Example #1
def linear_atoms(geo, gra=None, tol=5.):
    """ find linear atoms in a geometry (atoms with 180 degree bond angle)

        :param geo: the geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :param gra: the graph describing connectivity; if None, a connectivity
            graph will be generated using default distance thresholds
        :type gra: automol graph data structure
        :param tol: the tolerance threshold for linearity, in degrees
        :type tol: float
        :rtype: tuple(int)

    gra = connectivity_graph(geo) if gra is None else gra
    ngb_idxs_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

    lin_idxs = []
    for idx in range(count(geo)):
        nidxs = ngb_idxs_dct[idx]
        if len(nidxs) >= 2:
            for nidx1, nidx2 in itertools.combinations(nidxs, 2):
                ang = central_angle(geo, nidx1, idx, nidx2, degree=True)
                if numpy.abs(ang - 180.) < tol:

    lin_idxs = tuple(lin_idxs)

    return lin_idxs
Example #2
def inchi_with_sort(geo, stereo=True):
    """ Generate an InChI string from a molecular geometry. (Sort?)

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :param stereo: parameter to include stereochemistry information
        :type stereo: bool
        :rtype: str
    ich = object_to_hardcoded_inchi_by_key('geom', geo, comp=_compare)
    nums = None
    if ich is None:
        gra = connectivity_graph(geo)
        if not stereo:
            geo = None
            geo_idx_dct = None
            geo_idx_dct = dict(enumerate(range(count(geo))))
        ich, nums = inchi_with_sort_from_geometry(gra=gra,

    return ich, nums
Example #3
def insert_dummies_on_linear_atoms(geo,
    """ Insert dummy atoms over linear atoms in the geometry.

        :param geo: the geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param lin_idxs: the indices of the linear atoms; if None, indices are
            automatically determined from the geometry based on the graph
        :type lin_idxs: tuple(int)
        :param gra: the graph describing connectivity; if None, a connectivity
            graph will be generated using default distance thresholds
        :type gra: automol molecular graph data structure
        :param dist: distance of dummy atom from the linear atom, in angstroms
        :type dist: float
        :param tol: the tolerance threshold for linearity, in degrees
        :type tol: float
        :returns: geometry with dummy atoms inserted, along with a dictionary
            mapping the linear atoms onto their associated dummy atoms
        :rtype: automol molecular geometry data structure

    lin_idxs = linear_atoms(geo) if lin_idxs is None else lin_idxs
    gra = connectivity_graph(geo) if gra is None else gra

    dummy_ngb_idxs = set(dummy_atoms_neighbor_atom_key(gra).values())
    assert not dummy_ngb_idxs & set(lin_idxs), (
        "Attempting to add dummy atoms on atoms that already have them: {}".
        format(dummy_ngb_idxs & set(lin_idxs)))

    ngb_idxs_dct = atoms_sorted_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

    xyzs = coordinates(geo, angstrom=True)

    def _perpendicular_direction(idxs):
        """ find a nice perpendicular direction for a series of linear atoms
        triplets = []
        for idx in idxs:
            for n1idx in ngb_idxs_dct[idx]:
                for n2idx in ngb_idxs_dct[n1idx]:
                    if n2idx != idx:
                        ang = central_angle(geo,
                        if numpy.abs(ang - 180.) > tol:
                            triplets.append((idx, n1idx, n2idx))

        if triplets:
            idx1, idx2, idx3 = min(triplets, key=lambda x: x[1:])
            xyz1, xyz2, xyz3 = map(xyzs.__getitem__, (idx1, idx2, idx3))
            r12 = util.vec.unit_direction(xyz1, xyz2)
            r23 = util.vec.unit_direction(xyz2, xyz3)
            direc = util.vec.orthogonalize(r12, r23, normalize=True)
            if len(idxs) > 1:
                idx1, idx2 = idxs[:2]
                idx1, = idxs
                idx2, = ngb_idxs_dct[idx1]

            xyz1, xyz2 = map(xyzs.__getitem__, (idx1, idx2))
            r12 = util.vec.unit_direction(xyz1, xyz2)
            for i in range(3):
                disp = numpy.zeros((3, ))
                disp[i] = -1.
                alt = numpy.add(r12, disp)
                direc = util.vec.unit_perpendicular(r12, alt)
                if numpy.linalg.norm(direc) > 1e-2:

        return direc

    # partition the linear atoms into adjacent groups, to be handled together
    lin_idxs_lst = sorted(
                                       lambda x, y: x in ngb_idxs_dct[y])))

    dummy_key_dct = {}

    for idxs in lin_idxs_lst:
        direc = _perpendicular_direction(idxs)
        for idx in idxs:
            xyz = numpy.add(xyzs[idx], numpy.multiply(dist, direc))
            dummy_key_dct[idx] = count(geo)

            geo = insert(geo, 'X', xyz, angstrom=True)

    return geo, dummy_key_dct