def extract_features(self, corpus_file_pos, corpus_file_neg, verbose=False): ''' Extract features from positive and negative corpora Keyword arguments: corpus_file_pos (str): path to positive corpus corpus_file_neg (str): path to negative corpus verbose (bool): stdout verbosity Returns: list, tuple: list of extracted features and, depending on texts flag, the tokenized raw tweets ''' res = [] tweet_texts = [] # extract features if verbose: print('extracting features...') for is_sarcastic in [True, False]: if verbose: print(' preprocessing samples with sarcastic=' + str(is_sarcastic) + '...') # preprocess tweets if is_sarcastic: pipeline = Pipeline(corpus_file_pos, '../rsrc/', verbose=verbose) else: pipeline = Pipeline(corpus_file_neg, '../rsrc/', verbose=verbose) tweets_tkn, tweets_proc = pipeline.process() if verbose: print(' extracting features...') # extract features from tweets for tweet_index in range(len(tweets_tkn)): ext_features = self.extract_features_from_tweet( tweets_tkn[tweet_index], tweets_proc[tweet_index], is_sarcastic) res.append(ext_features) for text in tweets_tkn: tweet_texts.append(text) if self.texts: return res, tweet_texts else: return res
def preprocess(self): """ Preprocessing based on Scheffler et. al. German Twitter Preprocessing """ tokenizedTweets_writer = open('./daten/tokenized_tweets.txt', 'w') preprocTweets_writer = open('./daten/preprocessed_tweets.txt', 'w') pp = Pipeline(self.this_file, "./autosarkasmus/rsrc/") tweets_tkn, tweets_proc, labels = pp.process() assert (len(tweets_tkn) == len(tweets_proc) == len(labels)) # write preprocessing results to file for x in range(len(tweets_proc)): t_tweet = (" ").join(tweets_tkn[x]) p_tweet = (" ").join( [str(x) + "/" + str(y) for x, y in tweets_proc[x]]) label = labels[x] tokenizedTweets_writer.write(t_tweet + "\t" + label + "\n") preprocTweets_writer.write(p_tweet + "\t" + label + "\n")
def preprocess(self): tokenizedTweets_writer = open( './daten/tokenized_tweets_normalized.txt', 'w') preprocTweets_writer = open( './daten/preprocessed_tweets_normalized.txt', 'w') pp = Pipeline(self.this_file, "./autosarkasmus/rsrc/") tweets_tkn, tweets_proc, labels = pp.process() assert (len(tweets_tkn) == len(tweets_proc) == len(labels)) # filter stopwords + normalize tokens lemmatizer = IWNLPWrapper( lemmatizer_path='daten/IWNLP.Lemmatizer_20170501.json') lemmatized_tokens = [] for x in range(len(tweets_tkn)): tweet = [] for token in tweets_tkn[x]: if token.lower() in stopwords.words('german'): continue try: lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize_plain(token, ignore_case=True) if (lemma): tweet.append(lemma[0]) else: tweet.append(token) except Exception as e: print(e) lemmatized_tokens.append(tweet) assert (len(lemmatized_tokens) == len(tweets_proc) == len(labels)) # write preprocessing results to file for x in range(len(lemmatized_tokens)): t_tweet = (" ").join(lemmatized_tokens[x]) p_tweet = (" ").join( [str(x) + "/" + str(y) for x, y in tweets_proc[x]]) label = labels[x] tokenizedTweets_writer.write(t_tweet + "\t" + label + "\n") preprocTweets_writer.write(p_tweet + "\t" + label + "\n")
def __init__(self, config_path, verbose=False): ''' Constructor of AutosarkasmusBot Keyword arguments: config_path (str): path to the json configuration file verbose (str): stdout verbosity ''' self.verbose = verbose self._load_config(config_path) # load config from file # Twitter API parameters self.oauth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(self.CONSUMER_KEY, self.CONSUMER_SECRET) self.oauth.set_access_token(self.ACCESS_KEY, self.ACCESS_SECRET) self.twitter_api = tweepy.API(self.oauth) # tweet processing self.pipeline = Pipeline(self.training_corpus_positive_path, self.pipeline_tagger_mapping_path) self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(self.features, self.feature_order) self.classifier = MultiLayerPerceptronClassifier(self.feature_order, verbose=self.verbose)
