Example #1
    def test_webrtc(self, local_path, gather_result):
        Runs the webrtc test with and without hardware acceleration.

        @param local_path: the path to the video file.
        @param gather_result: a function to run and return the test result
                after chrome opens. The input parameter of the funciton is
                Autotest chrome instance.

        @return a dictionary that contains test the result.
        keyvals = {}
        EXTRA_BROWSER_ARGS.append(FAKE_FILE_ARG % local_path)

        with chrome.Chrome(extra_browser_args=EXTRA_BROWSER_ARGS +\
                           init_network_controller=True) as cr:
            # On daisy, Chrome freezes about 30 seconds after login because of
            # TPM error. See http://crbug.com/588579.
            if utils.get_board() == 'daisy':
              logging.warning('Delay 30s for issue 588579 on daisy')
            # Open WebRTC loopback page and start the loopback.
            result = gather_result(cr)

            # Check if decode is hardware accelerated.
            if histogram_verifier.is_bucket_present(
                keyvals[WEBRTC_WITH_HW_ACCELERATION] = result
                logging.info("Can not use hardware decoding.")
                keyvals[WEBRTC_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION] = result
                return keyvals

        # Start chrome with disabled video hardware decode flag.
        with chrome.Chrome(extra_browser_args=
                EXTRA_BROWSER_ARGS, arc_mode=self.arc_mode,
                init_network_controller=True) as cr:
            if utils.get_board() == 'daisy':
              logging.warning('Delay 30s for issue 588579 on daisy')
            # Open the webrtc loopback page and start the loopback.
            result = gather_result(cr)

            # Make sure decode is not hardware accelerated.
            if histogram_verifier.is_bucket_present(
                raise error.TestError('HW decode should not be used.')
            keyvals[WEBRTC_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION] = result

        return keyvals
 def supports_bluetooth(self):
     """Return True if this device has Bluetooth capabilities; else False."""
     device = utils.get_board()
     if device in self._INVALID_BOARDS:
         logging.info('%s does not have Bluetooth.', device)
         return False
     return True
Example #3
    def run_once(self, arc_mode=None):
        # If we are in arc_mode, do not report failures to perf dashboard.
        if arc_mode:
            self._test_failure_report_enable = False

        with chrome.Chrome(logged_in=True, arc_mode=arc_mode) as cr:
            # The New Tab Page contains the Google doodle which can cause
            # arbitrary side effects. Hide it by going to a neutral page.
            if not cr.browser.tabs:
            tab = cr.browser.tabs[0]
            # Try to protect against runaway previous tests.
            if not utils.wait_for_idle_cpu(60.0, 0.1):
                logging.warning('Could not get idle CPU before running tests.')
            self._gpu_type = utils.get_gpu_family()
            self._cpu_type = utils.get_cpu_soc_family()
            self._board = utils.get_board()
            errors = ''
            errors += self.verify_graphics_dvfs()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_fbc()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_psr()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_gem_idle()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_i915_min_clock()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_rc6()
            errors += self.verify_lvds_downclock()
            errors += self.verify_short_blanking()
            if errors:
                raise error.TestFail('Failed: %s' % errors)
Example #4
def alsa_rms_test_setup():
    """Setup for alsa_rms_test.

    Different boards/chipsets have different set of mixer controls.  Even
    controls that have the same name on different boards might have different
    capabilities.  The following is a general idea to setup a given class of
    boards, and some specialized setup for certain boards.
    card_id = alsa_utils.get_first_soundcard_with_control('Mic Jack', 'Mic')
    arch = utils.get_arch()
    board = utils.get_board()
    uses_max98090 = os.path.exists('/sys/module/snd_soc_max98090')
    if board in ['daisy_spring', 'daisy_skate']:
        # The MIC controls of the boards do not support dB syntax.
                             'sset Headphone ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_MAX_VOLUME)
        alsa_utils.mixer_cmd(card_id, 'sset MIC1 ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_MAX_VOLUME)
        alsa_utils.mixer_cmd(card_id, 'sset MIC2 ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_MAX_VOLUME)
    elif arch in ['armv7l', 'aarch64'] or uses_max98090:
        # ARM platforms or Intel platforms that uses max98090 codec driver.
                             'sset Headphone ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_MAX_VOLUME)
                             'sset MIC1 ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_CAPTURE_GAIN)
                             'sset MIC2 ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_CAPTURE_GAIN)
        # The rest of Intel platforms.
                             'sset Master ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_MAX_VOLUME)
                             'sset Capture ' + _DEFAULT_ALSA_CAPTURE_GAIN)
Example #5
    def verify_graphics_fbc(self):
        """ On systems which support FBC, check that we can get into FBC;
        idle before doing so, and retry every second for 20 seconds."""
        logging.info('Running verify_graphics_fbc')

