Example #1
def test__trans__is_stereo_compatible():
    """ test graph.trans.is_stereo_compatible
    cgr1 = ({
        0: ('C', 1, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('F', 0, None),
        5: ('F', 0, None),
        6: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)
    cgr2 = ({
        0: ('C', 1, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('F', 0, None),
        5: ('F', 0, None),
        6: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)

    cgr1 = graph.explicit(cgr1)
    cgr2 = graph.explicit(cgr2)

    ich1 = graph.inchi(cgr1)
    ich2 = graph.inchi(cgr2)
    smi1 = automol.inchi.smiles(ich1)
    smi2 = automol.inchi.smiles(ich2)

    cgr1s = graph.connected_components(cgr1)
    cgr2s = graph.connected_components(cgr2)
    tras, _, _ = graph.reac.addition(cgr1s, cgr2s)
    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, cgr1), cgr2)

        sgr1 = graph.stereomers(cgr1)[0]
        for sgr2 in graph.stereomers(cgr2):
            print(graph.trans.is_stereo_compatible(tra, sgr1, sgr2))
Example #2
def test__reac__beta_scission():
    """ test graph.reac.beta_scission
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 1, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('F', 0, None),
        5: ('F', 0, None),
        6: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 1, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('F', 0, None),
        5: ('F', 0, None),
        6: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.beta_scission(rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    print("beta scission")
    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),
Example #3
def homolytic_scissions(rct_gras, viable_only=False):
    """ find all possible homolytic scission reactions for these reactants

    :param rct_gras: graphs for the reactants, without stereo and without
        overlapping keys
    :param viable_only: Filter out reactions with non-viable products?
    :type viable_only: bool
    :returns: a list of Reaction objects
    :rtype: tuple[Reaction]

    Homolytic scissions are enumerated by identifying all pure single bonds
    (single bonds with no resonances), and looping over the results of
    breaking each of them. If this gives rise to two distinct
    fragments, the reaction is added to the list.

    rxns = []

    if len(rct_gras) == 1:
        rct_gra, = rct_gras

        # Identify all pure single bonds involving radical site neighbor
        avg_bnd_ord_dct = resonance_avg_bond_orders(rct_gra)
        brk_bnd_keys = dict_.keys_by_value(avg_bnd_ord_dct, lambda x: x == 1)

        for brk_bnd_key in brk_bnd_keys:
            prds_gra = remove_bonds(rct_gra, [brk_bnd_key])
            prd_gras = connected_components(prds_gra)

            if len(prd_gras) == 2:
                prd_gras = sort_reagents(prd_gras)

                forw_tsg = ts.graph(rct_gra,
                back_tsg = ts.graph(prds_gra,

                # Create the reaction object
                        rcts_keys=list(map(atom_keys, rct_gras)),
                        prds_keys=list(map(atom_keys, prd_gras)),

    # Dummy line to fix linting checks
    assert viable_only or not viable_only
    # filter removes all reactions
    # if viable_only:
    #    rxns = filter_viable_reactions(rxns)

    return ts_unique(rxns)
Example #4
def test__connected_components():
    """ test graph.connected_components
    gra1 = C3H3_CGR
    gra2 = C2_CGR
    gra1_natms = automol.formula.atom_count(graph.formula(C3H3_CGR))
    gra2 = graph.transform_keys(gra2, lambda x: x + gra1_natms)

    gra = graph.union(gra1, gra2)
    cmp_gras = graph.connected_components(gra)
    assert cmp_gras in [(gra1, gra2), (gra2, gra1)]
Example #5
def test__reac__substitution():
    """ test graph.reac.substitution
    # CH3OOH + CH3 => CH3OCH3 + OH
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('O', 1, None),
        2: ('O', 0, None),
        3: ('C', 3, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('O', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.substitution(rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),
Example #6
def insertions(rct_gras, viable_only=True):
    """ find all possible insertion reactions for these reactants

    :param rct_gras: graphs for the reactants, without stereo and without
        overlapping keys
    :param viable_only: Filter out reactions with non-viable products?
    :type viable_only: bool
    :returns: a list of Reaction objects
    :rtype: tuple[Reaction]

    Insertions are enumerated by looping over carbenes and multiple bonds on
    one reactant, which serve as a source of potential "attacking" atoms for
    the insertion, and looping over single bonds that could be inserted into on
    the other reactant. For lack of a better term, we can call these "donating
    atoms". The insertion then looks as follows:

