Example #1
    def fetchData(self, inputMomentum, injectVariance=False):
        Fetches measurement data from the server in the form of a VMMeasurement instance.
        @param inputMomentum: The measurement momentum. If None - no momentum will be considered.
        @param injectVariance: Whether to "inject" a change in the workload pattern. Used for experiment purposes.  
        @return: measurement data from the server in the form of a VMMeasurement instance. May return None if no data is available.
        data = filterEmptyStrings(
        if (data and not AppServer._isHeader(data) and len(data) == 10):
            assert len(
            ) == 10, "Measurement data %s does not have proper size" % (data)
            log.debug("Measurement %s: %s", self.readableName, data)

            varianceActiveMem = data[6] + convertMem(
                1, fromCode="GB", toCode="KB") + data[9] * convertMem(
                    1, fromCode="MB", toCode="KB")
            varianceIdlePerc = data[4] * 0.9

            measurement = VMMeasurement(
                if not injectVariance else varianceIdlePerc,
                if not injectVariance else varianceActiveMem,

            measurement.considerMomentum(self.lastMeasurement, inputMomentum)
            self.lastMeasurement = measurement

            return measurement
            return None
Example #2
 def fetchData(self, inputMomentum, injectVariance = False):
     Fetches measurement data from the server in the form of a VMMeasurement instance.
     @param inputMomentum: The measurement momentum. If None - no momentum will be considered.
     @param injectVariance: Whether to "inject" a change in the workload pattern. Used for experiment purposes.  
     @return: measurement data from the server in the form of a VMMeasurement instance. May return None if no data is available.
     data = filterEmptyStrings( map(extractVal, self.fetchRawData().split(";")) )
     if(data and not AppServer._isHeader(data) and len(data) == 10):
         assert len(data) == 10, "Measurement data %s does not have proper size" % (data)
         log.debug("Measurement %s: %s", self.readableName, data)
         varianceActiveMem = data[6] + convertMem(1, fromCode="GB", toCode="KB") + data[9] * convertMem(1, fromCode="MB", toCode="KB")
         varianceIdlePerc = data[4] * 0.9
         measurement = VMMeasurement(readableName = self._measName(),
                          serverTime = data[0],
                          cpuCapacityMhz = data[1], 
                          cpuIOWaitPerc = data[2], 
                          cpuStealPerc = data[3], 
                          cpuIdlePerc = data[4] if not injectVariance else varianceIdlePerc, 
                          ramInKb = data[5], 
                          activeMemInKb = data[6] if not injectVariance else varianceActiveMem, 
                          diskUtilPerc = data[7], 
                          nicUtilPerc = data[8], 
                          numUsers = data[9])
         measurement.considerMomentum(self.lastMeasurement, inputMomentum)
         self.lastMeasurement = measurement
         return measurement
         return None
Example #3
class VMMeasurement(BaseAutoscalingClass):
    """Performance measurements taken from a VM."""

    freqMaxInMhz = 3500
    maxNumCores = 8
    maxCpuCapacity = freqMaxInMhz * maxNumCores
    maxRAMInKb = convertMem(8, fromCode="GB", toCode="KB")

    def __init__(self, readableName, vmAddress, serverTime, cpuCapacityMhz,
                 cpuIOWaitPerc, cpuStealPerc, cpuIdlePerc, ramInKb,
                 activeMemInKb, diskUtilPerc, nicUtilPerc, numUsers):
        @param readableName: see superclass.
        @param vmAddress: the address of the VM. Must not be None.
        @param serverTime: the time of the measurement on the VM. Must not be None.
        @param cpuCapacityMhz: The CPU capacity in Mhz. Must not be None. Must be positive.
        @param cpuIOWaitPerc: Percentage of CPU I/O waiting. Must not be None. Must be non-negative.
        @param cpuStealPerc: Percentage of stolen CPU time by the hypervisor. Must not be None. Must be non-negative.
        @param cpuIdlePerc: Percentage of CPU idle time. Must not be None. Must be non-negative.
        @param ramInKb: RAM capacity in Kb. Must not be None. Must be positive.
        @param activeMemInKb: Actively used RAM in Kb. Must not be None. Must be positive and less than the capacity.
        @param diskUtilPerc: Percentage of disk utilisation. Must not be None.
        @param nicUtilPerc: Percentage of NIC utilisation. Must not be None.
        @param numUsers: Number of users served on the system. Must not be None. Must be non-negative. 
        super(VMMeasurement, self).__init__(readableName=readableName)
        assert 0 <= cpuCapacityMhz <= VMMeasurement.maxCpuCapacity, "CPU capacity {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            cpuCapacityMhz, 0, VMMeasurement.maxCpuCapacity)
        assert 0 <= cpuIOWaitPerc <= 100, "cpuIOWait% {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            cpuIOWaitPerc, 0, 100)
        assert 0 <= cpuStealPerc <= 100, "cpuSteal% {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            cpuStealPerc, 0, 100)
        assert 0 <= cpuIdlePerc <= 100, "cpuIdle% {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            cpuIdlePerc, 0, 100)