        # Link's FBC is disabled (crbug.com/338588).
        # TODO(marcheu): remove this when/if we fix this bug.
        board = utils.get_board()
        if board == 'link':
            return ''

        # Machines which don't have a monitor can't get FBC.
        if utils.has_no_monitor():
            return ''

        if (self._gpu_type == 'haswell' or self._gpu_type == 'ivybridge'
                or self._gpu_type == 'sandybridge'):
            tries = 0
            found = False
            param_path = self.get_valid_path(FBC_PATHS)
            if not param_path:
                return 'FBC_PATHS not found.'
            while not found and tries < 20:
                with open(param_path, 'r') as fbc_info_file:
                    for line in fbc_info_file:
                        if re.search('FBC enabled', line):
                            found = True

                tries += 1
            if not found:
                return self.handle_error('Did not see FBC enabled. ',
        return ''
 def run_once(self):
     if utils.get_board() not in ['samus', 'gandof']:
         raise error.TestNAError(
             'Trying to run PSR tests on unsupported board.')
     psr_enabled = self._is_psr_enabled()
     if (not psr_enabled
             and graphics_utils.call_xrandr('--output eDP1 --set psr on')):
         error.TestFail('Unable to enable PSR via xrandr.')
     # Start chrome in full screen mode so that there is no blinking cursor
     # or ticking clock on the screen.
     with chrome.Chrome(logged_in=False, extra_browser_args=['--kiosk']):
         # Sample the PSR performance count from debugfs and wait for 20s.
         # At the end of 20s, re-sample the PSR performance count. The time
         # spent in PSR should be close to (20s - <vblankoffdelay>).
         sleep_time_milliseconds = 20 * 1000
         min_occupancy = 0.9 * (sleep_time_milliseconds -
         perf_count_old = self._get_perf_count()
         time.sleep(sleep_time_milliseconds / 1000)
         perf_count_new = self._get_perf_count()
         occupancy_time = perf_count_new - perf_count_old
         if occupancy_time < min_occupancy:
             raise error.TestFail(
                 'PSR occupancy time %dms less than expected.' %
         # Disable PSR if it was not enabled to begin with.
         if (not psr_enabled and
                 graphics_utils.call_xrandr('--output eDP1 --set psr off')):
             raise error.TestWarn('Unable to disable PSR via xrandr.')
Example #7
    def verify_graphics_psr(self):
        """ On systems which support PSR, check that we can get into PSR;
        idle before doing so, and retry every second for 20 seconds."""
        logging.info('Running verify_graphics_psr')

        board = utils.get_board()
        if board != 'samus':
            return ''
        tries = 0
        found = False
        param_path = self.get_valid_path(PSR_PATHS)
        if not param_path:
            return 'PSR_PATHS not found.'
        while not found and tries < 20:
            with open(param_path, 'r') as fbc_info_file:
                for line in fbc_info_file:
                    match = re.search(r'Performance_Counter: (.*)', line)
                    if match and int(match.group(1)) > 0:
                        found = True

            tries += 1
        if not found:
            return self.handle_error('Did not see PSR enabled. ', param_path)
        return ''
Example #8
    def run_once(self, arc_mode=None):
        # If we are in arc_mode, do not report failures to perf dashboard.
        if arc_mode:
            self._test_failure_report_enable = False

        # We use kiosk mode to make sure Chrome is idle.
        with chrome.Chrome(logged_in=False,
            # Try to protect against runaway previous tests.
            if not utils.wait_for_idle_cpu(20.0, 0.1):
                logging.warning('Could not get idle CPU before running tests.')
            self._gpu_type = utils.get_gpu_family()
            self._cpu_type = utils.get_cpu_soc_family()
            self._board = utils.get_board()
            errors = ''
            errors += self.verify_graphics_dvfs()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_fbc()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_psr()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_gem_idle()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_i915_min_clock()
            errors += self.verify_graphics_rc6()
            errors += self.verify_lvds_downclock()
            errors += self.verify_short_blanking()
            if errors:
                raise error.TestFail('Failed: %s' % errors)
    def run_once(self, to_test):
        """Run alsa_api_test binary and verify its result.

