np.isfinite(authorized_ranges[1])[0]

    is_continuous = (var_distrib == 'continuous') | (var_distrib == 'binomial')
    min_unconstrained_cont = is_continuous & ~is_min_constrained
    max_unconstrained_cont = is_continuous & ~is_max_constrained
    authorized_ranges[0] = np.where(min_unconstrained_cont, np.min(y, 0), authorized_ranges[0])
    authorized_ranges[1] = np.where(max_unconstrained_cont, np.max(y, 0), authorized_ranges[1])

    #from scipy.stats import norm
    # Constraints determination
    # Force to stay in the support for binomial and continuous variables

    #authorized_ranges = np.expand_dims(np.stack([[-np.inf,np.inf] for var in var_distrib]).T, 1)
    #authorized_ranges[:, 0, 8] = [0, 0]  # Of more than 60 years old
    #authorized_ranges[:, 0, 0] = [-np.inf, np.inf]  # Of more than 60 years old

    # Look for the constrained variables
    #authorized_ranges[:,:,0] = np.array([[-np.inf],[np.inf]])
    is_constrained = np.isfinite(authorized_ranges).any(1)[0]
    #bbox = np.dstack([Ez_y.min(0),Ez_y.max(0)])
    #bbox * np.array([0.6, 1.4])
    proba_min = 1E-3
    proba = proba_min
    epsilon = 1E-12
    best_A = []
    best_b = []
    is_solution = True
    while is_solution:
        b = []#np.array([])
        A = []#np.array([[]]).reshape((0, r[0]))
        bbox = np.array([[-10, 10]] * r[0]) # !!! A corriger
        alpha = 1 - proba
        q = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2)  
        # Store the constraints for each datatype

        for j in range(p):
            if is_constrained[j]:
                bounds_j = authorized_ranges[:,:,j]
                # The index of the variable among the variables of the same type
                idx_among_type = (var_distrib[:j] == var_distrib[j]).sum()
                if var_distrib[j] == 'continuous':
                    # Lower bound
                    lb_j = bounds_j[0] / y_std[0, idx_among_type] - lambda_cont[idx_among_type, 0] + q
                    A.append(- lambda_cont[idx_among_type,1:])
                    b.append(- lb_j)
                    # Upper bound                                
                    ub_j = bounds_j[1] / y_std[0, idx_among_type] - lambda_cont[idx_among_type, 0] - q
                elif var_distrib[j] == 'binomial':
                    idx_among_type = ((var_distrib[:j] == 'bernoulli') | (var_distrib[:j] == 'binomial')).sum()
                    # Lower bound
                    lb_j = bounds_j[0]
                    lb_j = logit(lb_j / nj_bin[idx_among_type]) - lambda_bin[idx_among_type,0]
                    A.append(- lambda_bin[idx_among_type,1:])
                    b.append(- lb_j)
                    # Upper bound
                    ub_j = bounds_j[1]
                    ub_j = logit(ub_j / nj_bin[idx_among_type]) - lambda_bin[idx_among_type,0]
                    A.append(lambda_bin[idx_among_type, 1:])
                elif var_distrib[j] == 'bernoulli':
                    idx_among_type = ((var_distrib[:j] == 'bernoulli') | (var_distrib[:j] == 'binomial')).sum()
                    assert bounds_j[0] == bounds_j[1] # !!! To improve
                    # Lower bound
                    lb_j = proba if bounds_j[0] == 1 else  0 + epsilon
                    lb_j = logit(lb_j / nj_bin[idx_among_type]) - lambda_bin[idx_among_type,0]
                    A.append(- lambda_bin[idx_among_type,1:])
                    b.append(- lb_j)
                    # Upper bound
                    ub_j = 1 - epsilon if bounds_j[0] == 1 else 1 - proba
                    ub_j = logit(ub_j / nj_bin[idx_among_type]) - lambda_bin[idx_among_type,0]
                    A.append(lambda_bin[idx_among_type, 1:])
                elif var_distrib[j] ==  'categorical':
                    assert bounds_j[0] == bounds_j[1] # !!! To improve
                    modality_idx = int(bounds_j[0][0])        
                    # Define the probability to draw the modality of interest to proba
                    pi = np.full(nj_categ[idx_among_type],\
                                 (1 - proba) / (nj_categ[idx_among_type] - 1))
                    # For the inversion of the softmax a constant C = 0 is taken:
                    pi[modality_idx] = proba
                    lb_j = np.log(pi) - lambda_categ[idx_among_type][:, 0] 
                    # -1 Mask
                    mask = np.ones((nj_categ[idx_among_type], 1))
                    mask[modality_idx] = -1
                    A.append(lambda_categ[idx_among_type][:, 1:] * mask)
                    b.append(lb_j * mask[:,0])
                elif var_distrib[j] == 'ordinal':
                    assert bounds_j[0] == bounds_j[1] # !!! To improve
                    modality_idx = int(bounds_j[0][0])  
                    RuntimeError('Not implemented for the moment')
        # Try if the solution is feasible

