def anglerotation(R): """ compute the angle of the rotation matrix R :param R: the rotation matrix :return: the angle of rotation in degree """ theta = np.rad2deg(np.arccos((np.trace(R) - 1) / 2)) return theta
def rot_matrix_error(R0, R1, method = 'unit_quaternion_product'): """ R0, R1 are 3x3 or 4x4 homogeneous Rotation matrixes returns: the value of the error depending on the method """ if ((R0.shape != (4,4)) and (R0.shape != (3,3))): print ("Error in the R0 input rotation matrix shape, must be 3x3 or 4x4") print R0 return -1 if ((R1.shape != (4,4)) and (R1.shape != (3,3))): print ("Error in the R1 input rotation matrix shape, must be 3x3 or 4x4") print R1 return -1 if R0.shape == (3,3): R = np.eye(4) R[:3,:3] = R0 R0 = R if R1.shape == (3,3): R = np.eye(4) R[:3,:3] = R1 R1 = R if(method == 'unit_quaternion_product' ): ## From the paper "Metrics for 3D Rotations: Comparison and Analysis" D. Huynh # The 3D rotation error is computed using the inner product of unit quaterions #We use the ros library TF to convert rotation matrix into unit quaternions from tf import transformations q0 = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(R0) q1 = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(R1) # We convert into unit quaternions q0 = q0 / np.linalg.norm(q0) q1 = q1 / np.linalg.norm(q1) #Find the error as defined in the paper rot_error = 1 - np.linalg.norm(,q1)) if(method == 'angle'): #option 2 find the angle of this rotation. In particular, the above is invalid #for very large error angles (error > 90 degrees) and is imprecise for large #error angles (angle > 45 degrees). E = from cv2 import Rodrigues rot_vector, J = Rodrigues(E[:3,:3]) angle = np.linalg.norm(rot_vector) rot_error = np.rad2deg(angle) return rot_error
def rotate(arr, theta, axis=0, backend='autograd', device=None): """ A rotate function that allows taking gradient with regards to theta. :param arr: a 3D object in [len_y, len_x, len_z, n_channels]. """ if backend == 'autograd': warnings.warn('Rotate (with grad) in Autograd is not yet implemented. Use Pytorch backend instead.') axes = [] for i in range(3): if i != axis: axes.append(i) return scipy.ndimage.rotate(arr, -anp.rad2deg(theta), reshape=False, axes=axes, mode='nearest', order=1) elif backend == 'pytorch': try: theta = theta.view(1) except: theta = tc.tensor(theta, requires_grad=False, device=device) theta = theta.view(1) axis_arrangement = [0, 1, 2, 3] # Move channel to the 2nd dimension. axis_arrangement[1], axis_arrangement[3] = axis_arrangement[3], axis_arrangement[1] # Move invariant axis to front. if axis != 0: q = axis_arrangement.index(axis) axis_arrangement[0], axis_arrangement[q] = axis_arrangement[q], axis_arrangement[0] if axis_arrangement[2] < axis_arrangement[3]: theta = -theta arr = permute_axes(arr, axis_arrangement, override_backend='pytorch') naught = cast(tc.tensor([0.], device=device), pytorch_dtype_query_mapping_dict[theta.dtype], override_backend='pytorch') m0 =[tc.cos(theta), -tc.sin(theta), naught]) m1 =[tc.sin(theta), tc.cos(theta), naught]) m = tc.stack([m0, m1]).view(1, 2, 3) m = cast(tile(m, [arr.shape[0], 1, 1], override_backend='pytorch'), pytorch_dtype_query_mapping_dict[arr.dtype], override_backend='pytorch') g = tc.nn.functional.affine_grid(m, arr.shape, align_corners=False) arr = tc.nn.functional.grid_sample(arr, g, padding_mode='border', align_corners=False) arr = permute_axes(arr, [axis_arrangement.index(0), axis_arrangement.index(1), axis_arrangement.index(2), axis_arrangement.index(3)], override_backend='pytorch') return arr
def fov(self): """ Calculate field of view angles (grads) from camera matrix """ fovx = np.rad2deg(2 * atan(self.img_width / (2. * self.fx))) fovy = np.rad2deg(2 * atan(self.img_height / (2. * self.fy))) return fovx, fovy