        assert cpuIOWaitPerc + cpuStealPerc + cpuIdlePerc <= 100, "cpuIOWait% + cpuSteal + cpuIdle% ({0}) is greater than 100".format(
            cpuIOWaitPerc + cpuStealPerc + cpuIdlePerc)

        assert 0 <= ramInKb <= VMMeasurement.maxRAMInKb, "RAM capacity {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            ramInKb, 0, VMMeasurement.maxRAMInKb)

        if activeMemInKb > ramInKb:
            activeMemInKb = ramInKb

        assert 0 <= activeMemInKb <= ramInKb, "Active RAM {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            activeMemInKb, 0, ramInKb)
        assert 0 <= diskUtilPerc <= 100, "diskUtil% {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            diskUtilPerc, 0, 100)
        assert 0 <= nicUtilPerc <= 100, "nicUtil% {0} is not in the range[{1}, {2}]".format(
            nicUtilPerc, 0, 100)
        assert 0 <= numUsers, "numUsers {0} is not positive".format(numUsers)

        self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.vmAddress = vmAddress
        self.serverTime = serverTime
        self.cpuCapacityMhz = cpuCapacityMhz
        self.cpuIOWaitPerc = cpuIOWaitPerc
        self.cpuStealPerc = cpuStealPerc
        self.cpuIdlePerc = cpuIdlePerc
        self.ramInKb = ramInKb
        self.activeMemInKb = activeMemInKb
        self.diskUtilPerc = diskUtilPerc
        self.nicUtilPerc = nicUtilPerc
        self.numUsers = numUsers

        self.anomaly = 0

        self.prevNormalisedCpuUtil = None
        self.prevNormalisedRAMUtil = None
        self.prevNormalisedNICUtil = None
        self.prevNormalisedDiskUtil = None
        self.prevNumUsers = 0

        self.prevCpuUtil = None
        self.prevRamUtil = None
        self.prevAnomaly = None

        self.prevNormCpus = collections.deque(maxlen=3)
        self.prevUsers = collections.deque(maxlen=3)

        self.momentum = None

    def normaliseCpuCapacity(self):
        Returns the normalised CPU capacity of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised CPU capacity.
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            (100.0 - self.cpuStealPerc) * self.cpuCapacityMhz /
            (100 * VMMeasurement.maxCpuCapacity))

    def normaliseRAMCapacity(self):
        Returns the normalised RAM capacity of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised RAM capacity.
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            float(self.ramInKb) / VMMeasurement.maxRAMInKb)

    def normaliseCpuUtil(self):
        Returns the normalised CPU utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised CPU utilisation.
        result = (100.0 - self.cpuStealPerc -
                  self.cpuIdlePerc) * self.cpuCapacityMhz / (
                      100 * VMMeasurement.maxCpuCapacity)
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevNormalisedCpuUtil))

    def cpuUtil(self):
        Returns the CPU utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The CPU utilisation.
        result = (100.0 - self.cpuStealPerc -
                  self.cpuIdlePerc) / (100.0 - self.cpuStealPerc)
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevCpuUtil))

    def normaliseRAMUtil(self):
        Returns the normalised RAM utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised RAM utilisation.
        result = float(self.activeMemInKb) / VMMeasurement.maxRAMInKb
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevNormalisedRAMUtil))

    def ramUtil(self):
        Returns the RAM utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The RAM utilisation.
        result = self.activeMemInKb / float(self.ramInKb)
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevRamUtil))

    def getAnomaly(self):
        Returns the anomaly score of this VM measurment in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The anomaly score of this measurement.
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(self.anomaly, self.prevAnomaly))

    def normaliseNICUtil(self):
        Returns the normalised NIC utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised NIC utilisation.
        result = self.nicUtilPerc / 100.0
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevNormalisedNICUtil))