embeddings = pickle.load(open(args.embeddings_file, 'rb'), encoding='bytes') print('setting up features...') features, feature_order = setup_features() # data setup print('setting up data...') data = [] if args.model == 'rnn': for is_sarcastic in [True, False]: print(' preprocessing samples with sarcastic=' + str(is_sarcastic) + '...') # preprocess tweets if is_sarcastic: pipeline = Pipeline(args.corpus_file_pos, '../rsrc/', verbose=True) else: pipeline = Pipeline(args.corpus_file_neg, '../rsrc/', verbose=True) tweets_tkn, tweets_proc = pipeline.process() for tweet_proc in tweets_proc: data.append({'tweet': tweet_proc, 'class': is_sarcastic}) if args.model in ['svm', 'mlp']: feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(features, feature_order) data = feature_extractor.extract_features( args.corpus_file_pos, args.corpus_file_neg, verbose=True) # extract features from training corpora
''' Activates our pipeline to prepare an output file for tagger evaluation. Input: gold_corpus.raw Output: our_tagger_output.tagged ''' import sys import os.path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) from autosarkasmus.preprocessor.pipeline import Pipeline pipe = Pipeline('foo', '../rsrc/') # creates pipeline with mapping from STTS to universal ''' Reads gold corpus ''' corpus = [] with open('gold_corpus.raw', 'r') as fop: for line in fop: corpus.append([token.strip() for token in line.split(' ')]) tweets = [] # tweets are being read separately with this list tweets_tagged = [] # this is the tagger output # example: [('und', 'CONJ'), ('wieder', 'ADV'), ... , ('hashtag', 'NN'), ('user', 'NN)] for tweet in corpus: # iterate through tweets in gold corpus tweet_tagged = pipe.tag(tweet) newLemma = [] # example: [(tuple(('hashtag','HASH')) if lemma[0] == 'hashtag' else lemma) for lemma in tweet_tagged] for lemma in tweet_tagged:
# feature setup print('setting up features...') features, feature_order = setup_features() # resource setup print('setting up resources...') resources = {} # ARFF document setup arff_doc = ARFFDocument('Sarkasmuserkennung', features, feature_order) # extract features print('extracting features...') print(' preprocessing positive samples...') pipeline = Pipeline(args.corpus_file_pos, '../rsrc/') tweets_tkn, tweets_proc = pipeline.process() print(' extracting features for positive samples...') for tweet_index in range(len(tweets_tkn)): ext_features = extract_features(tweets_tkn[tweet_index], tweets_proc[tweet_index], True, features, feature_order, resources) arff_doc.add_data(ext_features) print(' writing to files (for safety)...') pipeline.write_file(tweets_tkn, args.corpus_file_pos + '.tkn') pipeline.write_file(tweets_proc, args.corpus_file_pos + '.proc') arff_doc.generate_document(args.output_file + '.pos') print(' preprocessing negative samples...') pipeline = Pipeline(args.corpus_file_neg, '../rsrc/') tweets_tkn, tweets_proc = pipeline.process() print(' extracting features for negative samples...') for tweet_index in range(len(tweets_tkn)):
# argument parsing arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Feature Extraction for the Autosarkasmus Baseline') arg_parser.add_argument('training_pos_path', help='path to the positive training corpus') arg_parser.add_argument('training_neg_path', help='path to the negative training corpus') arg_parser.add_argument('tagger_mapping_path', help='path to the tagger mapping') arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--input_file', help='path to input file') args = arg_parser.parse_args() print('\n - Autosarkasmus Demo -\n') # preprocessing pipeline setup pipeline = Pipeline(args.training_pos_path, args.tagger_mapping_path) # feature setup print('setting up features...') features, feature_order = setup_features() # feature extraction print('setting up feature extractor...') feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(features, feature_order) tweets_ext = feature_extractor.extract_features(args.training_pos_path, args.training_neg_path, verbose=True) print('extracted features from ' + str(len(tweets_ext)) + ' tweets.') # svm training print('training classifier...')