            points, interior_point, hs = solve_convex_set(np.reshape(A, (-1, r[0]),\
                                    order = 'C'), np.hstack(b), bbox)
            # If yes store the new constraints
            best_A = deepcopy(A)
            best_b = deepcopy(b)
            proba = np.min([1.05 * proba, 0.8])
            if proba >= 0.8:
                is_solution = False
        except QhullError:
            is_solution = False
    best_A = np.reshape(best_A, (-1, r[0]), order = 'C')
    best_b = np.hstack(best_b)
    points, interior_point, hs = solve_convex_set(best_A, best_b, bbox)
    polygon = Polygon(points)    
    # Data augmentation part

    # Create pseudo-observations iteratively:
    nb_pseudo_obs = 0

    y_new_all = []
    zz = []

    total_nb_obs_generated = 0
    while nb_pseudo_obs <= target_nb_pseudo_obs:

        # Generate a batch of latent variables (try)
        # Simulate points in the Polynom
        pts = generate_random(nb_points, polygon)
        pts = np.array([np.array([p.x, p.y]) for p in pts])
        # Compute their density and resample them
        pts_density = fz(pts, mu, sigma, w)
        pts_density = pts_density / pts_density.sum(keepdims = True) # Normalized the pdfs
        idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(nb_points), size = target_nb_pseudo_obs,\
                               p = pts_density, replace=True)
        z = pts[idx]
        # Generate a batch of latent variables

        # Draw some z^{(1)} | Theta using z^{(1)} | s, Theta
        z = np.zeros((nb_points, r[0]))

        z0_s = multivariate_normal(size = (nb_points, 1), \
            mean = mu.flatten(order = 'C'), cov = block_diag(*sigma))
        z0_s = z0_s.reshape(nb_points, k[0], r[0], order='C')

        comp_chosen = np.random.choice(k[0], nb_points, p=w / w.sum())
        for m in range(nb_points):  # Dirty loop for the moment
            z[m] = z0_s[m, comp_chosen[m]]

        # Draw pseudo-observations

        y_bin_new = []
        y_categ_new = []
        y_ord_new = []
        y_cont_new = []

        y_bin_new.append(draw_new_bin(lambda_bin, z, nj_bin))
        y_categ_new.append(draw_new_categ(lambda_categ, z, nj_categ))
        y_ord_new.append(draw_new_ord(lambda_ord, z, nj_ord))
        y_cont_new.append(draw_new_cont(lambda_cont, z))

        # Stack the quantities
        y_bin_new = np.vstack(y_bin_new)
        y_categ_new = np.vstack(y_categ_new)
        y_ord_new = np.vstack(y_ord_new)
        y_cont_new = np.vstack(y_cont_new)

        # "Destandardize" the continous data
        y_cont_new = y_cont_new * y_std

        # Put them in the right order and append them to y
        type_counter = {'count': 0, 'ordinal': 0,\
                        'categorical': 0, 'continuous': 0}

        y_new = np.full((nb_points, y.shape[1]), np.nan)

        # Quite dirty:
        for j, var in enumerate(var_distrib):
            if (var == 'bernoulli') or (var == 'binomial'):
                y_new[:, j] = y_bin_new[:, type_counter['count']]
                type_counter['count'] = type_counter['count'] + 1
            elif var == 'ordinal':
                y_new[:, j] = y_ord_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
            elif var == 'categorical':
                y_new[:, j] = y_categ_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
            elif var == 'continuous':
                y_new[:, j] = y_cont_new[:, type_counter[var]]
                type_counter[var] = type_counter[var] + 1
                raise ValueError(var, 'Type not implemented')