        Checks the source code of alsa_api_test in audiotest repo for detail.

        @param to_test: support these test items:
                        move: Checks snd_pcm_forward API.
                        fill: Checks snd_pcm_mmap_begin API.
                        drop: Checks snd_pcm_drop API.

        # Skip test_drop on boards that do not implement snd_pcm_drop
        # correctly, as it cannot pass.
        board = utils.get_board().lower()
        if to_test == 'drop' and board in self._BOARDS_WITHOUT_DROP_SUPPORT:
            logging.info('Skipping test_drop for unsupported board: %s', board)

        self._cardnames = alsa_utils.get_soundcard_names()
        self._devices = []
        method_name = '_test_' + to_test
        method = getattr(self, method_name)
        for card_index, device_index in self._devices:
            device = 'hw:%s,%s' % (card_index, device_index)
 def _skip_hcd(self):
     """Skips HCD controlling on some boards."""
     board = utils.get_board()
     if board in self._SKIP_HCD_BLACKLIST:
         logging.info('Skip HCD controlling on board %s', board)
         return True
     return False
    def run_once(self, check_link_speed=()):
        # Use rootdev to find the underlying block device even if the
        # system booted to /dev/dm-0.
        device = site_utils.get_root_device()

        # Check the device is fixed

        def IsFixed(dev):
            sysfs_path = '/sys/block/%s/removable' % dev
            return (os.path.exists(sysfs_path)
                    and open(sysfs_path).read().strip() == '0')

        alpha_re = re.compile(r'^/dev/([a-zA-Z]+)$')
        alnum_re = re.compile(r'^/dev/([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)$')
        dev = alpha_re.findall(device) + alnum_re.findall(device)
        if len(dev) != 1 or not IsFixed(dev[0]):
            raise error.TestFail('The main disk %s is not fixed' % dev)

        # If it is an mmcblk device, then it is SSD.
        # Else run hdparm to check for SSD.

        if re.search("mmcblk", device):

        hdparm = utils.run('/sbin/hdparm -I %s' % device)

        # Check if device is a SSD
        match = re.search(r'Nominal Media Rotation Rate: (.+)$', hdparm.stdout,
        if match and match.group(1):
            if match.group(1) != 'Solid State Device':
                if utils.get_board() in self.boards_with_hdd:
                raise error.TestFail('The main disk is not a SSD, '
                                     'Rotation Rate: %s' % match.group(1))
            raise error.TestFail('Rotation Rate not reported from the device, '
                                 'unable to ensure it is a SSD')

        # Check if SSD is > 8GB in size
        match = re.search("device size with M = 1000\*1000: (.+) MBytes",
                          hdparm.stdout, re.MULTILINE)
        if match and match.group(1):
            size = int(match.group(1))
            self.write_perf_keyval({"mb_ssd_device_size": size})
            raise error.TestFail('Device size info missing from the device')

        # Check supported link speed.
        # check_link_speed is an empty tuple by default, which does not perform
        # link speed checking.  You can run the test while specifying
        # check_link_speed=('1.5Gb/s', '3.0Gb/s') to check the 2 signaling
        # speeds are both supported.
        for link_speed in check_link_speed:
            if not re.search(r'Gen. signaling speed \(%s\)' % link_speed,
                             hdparm.stdout, re.MULTILINE):
                raise error.TestFail('Link speed %s not supported' %
Example #12
 def NoDeviceFailure(self, forgive_flaky, message):
     No WiFi device found. Forgiveable in some suites, for some boards.
     board = utils.get_board()
     if forgive_flaky and board in self.EXCEPTION_BOARDS:
         return error.TestWarn('Exception (%s): %s' % (board, message))
         return error.TestFail(message)
 def warmup(self):
     if self.perf_cmd == 'record -b':
         uarch = utils.get_intel_cpu_uarch()
         if uarch not in INTEL_LBR_UARCHS:
             raise error.TestNAError('Unsupported microarchitecture.')
     unsupported_boards = ['gizmo']
     board = utils.get_board()
     if board in unsupported_boards:
         raise error.TestNAError('Unsupported board')
    def _skip_device(self, card_device):
        """Skips devices on some boards.

