Example #1
def bac_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the normalized balanced accuracy.

    The binarization and
    the normalization differ for the multi-label and multi-class case.
    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:
    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    score = np.zeros(label_num)
    bin_prediction = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    [tn, fp, tp, fn] = acc_stat(solution, bin_prediction)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = 1e-15
    tp = sp.maximum(eps, tp)
    pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fn)
    tpr = tp / pos_num  # true positive rate (sensitivity)
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        tn = sp.maximum(eps, tn)
        neg_num = sp.maximum(eps, tn + fp)
        tnr = tn / neg_num  # true negative rate (specificity)
        bac = 0.5 * (tpr + tnr)
        base_bac = 0.5  # random predictions for binary case
        bac = tpr
        base_bac = 1. / label_num  # random predictions for multiclass case
    bac = np.mean(bac)  # average over all classes
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    score = (bac - base_bac) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_bac))
    return score
def bac_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the normalized balanced accuracy.

    The binarization and
    the normalization differ for the multi-label and multi-class case.
    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:
    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    score = np.zeros(label_num)
    bin_prediction = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    [tn, fp, tp, fn] = acc_stat(solution, bin_prediction)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = 1e-15
    tp = sp.maximum(eps, tp)
    pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fn)
    tpr = tp / pos_num  # true positive rate (sensitivity)
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        tn = sp.maximum(eps, tn)
        neg_num = sp.maximum(eps, tn + fp)
        tnr = tn / neg_num  # true negative rate (specificity)
        bac = 0.5 * (tpr + tnr)
        base_bac = 0.5  # random predictions for binary case
        bac = tpr
        base_bac = 1. / label_num  # random predictions for multiclass case
    bac = mv_mean(bac)  # average over all classes
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    score = (bac - base_bac) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_bac))
    return score
Example #3
def f1_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the normalized f1 measure.

    The binarization differs
    for the multi-label and multi-class case.
    A non-weighted average over classes is taken.
    The score is normalized.
    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:
    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    score = np.zeros(label_num)
    bin_prediction = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    [tn, fp, tp, fn] = acc_stat(solution, bin_prediction)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = 1e-15
    true_pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fn)
    found_pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fp)
    tp = sp.maximum(eps, tp)
    tpr = tp / true_pos_num  # true positive rate (recall)
    ppv = tp / found_pos_num  # positive predictive value (precision)
    arithmetic_mean = 0.5 * sp.maximum(eps, tpr + ppv)
    # Harmonic mean:
    f1 = tpr * ppv / arithmetic_mean
    # Average over all classes
    f1 = np.mean(f1)
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        # How to choose the "base_f1"?
        # For the binary/multilabel classification case, one may want to predict all 1.
        # In that case tpr = 1 and ppv = frac_pos. f1 = 2 * frac_pos / (1+frac_pos)
        #     frac_pos = mvmean(solution.ravel())
        #     base_f1 = 2 * frac_pos / (1+frac_pos)
        # or predict random values with probability 0.5, in which case
        #     base_f1 = 0.5
        # the first solution is better only if frac_pos > 1/3.
        # The solution in which we predict according to the class prior frac_pos gives
        # f1 = tpr = ppv = frac_pos, which is worse than 0.5 if frac_pos<0.5
        # So, because the f1 score is used if frac_pos is small (typically <0.1)
        # the best is to assume that base_f1=0.5
        base_f1 = 0.5
    # For the multiclass case, this is not possible (though it does not make much sense to
    # use f1 for multiclass problems), so the best would be to assign values at random to get
    # tpr=ppv=frac_pos, where frac_pos=1/label_num
        base_f1 = 1. / label_num
    score = (f1 - base_f1) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_f1))
    return score
def f1_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the normalized f1 measure.

    The binarization differs
    for the multi-label and multi-class case.
    A non-weighted average over classes is taken.
    The score is normalized.
    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:
    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    score = np.zeros(label_num)
    bin_prediction = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    [tn, fp, tp, fn] = acc_stat(solution, bin_prediction)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = 1e-15
    true_pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fn)
    found_pos_num = sp.maximum(eps, tp + fp)
    tp = sp.maximum(eps, tp)
    tpr = tp / true_pos_num  # true positive rate (recall)
    ppv = tp / found_pos_num  # positive predictive value (precision)
    arithmetic_mean = 0.5 * sp.maximum(eps, tpr + ppv)
    # Harmonic mean:
    f1 = tpr * ppv / arithmetic_mean
    # Average over all classes
    f1 = mv_mean(f1)
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        # How to choose the "base_f1"?
        # For the binary/multilabel classification case, one may want to predict all 1.
        # In that case tpr = 1 and ppv = frac_pos. f1 = 2 * frac_pos / (1+frac_pos)
        #     frac_pos = mvmean(solution.ravel())
        #     base_f1 = 2 * frac_pos / (1+frac_pos)
        # or predict random values with probability 0.5, in which case
        #     base_f1 = 0.5
        # the first solution is better only if frac_pos > 1/3.
        # The solution in which we predict according to the class prior frac_pos gives
        # f1 = tpr = ppv = frac_pos, which is worse than 0.5 if frac_pos<0.5
        # So, because the f1 score is used if frac_pos is small (typically <0.1)
        # the best is to assume that base_f1=0.5
        base_f1 = 0.5
    # For the multiclass case, this is not possible (though it does not make much sense to
    # use f1 for multiclass problems), so the best would be to assign values at random to get
    # tpr=ppv=frac_pos, where frac_pos=1/label_num
        base_f1 = 1. / label_num
    score = (f1 - base_f1) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_f1))
    return score
Example #5
def log_loss(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    """Log loss for binary and multiclass."""
    [sample_num, label_num] = solution.shape
    eps = 1e-15

    pred = np.copy(prediction
                   )  # beware: changes in prediction occur through this
    sol = np.copy(solution)
    if (task == MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) and (label_num > 1):
        # Make sure the lines add up to one for multi-class classification
        norma = np.sum(prediction, axis=1)
        for k in range(sample_num):
            pred[k, :] /= sp.maximum(norma[k], eps)
        # Make sure there is a single label active per line for multi-class
        # classification
        sol = binarize_predictions(solution, task=MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION)
        # For the base prediction, this solution is ridiculous in the
        # multi-label case