        # Acceptation rule

        # Check that each variable is in the good range
        y_new_exp = np.expand_dims(y_new, 1)

        total_nb_obs_generated += len(y_new)

        mask = np.logical_and(y_new_exp >= authorized_ranges[0][np.newaxis],\
                       y_new_exp <= authorized_ranges[1][np.newaxis])

        # Keep an observation if it lies at least into one of the ranges possibility
        mask = np.any(mask.mean(2) == 1, axis=1)

        y_new = y_new[mask]
        nb_pseudo_obs = len(np.concatenate(y_new_all))


    # Keep target_nb_pseudo_obs pseudo-observations
    y_new_all = np.concatenate(y_new_all)
    y_new_all = y_new_all[:target_nb_pseudo_obs]

    #y_all = np.vstack([y, y_new_all])
    share_kept_pseudo_obs = len(y_new_all) / total_nb_obs_generated

    out['zz'] = zz
    out['y_all'] = y_new_all
    out['share_kept_pseudo_obs'] = share_kept_pseudo_obs

    return (out)
Example #24
    def fit(self,

        The central feature to SurPyval's capability. This function aimed to have an API to mimic the 
        simplicity of the scipy API. That is, to use a simple :code:`fit()` call, with as many or as few
        parameters as is needed.


        x : array like, optional
            Array of observations of the random variables. If x is :code:`None`, xl and xr must be provided.
        c : array like, optional
            Array of censoring flag. -1 is left censored, 0 is observed, 1 is right censored, and 2 is intervally
            censored. If not provided will assume all values are observed.
        n : array like, optional
            Array of counts for each x. If data is proivded as counts, then this can be provided. If :code:`None`
            will assume each observation is 1.
        t : 2D-array like, optional
            2D array like of the left and right values at which the respective observation was truncated. If
            not provided it assumes that no truncation occurs.
        how : {'MLE', 'MPP', 'MOM', 'MSE', 'MPS'}, optional
            Method to estimate parameters, these are:

                - MLE : Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                - MPP : Method of Probability Plotting
                - MOM : Method of Moments
                - MSE : Mean Square Error
                - MPS : Maximum Product Spacing

        offset : boolean, optional
            If :code:`True` finds the shifted distribution. If not provided assumes not a shifted distribution.
            Only works with distributions that are supported on the half-real line.

        tl : array like or scalar, optional
            Values of left truncation for observations. If it is a scalar value assumes each observation is
            left truncated at the value. If an array, it is the respective 'late entry' of the observation

        tr : array like or scalar, optional
            Values of right truncation for observations. If it is a scalar value assumes each observation is
            right truncated at the value. If an array, it is the respective right truncation value for each

        xl : array like, optional
            Array like of the left array for 2-dimensional input of x. This is useful for data that is all
            intervally censored. Must be used with the :code:`xr` input.

        xr : array like, optional
            Array like of the right array for 2-dimensional input of x. This is useful for data that is all
            intervally censored. Must be used with the :code:`xl` input.

        fixed : dict, optional
            Dictionary of parameters and their values to fix. Fixes parameter by name.

        heuristic : {'"Blom", "Median", "ECDF", "Modal", "Midpoint", "Mean", "Weibull", "Benard", "Beard", "Hazen", "Gringorten", "None", "Tukey", "DPW", "Fleming-Harrington", "Kaplan-Meier", "Nelson-Aalen", "Filliben", "Larsen", "Turnbull"}
            Plotting method to use, if using the probability plotting, MPP, method.

        init : array like, optional
            initial guess of parameters. Useful if method is failing.

        rr : ('y', 'x')
            The dimension on which to minimise the spacing between the line and the observation.
            If 'y' the mean square error between the line and vertical distance to each point is minimised.
            If 'x' the mean square error between the line and horizontal distance to each point is minimised.

        on_d_is_0 : boolean, optional
            For the case when using MPP and the highest value is right censored, you can choosed to
            include this value into the regression analysis or not. That is, if :code:`False`, all values
            where there are 0 deaths are excluded from the regression. If :code:`True` all values
            regardless of whether there is a death or not are included in the regression.

        turnbull_estimator : ('Nelson-Aalen', 'Kaplan-Meier', or 'Fleming-Harrington'), str, optional
            If using the Turnbull heuristic, you can elect to use either the KM, NA, or FH estimator with 
            the Turnbull estimates of r, and d. Defaults to FH.


        model : Parametric
            A parametric model with the fitted parameters and methods for all functions of the distribution using the 
            fitted parameters.