def test_rad2deg(): fun = lambda x: 3.0 * np.rad2deg(x) check_grads(fun)(10.0 * npr.rand())
def create_cam_distribution_in_YZ(cam=None, plane_size=(0.3, 0.3), theta_params=(0, 180, 10), r_params=(0.25, 1.0, 4), plot=False): """ cam distritubution in YZ plane :param cam: :param plane_size: :param theta_params: :param phi_params: :param r_params: :param plot: :return: """ if cam == None: # Create an initial camera on the center of the world cam = Camera() f = 800 cam.set_K(fx=f, fy=f, cx=320, cy=240) # Camera Matrix cam.img_width = 320 * 2 cam.img_height = 240 * 2 # we create a default plane with 4 points with a side lenght of w (meters) plane = Plane(origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]), normal=np.array([0, 0, 1]), size=plane_size, n=(2, 2)) # We extend the size of this plane to account for the deviation from a uniform pattern # plane.size = (plane.size[0] + deviation, plane.size[1] + deviation) d_space = np.linspace(r_params[0], r_params[1], r_params[2]) t_list = [] for d in d_space: xx, yy, zz = uniform_halfCircle_in_YZ(theta_params, d, False) # YZ plane sphere_points = np.array( [xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), zz.ravel()], dtype=np.float32) t_list.append(sphere_points) t_space = np.hstack(t_list) acc_row = r_params[2] acc_col = theta_params[2] accuracy_mat = np.zeros([ acc_row, acc_col ]) # accuracy_mat is used to describe accuracy degree for marker area cams = [] for t in t_space.T: cam = cam.clone() cam.set_t(-t[0], -t[1], -t[2]) cam.set_R_mat(Rt_matrix_from_euler_t.R_matrix_from_euler_t(0.0, 0, 0)) cam.look_at([0, 0, 0]) radius = sqrt(t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] + t[2] * t[2]) angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(t[1] / radius)) cam.set_radius(radius) cam.set_angle(angle) plane.set_origin(np.array([0, 0, 0])) plane.uniform() objectPoints = plane.get_points() # print "objectPoints",objectPoints imagePoints = cam.project(objectPoints) # print "imagePoints\n",imagePoints if ((imagePoints[0, :] < cam.img_width) & (imagePoints[0, :] > 0)).all(): if ((imagePoints[1, :] < cam.img_height) & (imagePoints[1, :] > 0)).all(): cams.append(cam) if plot: planes = [] plane.uniform() planes.append(plane) # plot3D(cams, planes) #TODO comment because of from mayavi import mlab return cams, accuracy_mat # ==============================Test================================================= #cams = create_cam_distribution(cam = None, plane_size = (0.3,0.3), theta_params = (0,360,10), phi_params = (0,70,5), r_params = (0.25,1.0,4), plot=True) #create_cam_distribution_in_YZ(cam = None, plane_size = (0.3,0.3), theta_params = (0,180,3), r_params = (0.3,0.9,3), plot=False) # print "cams size: ",len(cams) # -----------------------------Test for cam look at method------------------------------ # cam = Camera() # f = 800 # cam.set_K(fx = f, fy = f, cx = 320, cy = 240) #Camera Matrix # cam.img_width = 320*2 # cam.img_height = 240*2 # cam.set_t(1,1,1,"world") # cam.set_R_mat(Rt_matrix_from_euler_t.R_matrix_from_euler_t(0,np.deg2rad(0),0)) # cam.look_at([0,0,0]) # plane_size = (0.3,0.3) # plane = Plane(origin=np.array([0, 0, 0] ), normal = np.array([0, 0, 1]), size=plane_size, n = (2,2)) # plane.set_origin(np.array([0, 0, 0])) # plane.uniform() # planes = [] # planes.append(plane) # cams = [] # cams.append(cam) # plot3D(cams,planes) # # print "cam.R",cam.R # print "cam.Rt",cam.Rt # print "cam.P",cam.P # ------------------Code End-----------Test for cam look at method------------------------------ # create_cam_distribution_rotation_around_Z(cam=None, plane_size=(0.3, 0.3), theta_params=(0, 360, 10), phi_params=(45, 45, 1), # r_params=(3.0, 3.0, 1), plot=False) # create_cam_distribution_square_in_XY(cam=None, plane_size=(0.3, 0.3), theta_params=(0, 360, 5), phi_params=(45, 45, 1), # r_params=(3.0, 3.0, 1), plot=False)
