Example #1
def test00():

    import autowrap

    source_files = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "source_files")

    target = os.path.join(source_files, "chunk_wrapper.pyx")


    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("chunk_wrapped", [target],

    assert wrapped.__name__ == "chunk_wrapped", wrapped.__name__
    with MemTester("all", use_assert=True):
        with MemTester("one"):
            li = []
            for i in range(10000):

        with MemTester("two"):
            li = []
            for i in range(10000):
        with MemTester("three"):
            li = []
            for i in range(100):
        del li
Example #2
def test00():

    import autowrap

    source_files = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "source_files")

    target = os.path.join(source_files, "chunk_wrapper.pyx")

    autowrap.parse_and_generate_code("chunk.pxd", root=source_files,
                                     target=target,  debug=True)

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("chunk_wrapped", [target],

    assert wrapped.__name__ == "chunk_wrapped", wrapped.__name__
    with MemTester("all", use_assert=True):
        with MemTester("one"):
            li = []
            for i in range(10000):

        with MemTester("two"):
            li = []
            for i in range(10000):
        with MemTester("three"):
            li = []
            for i in range(100):
        del li
Example #3
def test_automatic_string_conversion():
    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_utf8_string_test.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["libcpp_utf8_string_test.pxd"],
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("libcpp_utf8_string_wrapped", [target, ],
    h = wrapped.Hello()

    input_bytes = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen"
    input_unicode = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hello J\xc3\xbcrgen"

    msg = h.get(input_bytes)
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected

    msg = h.get(input_unicode)
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected

    input_greet_bytes = b"Hall\xc3\xb6chen"
    input_greet_unicode = input_greet_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hall\xc3\xb6chen J\xc3\xbcrgen"

    msg = h.get_more({"greet": input_greet_unicode, "name": input_bytes})
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected
Example #4
def test_automatic_output_string_conversion():
    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_utf8_output_string_test.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import(
        "libcpp_utf8_output_string_wrapped", [
        ], include_dirs)
    h = wrapped.LibCppUtf8OutputStringTest()

    input_bytes = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen"
    input_unicode = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hello J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')
    expected_type = str
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        expected_type = unicode

    msg = h.get(input_bytes)
    assert isinstance(msg, expected_type)
    assert msg == expected

    msg = h.get(input_unicode)
    assert isinstance(msg, expected_type)
    assert msg == expected
Example #5
def test_automatic_string_conversion():
    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_utf8_string_test.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("libcpp_utf8_string_wrapped", [
    ], include_dirs)
    h = wrapped.Hello()

    input_bytes = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen"
    input_unicode = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hello J\xc3\xbcrgen"

    msg = h.get(input_bytes)
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected

    msg = h.get(input_unicode)
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected

    input_greet_bytes = b"Hall\xc3\xb6chen"
    input_greet_unicode = input_greet_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hall\xc3\xb6chen J\xc3\xbcrgen"

    msg = h.get_more({"greet": input_greet_unicode, "name": input_bytes})
    assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
    assert msg == expected
Example #6
def test_number_conv():

    target = os.path.join(test_files, "number_conv.pyx")

    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["number_conv.pxd"],

    mod = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("number_conv", [
    ], include_dirs)

    mf = mod.add_max_float(0)
    mf2 = mod.add_max_float(mf)
    assert not math.isinf(mf2), "somehow overflow happened"

    repr_ = "%.13e" % mod.pass_full_precision(0.05)
    assert repr_.startswith(
        "5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_

    inl = [0.05]
    outl = mod.pass_full_precision_vec(inl)

    repr_ = "%.13e" % inl[0]
    assert repr_.startswith(
        "5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_

    repr_ = "%.13e" % outl[0]
    assert repr_.startswith(
        "5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_
def test_gil_unlock():

    target = os.path.join(test_files, "gil_testing_wrapper.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["gil_testing.pxd"],
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("gtwrapped", [target, ],
    g = wrapped.GilTesting(b"Jack")
    g.do_something(b"How are you?")
    assert g.get_greetings() == b"Hello Jack, How are you?"
def test_number_conv():

    target = os.path.join(test_files, "number_conv.pyx")