        >>> from surpyval import Weibull
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> x = Weibull.random(100, 10, 4)
        >>> model = Weibull.fit(x)
        >>> print(model)
        Parametric SurPyval Model
        Distribution        : Weibull
        Fitted by           : MLE
        Parameters          :
             alpha: 10.551521182640098
              beta: 3.792549834495306
        >>> Weibull.fit(x, how='MPS', fixed={'alpha' : 10})
        Parametric SurPyval Model
        Distribution        : Weibull
        Fitted by           : MPS
        Parameters          :
             alpha: 10.0
              beta: 3.4314657446866836
        >>> Weibull.fit(xl=x-1, xr=x+1, how='MPP')
        Parametric SurPyval Model
        Distribution        : Weibull
        Fitted by           : MPP
        Parameters          :
             alpha: 9.943092756713078
              beta: 8.613016934518258
        >>> c = np.zeros_like(x)
        >>> c[x > 13] = 1
        >>> x[x > 13] = 13
        >>> c = c[x > 6]
        >>> x = x[x > 6]
        >>> Weibull.fit(x=x, c=c, tl=6)
        Parametric SurPyval Model
        Distribution        : Weibull
        Fitted by           : MLE
        Parameters          :
             alpha: 10.363725328793413
              beta: 4.9886821457305865

        if offset and self.name in [
                'Normal', 'Beta', 'Uniform', 'Gumbel', 'Logistic'
            raise ValueError(
                '{dist} distribution cannot be offset'.format(dist=self.name))

        if how not in PARA_METHODS:
            raise ValueError('"how" must be one of: ' + str(PARA_METHODS))

        if how == 'MPP' and self.name == 'ExpoWeibull':
            raise ValueError(
                'ExpoWeibull distribution does not work with probability plot fitting'

        if t is not None and how == 'MPS':
            raise ValueError(
                'Maximum product spacing doesn\'t yet support tuncation')

        if t is not None and how == 'MSE':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Mean square error doesn\'t yet support tuncation')

        if t is not None and how == 'MOM':
            raise ValueError(
                'Maximum product spacing doesn\'t support tuncation')

        if (lfp or zi) & (how != 'MLE'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Limited failure or zero-inflated models can only be made with MLE'

        if (zi & (self.support[0] != 0)):
            raise ValueError(
                "zero-inflated models can only work with models starting at 0")

        x, c, n, t = surpyval.xcnt_handler(x=x,

        if surpyval.utils.check_no_censoring(c) and (how == 'MOM'):
            raise ValueError('Method of moments doesn\'t support censoring')

        if (surpyval.utils.no_left_or_int(c)) and (how == 'MPP') and (
                not heuristic == 'Turnbull'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Probability plotting estimation with left or interval censoring only works with Turnbull heuristic'

        if (heuristic == 'Turnbull') & (not ((-1 in c) or (2 in c))) & (
            (~np.isfinite(t[:, 1])).any()):
            # The Turnbull method is extremely memory intensive.
            # So if no left or interval censoring and no right-truncation
            # then this is equivalent.
            heuristic = turnbull_estimator

        if (not offset) & (not zi):
            if x.ndim == 2:
                if ((x[:, 0] <= self.support[0]) & (c == 0)).any():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Observed values must be in support of distribution; are some of your observed values 0, -Inf, or Inf?"
                if ((x <= self.support[0]) & (c == 0)).any():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Observed values must be in support of distribution; are some of your observed values 0, -Inf, or Inf?"