def rotate(im, angle): return _rotate(im, np.rad2deg(angle), reshape=False)
def test_rad2deg(): fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.rad2deg(x) d_fun = grad(fun) check_grads(fun, 10.0*npr.rand()) check_grads(d_fun, 10.0*npr.rand())
def test_rad2deg(): unary_ufunc_check(lambda x: np.rad2deg(x) / 50.0)
theta = keypoints[0][j].angle dx_, dy_ = np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)), -np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) x_0, y_0, _ = tuple( h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dx_, y0 + s * dy_, 1))) x_1, y_1, _ = tuple( h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dy_, y0 + s * dx_, 1))) x_2, y_2, _ = tuple( h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dy_, y0 - s * dx_, 1))) x_3, y_3, _ = tuple( h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dx_, y0 - s * dy_, 1))) s_new = np.mean([ np.linalg.norm((x_0 - x_3, y_0 - y_3)) / 2, np.linalg.norm(((x_1 - x_2, y_1 - y_2))) / 2 ]) angle_new = np.arctan2(-y_0 + y_3, x_0 - x_3) angle_new = np.rad2deg(angle_new + 2 * np.pi * (angle_new < 0)) myplot.append((s_new, s, octave, layer, scale, theta, angle_new)) # Angles a_orig = np.array([x[5] for x in myplot]) a_new = np.array([x[6] for x in myplot]) plt.scatter(a_orig, a_new) plt.title('Angle differences') plt.xlabel('Original') plt.ylabel('New') sys.exit() # Plot sizes and octaves z = np.array([0 for x in myplot]) sorig = np.array([x[1] for x in myplot]) snew = np.array([x[0] for x in myplot]) c_octaves = np.array([x[2] for x in myplot])
def invar(mdl, args, inputs_train, targets_train, prev_hess, prev_eigval, prev_eigvec, coeff, ang_np, ang_sb, p_angles): # calculating hessian hess = mdl.hessian(mdl.params_flat) # Calculating Hessian # Converting the Hessian to Tensor hess = torch.tensor(hess).float() # Extracting the eigenvalues and Eigen Vectors from the Calculated Hessian eigenvalues, eigenvec = torch.symeig(hess, eigenvectors=True) top = # This decides how many top eigenvectors are considered # |The reason for negative top :: torch.symeig outputs eigen vectors in the increasing order and as a result | dom = eigenvec[:, -top:] # | mdl the top (maximum) eigenvectors will be atlast. | dom = dom.float() # A random vector which is of the dim of variable "top" is being initialized alpha = torch.rand(top) # Finding the top vector # Representing alpha onto dominant eigen vector vec = (alpha * dom.float()).sum(1) vec = vec / torch.sqrt((vec * vec).sum()) # Normalization of top vector # Dummy Model for calculating gradient mdl_test = model.create_model(args, inputs_train, targets_train) # Finding gradient at top vec using Dummy network. mdl_test.params_flat = np.array(vec) # Find coeff and append. top_vec = mdl_test.params_flat c =, 1), torch.tensor(mdl_test.params_flat).float()) if np.size(coeff) == 0: coeff = c.detach().cpu().numpy() coeff = np.expand_dims(coeff, axis=0) else: coeff = np.concatenate( (coeff, np.expand_dims(c.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)), 0) # Statistics of subspaces, (1) Angle between top subpaces eigenvalues_prev, eigenvec_prev = torch.symeig(prev_hess, eigenvectors=True) # Is it not the same as the variable "dom" that was calculated earlier ? dom_prev = eigenvec_prev[:, -top:] # calculation 1 norm, which is nothing but angle between subspaces ang = np.linalg.norm(, dom.transpose(0, 1)).numpy(), 1) ang_sb.append(ang) ang = np.rad2deg(subspace_angles(dom_prev, dom)) ang_np.append(ang) # Calculating principal angles u, s, v = torch.svd(, 1), dom_prev)) # Output in radians s = torch.acos(torch.clamp(s, min=-1, max=1)) s = s * 180 / math.pi # Attach 's' to p_angles if np.size(p_angles) == 0: p_angles = s.detach().cpu().numpy() p_angles = np.expand_dims(p_angles, axis=0) else: p_angles = np.concatenate( (p_angles, np.expand_dims(s.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)), 0) prev_hess = hess prev_eigval = eigenvalues prev_eigvec = eigenvec return hess, eigenvalues, eigenvec, coeff, ang_np, ang_sb, p_angles, top_vec
