Example #1
    def _save_original_images(self, release_path):
        """Use the saved state to find all of the device images.

        This will download running cr50 image and the device image.

            release_path: The release path given by test args
        # Copy the prod and prepvt images from the DUT
        _, prod_rw, prod_bid = self._original_state['device_prod_ver']
        filename = 'prod_device_image_' + prod_rw
        self._device_prod_image = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, filename)
        self.host.get_file(cr50_utils.CR50_PROD, self._device_prod_image)

        if cr50_utils.HasPrepvtImage(self.host):
            _, prepvt_rw, prepvt_bid = self._original_state[
            filename = 'prepvt_device_image_' + prepvt_rw
            self._device_prepvt_image = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, filename)
            prepvt_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(prepvt_bid)
            self._device_prepvt_image = None
            prepvt_rw = None
            prepvt_bid = None

        if os.path.isfile(release_path):
            self._original_cr50_image = release_path
            logging.info('using supplied image')
        # If the running cr50 image version matches the image on the DUT use
        # the DUT image as the original image. If the versions don't match
        # download the image from google storage
        _, running_rw, running_bid = self.get_saved_cr50_original_version()

        # Make sure prod_bid and running_bid are in the same format
        prod_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(prod_bid)
        running_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(running_bid)
        if running_rw == prod_rw and running_bid == prod_bid:
            logging.info('Using device cr50 prod image %s %s', prod_rw,
            self._original_cr50_image = self._device_prod_image
        elif running_rw == prepvt_rw and running_bid == prepvt_bid:
            logging.info('Using device cr50 prepvt image %s %s', prepvt_rw,
            self._original_cr50_image = self._device_prepvt_image
            logging.info('Downloading cr50 image %s %s', running_rw,
            self._original_cr50_image = self.download_cr50_release_image(
                running_rw, running_bid)[0]
Example #2
    def check_final_state(self, chip_bid_info):
        """Verify the update checking the chip board id and running image

            chip_bid_info: A tuple of ints: chip_board_id, ~chip_board_id,
                           and flags.

            TestFail if the device did not update to the correct state
        state = self.get_cr50_device_state()
        image_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(self.image_bid)

        failed = []
        if chip_bid_info != state['chip_bid']:
            failed.append('cr50 chip board id')
        if image_bid != state['cr50_image_bid']:
            failed.append('cr50 image board id')
        if self.image_rw != state['running_ver'][1]:
            failed.append('cr50 image version')
        if self.image_ver != state['device_prod_ver']:
            failed.append('device prod image')
        if self.image_ver != state['device_prepvt_ver']:
            failed.append('device prepvt image')
        if len(failed):
            raise error.TestFail('Update failures: %s', ', '.join(failed))
Example #3
    def initialize(self,
        self._saved_state = self.NONE
        self._raise_error_on_mismatch = not restore_cr50_state
        self._provision_update = provision_update
        super(Cr50Test, self).initialize(host, cmdline_args)

        if not hasattr(self, 'cr50'):
            raise error.TestNAError('Test can only be run on devices with '
                                    'access to the Cr50 console')

        logging.info('Test Args: %r', full_args)

        self.can_set_ccd_level = (not self.cr50.using_ccd()
                                  or self.cr50.testlab_is_on())
        self.original_ccd_level = self.cr50.get_ccd_level()
        self.original_ccd_settings = self.cr50.get_cap_dict(

        self.host = host
        tpm_utils.ClearTPMOwnerRequest(self.host, wait_for_ready=True)
        # Clear the FWMP, so it can't disable CCD.

        if self.can_set_ccd_level:
            # Lock cr50 so the console will be restricted
        elif self.original_ccd_level != 'lock':
            raise error.TestNAError(
                'Lock the console before running cr50 test')


        # Verify cr50 is still running the correct version
        cr50_qual_version = full_args.get('cr50_qual_version', '').strip()
        if cr50_qual_version:
            _, running_rw, running_bid = self.get_saved_cr50_original_version()
            expected_rw, expected_bid_sym = cr50_qual_version.split('/')
            expected_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(expected_bid_sym,
            logging.debug('Running %s %s Expect %s %s', running_rw,
                          running_bid, expected_rw, expected_bid)
            if running_rw != expected_rw or expected_bid != running_bid:
                raise error.TestError('Not running %s' % cr50_qual_version)