        # Passed checks
        data = {'x': x, 'c': c, 'n': n, 't': t}

        model = para.Parametric(self, how, data, offset, lfp, zi)
        fitting_info = {}

        if how != 'MPP':
            transform, inv_trans, funcs, inv_f = bounds_convert(
                x, model.bounds)
            const, fixed_idx, not_fixed = fix_idx_and_function(
                fixed, model.param_map, funcs)

            fitting_info['transform'] = transform
            fitting_info['inv_trans'] = inv_trans
            fitting_info['funcs'] = funcs
            fitting_info['inv_f'] = inv_f

            fitting_info['const'] = const
            fitting_info['fixed_idx'] = fixed_idx
            fitting_info['not_fixed'] = not_fixed

            # Need a better general fitter to include offset
            if init == []:
                if self.name in ['Gumbel', 'Beta', 'Normal', 'Uniform']:
                    init = np.array(self._parameter_initialiser(x, c, n))

                    if x.ndim == 2:
                        init_mask = np.logical_or(x[:, 0] <= self.support[0],
                                                  x[:, 0] >= self.support[1])
                        init_mask = ~np.logical_and(init_mask, c == 0)
                        xl = x[init_mask, 0]
                        xr = x[init_mask, 1]
                        x_init = np.vstack([xl, xr]).T
                        init_mask = np.logical_or(x <= self.support[0],
                                                  x >= self.support[1])
                        init_mask = ~np.logical_and(init_mask, c == 0)

                        x_init = x[init_mask]
                    c_init = c[init_mask]
                    n_init = n[init_mask]

                    init = np.array(

                    if offset:
                        init[0] = x.min() - 1.

                if lfp:
                    _, _, _, F = nonp.plotting_positions(
                        x, c, n, heuristic='Nelson-Aalen')

                    max_F = np.max(F)

                    if max_F > 0.5:
                        init = np.concatenate([init, [0.99]])
                        init = np.concatenate(
                            [init_from_bounds(self), [max_F]])

                if zi:
                    init = np.concatenate(
                        [init, [(n[x == 0]).sum() / n.sum()]])

            init = transform(init)
            init = init[not_fixed]
            fitting_info['init'] = init
            # Probability plotting method does not need an initial estimate
            fitting_info['rr'] = rr
            fitting_info['heuristic'] = heuristic
            fitting_info['on_d_is_0'] = on_d_is_0
            fitting_info['turnbull_estimator'] = turnbull_estimator
            fitting_info['init'] = None

        model.fitting_info = fitting_info

        results = METHOD_FUNC_DICT[how](model)

        for k, v in results.items():
            setattr(model, k, v)

        if hasattr(model, 'params'):
            for k, v in zip(self.param_names, model.params):
                setattr(model, k, v)

        return model
Example #25
def sens(guesses, targets):
	tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==1, targets==1))
	fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(guesses==0, targets==1))
	return np.true_divide(tp, tp + fn)
Example #26
 # print(variational_params)
 # Sample functions from the final posterior.
 rs = npr.RandomState(0)
 mean, log_std = unpack_params(variational_params)
 # rs = npr.RandomState(0)
 sample_weights = rs.randn(1000, num_weights) * np.exp(log_std) + mean
 np.savetxt("VIwts.csv", sample_weights, delimiter=',', fmt='%f')
 plot_inputs = np.linspace(-2, 2, num=400)
 outputs_final = predictions(sample_weights,
                             np.expand_dims(plot_inputs, 1))
 lowerbd = numpy.quantile(outputs_final, 0.05, axis=0)
 upperbd = numpy.quantile(outputs_final, 0.95, axis=0)
 inconint = np.logical_and(lowerbd < tot_targets,
                           upperbd > tot_targets).ravel()
 con_ind = np.zeros(len(lowerbd))
 con_ind[inconint] = 1
 con_ind = con_ind.reshape(len(con_ind), 1)
 coverage_df = np.concatenate([coverage_df, con_ind], axis=1)
 # # Plot data and functions.
 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), facecolor='white')
 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
         label="testing data")
 ax.plot(inputs.ravel(), targets.ravel(), 'rx', label="training data")
 ax.plot(tot_inputs.ravel(), lowerbd.ravel(), "k-", label="error bar")
 ax.plot(tot_inputs.ravel(), upperbd.ravel(), "k-")
Example #27
# %% Time series plots for medium depth electrode
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.plot(t, lfp_baseline[11, :, ::100])
plt.plot(t, np.mean(lfp_baseline[11, :, :], 1), 'k', linewidth=3)
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.plot(t, gpcsd_model.csd_pred[11, :, ::100])
plt.plot(t, np.mean(gpcsd_model.csd_pred[11, :, :], 1), 'k', linewidth=3)
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')

