def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     temp_var = "v%d" % arg_num
     temp_it = "it_%d" % arg_num
     item = "item%d" % arg_num
     code = Code().add(
         |cdef libcpp_vector[_String] * $temp_var = new libcpp_vector[_String]()
         |cdef bytes $item
         |for $item in $argument_var:
         |   $temp_var.push_back(_String(<char *>$item))
         """, locals())
     if cpp_type.is_ref:
         cleanup_code = Code().add(
             |replace = []
             |cdef libcpp_vector[_String].iterator $temp_it = $temp_var.begin()
             |while $temp_it != $temp_var.end():
             |   replace.append(<char*>deref($temp_it).c_str())
             |   inc($temp_it)
             |$argument_var[:] = replace
             |del $temp_var
             """, locals())
         cleanup_code = "del %s" % temp_var
     return code, "deref(%s)" % temp_var, cleanup_code
 def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     temp_var = "v%d" % arg_num
     item = "item%d" % arg_num
     code = Code().add(
         |cdef libcpp_set[_String] * $temp_var = new libcpp_set[_String]()
         |cdef bytes $item
         |for $item in $argument_var:
         |   $temp_var.insert(_String(<char *>$item))
         """, locals())
     if cpp_type.is_ref:
         cleanup_code = Code().add(
             |cdef replace = set()
             |cdef libcpp_set[_String].iterator it = $temp_var.begin()
             |while it != $temp_var.end():
             |   replace.add(<char*>deref(it).c_str())
             |   inc(it)
             |del $temp_var
             """, locals())
         cleanup_code = "del %s" % temp_var
     return code, "deref(%s)" % temp_var, cleanup_code
    def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
        dp = "_dp_%s" % arg_num
        vec ="_dp_vec_%s" % arg_num
        ii = "_dp_ii_%s" % arg_num
        N = "_dp_N_%s" % arg_num
        code = Code().add("""
            |cdef libcpp_vector[_DPosition2] $vec
            |cdef _DPosition2 $dp
            |cdef int $ii
            |cdef int $N = $argument_var.shape[0]
            |for $ii in range($N):
            |    $dp[0] = $argument_var[$ii,0]
            |    $dp[1] = $argument_var[$ii,1]
            |    $vec.push_back($dp)
        """, locals())
        cleanup = ""
        if cpp_type.is_ref:
            it = "_dp_it_%s" % arg_num
            n = "_dp_n_%s" % arg_num
            cleanup = Code().add("""
            |$n = $vec.size()

            |$n = $vec.size()
            |cdef libcpp_vector[_DPosition2].iterator $it = $vec.begin()
            |$ii = 0
            |while $it != $vec.end():
            |     $argument_var[$ii, 0] = deref($it)[0]
            |     $argument_var[$ii, 1] = deref($it)[1]
            |     inc($it)
            |     $ii += 1

            """, locals())
        call_as = vec
        return code, call_as, cleanup
    def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):

        map_name = "_map_%d" % arg_num
        v_vec = "_v_vec_%d" % arg_num
        v_ptr = "_v_ptr_%d" % arg_num
        v_i = "_v_i_%d" % arg_num
        k_string = "_k_str_%d" % arg_num

        code = Code().add(
                |cdef Map[_String, libcpp_vector[_CVTerm]] $map_name
                |cdef libcpp_vector[_CVTerm] $v_vec
                |cdef _String $k_string
                |cdef CVTerm $v_i
                |for k, v in $argument_var.items():
                |    $v_vec.clear()
                |    for $v_i in v:
                |        $v_vec.push_back(deref($v_i.inst.get()))
                |    $map_name[_String(<char *>k)] = $v_vec
                """, locals())

        if cpp_type.is_ref:
            replace = "_replace_%d" % arg_num
            outer_it = "outer_it_%d" % arg_num
            inner_it = "inner_it_%d" % arg_num
            item = "item_%d" % arg_num
            inner_key = "inner_key_%d" % arg_num
            inner_values = "inner_values_%d" % arg_num
            cleanup_code = Code().add(
                |cdef $replace = dict()
                |cdef Map[_String, libcpp_vector[_CVTerm]].iterator $outer_it
                + = $map_name.begin()

                |cdef libcpp_vector[_CVTerm].iterator $inner_it
                |cdef CVTerm $item
                |cdef str $inner_key
                |cdef list $inner_values

                |while $outer_it != $map_name.end():
                |   $inner_key = deref($outer_it).first.c_str()
                |   $inner_values = []
                |   $inner_it = deref($outer_it).second.begin()
                |   while $inner_it != deref($outer_it).second.end():
                |       $item = CVTerm.__new__(CVTerm)
                |       $item.inst = shared_ptr[_CVTerm](new _CVTerm(deref($inner_it)))
                |       $inner_values.append($item)
                |       inc($inner_it)
                |   $replace[$inner_key] = $inner_values
                |   inc($outer_it)