    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["number_conv.pxd"], root=test_files, target=target, debug=True)

    mod = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("number_conv", [target], include_dirs)

    mf = mod.add_max_float(0)
    mf2 = mod.add_max_float(mf)
    assert not math.isinf(mf2), "somehow overflow happened"

    repr_ = "%.13e" % mod.pass_full_precision(0.05)
    assert repr_.startswith("5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_

    inl = [0.05]
    outl = mod.pass_full_precision_vec(inl)

    repr_ = "%.13e" % inl[0]
    assert repr_.startswith("5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_

    repr_ = "%.13e" % outl[0]
    assert repr_.startswith("5.0000000000000"), "loss of precision during conversion: %s" % repr_
Example #9
def test_automatic_output_string_conversion():
    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_utf8_output_string_test.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["libcpp_utf8_output_string_test.pxd"],
                                                    root=test_files, target=target, debug=True)

    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("libcpp_utf8_output_string_wrapped", [target, ],
    h = wrapped.LibCppUtf8OutputStringTest()

    input_bytes = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen"
    input_unicode = b"J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')

    expected = b"Hello J\xc3\xbcrgen".decode('utf-8')
    expected_type = str
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        expected_type = unicode

    msg = h.get(input_bytes)
    assert isinstance(msg, expected_type)
    assert msg == expected

    msg = h.get(input_unicode)
    assert isinstance(msg, expected_type)
    assert msg == expected
Example #10
def test_minimal():

    from autowrap.ConversionProvider import (TypeConverterBase,

    class SpecialIntConverter(TypeConverterBase):

        def get_base_types(self):
            return "int",

        def matches(self, cpp_type):
            return cpp_type.is_unsigned

        def matching_python_type(self, cpp_type):
            return "int"

        def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, argument_var):
            return "isinstance(%s, int)" % (argument_var,)

        def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
            code = ""
            # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
            # was called !
            call_as = "(1 + <int>%s)" % argument_var
            cleanup = ""
            return code, call_as, cleanup

        def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
            return "%s = <int>%s" % (output_py_var, input_cpp_var)


    target = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal_wrapper.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["minimal.pxd",
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)
    cpp_source = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal.cpp")
    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("wrapped", [target, cpp_source],
    assert wrapped.__name__ == "wrapped"

    minimal = wrapped.Minimal()

    assert minimal.compute(3) == 4
    # overloaded for float:
    assert minimal.compute(0.0) == 42.0

    assert minimal.compute(1, 2) == 3
    assert minimal.compute_int(4) == 5
    assert minimal.compute(b"uwe") == b'ewu'
    assert minimal.compute_str(b"emzed") == b"dezme"
    assert minimal.pass_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"
    assert minimal.pass_const_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"

    assert minimal.compute_int() == 42

    # the c++ code of test_special_converter returns the same value, but
    # our special converter above modifies the function, so:
    assert minimal.test_special_converter(0) == 1

    expect_exception(lambda: minimal.compute(None))()

    assert minimal.compute_charp(b"uwe") == 3

    assert minimal.run(minimal) == 4
    assert minimal.run2(minimal) == 5

    assert minimal.create().compute(3) == 4

    assert minimal.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6

    m2 = wrapped.Minimal(-1)
    assert m2.compute(3) == 3

    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A == 0
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.B == 2
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.C == 3
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.D == 4

    in_ = [m2, minimal]

    m3 = copy.copy(m2)
    assert m3 == m2

    m3 = wrapped.Minimal([1, 2, 3])
    assert m3.compute(0) == 4

    in_ = [b"a", b"bc"]
    assert m3.call2(in_) == 3
    assert in_ == [b"a", b"bc", b"hi"]

    msg, = m3.message()
    assert msg == b"hello"

    m1, m2 = m3.create_two()
    assert m1.compute(42) == 42
    assert m2.compute(42) == 43

    assert m2.enumTest(wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A) == wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A

    expect_exception(lambda: m2.enumTest(1))()

    m2.setVector([m2, m1, m3])
    a, b, c = m2.getVector()
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    a, b, c = list(m2)  # call __iter__
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    assert m2.test2Lists([m1], [1, 2]) == 3
    assert m1 == m1

    # tests operator[] + size:
    assert list(m1) == []
    assert list(m2) == [m2, m1, m3]

    assert wrapped.top_function(42) == 84
    assert wrapped.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6
    assert wrapped.Minimal.run_static(1) == 4