        A1=A2         A1
        .  .    or    .
        .  .         .  .
        D1-D2        D1-D2

    where two bonds are formed between the A and D atoms and the bond between
    the two D atoms is broken.

    rxns = []

    if len(rct_gras) == 2:
        for rct1_gra, rct2_gra in itertools.permutations(rct_gras):
            rcts_gra = union(rct1_gra, rct2_gra)

            # Carbenes on R1 are potential attacking atoms
            atm_keys = radical_atom_keys(rct1_gra, min_valence=2.)
            atm_keys = tuple(atm_keys)
            # So are atoms on either side of a multiple bond
            bnd_keys = dict_.keys_by_value(resonance_avg_bond_orders(rct1_gra),
                                           lambda x: x > 1.)
            bnd_keys = bond_equivalence_class_reps(rct1_gra, bnd_keys)
            # Use this to form a list of attacking atom pairs for R1
            att_pairs = list(map(tuple, map(sorted, bnd_keys)))
            att_pairs += list(zip(atm_keys, atm_keys))

            # As donor pairs, consider single bonds on R2
            don_bnd_keys = dict_.keys_by_value(
                resonance_avg_bond_orders(rct2_gra), lambda x: x == 1.)
            don_bnd_keys = bond_equivalence_class_reps(rct2_gra, don_bnd_keys)
            don_pairs = list(map(tuple, map(sorted, don_bnd_keys)))

            for att_pair, don_pair in itertools.product(att_pairs, don_pairs):
                if not (are_equivalent_atoms(rct1_gra, *att_pair)
                        or are_equivalent_atoms(rct2_gra, *don_pair)):
                    don_pairs_ = list(itertools.permutations(don_pair))
                    don_pairs_ = [don_pair]

                for don_pair_ in don_pairs_:
                    att1_key, att2_key = att_pair
                    don1_key, don2_key = don_pair_

                    prds_gra = rcts_gra
                    prds_gra = add_bonds(prds_gra, [(att1_key, don1_key),
                                                    (att2_key, don2_key)])
                    prds_gra = remove_bonds(prds_gra, [(don1_key, don2_key)])

                    prd_gras = connected_components(prds_gra)

                    if len(prd_gras) == 1:
                        forw_tsg = ts.graph(rcts_gra,
                                            frm_bnd_keys=[(att1_key, don1_key),
                                                          (att2_key, don2_key)
                                            brk_bnd_keys=[(don1_key, don2_key)
                        back_tsg = ts.graph(prds_gra,
                                            frm_bnd_keys=[(don1_key, don2_key)
                                            brk_bnd_keys=[(att1_key, don1_key),
                                                          (att2_key, don2_key)

                        # Create the reaction object
                        rcts_keys = list(map(atom_keys, [rct1_gra, rct2_gra]))
                        prds_keys = list(map(atom_keys, prd_gras))

    if viable_only:
        rxns = filter_viable_reactions(rxns)

    return ts_unique(rxns)
Example #7
def eliminations(rct_gras, viable_only=True):
    """ find all possible elimination reactions for these reactants

    :param rct_gras: graphs for the reactants, without stereo and without
        overlapping keys
    :param viable_only: Filter out reactions with non-viable products?
    :type viable_only: bool
    :returns: a list of Reaction objects
    :rtype: tuple[Reaction]

    Eliminations are enumerated by forming a bond between an attacking heavy
    atom and another atom not initially bonded to it, forming a ring. The bond
    adjacent to the attacked atom is then broken, along with a second bond in
    the ring, downstream from the attacking heavy atom, away from the attacked

    rxns = []

    if len(rct_gras) == 1:
        rct_gra, = rct_gras

        ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(rct_gra)

        # frm1_keys = atom_keys(rct_gra, excl_syms=('H',))
        frm1_keys = unsaturated_atom_keys(rct_gra)
        rct_symbs = atom_symbols(rct_gra)
        frm1_keys_o = frozenset(key for key in frm1_keys
                                if rct_symbs[key] == 'O')
        frm2_keys = atom_keys(rct_gra)
        bnd_keys = bond_keys(rct_gra)

        frm_bnd_keys = [(frm1_key, frm2_key)
                        for frm1_key, frm2_key in itertools.product(
                            frm1_keys_o, frm2_keys) if frm1_key != frm2_key
                        and not frozenset({frm1_key, frm2_key}) in bnd_keys]

        for frm1_key, frm2_key in frm_bnd_keys:
            # Bond the radical atom to the hydrogen atom
            prds_gra = add_bonds(rct_gra, [(frm2_key, frm1_key)])