                """, locals())
            cleanup_code = ""
        return code, map_name, cleanup_code
 def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     dp = "_dp_%s" % arg_num
     code = Code().add("""
         |cdef _DPosition2 $dp
         |$dp[0] = <float>$argument_var[0]
         |$dp[1] = <float>$argument_var[1]
     """, locals())
     cleanup = ""
     if cpp_type.is_ref:
         cleanup = Code().add("""
         |$cpp_type[0] = $dp[0]
         |$cpp_type[1] = $dp[1]
         """, locals())
     call_as = dp
     return code, call_as, cleanup
Example #6
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     return Code().add(
         |cdef MatchIterator $output_py_var = MatchIterator.__new__(MatchIterator)
         |$ = _r.begin()
         |$output_py_var.end = _r.end()
         """, locals())
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     # this one is slow as it uses construction of python type ParamValue for
     # delegating conversion to this type, which reduces code below:
     return Code().add("""
                 |cdef ParamValue _value = ParamValue.__new__(ParamValue)
                 |_value.inst = shared_ptr[_ParamValue](new _ParamValue($input_cpp_var))
                 |cdef int _type = $input_cpp_var.valueType()
                 |cdef object $output_py_var
                 |if _type == ValueType.STRING_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toString()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.INT_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toInt()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.DOUBLE_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toDouble()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.INT_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toIntVector()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.DOUBLE_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toDoubleVector()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.STRING_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _value.toStringVector()
                 |elif _type == ValueType.EMPTY_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = None
                 |    raise Exception("ParamValue instance has invalid value type %d" % _type)
             """, locals())
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     # this one is slow as it uses construction of python type DataValue for
     # delegating conversion to this type, which reduces code below:
     return Code().add(
                 |$output_py_var = [$input_cpp_var[0], $input_cpp_var[1]]
             """, locals())
    def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):

        rnd = str(id(self))+str(time.time()).split(".")[0]
        outer_it = "outer_it_%s" % rnd
        inner_it = "inner_it_%s" % rnd
        item     = "item_%s" % rnd
        inner_key = "inner_key_%s" % rnd
        inner_values = "inner_values_%s" % rnd

        code = Code().add("""
            |$output_py_var = dict()
            |cdef Map[_String, libcpp_vector[_CVTerm]].iterator $outer_it
            + = $input_cpp_var.begin()
            |cdef libcpp_vector[_CVTerm].iterator $inner_it
            |cdef CVTerm $item
            |cdef str $inner_key
            |cdef list $inner_values
            |while $outer_it != $input_cpp_var.end():
            |   $inner_key = deref($outer_it).first.c_str()
            |   $inner_values = []
            |   $inner_it = deref($outer_it).second.begin()
            |   while $inner_it != deref($outer_it).second.end():
            |       $item = CVTerm.__new__(CVTerm)
            |       $item.inst = shared_ptr[_CVTerm](new _CVTerm(deref($inner_it)))
            |       $inner_values.append($item)
            |       inc($inner_it)
            |   $output_py_var[$inner_key] = $inner_values
            |   inc($outer_it)
            """, locals())

        return code
 def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, arg_var):
     return Code().add("""
       |isinstance($arg_var, dict)
       + and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in $arg_var.keys())
       + and all(isinstance(v, list) for v in $arg_var.values())
       + and all(isinstance(vi, CVTerm) for v in $arg_var.values() for vi in
       """, locals()).render()
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     t = self.inner_cpp_type
     code = Code().add("""
         |$output_py_var = []
         |cdef int i, n
         |n = $input_cpp_var.size()
         |for i in range(n):
         |    $output_py_var.append(<$t>$
         """, locals())
     return code
    def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):

        if cpp_type.is_ptr:
            raise AssertionError()

        tt_key, tt_value = cpp_type.template_args
        cy_tt_key = self.converters.cython_type(tt_key)
        cy_tt_value = self.converters.cython_type(tt_value)

        it = mangle("it_" + input_cpp_var)

        if not cy_tt_key.is_enum and tt_key.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
            raise Exception("can not handle wrapped classes as keys in map")
            key_conv = "<%s>(deref(%s).first)" % (cy_tt_key, it)