def get_angle_subspaces(U, V, verbose=True): """ Gets the angle between two subspaces. """ use_simple_meth = True U = orth(U) V = orth(V) len_1_u, len_2_u = U.shape len_1_v, len_2_v = V.shape if len_2_u > len_2_v: a = U.copy() U = V.copy() V = a.copy() len_1_u, len_2_u = U.shape len_1_v, len_2_v = V.shape if use_simple_meth: print(180 * subspace_angles(U, V) / np.pi) #180 * orthogonality_matrix / np.pi angle = np.rad2deg(max(subspace_angles(U, V))) else: # normalizing subspaces: for i in range(0, len_2_u): U[:, i] *= (1 / np.linalg.norm(U[:, i])) for i in range(0, len_2_v): V[:, i] *= (1 / np.linalg.norm(V[:, i])) # constuct M M = np.zeros((len_2_u, len_2_v)) for i in range(0, len_2_u): for j in range(0, len_2_v): M[i, j] =[:, j], U[:, i]) MMt = det_MMt = np.linalg.det(MMt) # construct u uu = np.zeros((len_2_u, len_2_u)) for i in range(0, len_2_u): for j in range(0, len_2_u): uu[i, j] =[:, j], U[:, i]) #print(i,j,[:,j], U[:,i])) det_uu = np.linalg.det(uu) cos_square_theta = det_MMt / (det_uu + 1e-14) # print("cos_square_theta",cos_square_theta) theta = np.sqrt(cos_square_theta) # print("theta",theta) # print("angle",np.arccos(theta)) angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(theta)) if verbose: print("angle", angle) return angle
def test_rad2deg(): unary_ufunc_check(lambda x : np.rad2deg(x)/50.0) def test_sign(): unary_ufunc_check(np.sign)
def test_rad2deg(): unary_ufunc_check(lambda x: np.rad2deg(x) / 50.0, test_complex=False)
def test_rad2deg(): unary_ufunc_check(lambda x : np.rad2deg(x)/50.0, test_complex=False) def test_radians(): unary_ufunc_check(np.radians, test_complex=False)
def train_model(args, mdl, mdl_test, results): coeff = [] ang_sb=[] ang_np=[] p_angles = [] all_w=[] results['args'] = args init_loss = mdl.loss(mdl.params_flat) init_grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(mdl.gradient(mdl.params_flat)) print("\n===============================================================================================\n") print('\nInitial loss: {}, norm grad: {}\n'.format(init_loss, init_grad_norm)) results['init_full_loss'] = init_loss results['init_full_grad_norm'] = init_grad_norm results['history1'] = [] results['history1_columns'] = ['iter_no', 'batch_loss', 'batch_grad_norm', 'batch_param_norm'] results['history2'] = [] results['history2_columns'] = ['full_hessian', 'full_hessian_evals'] for iter_no in tqdm(range(args.max_iterations), desc="Training Progress", dynamic_ncols=True): inputs, targets = get_batch_samples(iter_no, args, mdl) batch_loss = mdl.loss(mdl.params_flat, inputs, targets) batch_grad = mdl.gradient(mdl.params_flat, inputs, targets) batch_grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(batch_grad) batch_param_norm = np.linalg.norm(mdl.params_flat) if iter_no % args.freq == 0: # calculating hessian layer_interest = 2 hess_len, hess_start = layer_weights(layer_size(args), layer_interest) hess = mdl.hessian(mdl.params_flat) new_hess = hess[hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len),hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len)] # Calculating Hessian new_hess = torch.tensor(new_hess).float() # Converting the Hessian to Tensor eigenvalues, eigenvec = torch.symeig(new_hess,eigenvectors=True) # Extracting the eigenvalues and Eigen Vectors from the Calculated Hessian if iter_no == 0: prev_hess = new_hess