        # We successfully saved the device state
        self._saved_state |= self.INITIAL_STATE
            self._save_original_images(full_args.get('release_path', ''))
            # We successfully saved the device images
            self._saved_state |= self.IMAGES
            if restore_cr50_state:
Example #4
    def download_cr50_gs_image(self,
        """Get the image from gs and save it in the autotest dir.

            filename: The cr50 image basename
            image_bid: the board id info list or string. It will be added to the
            bucket: The gs bucket name
            image_type: 'debug' or 'release'. This will be used to determine
                        the bucket if the bucket is not given.
            A tuple with the local path and version
        # Add the image bid string to the filename
        if image_bid:
            bid_str = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(image_bid, symbolic=True)
            filename += '.' + bid_str.replace(':', '_')

        if not bucket:
            bucket, filename = self.find_cr50_gs_image(filename, image_type)

        remote_temp_dir = '/tmp/'
        src = os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, filename)
        dest = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, filename)

        # Copy the image to the dut

        self.host.get_file(src, dest)
        ver = cr50_utils.GetBinVersion(self.host, src)

        # Compare the image board id to the downloaded image to make sure we got
        # the right file
        downloaded_bid = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(ver[2], symbolic=True)
        if image_bid and bid_str != downloaded_bid:
            raise error.TestError('Could not download image with matching '
                                  'board id wanted %s got %s' %
                                  (bid_str, downloaded_bid))
        return dest, ver
Example #5
    def save_board_id_locked_image(self, original_version, bid_path,
        """Get the board id locked image

        Save the board id locked image. Try to use the local path or test args
        to find the release board id locked image. If those aren't valid,
        fallback to using the running cr50 board id locked image or a debug
        image with the TEST board id.

            original_version: The (ro ver, rw ver, and bid) of the running cr50
            bid_path: the path to the board id locked image
            release_ver: If given it will be used to download the release image
                         with the given rw version and board id
        if os.path.isfile(bid_path):
            # If the bid_path exists, use that.
            self.board_id_locked_path = bid_path
            # Install the image on the device to get the image version
            dest = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(bid_path))
            ver = cr50_utils.InstallImage(self.host, bid_path, dest)[1]
        elif release_ver:
            # Only use the release image if the release image is board id
            # locked.
            if '/' not in release_ver:
                raise error.TestNAError(
                    'Release image is not board id locked.')

            # split the release version into the rw string and board id string
            release_rw, release_bid = release_ver.split('/', 1)
            # Download a release image with the rw_version and board id
            logging.info('Using %s %s release image for test', release_rw,
            self.board_id_locked_path, ver = self.download_cr50_release_image(
                release_rw, release_bid)
        elif original_version[2]:
            # If no valid board id args are given and the running image is
            # board id locked, use it to run the test.
            self.board_id_locked_path = self.get_saved_cr50_original_path()
            ver = original_version
            devid = self.servo.get('cr50_devid')
            self.board_id_locked_path, ver = self.download_cr50_debug_image(
                devid, self.TEST_IMAGE_BID_INFO)
            logging.info('Using %s DBG image for test', ver)

        image_bid_info = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoTuple(ver[2])
        if not image_bid_info:
            raise error.TestError('Need board id locked image to run test')
        # Save the image board id info
        self.test_bid_int, self.test_mask, self.test_flags = image_bid_info
        self.test_bid_sym = cr50_utils.GetSymbolicBoardId(self.test_bid_int)
        self.test_bid_str = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(ver[2])
        logging.info('Running test with bid locked image %s', ver)
        self.image_versions[self.BID_LOCKED] = ver
Example #6
    def check_bid_settings(self, chip_bid_info, image_bid_str):
        """Compare the chip and image board ids.

        Compare the image and chip board ids before changing the cr50 state.
        Raise an error if the image will not be able to run with the requested
        chip board id.

            chip_bid_info: The chip board id info tuple
            image_bid_str: the image board_id:mask:flags.