    def normaliseDiskUtil(self):
        Returns the normalised disk utilisation of the VM in the range [0,1]. Considers momentum if set.
        @return: The normalised disk utilisation.
        result = self.diskUtilPerc / 100.0
        return VMMeasurement._assertRatio(
            self._momentum(result, self.prevNormalisedDiskUtil))

    def numberOfUsers(self):
        Returns the number of users served in the VM.
        @return: The number of users served in the VM.
        result = self.numUsers
        return int(self._momentum(result, self.prevNumUsers))

    def _momentum(self, value, prevValue):
        if self.momentum is not None:
            return (1 - self.momentum) * value + self.momentum * prevValue
            return value

    def considerMomentum(self, prevMeasurement, inputMomentum):
        Modifies this measurment in the light of the previous measurement by using the specified momentum.
        @param prevMeasurement: the previous measurement. If None - no momentum is considered. An instance of VMMeasurement.
        @param inputMomentum: the momentum. If None - no momentum is considered. If not None must in the range [0,1). 
        if prevMeasurement is not None and inputMomentum is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                VMMeasurement), "Prev measurement %s is invalid" % (
            assert 0 <= inputMomentum < 1, "Momentum is %s, not in the range [0;1)" % (

            # Do not keep a reference to the previous measure, to avoid a memory leak.
            self.prevNormalisedCpuUtil = prevMeasurement.normaliseCpuUtil()
            self.prevNormalisedRAMUtil = prevMeasurement.normaliseRAMUtil()
            self.prevNormalisedNICUtil = prevMeasurement.normaliseNICUtil()
            self.prevNormalisedDiskUtil = prevMeasurement.normaliseDiskUtil()
            self.prevNumUsers = prevMeasurement.numberOfUsers()

            self.prevCpuUtil = prevMeasurement.cpuUtil()
            self.prevRamUtil = prevMeasurement.ramUtil()
            self.prevAnomaly = prevMeasurement.getAnomaly()



            self.momentum = inputMomentum
            self.momentum = None

    def isValid(self, err=[]):
        Returns if this measurement is valid - i.e. there are no concerns for mismeasurments.
        @param param: an optional output list parameter, where to store all error messages if the measurement is invalid.  
        @return: if this measurement is valid - i.e. there are no concerns for mismeasurments.
        overloadRatio = 0.7
        isOverloaded = (self.cpuUtil() > overloadRatio
                        or self.ramUtil() > overloadRatio
                        or self.normaliseDiskUtil() > overloadRatio
                        or self.normaliseNICUtil() > overloadRatio)
        isUnderloaded = (self.cpuUtil() < 0.1 or self.numberOfUsers() < 25)

        #prevUsers = self.prevNumUsers if self.prevNumUsers != 0  else 1
        #currUsers = self.numUsers if self.numUsers != 0  else 1
        #usersRatio = prevUsers / float(currUsers) #if currUsers > prevUsers else currUsers / float(prevUsers)

        #cpuRatio = 0 if self.prevCpuUtil is None or self.cpuUtil() == 0 else self.prevCpuUtil / float(self.cpuUtil())
        #numUsersSwitch = usersRatio < 0.5 or usersRatio > 2 or cpuRatio < 0.5 or cpuRatio > 2

        avgPrevCPU = self.getAvgPrevNormCPU()
        avgNumUsers = sum(self.prevUsers) / len(self.prevUsers) if len(
            self.prevUsers) > 0 else self.numberOfUsers()
        cpuAvgRatio = self.normaliseCpuUtil(
        ) / avgPrevCPU if avgPrevCPU > 0 else 0
        usrsAvgRatio = self.numberOfUsers(
        ) / avgNumUsers if avgNumUsers > 0 else 0
        avgSwitch = cpuAvgRatio < 0.5 or cpuAvgRatio > 2 or usrsAvgRatio < 0.5 or usrsAvgRatio > 2

        if isOverloaded:
            log.info("Invalid because it's overloaded")
        if isUnderloaded:
            log.info("Invalid because it's underloaded")
        if avgSwitch:
            log.info("Invalid because it's an AVG switch")
            err.append("AVG Switch")
#         if numUsersSwitch:
#             log.info("Invalid because it's a switch")
#             err.append("switch")

        return not (isOverloaded or isUnderloaded or avgSwitch)

    def getAvgPrevNormCPU(self):
        Returns the average normalised CPU of the last 3 CPU measurements.
        @return: the average normalised CPU of the last 3 CPU measurements.
        return sum(self.prevNormCpus) / len(self.prevNormCpus) if len(
            self.prevNormCpus) > 0 else self.normaliseCpuUtil()

    def _assertRatio(value):
        assert 0 <= value <= 1, "Value {0} is not in the range [0, 1]" % (
        return value
Example #4
from autoscale.AWSBillingPolicy import AWSBillingPolicy