prev_eigval = eigenvalues prev_eigvec = eigenvec top = # This decides how many top eigenvectors are considered dom = eigenvec[:,-top:] # |The reason for negative top :: torch.symeig outputs eigen vectors in the increasing order and as a result | # | the top (maximum) eigenvectors will be atlast. | dom = dom.float() alpha=torch.rand(top) # A random vector which is of the dim of variable "top" is being initialized # Finding the top vector vec=(alpha*dom.float()).sum(1) # Representing alpha onto dominant eigen vector vec=vec/torch.sqrt((vec*vec).sum()) # Normalization of top vector # Finding gradient at top vec using Dummy network. mdl_test.params_flat = mdl.params_flat mdl_test.params_flat[hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len)] = np.array(vec) batch_grad_mdl_test = mdl_test.gradient(mdl_test.params_flat, inputs, targets) # Gradients are updated only for the first layer. mdl_test.params_flat[hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len)] -= batch_grad_mdl_test[hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len)] * args.learning_rate # Find coeff and append. But why do we need to find the coeffs ? c =,1), torch.tensor(mdl_test.params_flat[hess_start:(hess_start+hess_len)]).float()) if np.size(coeff) == 0: coeff = c.detach().cpu().numpy() coeff = np.expand_dims(coeff, axis=0) else: coeff = np.concatenate((coeff,np.expand_dims(c.detach().cpu().numpy(),axis=0)),0) # Statistics of subspaces, (1) Angle between top subpaces eigenvalues_prev, eigenvec_prev = torch.symeig(prev_hess, eigenvectors = True) dom_prev = eigenvec_prev[:,-top:] # Is it not the same as the variable "dom" that was calculated earlier ? # calculation 1 norm, which is nothing but angle between subspaces ang=np.linalg.norm(, dom.transpose(0,1)).numpy(),1) ang_sb.append(ang) ang = np.rad2deg(subspace_angles(dom_prev, dom)) ang_np.append(ang) # Calculating principal angles u,s,v =torch.svd(, 1), dom_prev)) # Output in radians s = torch.acos(torch.clamp(s,min=-1,max=1)) s = s*180/math.pi # Attach 's' to p_angles if np.size(p_angles) == 0: p_angles = s.detach().cpu().numpy() p_angles = np.expand_dims(p_angles, axis=0) else: p_angles = np.concatenate((p_angles,np.expand_dims(s.detach().cpu().numpy(),axis=0)),0) prev_hess = new_hess prev_eigval = eigenvalues prev_eigvec = eigenvec # saving weights in all iterations if batch_grad_norm <= args.stopping_grad_norm: break mdl.params_flat -= batch_grad * args.learning_rate all_w.append(np.power(math.e,mdl.params_flat)) #print('{:06d} {} loss: {:.8f}, norm grad: {:.8f}'.format(iter_no,, batch_loss, batch_grad_norm)) final_loss = mdl.loss(mdl.params_flat) final_grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(mdl.gradient(mdl.params_flat)) print('\nFinal loss: {}, norm grad: {}'.format(final_loss, final_grad_norm)) args.suffix=args.results_folder+'/coeff.npy',coeff) args.suffix=args.results_folder+'/ang_sb.npy',ang_sb) args.suffix=args.results_folder+'/ang_np.npy',ang_np) args.suffix=args.results_folder+'/p_angles.npy',p_angles) args.suffix=args.results_folder+'/all_weights.npy',np.array(all_w)) # Saving png plots coeff = torch.tensor(coeff) for i in range(coeff.shape[0]): a=torch.zeros(coeff[i].shape[0]).long() b=torch.arange(0, coeff[i].shape[0]) c=torch.where(((coeff[i] > -0.1) & (coeff[i] < 0.1)),b,a) z = torch.zeros(coeff[i].shape[0]).fill_(0) z[torch.nonzero(c)] = coeff[i][torch.nonzero(c)] z = np.array(z) plt.plot(z) plt.xlabel('Dimension',fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Coefficient',fontsize=14) pnpy = args.results_folder+'/plot1' plt.savefig(pnpy, format='png', pad_inches=5) return args.results_folder
def test_rad2deg(): fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.rad2deg(x) check_grads(fun)(10.0*npr.rand())