Example #1
def rotational_symmetry_number(gra, key1, key2, lin_keys=None):
    """ get the rotational symmetry number along a given rotational axis

    :param gra: the graph
    :param key1: the first atom key
    :param key2: the second atom key
    ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(without_dummy_atoms(gra))
    imp_hyd_vlc_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(implicit(gra))

    axis_keys = {key1, key2}
    # If the keys are part of a linear chain, use the ends of that for the
    # symmetry number calculation
    lin_keys_lst = linear_segments_atom_keys(gra, lin_keys=lin_keys)
    for keys in lin_keys_lst:
        if key1 in keys or key2 in keys:
            if len(keys) == 1:
                key1, key2 = sorted(ngb_keys_dct[keys[0]])
                key1, = ngb_keys_dct[keys[0]] - {keys[1]}
                key2, = ngb_keys_dct[keys[-1]] - {keys[-2]}
                axis_keys |= set(keys)

    sym_num = 1
    for key in (key1, key2):
        if key in imp_hyd_vlc_dct:
            ngb_keys = ngb_keys_dct[key] - axis_keys
            if len(ngb_keys) == imp_hyd_vlc_dct[key] == 3:
                sym_num = 3
    return sym_num
Example #2
def bond_symmetry_numbers(gra, frm_bnd_key=None, brk_bnd_key=None):
    """ symmetry numbers, by bond

    the (approximate) symmetry number of the torsional potential for this bond,
    based on the hydrogen counts for each atom
    It is reduced to 1 if one of the H atoms in the torsional bond is a
    neighbor to the special bonding atom (the atom that is being transferred)
    imp_gra = implicit(gra)
    atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(imp_gra)

    bnd_keys = bond_keys(imp_gra)

    tfr_atm = None
    if frm_bnd_key and brk_bnd_key:
        for atm_f in list(frm_bnd_key):
            for atm_b in list(brk_bnd_key):
                if atm_f == atm_b:
                    tfr_atm = atm_f

        if tfr_atm:
            neighbor_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
            nei_tfr = neighbor_dct[tfr_atm]

            atms = gra[0]
            all_hyds = []
            for atm in atms:
                if atms[atm][0] == 'H':
            nei_tfr = {}

    bnd_symb_num_dct = {}
    bnd_symb_nums = []
    for bnd_key in bnd_keys:
        bnd_sym = 1
        vlc = max(map(atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))
        if vlc == 3:
            bnd_sym = 3
            if tfr_atm:
                for atm in nei_tfr:
                    nei_s = neighbor_dct[atm]
                    h_nei = 0
                    for nei in nei_s:
                        if nei in all_hyds:
                            h_nei += 1
                    if h_nei == 3:
                        bnd_sym = 1

    bnd_symb_num_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, bnd_symb_nums))

    # fill in the rest of the bonds for completeness
    bnd_symb_num_dct = dict_.by_key(bnd_symb_num_dct,

    return bnd_symb_num_dct
Example #3
def atom_count(gra, dummy=False, with_implicit=True):
    """ count the number of atoms in this molecule

    by default, this includes implicit hydrogens and excludes dummy atoms
    if not dummy:
        gra = without_dummy_atoms(gra)
    natms = len(atoms(gra))
    if with_implicit:
        atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra)
        natms += sum(atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct.values())
    return natms
Example #4
def from_graph(gra):
    """ networkx graph object from a molecular graph
    nxg = networkx.Graph()
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_symbols(gra), 'symbol')
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra),
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_stereo_parities(gra),
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_orders(gra), 'order')
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_stereo_parities(gra),

    return nxg
Example #5
def terminal_heavy_atom_keys(gra):
    """ terminal heavy atoms, sorted by atom type and hydrogen count
    gra = implicit(gra)
    atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra)
    atm_keys = [
        key for key, ngb_keys in atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra).items()
        if len(ngb_keys) == 1
    atm_keys = sorted(atm_keys,
    atm_symbs = dict_.values_by_key(atom_symbols(gra), atm_keys)
    srt = automol.formula.argsort_symbols(atm_symbs, symbs_first=('C', ))
    atm_keys = tuple(map(atm_keys.__getitem__, srt))
    return atm_keys