        # Bounding of predictions to avoid log(0),1/0,...
    pred = sp.minimum(1 - eps, sp.maximum(eps, pred))
    # Compute the log loss
    pos_class_log_loss = -mv_mean(sol * np.log(pred), axis=0)
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        # The multi-label case is a bunch of binary problems.
        # The second class is the negative class for each column.
        neg_class_log_loss = - mv_mean((1 - sol) * np.log(1 - pred), axis=0)
        log_loss = pos_class_log_loss + neg_class_log_loss
        # Each column is an independent problem, so we average.
        # The probabilities in one line do not add up to one.
        # log_loss = mvmean(log_loss)
        # print('binary {}'.format(log_loss))
        # In the multilabel case, the right thing i to AVERAGE not sum
        # We return all the scores so we can normalize correctly later on
        # For the multiclass case the probabilities in one line add up one.
        log_loss = pos_class_log_loss
        # We sum the contributions of the columns.
        log_loss = np.sum(log_loss)
        # print('multiclass {}'.format(log_loss))
    return log_loss
Example #6
def log_loss(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    """Log loss for binary and multiclass."""
    [sample_num, label_num] = solution.shape
    eps = 1e-15

    pred = np.copy(
        prediction)  # beware: changes in prediction occur through this
    sol = np.copy(solution)
    if (task == MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) and (label_num > 1):
        # Make sure the lines add up to one for multi-class classification
        norma = np.sum(prediction, axis=1)
        for k in range(sample_num):
            pred[k, :] /= sp.maximum(norma[k], eps)
        # Make sure there is a single label active per line for multi-class
        # classification
        sol = binarize_predictions(solution, task=MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION)
        # For the base prediction, this solution is ridiculous in the
        # multi-label case

        # Bounding of predictions to avoid log(0),1/0,...
    pred = sp.minimum(1 - eps, sp.maximum(eps, pred))
    # Compute the log loss
    pos_class_log_loss = -np.mean(sol * np.log(pred), axis=0)
    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        # The multi-label case is a bunch of binary problems.
        # The second class is the negative class for each column.
        neg_class_log_loss = -np.mean((1 - sol) * np.log(1 - pred), axis=0)
        log_loss = pos_class_log_loss + neg_class_log_loss
        # Each column is an independent problem, so we average.
        # The probabilities in one line do not add up to one.
        # log_loss = mvmean(log_loss)
        # print('binary {}'.format(log_loss))
        # In the multilabel case, the right thing i to AVERAGE not sum
        # We return all the scores so we can normalize correctly later on
        # For the multiclass case the probabilities in one line add up one.
        log_loss = pos_class_log_loss
        # We sum the contributions of the columns.
        log_loss = np.sum(log_loss)
        # print('multiclass {}'.format(log_loss))
    return log_loss
def acc_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the accuracy.

    Get the accuracy stats
    acc = (tpr + fpr) / (tn + fp + tp + fn)
    Normalize, so 1 is the best and zero mean random...

    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:

    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    bin_predictions = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    tn, fp, tp, fn = acc_stat(solution, bin_predictions)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = np.float(1e-15)
    tp = np.sum(tp)
    fp = np.sum(fp)
    tn = np.sum(tn)
    fn = np.sum(fn)

    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        accuracy = (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(tn)) / (
            np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp) + np.sum(tn) + np.sum(fn)
        accuracy = np.sum(tp) / (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp))

    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        base_accuracy = 0.5  # random predictions for binary case
        base_accuracy = 1. / label_num
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    score = (accuracy - base_accuracy) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_accuracy))
    return score
Example #8
def acc_metric(solution, prediction, task=BINARY_CLASSIFICATION):
    Compute the accuracy.

    Get the accuracy stats
    acc = (tpr + fpr) / (tn + fp + tp + fn)
    Normalize, so 1 is the best and zero mean random...

    :param solution:
    :param prediction:
    :param task:

    label_num = solution.shape[1]
    bin_predictions = binarize_predictions(prediction, task)
    tn, fp, tp, fn = acc_stat(solution, bin_predictions)
    # Bounding to avoid division by 0
    eps = np.float(1e-15)
    tp = np.sum(tp)
    fp = np.sum(fp)
    tn = np.sum(tn)
    fn = np.sum(fn)

    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        accuracy = (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(tn)) / (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp) +
                                                np.sum(tn) + np.sum(fn))
        accuracy = np.sum(tp) / (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp))

    if (task != MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) or (label_num == 1):
        base_accuracy = 0.5  # random predictions for binary case
        base_accuracy = 1. / label_num
    # Normalize: 0 for random, 1 for perfect
    score = (accuracy - base_accuracy) / sp.maximum(eps, (1 - base_accuracy))
    return score