##== Configure the level, handler and format for the loggers
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()

ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt="%H:%M:%S")


small = VMType(code="m1.small", declaredCpuCapacity=0.5, declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(0.615, "GB", "KB"), costPerTimeUnit=0.02)

f = VMFactory(providerId="openstack-nova", \
              endPoint="https://keystone.rc.nectar.org.au:5000/v2.0/", \
              accesskeyid="pt-697:[email protected]", \
              secretkey="M2M0ZDZiOTIyNDI4MjQ1", \
              imageOwnerId=None, \
              locationId = "Melbourne", \
              imageId = "Melbourne/b40a036d-3911-4533-84f5-ad565b8376dc", \
              securityGroupName = "AllOpen", \
              keyPairName = "MCCloud", \
              groupName = "test-mccloud", \
              vmManagerJar = vmManagerJarPath(), \
              pemFile = "/home/nikolay/Dropbox/mccloud.pem", \
              monitoringScript = scriptPath("monitor.sh"), \
              userName = "******", \
Example #5
runConfig = "/home/nikolay/Dropbox/CloudStoneSetupOnUbuntuAdvanced/AutoScaler/run.xml"
userName = "******"
loadBalancerAddress = "ec2-54-79-203-150.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"
firstAppServerAddress = "ec2-54-253-205-116.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"  #"ec2-54-253-144-28.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"
clientAddress = "ec2-54-79-149-247.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"

##== Factory for creating objects that manage VMs, Load Balancer and Clients
factory = VMFactory(providerId, endPoint, accesskeyid, secretkey, imageOwnerId,
                    locationId, imageId, securityGroupName, keyPairName,
                    groupName, vmManagerJar, pemFile, monitoringScript,
                    userName, runConfig, billingPolicy)

##== VM types
t1Micro = VMType(code="t1.micro",
                 declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(0.615, "GB", "KB"),
m1Small = VMType(code="m1.small",
                 declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(1.7, "GB", "KB"),
m1Medium = VMType(code="m1.medium",
                  declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(3.75, "GB", "KB"),
m3Medium = VMType(code="m3.medium",
                  declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(3.75, "GB", "KB"),

types = [m1Small, m1Medium, m3Medium]
Example #6
##== Initialising common variables - addresses, access keys
pemFile = "/home/nikolay/Dropbox/CloudStoneSetupOnUbuntuAdvanced/CloudStone.pem"
monitoringScript = "/home/nikolay/Dropbox/CloudStoneSetupOnUbuntuAdvanced/AutoScaler/monitor.sh"
runConfig = "/home/nikolay/Dropbox/CloudStoneSetupOnUbuntuAdvanced/AutoScaler/run.xml"
userName = "******"
loadBalancerAddress = "ec2-54-79-203-150.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"
firstAppServerAddress = "ec2-54-253-205-116.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"#"ec2-54-253-144-28.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"
clientAddress = "ec2-54-79-149-247.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com"

##== Factory for creating objects that manage VMs, Load Balancer and Clients
factory = ClientFactory(providerId, accesskeyid, secretkey, imageOwnerId, locationId, imageId, securityGroupName, keyPairName,\
                     groupName, mavenPrjPath, pemFile, monitoringScript, userName, runConfig)

##== VM types
t1Micro = VMType(code="t1.micro", declaredCpuCapacity=0.5, declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(0.615, "GB", "KB"), costPerTimeUnit=0.02)
m1Small = VMType(code="m1.small", declaredCpuCapacity=1, declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(1.7, "GB", "KB"), costPerTimeUnit=0.058)
m1Medium = VMType(code="m1.medium", declaredCpuCapacity=2, declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(3.75, "GB", "KB"), costPerTimeUnit=0.117)
m3Medium = VMType(code="m3.medium", declaredCpuCapacity=3, declaredRAMCapacityKB=convertMem(3.75, "GB", "KB"), costPerTimeUnit=0.098)

types = [m1Small, m1Medium, m3Medium]
types.sort(key=lambda t: t.declaredCpuCapacity)

##== Initialise client, first AS servers and Load Balancers
firstAppServer = factory.createVM(readableName="App 1", vmType=m3Medium, address=firstAppServerAddress)
serverFarm = factory.createServerFarm(address=loadBalancerAddress)

fann = FANNWrapper(topology=(inputUnits, hiddenUnits, 2))