        @param card_device: A tuple of (card index, device index).

        @returns: True if the device should be skipped. False otherwise.

        return card_device in self._DEVICES_TO_BE_SKIPPED.get(
            utils.get_board().lower(), [])
Example #15
    def run_once(self):
        """Entry point of this test."""
        if not self.supports_bluetooth():

        self._device = utils.get_board()
        if self._device in self._REFERENCE_ONLY:

Example #16
    def run_once(self, width, height, mask_points=None, logged_in=None):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.logged_in = logged_in
        self.mask_points = mask_points

        if utils.get_board() != 'link':
            logging.info('This test should only be run on link so exiting.')

    def _create_dut_info_dict(self, power_rails):
        """Create a dictionary that contain information of the DUT.

            power_rails: list of measured power rails

            DUT info dictionary
        board = utils.get_board()
        platform = utils.get_platform()

        if not platform.startswith(board):
            board += '_' + platform

        if power_utils.has_hammer():
            board += '_hammer'

        dut_info_dict = {
            'board': board,
            'version': {
                'hw': utils.get_hardware_revision(),
                'milestone': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_milestone(),
                'os': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_version(),
                'channel': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_channel(),
                'firmware': utils.get_firmware_version(),
                'ec': utils.get_ec_version(),
                'kernel': utils.get_kernel_version(),
            'sku': {
                'cpu': utils.get_cpu_name(),
                'memory_size': utils.get_mem_total_gb(),
                'display_resolution': utils.get_screen_resolution(),
            'ina': {
                'version': 0,
                'ina': power_rails,
            'note': self._note,

        if power_utils.has_battery():
            status = power_status.get_status()
            if status.battery:
                # Round the battery size to nearest tenth because it is
                # fluctuated for platform without battery nominal voltage data.
                dut_info_dict['sku']['battery_size'] = round(
                    status.battery[0].energy_full_design, 1)
                dut_info_dict['sku']['battery_shutdown_percent'] = \
        return dut_info_dict
    def _check_for_errors(self):
        """Find and identify suspend errors. Return True iff we should retry."""
        warning_regex = re.compile(r' kernel: \[.*WARNING:')
        abort_regex = re.compile(
            r' kernel: \[.*Freezing of tasks abort'
            r'| powerd_suspend\[.*Cancel suspend at kernel'
            r'| kernel: \[.*PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend')
        # rsyslogd can put this out of order with dmesg, so track in variable
        fail_regex = re.compile(r'powerd_suspend\[\d+\]: Error')
        failed = False

        # TODO(scottz): warning_monitor crosbug.com/38092
        for i in xrange(len(self._logs)):
            line = self._logs[i]
            if warning_regex.search(line):
                # match the source file from the WARNING line, and the
                # actual error text by peeking one or two lines below that
                src = cros_logging.strip_timestamp(line)
                text = cros_logging.strip_timestamp(self._logs[i + 1]) + '\n' \
                     + cros_logging.strip_timestamp(self._logs[i + 2])
                for p1, p2 in sys_power.KernelError.WHITELIST:
                    if re.search(p1, src) and re.search(p2, text):
                        logging.info('Whitelisted KernelError: %s', src)
                    raise sys_power.KernelError("%s\n%s" % (src, text))
            if abort_regex.search(line):
                wake_source = 'unknown'
                match = re.search(r'last active wakeup source: (.*)$',
                                  '\n'.join(self._logs[i - 5:i + 3]),
                if match:
                    wake_source = match.group(1)
                driver = self._identify_driver(wake_source)
                for b, w in sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError.S0_WHITELIST:
                    if (re.search(b, utils.get_board())
                            and re.search(w, wake_source)):
                            'Whitelisted spurious wake before '
                            'S3: %s | %s', wake_source, driver)
                        return True
                if "rtc" in driver:
                    raise sys_power.SuspendTimeout('System took too '
                                                   'long to suspend.')
                raise sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError('Spurious wake '
                                                    'before S3: %s | %s' %
                                                    (wake_source, driver))
            if fail_regex.search(line):
                failed = True
        if failed:
            raise sys_power.SuspendFailure('Unidentified problem.')
        return False
    def _verify_roles(self):
        """Verify that POWERD_ROLE was set on devices as expected."""