            # Get keys to the ring formed by this extra bond
            rng_keys = next((ks for ks in rings_atom_keys(prds_gra)
                             if frm2_key in ks and frm1_key in ks), None)
            # Eliminations (as far as I can tell) only happen through TSs with
            # 3- or 4-membered rings
            if rng_keys is not None and len(rng_keys) < 5:
                frm1_ngb_key, = ngb_keys_dct[frm1_key] & set(rng_keys)
                frm2_ngb_key, = ngb_keys_dct[frm2_key] & set(rng_keys)

                # Break the bonds on either side of the newly formed bond
                prds_gra = remove_bonds(prds_gra, [(frm1_key, frm1_ngb_key)])
                prds_gra = remove_bonds(prds_gra, [(frm2_key, frm2_ngb_key)])

                prd_gras = connected_components(prds_gra)

                if len(prd_gras) == 2:
                    forw_tsg = ts.graph(rct_gra,
                                        frm_bnd_keys=[(frm1_key, frm2_key)],
                                        brk_bnd_keys=[(frm1_key, frm1_ngb_key),
                                                      (frm2_key, frm2_ngb_key)
                    back_tsg = ts.graph(prds_gra,
                                        frm_bnd_keys=[(frm1_key, frm1_ngb_key),
                                                      (frm2_key, frm2_ngb_key)
                                        brk_bnd_keys=[(frm1_key, frm2_key)])

                    rcts_atm_keys = list(map(atom_keys, rct_gras))
                    prds_atm_keys = list(map(atom_keys, prd_gras))

                    if frm2_key not in prds_atm_keys[1]:
                        prds_atm_keys = list(reversed(prds_atm_keys))

                    # Create the reaction object

    if viable_only:
        rxns = filter_viable_reactions(rxns)

    return ts_unique(rxns)
Example #8
def ring_forming_scissions(rct_gras, viable_only=True):
    """ find all possible ring-forming scission reactions for these reactants

    :param rct_gras: graphs for the reactants, without stereo and without
        overlapping keys
    :param viable_only: Filter out reactions with non-viable products?
    :type viable_only: bool
    :returns: a list of Reaction objects
    :rtype: tuple[Reaction]

    Right now it takes the lazy, chemically specific approach of finding
    C-O-O-H groups and forming a bond between the O of the C-O bond
    and radical sites of the species, while breaking the O-O bond.


    rxns = []

    if len(rct_gras) == 1:
        rct_gra, = rct_gras

        # Identify the radical sites and COOH groups
        rad_keys = radical_atom_keys(rct_gra)
        cooh_grps = hydroperoxy_groups(rct_gra)

        # Get the bnd keys for filtering
        bnd_keys = bond_keys(rct_gra)

        # Set the forming and breaking bonds by looping over COOH groups
        rxn_bnd_keys = ()
        for cooh_grp in cooh_grps:
            brk_bnd_key = frozenset(cooh_grp[1:3])
            for rad_key in rad_keys:
                frm_bnd_key = frozenset({rad_key, cooh_grp[1]})
                # Only includ frm bnd if it does not exist
                # e.g., CC[C]OO already has frm bnd -> no rxn possible
                if frm_bnd_key not in bnd_keys:
                    rxn_bnd_keys += ((frm_bnd_key, brk_bnd_key), )

        # Form reactions with all combinations of frm and brk bnds
        for frm_bnd_key, brk_bnd_key in rxn_bnd_keys:
            prds_gra = rct_gra
            prds_gra = add_bonds(prds_gra, [frm_bnd_key])
            prds_gra = remove_bonds(prds_gra, [brk_bnd_key])
            prd_gras = connected_components(prds_gra)

            if len(prd_gras) == 2:
                prd_gras = sort_reagents(prd_gras)

                forw_tsg = ts.graph(rct_gra,
                back_tsg = ts.graph(prds_gra,
                # Create the reaction object
                        rcts_keys=list(map(atom_keys, rct_gras)),
                        prds_keys=list(map(atom_keys, prd_gras)),

    if viable_only:
        rxns = filter_viable_reactions(rxns)

    return ts_unique(rxns)
Example #9
def beta_scissions(rct_gras, viable_only=True):
    """ find all possible beta scission reactions for these reactants

    :param rct_gras: graphs for the reactants, without stereo and without
        overlapping keys
    :param viable_only: Filter out reactions with non-viable products?
    :type viable_only: bool
    :returns: a list of Reaction objects
    :rtype: tuple[Reaction]