        if not cy_tt_value.is_enum and tt_value.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
            cy_tt = tt_value.base_type
            item = mangle("item_" + output_py_var)
            code = Code().add(
                |$output_py_var = dict()
                |cdef _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value].iterator $it = $input_cpp_var.begin()
                |cdef $cy_tt $item
                |while $it != $input_cpp_var.end():
                |   $item = $cy_tt.__new__($cy_tt)
                |   $item.inst = shared_ptr[$cy_tt_value](new $cy_tt_value((deref($it)).second))
                |   $output_py_var[$key_conv] = $item
                |   inc($it)
                """, locals())
            return code
            value_conv = "<%s>(deref(%s).second)" % (cy_tt_value, it)
            code = Code().add(
                |$output_py_var = dict()
                |cdef _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value].iterator $it = $input_cpp_var.begin()
                |while $it != $input_cpp_var.end():
                |   $output_py_var[$key_conv] = $value_conv
                |   inc($it)
                """, locals())
            return code
Example #13
 def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
     # was called !
     ih_name = "ih_" + argument_var
     code = Code().add("""
                       |cdef _Holder[int] $ih_name
                       """, locals())
     call_as = "(%s)" % ih_name
     cleanup = ""
     return code, call_as, cleanup
    def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):

        assert not cpp_type.is_ptr
        it = mangle("it_" + input_cpp_var)
        item = mangle("item_" + output_py_var)
        code = Code().add("""
            |$output_py_var = set()
            |cdef libcpp_set[_String].iterator $it = $input_cpp_var.begin()
            |while $it != $input_cpp_var.end():
            |   $output_py_var.add(<char*>deref($it).c_str())
            |   inc($it)
            """, locals())
        return code
 def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     temp_var = "v%d" % arg_num
     t = self.inner_cpp_type
     ltype = self.openms_type
     code = Code().add("""
             |cdef libcpp_vector[$t] _$temp_var = $argument_var
             |cdef _$ltype $temp_var = _$ltype(_$temp_var)
             """, locals())
     cleanup = ""
     if cpp_type.is_ref:
         cleanup_code = Code().add("""
                 |replace = []
                 |cdef int i, n
                 |n = $temp_var.size()
                 |for i in range(n):
                 |    replace.append(<$t>$
                 |$argument_var[:] = replace
                 """, locals())
     # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
     # was called !
     call_as = "(%s)" % temp_var
     return code, call_as, cleanup
 def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
     temp_var = "v%d" % arg_num
     t = self.inner_cpp_type
     ltype = self.openms_type
     code = Code().add(
             |cdef libcpp_vector[$t] _$temp_var = $argument_var
             |cdef _$ltype $temp_var = _$ltype(_$temp_var)
             """, locals())
     cleanup = ""
     # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
     # was called !
     call_as = "(%s)" % temp_var
     return code, call_as, cleanup
    def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, arg_var):
        tt_key, tt_value = cpp_type.template_args
        inner_conv_1 = self.converters.get(tt_key)
        inner_conv_2 = self.converters.get(tt_value)
        assert inner_conv_1 is not None, "arg type %s not supported" % tt_key
        assert inner_conv_2 is not None, "arg type %s not supported" % tt_value

        inner_check_1 = inner_conv_1.type_check_expression(tt_key, "k")
        inner_check_2 = inner_conv_2.type_check_expression(tt_value, "v")

        return Code().add("""
          |isinstance($arg_var, dict)
          + and all($inner_check_1 for k in $arg_var.keys())
          + and all($inner_check_2 for v in $arg_var.values())
          """, locals()).render()
    def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):

        if cpp_type.is_ptr:
            raise AssertionError()