        # TODO(chromium:410968): Consider moving this to USE flags instead of
        # listing devices here.
        boards_with_touchscreen = ['link', 'samus']
        boards_maybe_touchscreen = [
            'rambi', 'peppy', 'glimmer', 'clapper', 'nyan_big', 'nyan_blaze',
        boards_chromebox = [
            'beltino', 'guado', 'mccloud', 'panther', 'rikku', 'stumpy',
            'tidus', 'tricky', 'zako'
        boards_aio = ['nyan_kitty', 'tiny', 'anglar', 'monroe']

        expect_keyboard = None
        expect_touchpad = None
        expect_touchscreen = None

        board = utils.get_board()
        if board in boards_chromebox or board in boards_aio:
            expect_keyboard = [0]
            expect_touchpad = [0]
            expect_keyboard = [1]
            expect_touchpad = [1]

        if board in boards_with_touchscreen:
            expect_touchscreen = [1]
        elif board in boards_maybe_touchscreen:
            expect_touchscreen = [0, 1]
            expect_touchscreen = [0]

        expected_num_per_role = [
            ('internal_keyboard', expect_keyboard),
            ('internal_touchpad', expect_touchpad),
            ('internal_touchscreen', expect_touchscreen),

        for role, expected_num in expected_num_per_role:
            num = len(self.devices_with_role[role])
            if num not in expected_num:
                self.errors += 1
                    'POWERD_ROLE=%s is present %d times, expected '
                    'one of %s', role, num, repr(expected_num))

        if len(self.devices_with_role['external_input']) != 0:
            logging.warn('%d external input devices detected',
Example #20
 def run_once(self):
     board = utils.get_board().lower()
     snd_control = len(glob.glob(_SND_DEV_DIR + _SND_DEFAULT_MASK))
     if board in self._NO_AUDIO_DEVICE_LIST:
         if snd_control:
             raise error.TestError(
                 '%s is not supposed to have sound control!' % board)
     record = board not in self._NO_RECORDER_BOARDS_LIST
     playback = board not in self._NO_PLAYBACK_BOARDS_LIST
     self.check_sound_files(playback, record)
     self.check_device_list(playback, record)
Example #21
 def verify_lvds_downclock(self):
     """On systems which support LVDS downclock, checks the kernel log for
     a message that an LVDS downclock mode has been added."""
     logging.info('Running verify_lvds_downclock')
     board = utils.get_board()
     if not (board == 'alex' or board == 'lumpy' or board == 'stout'):
         return ''
     # Get the downclock message from the logs.
     reader = cros_logging.LogReader()
     if not reader.can_find('Adding LVDS downclock mode'):
         return self.handle_error('LVDS downclock quirk not applied. ')
     return ''
Example #22
    def _create_powerlog_dict(self, raw_measurement):
        """Create powerlog dictionary from raw measurement data
        Data format in go/power-dashboard-data

            raw_measurement: dictionary contains raw measurement data.

            A dictionary of powerlog.
        powerlog_dict = {
            'format_version': 2,
            'timestamp': time.time(),
            'test': self._testname,
            'dut': {
                'board': utils.get_board(),
                'version': {
                    'hw': utils.get_hardware_revision(),
                    'os': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_version(),
                    'channel': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_channel(),
                    'firmware': utils.get_firmware_version(),
                    'ec': utils.get_ec_version(),
                    'kernel': utils.get_kernel_version(),
                'sku': {
                    'cpu': utils.get_cpu_name(),
                    'memory_size': utils.get_mem_total_gb(),
                    'display_resolution': utils.get_screen_resolution(),
                'ina': {
                    'version': 0,
                    'ina': raw_measurement['data'].keys()
                'note': ''
            'power': raw_measurement

