Example #1
def constraint_dct(zma, const_names, var_names=()):
    """ Build a dictionary of constraints

        has to round the values for the filesystem

    # Get the list names sorted for dictionary
    rnames = (name for name in const_names if 'R' in name)
    anames = (name for name in const_names if 'A' in name)
    dnames = (name for name in const_names if 'D' in name)
    rnames = tuple(sorted(rnames, key=lambda x: int(x.split('R')[1])))
    anames = tuple(sorted(anames, key=lambda x: int(x.split('A')[1])))
    dnames = tuple(sorted(dnames, key=lambda x: int(x.split('D')[1])))
    constraint_names = rnames + anames + dnames

    # Remove the scan coordinates so they are not placed in the dict
    constraint_names = tuple(name for name in constraint_names
                             if name not in var_names)

    # Build dictionary
    if constraint_names:
        zma_vals = value_dictionary(zma)
        zma_coords = coordinates(zma)
        assert set(constraint_names) <= set(zma_coords.keys()), (
            'Attempting to constrain coordinates not in zma:'
        _dct = dict(
                (round(zma_vals[name], 2) for name in constraint_names)))
        _dct = None

    return _dct
Example #2
def bond_key_from_idxs(zma, idxs):
    """given indices of involved bonded atoms, return bond name
    idxs = list(idxs)
    idxs = tuple(idxs)
    bond_key = None
    coords = coordinates(zma)
    for key in coords:
        for coord in coords.get(key, [None]):
            if idxs == coord:
                bond_key = key
    return bond_key
Example #3
def dihedral_axis_name(zma, axis):
    """ gives this name of a dihedral angle that has
        the given axis atoms
    coords = coordinates(zma)
    angles = dihedral_angle_names(zma)
    name = None
    for ang in angles:
        _coord_idxs = coords[ang]
        if (tuple(list(_coord_idxs[0])[1:3]) == axis
                or tuple(list(_coord_idxs[0])[3:1:-1]) == axis):
            name = ang
    return name
Example #4
def set_constraint_names(zma, tors_names, tors_model):
    """ Determine the names of constraints along a torsion scan

    constraint_models = ('1dhrf', '1dhrfa', 'tau-1dhrf', 'tau-1dhrfa')

    const_names = tuple()
    if tors_names and tors_model in constraint_models:
        if tors_model in ('1dhrf', 'tau-1dhrf'):
            const_names = tuple(itertools.chain(*tors_names))
        elif tors_model in ('1dhrfa', 'tau-1dhrfa'):
            coords = list(coordinates(zma))
            const_names = tuple(coord for coord in coords)

    return const_names
Example #5
def dihedral_axis_name(zma, axis):
    """ gives this name of a dihedral angle that has
        the given axis atoms

        currently fails if indices of axis not in zma, i.e.
        if 5,1 in zma, code fails if 1,5 given
    coords = coordinates(zma)
    angles = dihedral_angle_names(zma)
    name = None
    for ang in angles:
        _coord_idxs = coords[ang]
        if (tuple(list(_coord_idxs[0])[1:3]) == axis
                or tuple(list(_coord_idxs[0])[3:1:-1]) == axis):
            name = ang
    return name
Example #6
def coord_idxs(zma, key):
    """give a bond length key, return the indices of involved bonded atoms
    coords = coordinates(zma)
    idxs = coords.get(key, [None])
    return idxs[0]
Example #7
def coordinates(zma, shift=0, multi=True):
    """ coordinate keys associated with each coordinate name,
        as a dictionary
    return vmat.coordinates(vmatrix(zma), shift=shift, multi=multi)