        it = mangle("it_" + input_cpp_var)
        item = mangle("item_" + output_py_var)
        code = Code().add("""
            |$output_py_var = []
            |cdef libcpp_vector[_String].iterator $it = $input_cpp_var.begin()
            |while $it != $input_cpp_var.end():
            |   $output_py_var.append(<char*>deref($it).c_str())
            |   inc($it)
            """, locals())
        return code
Example #19
def collect_manual_code(addons):
    # collect code which is manually generated and will be added to the
    # wrapper code by autowrap:
    manual_code = dict()
    cimports = []
    for name in addons:
        clz_name, __ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))
        line_iter = open(name, "r")
        for line in line_iter:
            if line and line.strip() not in "\n\r\t ":
        remainder = "".join(line_iter)
        manual_code.setdefault(clz_name, Code()).add(remainder)
    return cimports, manual_code
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     # this one is slow as it uses construction of python type DataValue for
     # delegating conversion to this type, which reduces code below:
     it = "_out_it_dpos_vec"
     n  = "_out_n_dpos_vec"
     ii = "_out_ii_dpos_vec"
     return Code().add("""
      |cdef int $n = $input_cpp_var.size()
      |cdef $output_py_var = np.zeros([$n,2], dtype=np.float32)
      |cdef libcpp_vector[_DPosition2].iterator $it = $input_cpp_var.begin()
      |cdef int $ii = 0
      |while $it != $input_cpp_var.end():
      |     $output_py_var[$ii, 0] = deref($it)[0]
      |     $output_py_var[$ii, 1] = deref($it)[1]
      |     inc($it)
      |     $ii += 1
      """, locals())
 def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
     # this one is slow as it uses construction of python type DataValue for
     # delegating conversion to this type, which reduces code below:
     return Code().add("""
                 |cdef DataValue _vvv = DataValue.__new__(DataValue)
                 |_vvv.inst = shared_ptr[_DataValue](new _DataValue($input_cpp_var))
                 |cdef int _value_type_x = $input_cpp_var.valueType()
                 |if _value_type_x == DataType.STRING_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toString()
                 |elif _value_type_x == DataType.INT_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toInt()
                 |elif _value_type_x == DataType.DOUBLE_VALUE:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toDouble()
                 |elif _value_type_x == DataType.INT_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toIntList()
                 |elif _value_type_x == DataType.DOUBLE_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toDoubleList()
                 |elif _value_type_x == DataType.STRING_LIST:
                 |    $output_py_var = _vvv.toStringList()
             """, locals())
 def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, arg_var):
     return Code().add("""
       |isinstance($arg_var, set) and all(isinstance(i, bytes) for i in
       + $arg_var)
       """, locals()).render()
    def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
        tt_key, tt_value = cpp_type.template_args
        temp_var = "v%d" % arg_num

        cy_tt_key = self.converters.cython_type(tt_key)
        cy_tt_value = self.converters.cython_type(tt_value)

        if cy_tt_key.is_enum:
            key_conv = "<%s> key" % cy_tt_key
        elif tt_key.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
            raise Exception("can not handle wrapped classes as keys in map")
            key_conv = "<%s> key" % cy_tt_key

        if cy_tt_value.is_enum:
            value_conv = "<%s> value" % cy_tt_value
        elif tt_value.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
            value_conv = "deref((<%s>value).inst.get())" % tt_value.base_type
            value_conv = "<%s> value" % cy_tt_value

        code = Code().add("""
            |cdef _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value] * $temp_var = new
            + _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value]()

            |for key, value in $argument_var.items():
            |   deref($temp_var)[$key_conv] = $value_conv
            """, locals())

        if cpp_type.is_ref:
            replace = mangle("replace_" + argument_var)
            it = mangle("it_" + argument_var)

            if cy_tt_key.is_enum:
                key_conv = "<%s> deref(%s).first" % (cy_tt_key, it)
            elif tt_key.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
                raise Exception("can not handle wrapped classes as keys in map")
                key_conv = "<%s> deref(%s).first" % (cy_tt_key, it)

            if not cy_tt_value.is_enum and tt_value.base_type in self.converters.names_to_wrap:
                cy_tt = tt_value.base_type
                item = mangle("item_" + argument_var)
                cleanup_code = Code().add("""
                    |cdef $replace = dict()
                    |cdef _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value].iterator $it = $temp_var.begin()
                    |cdef $cy_tt $item
                    |while $it != $temp_var.end():
                    |   $item = $cy_tt.__new__($cy_tt)
                    |   $item.inst = shared_ptr[$cy_tt_value](new $cy_tt_value((deref($it)).second))
                    |   $replace[$key_conv] = $item
                    |   inc($it)
                    |del $temp_var
                    """, locals())
                value_conv = "<%s> deref(%s).second" % (cy_tt_value, it)
                cleanup_code = Code().add("""
                    |cdef $replace = dict()
                    |cdef _Map[$cy_tt_key, $cy_tt_value].iterator $it = $temp_var.begin()
                    |while $it != $temp_var.end():
                    |   $replace[$key_conv] = $value_conv
                    |   inc($it)
                    |del $temp_var
                    """, locals())
            cleanup_code = "del %s" % temp_var

        return code, "deref(%s)" % temp_var, cleanup_code