        if power_utils.has_battery():
            # Round the battery size to nearest tenth because it is fluctuated
            # for platform without battery norminal voltage data.
            powerlog_dict['dut']['sku']['battery_size'] = round(
                power_status.get_status().battery[0].energy_full_design, 1)
            powerlog_dict['dut']['sku']['battery_shutdown_percent'] = \
        return powerlog_dict
    def initialize(self):
        super(graphics_WebGLAquarium, self).initialize()
        self.sampler_lock = threading.Lock()
        # TODO: Create samplers for other platforms (e.g. x86).
        if utils.get_board().lower() in ['daisy', 'daisy_spring']:
            # Enable ExynosSampler on Exynos platforms.  The sampler looks for
            # exynos-drm page flip states: 'wait_kds', 'rendered', 'prepared',
            # and 'flipped' in kernel debugfs.

            # Sample 3-second durtaion for every 5 seconds.
            self.kernel_sampler = sampler.ExynosSampler(period=5, duration=3)
            self.kernel_sampler.sampler_callback = self.exynos_sampler_callback
            self.kernel_sampler.output_flip_stats = (
 def _hwclock_ts(self, not_before, retries=3):
     """Read the RTC resume timestamp saved by powerd_suspend."""
     for retry in xrange(retries + 1):
         early_wakeup = False
         if os.path.exists(self.HWCLOCK_FILE):
             # TODO(crbug.com/733773): Still fragile see bug.
             match = re.search(r'(.+)(\.\d+)[+-]\d+:?\d+$',
             if match:
                 timeval = time.strptime(match.group(1),
                                         "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                 seconds = time.mktime(timeval)
                 seconds += float(match.group(2))
                 logging.debug('RTC resume timestamp read: %f', seconds)
                 if seconds >= not_before:
                     return seconds
                 early_wakeup = True
         time.sleep(0.05 * retry)
     if early_wakeup:
         logging.debug('Early wakeup, dumping eventlog if it exists:\n')
         elog = utils.system_output('mosys eventlog list | tail -n %d' %
         wake_elog = (['unknown'] + re.findall(r'Wake Source.*', elog))[-1]
         for line in reversed(self._logs):
             match = re.search(r'PM1_STS: WAK.*', line)
             if match:
                 wake_syslog = match.group(0)
             wake_syslog = 'unknown'
         for b, e, s in sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError.S3_WHITELIST:
             if (re.search(b, utils.get_board())
                     and re.search(e, wake_elog)
                     and re.search(s, wake_syslog)):
                 logging.warning('Whitelisted spurious wake in S3: %s | %s',
                                 wake_elog, wake_syslog)
                 return None
         raise sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError(
             'Spurious wake in S3: %s | %s' % (wake_elog, wake_syslog))
     if self._get_board() in ['lumpy', 'stumpy', 'kiev']:
             'RTC read failure (crosbug/36004), dumping nvram:\n' +
             utils.system_output('mosys nvram dump', ignore_status=True))
         return None
     raise error.TestError('Broken RTC timestamp: ' +
    def run_once(self):
        Check that udev variables are assigned correctly by udev rules. In
        particular, verifies that powerd tags are set correctly.
        logging.debug('Board: %s', utils.get_board())

        self.errors = 0

        if self.errors != 0:
            raise error.TestFail('Verification of udev variables failed; see '
                                 'logs for details')
Example #26
    def run_once(self):
        Collect a perf callchain profile and check the detailed perf report.

        # Waiting on ARM/perf support
        if not utils.get_current_kernel_arch().startswith('x86'):
        # These boards are not supported
        unsupported_boards = ['gizmo']
        board = utils.get_board()
        if board in unsupported_boards:

            graph = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'graph')
            perf_file_path = os.tempnam()
            perf_record_args = [
                'perf', 'record', '-e', 'cycles', '-g', '-o', perf_file_path,
                '--', graph
            perf_report_args = ['perf', 'report', '-D', '-i', perf_file_path]

            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cmd_error:
                raise error.TestFail(
                    "Running command [%s] failed: %s" %
                    (' '.join(perf_record_args), cmd_error.output))