    Beta scissions are enumerated by identifying all pure single bonds (single
    bonds with no resonances), and looping over the results of breaking each of
    them. If this gives rise to two distinct fragments, the reaction is added
    to the list.

    rxns = []

    if len(rct_gras) == 1:
        rct_gra, = rct_gras

        # Identify all atom keys that neighbor radical sites
        rad_neighs = frozenset({})
        neigh_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(rct_gra)
        for rad_key in radical_atom_keys(rct_gra):
            rad_neighs = rad_neighs | neigh_dct[rad_key]

        # Identify all pure single bonds involving radical site neighbor
        avg_bnd_ord_dct = resonance_avg_bond_orders(rct_gra)
        brk_bnd_keys = dict_.keys_by_value(avg_bnd_ord_dct, lambda x: x == 1)

        beta_bnd_keys = ()
        for brk_bnd_key in brk_bnd_keys:
            if brk_bnd_key & rad_neighs:
                beta_bnd_keys += (brk_bnd_key, )

        for brk_bnd_key in beta_bnd_keys:
            prds_gra = remove_bonds(rct_gra, [brk_bnd_key])
            prd_gras = connected_components(prds_gra)

            if len(prd_gras) == 2:
                prd_gras = sort_reagents(prd_gras)

                forw_tsg = ts.graph(rct_gra,
                back_tsg = ts.graph(prds_gra,

                # Create the reaction object
                        rcts_keys=list(map(atom_keys, rct_gras)),
                        prds_keys=list(map(atom_keys, prd_gras)),

    if viable_only:
        rxns = filter_viable_reactions(rxns)

    return ts_unique(rxns)
Example #10
def test__reac__hydrogen_migration():
    """ test graph.reac.hydrogen_migration
    # first test a radical site migration
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 1, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('C', 1, None),
        5: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({3, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({4, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None)

    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 2, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 1, None),
        4: ('C', 0, None),
        5: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({3, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({4, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_migration(
        rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    print("hydrogen migration")
    rct_cgr = graph.union_from_sequence(rct_cgrs)
    prd_cgr = graph.union_from_sequence(prd_cgrs)
    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_migration(
        prd_cgrs, rct_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    # then test a tautomerization
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 2, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None)

    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 1, None),
        2: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_migration(
        rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_migration(
        prd_cgrs, rct_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs
Example #11
def test__reac__insertion():
    """ test graph.reac.insertion
    # CH2CH2 + HOO => CH3CH3OO
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 2, None),
        1: ('C', 2, None),
        2: ('O', 1, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 2, None),
        2: ('O', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.insertion(rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),

    # CH3CH3 + :C=O => CH3C(=O)CH3 (CO insertion)
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 2}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.insertion(rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),

    # CH3CH3 + O=C=O => CH3C(=O)OCH3 (CO2 insertion)
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None),
        4: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 1}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 0, None),
        3: ('O', 0, None),
        4: ('O', 0, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 3}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.insertion(rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),
Example #12
def test__reac__hydrogen_abstraction():
    """ test graph.reac.hydrogen_abstraction
    rct_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 3, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 2, None),
        4: ('C', 1, None),
        5: ('C', 2, None),
        6: ('C', 2, None),
        7: ('O', 1, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({4, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({5, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)
    prd_cgr = ({
        0: ('C', 2, None),
        1: ('C', 3, None),
        2: ('C', 1, None),
        3: ('C', 2, None),
        4: ('C', 1, None),
        5: ('C', 2, None),
        6: ('C', 2, None),
        7: ('O', 2, None)
    }, {
        frozenset({4, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({0, 2}): (1, None),
        frozenset({2, 4}): (1, None),
        frozenset({5, 6}): (1, None),
        frozenset({3, 5}): (1, None),
        frozenset({1, 3}): (1, None)

    rct_cgr = graph.explicit(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgr = graph.explicit(prd_cgr)

    rct_cgrs = graph.connected_components(rct_cgr)
    prd_cgrs = graph.connected_components(prd_cgr)

    tras, rct_idxs, prd_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_abstraction(
        rct_cgrs, prd_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    print("hydrogen abstraction")
    rct_cgr = graph.union_from_sequence(rct_cgrs)
    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, rct_cgr),

    tras, prd_idxs, rct_idxs = graph.reac.hydrogen_abstraction(
        prd_cgrs, rct_cgrs)
    assert tras
    assert rct_idxs
    assert prd_idxs

    for tra in tras:
        assert graph.backbone_isomorphic(graph.trans.apply(tra, prd_cgr),