class AutosarkasmusBot: ''' A bot for the @autosarkasmus twitter account Processes sarcasm classification requests and corresponding feedback. ''' def __init__(self, config_path, verbose=False): ''' Constructor of AutosarkasmusBot Keyword arguments: config_path (str): path to the json configuration file verbose (str): stdout verbosity ''' self.verbose = verbose self._load_config(config_path) # load config from file # Twitter API parameters self.oauth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(self.CONSUMER_KEY, self.CONSUMER_SECRET) self.oauth.set_access_token(self.ACCESS_KEY, self.ACCESS_SECRET) self.twitter_api = tweepy.API(self.oauth) # tweet processing self.pipeline = Pipeline(self.training_corpus_positive_path, self.pipeline_tagger_mapping_path) self.feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(self.features, self.feature_order) self.classifier = MultiLayerPerceptronClassifier(self.feature_order, verbose=self.verbose) def _load_config(self, config_path): ''' Loads configuration from JSON file Keyword arguments: config_path (str): path to the json configuration file ''' config_json = {} try: with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fop: config_json = json.load(fop) except Exception as ex: print('Error: Could not read config file at "' + config_path + '".') print(ex) self.screen_name = config_json.get('SCREEN_NAME', None) # screen name used by the bot self.enquiry_pattern = config_json.get( 'ENQUIRY_PATTERN', None) # pattern that matches an enquiry self.enquiry_responses = config_json.get('ENQUIRY_RESPONSES', { 'positive': [], 'negative': [] }) # responses to an enquiry self.feedback_responses = config_json.get('FEEDBACK_RESPONSES', { 'positive': [], 'negative': [] }) # responses to feedback self.CONSUMER_KEY = config_json.get('CONSUMER_KEY', None) # Twitter API consumer key self.CONSUMER_SECRET = config_json.get( 'CONSUMER_SECRET', None) # Twitter API consumer token self.ACCESS_KEY = config_json.get( 'ACCESS_KEY', None) # Twitter API application access key self.ACCESS_SECRET = config_json.get( 'ACCESS_SECRET', None) # Twitter API application secret key self.pipeline_tagger_mapping_path = config_json.get( 'PIPELINE_TAGGER_MAPPING_PATH', None) # path to tagger mapping file self.training_corpus_positive_path = config_json.get( 'TRAINING_CORPUS_POSITIVE_PATH', None) # path to corpus with positive training data self.training_corpus_negative_path = config_json.get( 'TRAINING_CORPUS_NEGATIVE_PATH', None) # path to corpus with negative training data self.history_path = config_json.get('HISTORY_PATH', None) # path to the bot's history # load history to memory self.history = {} try: with open(self.history_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fop: self.history = json.load(fop) except Exception as ex: print('Error: Could not read history file at "' + config_path + '".') print(ex) # load features to memory self.features = {} self.feature_order = [] features_json = config_json.get('FEATURES', []) for feature_json in features_json: self.feature_order.append(feature_json['key']) self.features[feature_json['key']] = feature_json['values'] def train(self): ''' Train the bot on given data ''' tweets_ext = self.feature_extractor.extract_features( self.training_corpus_positive_path, self.training_corpus_negative_path, verbose=self.verbose) # extract features from training corpora if self.verbose: print('training classifier...') self.classifier.train(tweets_ext) def classify_tweet(self, tweet_raw): ''' Classifies a single tweet Keyword arguments: tweet_raw (str): text of the tweet to classify Returns: dict: the extracted features of the tweet in addition to class ''' if self.verbose: print('classifying tweet: "' + tweet_raw + '"') tweet_tkn, tweet_proc = self.pipeline.process_tweet( tweet_raw) # preprocess the raw tweet if self.verbose: print(str(tweet_tkn) + '\n' + str(tweet_proc)) tweet_ext = self.feature_extractor.extract_features_from_tweet( tweet_tkn, tweet_proc, True) # extract features from tweet (sarcasm is True per default) del (tweet_ext['class'] ) # delete class since it is only a default value if self.verbose: print([(feature, tweet_ext[feature]) for feature in self.feature_order if tweet_ext.get(feature, 0) != 0 ]) # print all features != 0 tweet_class = self.classifier.classify([tweet_ext ]) # classify the tweet if self.verbose: print('classified with sarcasm:', tweet_class[0]['class']) return tweet_class[0] def is_sarcastic_tweet(self, tweet_raw): ''' Identifies sarcasm in a single tweet Keyword arguments: tweet_raw (str): text of the tweet to classify Returns: bool: whether the tweet was classified as being sarcastic ''' return self.classify_tweet(tweet_raw)['class'] def is_valid_enquiry(self, tweet_json): ''' Checks whether the given tweet is a valid enquiry Keyword arguments: tweet_json (dict): JSON representation of the tweet object Returns: bool: whether the tweet is a valid enquiry ''' res = False # check if tweet matches enquiry pattern, no case matching if re.match(self.enquiry_pattern, tweet_json['text'], re.IGNORECASE): # check if tweet wasn't authored by the bot itself if tweet_json['user']['screen_name'] != self.screen_name: # check for retweeted enquiry if not tweet_json['retweeted']: # check if tweet is a reply to anything if tweet_json['in_reply_to_status_id']: res = True return res def is_valid_feedback(self, tweet_json): ''' Checks whether the given tweet is valid feedback Keyword arguments: tweet_json (dict): JSON representation of the tweet object Returns: bool: whether the tweet is valid feedback ''' res = False # check if tweet wasn't authored by the bot itself if tweet_json['user']['screen_name'] != self.screen_name: # check for retweet if not tweet_json['retweeted']: # check if tweet is reply to a tweet sent by the bot if tweet_json['in_reply_to_status_id']: reply_tweet_status = self.twitter_api.get_status( tweet_json['in_reply_to_status_id']) if reply_tweet_status.user.screen_name == self.screen_name: # check if bot tweeted a classification for enquiry_response in self.enquiry_responses[ 'positive'] + self.enquiry_responses[ 'negative']: if enquiry_response in reply_tweet_status.text: res = True break return res def gen_enquiry_response(self, recipient, tweet_is_sarcastic): ''' Generate response to an enquiry Keyword arguments: recipient (str): user handle of the addressee tweet_is_sarcastic (bool): whether the tweet was classified as sarcastic Returns: str: twitter-ready response ''' response = '😓' # default response # pick fitting response at random if tweet_is_sarcastic: response = self.enquiry_responses['positive'][randint( 0, len(self.enquiry_responses['positive']) - 1)] else: response = self.enquiry_responses['negative'][randint( 0, len(self.enquiry_responses['negative']) - 1)] # prepend the recipient response = '@' + recipient + ' ' + response + ' Korrekt? (j/n)' # trim tweet if necessary if len(response) > 140: response = response[:137] + '...' return response def gen_feedback_response(self, recipient, correctly_classified): ''' Generate response to feedback Keyword arguments: recipient (str): user handle of the addressee correctly_classified (bool): whether the tweet was correctly classified Returns: str: twitter-ready response ''' response = 'Danke! ^^' # default response # pick fitting response at random if correctly_classified: response = self.feedback_responses['positive'][randint( 0, len(self.feedback_responses['positive']) - 1)] else: response = self.feedback_responses['negative'][randint( 0, len(self.feedback_responses['negative']) - 1)] # prepend the recipient response = '@' + recipient + ' ' + response # trim tweet if necessary if len(response) > 140: response = response[:137] + '...' return response def respond(self, tweet_json): ''' Respond to a tweet Responses are generated for classification