            # Make sure the file still exists.
            if not os.path.isfile(perf_file_path):
                raise error.TestFail('Could not find perf output file: ' +

            p = subprocess.Popen(perf_report_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            result = self.report_has_callchain_length_at_least(p.stdout, 3)
            for _ in p.stdout:


        if not result:
            raise error.TestFail('Callchain not found')
    def run_once(self):
        # Mono and stereo capturing should work fine @ 44.1KHz and 48KHz.
        if utils.get_board().lower() not in EXCLUSION_BOARDS:
            # Verify recording using ALSA utils.
            channels = alsa_utils.get_card_preferred_record_channels()
            if channels is None:
                channels = [1, 2]

            for c in channels:
                self.verify_alsa_capture(c, 44100)
                self.verify_alsa_capture(c, 48000)

            # Verify recording of CRAS.
            self.verify_cras_capture(1, 44100)
            self.verify_cras_capture(1, 48000)
            self.verify_cras_capture(2, 48000)
            self.verify_cras_capture(2, 44100)
Example #28
    def run_once(self, duration=1, output_node="INTERNAL_SPEAKER"):
        """Run aplay and verify its output is as expected.

        @param duration: The duration to run aplay in seconds.
        @param output_node: The type of output device to test. It should be
                            INTERNAL_SPEAKER or HEADPHONE.

        # Check CRAS server is alive. If not, restart it and wait a second to
        # get server ready.
        if utils.get_service_pid('cras') == 0:
            logging.debug("CRAS server is down. Restart it.")
            utils.start_service('cras', ignore_status=True)

        # Skip test if there is no internal speaker on the board.
        if output_node == "INTERNAL_SPEAKER":
            board_type = utils.get_board_type()
            board_name = utils.get_board()
            if not audio_spec.has_internal_speaker(board_type, board_name):
                logging.debug("No internal speaker. Skipping the test.")


        cras_device_type = cras_utils.get_selected_output_device_type()
        logging.debug("Selected output device type=%s", cras_device_type)
        if cras_device_type != output_node:
            raise error.TestFail("Fail to select output device.")

        cras_device_name = cras_utils.get_selected_output_device_name()
        logging.debug("Selected output device name=%s", cras_device_name)
        if cras_device_name is None:
            raise error.TestFail("Fail to get selected output device.")

        alsa_device_name = alsa_utils.convert_device_name(cras_device_name)

        # Stop CRAS to make sure the audio device won't be occupied.
        utils.stop_service('cras', ignore_status=True)
            _check_play(alsa_device_name, duration, APLAY_EXPECTED)
            #Restart CRAS
            utils.start_service('cras', ignore_status=True)
Example #29
    def initialize(self):
        self._board = utils.get_board()
        self._cpu_type = utils.get_cpu_soc_family()
        self._gpu_type = utils.get_gpu_family()

        # deqp may depend on libraries that are present only on test images.
        # Those libraries are installed in /usr/local.
        self._env = os.environ.copy()
        old_ld_path = self._env.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
        if old_ld_path:
                'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64:' + old_ld_path
            self._env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64'

        # Determine which executable should be run. Right now never egl.
        major, minor = graphics_utils.get_gles_version()
        logging.info('Found gles%d.%d.', major, minor)
        if major is None or minor is None:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Failed: Could not get gles version information (%d, %d).' %
                (major, minor))
        if major >= 2:
        if major >= 3:
            if major > 3 or minor >= 1:

        # If libvulkan is installed, then assume the board supports vulkan.
        has_libvulkan = False
        for libdir in ('/usr/lib', '/usr/lib64', '/usr/local/lib',
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, 'libvulkan.so')):
                has_libvulkan = True

        if (has_libvulkan and os.path.exists(

        self._services = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(['ui', 'powerd'])
        # Valid choices are fbo and pbuffer. The latter avoids dEQP assumptions.
        self._surface = 'pbuffer'
    def _generate_tags(self, testname):
        Generate tags for the current test run

        @param testname the name of the current test
        @return an array of tags
        # get chrome version
        version_string = utils.system_output(constants.CHROME_VERSION_COMMAND,
        version_string = utils.parse_chrome_version(version_string)[0]

        return {
            'testname': testname,
            'chromeos_version': utils.get_chromeos_release_version(),
            'chrome_version': version_string,
            'board': utils.get_board(),
            'date': datetime.date.today().strftime("%m/%d/%y"),