            TestFail if we will not be able to update to the image with the
            given chip board id.
        # If the image isn't board id locked, it will run on all devices.
        if chip_bid_info == cr50_utils.ERASED_CHIP_BID:
            logging.info('Chip has no board id. It will run any image.')
        if not image_bid_str:
            logging.info('Image is not board id locked. It will run on all '

        chip_bid, chip_bid_inv, chip_flags = chip_bid_info
        chip_bid_str = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(chip_bid_info,

        image_bid, image_mask, image_flags = image_bid_str.split(':')

        # Convert the image board id to integers
        image_mask = int(image_mask, 16)
        image_bid = cr50_utils.GetIntBoardId(image_bid)
        image_flags = int(image_flags, 16)

        errors = []
        # All bits in the image mask must match between the image and chip board
        # ids.
        image_bid = image_bid & image_mask
        chip_bid = chip_bid & image_mask
        if image_bid != chip_bid:
            errors.append('board id')
        # All 1s in the image flags must also be 1 in the chip flags
        chip_flags = chip_flags & image_flags
        if image_flags != chip_flags:
        if len(errors):
            raise error.TestFail('Image will not be able to run with the '
                'given %s: chip %s image %s' % (' and '.join(errors),
                chip_bid_str, image_bid_str))
Example #7
    def run_once(self):
        """The method called by the control file to start the update."""
        chip_bid_info, set_bid = self.get_new_chip_bid()

        logging.info('Updating to image %s with chip board id %s',
            self.image_ver, cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(chip_bid_info))

        # Make sure the image will be able to run with the given chip board id.
        self.check_bid_settings(chip_bid_info, self.image_bid)

        # If the release version is not newer than the running rw version, we
        # have to do a rollback.
        running_rw = cr50_utils.GetRunningVersion(self.host)[1]
        rollback = (cr50_utils.GetNewestVersion(running_rw, self.image_rw) !=

        # You can only update the board id or update to an old image by rolling
        # back from a dev image.
        need_rollback = rollback or set_bid
        if need_rollback and not self.has_saved_cr50_dev_path():
            raise error.TestFail('Need a dev image to rollback to %s or update'
                                 'the board id')
        # Copy the image onto the DUT. cr50-update uses both cr50.bin.prod and
        # cr50.bin.prepvt in /opt/google/cr50/firmware/, so copy it to both
        # places. Rootfs verification has to be disabled to do the copy.
        cr50_utils.InstallImage(self.host, self.local_path,
        cr50_utils.InstallImage(self.host, self.local_path,

        # Update to the dev image if there needs to be a rollback.
        if need_rollback:
            dev_path = self.get_saved_cr50_dev_path()

        # If we aren't changing the board id, don't pass any values into the bid
        # args.
        chip_bid = chip_bid_info[0] if need_rollback else None
        chip_flags = chip_bid_info[2] if need_rollback else None
        # Update to the new image, setting the chip board id and rolling back if
        # necessary.
        self.cr50_update(self.local_path, rollback=need_rollback,
            chip_bid=chip_bid, chip_flags=chip_flags)


        # Verify everything updated correctly
Example #8
    def is_running_version(self, rw_ver, bid_str):
        """Returns True if the running image has the same rw ver and bid

            rw_ver: rw version string
            bid_str: A symbolic or non-smybolic board id

            True if cr50 is running an image with the given rw version and
            board id.
        running_rw = self.cr50.get_version()
        running_bid = self.cr50.get_active_board_id_str()
        # Convert the image board id to a non symbolic board id
        bid_str = cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(bid_str, symbolic=False)
        return running_rw == rw_ver and bid_str == running_bid
        # supported in board id locked images .22 and above. Any image that is
        # board id locked will have support for getting the image board id.
        # If board id is not supported on the device, return None. This is
        # still expected on all current non board id locked release images.
            version_info = self.get_version_info(self.ACTIVE_BID)
        except error.TestFail, e:
            logging.info('Cannot use the version to get the board id')
            return None

        if self.BID_ERROR in version_info[4]:
            raise error.TestError(version_info)
        bid = version_info[4].split()[1]
        return cr50_utils.GetBoardIdInfoString(bid)

    def get_version(self):
        """Get the RW version"""
        return self.get_active_version_info()[1].strip()

    def using_servo_v4(self):
        """Returns true if the console is being served using servo v4"""
        return 'servo_v4' in self._servo.get_servo_version()

    def using_ccd(self):
        """Returns true if the console is being served using CCD"""
        return 'ccd_cr50' in self._servo.get_servo_version()

    def ccd_is_enabled(self):
        """Return True if ccd is enabled.