enquiries and feedback to said enquiries Keyword arguments: tweet_json (dict): JSON representation of the tweet to respond to ''' if self.verbose: print('mentioned by @' + tweet_json['user']['screen_name'] + '\n"' + tweet_json['text'] + '"') bot_response = None if self.is_valid_enquiry( tweet_json): # if tweet is a classification enquiry if tweet_json[ 'in_reply_to_status_id'] not in self.history: # check if tweet has already been classifed eval_tweet_status = self.twitter_api.get_status( tweet_json['in_reply_to_status_id'] ) # get tweet to be classified (as Tweepy.Status object) eval_tweet_sarcastic = self.is_sarcastic_tweet( eval_tweet_status.text) # classify the tweet bot_response = self.gen_enquiry_response( tweet_json['user']['screen_name'], eval_tweet_sarcastic) # generate response accordingly # save tweet and its classification in history self.history[] = eval_tweet_status._json self.history[eval_tweet_status. id]['sarcasm_predicted'] = eval_tweet_sarcastic self.save_history() elif self.is_valid_feedback(tweet_json): # if tweet is feedback correctly_classified = None # analyze feedback if re.match(r'.*?\b(j(a|o|ep)?|y(es|o)?)\b.*?', tweet_json['text'], re.IGNORECASE): correctly_classified = True elif re.match(r'.*?\b(n(e(in)?|o(pe)?)?)\b.*?', tweet_json['text'], re.IGNORECASE): correctly_classified = False if correctly_classified is not None: # if feedback could be parsed # follow the tweet trail back to the source (feedback -> classification -> enquiry -> classified_tweet) class_tweet_status = self.twitter_api.get_status( tweet_json['in_reply_to_status_id']) enq_tweet_status = self.twitter_api.get_status( class_tweet_status.in_reply_to_status_id) eval_tweet_status = self.twitter_api.get_status( enq_tweet_status.in_reply_to_status_id) # save the evaluation if 'sarcasm_actual' not in self.history[]: bot_response = self.gen_feedback_response( tweet_json['user']['screen_name'], correctly_classified) self.history[]['sarcasm_actual'] = self.history[ eval_tweet_status. id]['sarcasm_predicted'] and correctly_classified self.save_history() if bot_response: self.twitter_api.update_status( bot_response, tweet_json['id']) # post response to twitter if self.verbose and bot_response: print('responded with: "' + str(bot_response) + '"') def save_history(self): ''' Saves the bot's history to file ''' try: with open(self.history_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fop: json.dump(self.history, fop) except Exception as ex: print('Error: Could not save history to "' + self.history_path + '"') print(ex)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os.path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) import pickle, numpy from autosarkasmus.preprocessor.pipeline import Pipeline data = [] for is_sarcastic in [True, False]: break print('preprocessing samples with sarcastic='+str(is_sarcastic)+'...') # preprocess tweets if is_sarcastic: pipeline = Pipeline('../corpus/txt/reviewed_corpus_files/tweets_pos_3099random.txt', '../rsrc/', verbose=True) else: pipeline = Pipeline('../corpus/txt/reviewed_corpus_files/tweets_not-pos_3099random.txt', '../rsrc/', verbose=True) tweets_tkn, tweets_proc = pipeline.process() for tweet_proc in tweets_proc: data.append( { 'tweet': tweet_proc, 'class': is_sarcastic } ) data = pickle.load(open('../rsrc/tweets_proc_debug.pkl', 'rb'), encoding='bytes') # pickle.dump(data, open('../rsrc/tweets_proc_debug.pkl', 'wb')) embeddings = pickle.load(open('../rsrc/polyglot-de-dict.pkl', 'rb'), encoding='bytes')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os.path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) from autosarkasmus.preprocessor.pipeline import Pipeline pp = Pipeline("test.txt", "../rsrc/") tweets, tagged = pp.process() for i in range(len(tweets)): print(" ".join(tweets[i])) output = "" for token, tag in tagged[i]: output += "{}|{} ".format(token, tag) print(output.strip()) print()