# %% Prediction during trial - both CSD and LFP at the two timescales
t_ind = np.logical_and(time >= 0, time < 500)
lfp_trial = lfp[:, t_ind, :]
#lfp_trial = lfp_trial - np.mean(lfp_trial, 2, keepdims=True)
gpcsd_model.update_lfp(lfp_trial, time[t_ind][:, None])
gpcsd_model.predict(x, time[t_ind][:, None], type="both")
tcsd = predictcsd_trad_1d(lfp_trial)

# %%
trial_plot = 0
vmlfp = 0.9 * np.max(np.abs(lfp_trial[:, :, trial_plot]))
vmgpcsd = 0.9 * np.max(np.abs(gpcsd_model.csd_pred[:, :, trial_plot]))
vmtcsd = 0.9 * np.max(np.abs(tcsd[:, :, trial_plot]))

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plt.imshow(gpcsd_model.csd_pred_list[0][1:-1, :, trial_plot],
Example #28
bdd['kappa'] = bdk
bdd['mu'] = bdm
bdd['ht'] = bdht
bdd['b'] = bdb
helper_vars['bounds_dict'] = bdd

fn_obj = dfre_nd.models_nd.model_from_rate_function(contrast_parametric_ori,
                                                    sizedict, helper_vars)
# -

#tr = np.zeros((dtrialwise.shape[0],8))
imax = 50
tr = np.zeros((imax, ns, nc + 4))
for isize in range(ns):
    runtrial = np.logical_and(
        np.logical_and(helper_vars['runtrial'], stimulus_id[0] == isize),
        stimulus_id[3] == 0)
    for ind in range(imax):
        data_obj = dfre_nd.data_obj(stimulus_id[:, runtrial],
                                    F[ind].T[:, runtrial], F[ind].T[:,
                                    F[ind].flatten(), nbefore, nafter)
        fit_obj = dfre_nd.fit_obj(data_obj, pct_spike=97.5)
        prestim = data_obj.F[:, :nbefore].mean()
        during = data_obj.F[:, nbefore:-nafter].mean()
        if prestim < during:
            guessA = 1
            guessb = eps
Example #29
    def _setup_graphs(

        self._t_start = t_start
        self._t_end = t_end or ts[-1]
        if tol is None:
            tol = 1e-5 * ts.size / (self._t_end - self._t_start)
        self.tol = tol
        self._ts = ts
        self._n_ts = ts[
                ts >= self._t_start,
                ts < self._t_end
        # Full data likelihood must evaluate at the t_end also
        if ts[-1] < self._t_end:
            _eval_ts = np.append(
                ts[ts > self._t_start],
            _eval_ts = ts[
                    ts >= self._t_start,
                    ts < self._t_end

        self._eval_ts = _eval_ts

        if phi_kernel is None:
            phi_kernel = influence.MaxwellKernel(
            phi_kernel = influence.as_influence_kernel(
                phi_kernel, n_bases=n_phi_bases
        self.phi_kernel = phi_kernel
        self.n_phi_bases = phi_kernel.n_bases
        mu_kernel = background.as_background_kernel(

        self.mu_kernel = mu_kernel
        self.n_mu_bases = mu_kernel.n_bases
        self._fit_tau = fit_tau if self.n_mu_bases > 0 else False
        self._fit_omega = fit_omega if self.n_mu_bases > 0 else False
        self._fit_kappa = fit_kappa
        self._n_kappa_pack = self.n_phi_bases * self._fit_kappa
        self._n_omega_pack = self.n_mu_bases * self._fit_omega
        self._n_tau_pack = self.n_phi_bases * self._fit_tau
        self._weight_count = weight_count
        self._mu_bounds = mu_kernel.mu_bounds()
        if self._fit_kappa:
            self._kappa_bounds = phi_kernel.kappa_bounds()
            self._kappa_bounds = []
        if self._fit_omega:
            self._omega_bounds = mu_kernel.kappa_bounds()
            self._omega_bounds = []
        if self._fit_tau:
            self._tau_bounds = phi_kernel.tau_bounds()
            self._tau_bounds = []
        self._all_bounds = (
            self._mu_bounds +
            self._kappa_bounds +
            self._omega_bounds +
        if weight_count is None:
            weight_count = self._weight_count

        self._omega_weight = np.ones(self.n_mu_bases)

        # NB this will break if we ever fit the background rate tau
        if weight_count:
            self._omega_weight += np.array(self.mu_kernel.count(
            ), dtype='float')