Example #1
        def run_once(self):
            logging.info("In run_once function.. ")

            logging.info("Here we will create the pool..")
            disks = libzfs_common.get_free_disks()

            status = libzpool.create(TESTPOOL, disks[0])
            if status != SUCCESS:
	       raise error.TestFail("zpool create failed..")

            logging.info("Create a file system and set its mount point....")

            utils.system("mkdir -p " + TESTDIR)
            libzfs.create(TESTPOOL, fs1)
            libzfs.set_property(TESTPOOL, fs1, "mountpoint", TESTDIR)

            logging.info("Create nested file system..")
            libzfs.create(TESTPOOL, fs2)

            status = libzfs.destroy(TESTPOOL, fs1)
            if status == SUCCESS:
               raise error.TestFail("Parent file system destroyed..")

	    logging.info("The nestedfs test passed successfully..")
            return SUCCESS
Example #2
        def run_once(self):
            logging.info("In run_once function.. ")

            logging.info("Here we will create the pool..")
            disks = "/dev/sda1"
            libzpool.create(TESTPOOL, disks)

            logging.info("Create a file system with mount point, so it will mount automatically..")
            utils.system("mkdir -p " + TESTDIR)
            fs = TESTPOOL + "/" + TESTFS

            status = libzfs.is_mounted(fs)
            if status != SUCCESS :
               raise error.TestFail("File system " + TESTFS +" is not mounted..")

            logging.info("Unmount the file system..")

            logging.info("Make sure file system " + fs + " is unmounted..")
            status = libzfs.is_mounted(fs)
            if status == SUCCESS :
               raise error.TestFail("File system " + fs +" is mounted..")

            logging.info("File system " + fs +" is unmounted..")

            logging.info("Here we will mount the file system..")
            fs = TESTPOOL + "/" + TESTFS

            logging.info("Make sure the file system is mounted..")
            status = libzfs.is_mounted(fs)
            if status != SUCCESS :
               raise error.TestFail("File system " + TESTFS +" is not mounted..")

            logging.info("Unmount the file system..")

            logging.info("Make sure the file system is unmounted..")
            status = libzfs.is_mounted(fs)
            if status == SUCCESS :
               raise error.TestFail("File system " + TESTFS +" is  mounted..")

            logging.info("Mount test passed successfully..")
            return SUCCESS