    # != not declared, so:
    expect_exception(lambda m1, m2: m1 != m2)(m1, m2)

    assert m1.toInt() == 4711

    assert m2[0] == 1
    assert m2[1] == 2
    assert m2[2] == 3

    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    assert wrapped.Minimal(1) + wrapped.Minimal(2) == wrapped.Minimal(3)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(1)
    m1 += m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(2)
Example #11
def test_stl_libcpp():

    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_stl_test.pyx")

    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["libcpp_stl_test.pxd"],
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)

    libcpp_stl = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("libcpp_stl", [target, ], include_dirs)
    assert libcpp_stl.__name__ == "libcpp_stl"

    t = libcpp_stl.LibCppSTLTest()

    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    i2 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(2)

    # Part 1
    # Test std::set< Widget* >
    set_inp = set([i1])
    assert t.process_1_set(set_inp) == 1 + 10
    assert list(set_inp)[0].i_ == 1 + 10
    set_inp = set([i2])
    assert t.process_1_set(set_inp) == 2 + 10
    assert list(set_inp)[0].i_ == 2 + 10

    expected = set([i1])
    res = t.process_2_set(i1) 
    assert len(res) == len(expected)
    # they should be the same object
    assert list(res)[0].i_ == list(expected)[0].i_

    # Part 2
    # Test std::vector< shared_ptr < Widget > >
    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    i2 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(2)
    vec_inp = [ i1, i2, i2]
    assert len(vec_inp) == 3
    assert vec_inp[0].i_ == 1 
    assert t.process_3_vector(vec_inp) == 1 + 10
    assert len(vec_inp) == 4
    assert vec_inp[0].i_ == 1 + 10

    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    out_vec = t.process_4_vector(i1)
    assert i1.i_ == 1 + 10
    assert len(out_vec) == 1
    assert out_vec[0].i_ == 1 + 10
    # they should be the same object
    assert i1.i_ == out_vec[0].i_
    i1.i_ += 10
    assert i1.i_ == 1 + 20
    assert out_vec[0].i_ == 1 + 20

    # Part 3
    # Test std::vector< Widget* >
    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    i2 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(2)
    vec_inp = [i1]
    assert t.process_5_vector(vec_inp) == 1 + 10
    assert vec_inp[0].i_ == 1 + 10
    vec_inp = [i2]
    assert t.process_5_vector(vec_inp) == 2 + 10
    assert vec_inp[0].i_ == 2 + 10

    expected = [i1]
    res = t.process_6_vector(i1) 
    assert len(res) == len(expected)
    # they should be the same object
    assert res[0].i_ == expected[0].i_

    # Part 4
    # Test std::map< Widget, int >
    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    i2 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(2)
    map_inp = {i2 : 5}
    assert t.process_7_map(map_inp) == 2
    assert len(map_inp) == 1
    assert list(map_inp.values())[0] == 5 + 10

    res = t.process_8_map(5)
    assert len(res) == 1
    assert list(res.keys())[0].i_ == 5
    assert list(res.values())[0] == 5 + 10

    # Part 5
    # Test std::map< int, Widget >
    i1 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(1)
    i2 = libcpp_stl.IntWrapper(2)
    map_inp = { 5: i2 }
    assert t.process_9_map(map_inp) == 5
    assert len(map_inp) == 1
    assert list(map_inp.values())[0].i_ == 2 + 10

    res = t.process_10_map(5)
    assert len(res) == 1
    assert list(res.values())[0].i_ == 5
    assert list(res.keys())[0] == 5 + 10

    # Test shared_ptr < const Widget >
    const_res = t.process_11_const()
    const_res.i_ == 42
Example #12
def test_libcpp():

    target = os.path.join(test_files, "libcpp_test.pyx")

    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["libcpp_test.pxd"],
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)

    libcpp = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("libcpp", [target, ], include_dirs)
    assert libcpp.__name__ == "libcpp"


    t = libcpp.LibCppTest()

    assert t.twist([b"hi", 2]) == [2, b"hi"]
    li = [1]
    li2 = t.process(li)
    assert li == li2 == [1, 42]

    in1 = [1, 2]
    out = t.process2(in1)
    assert out == in1 == [42, 11]

    in1 = [t, 1]
    out = t.process3(in1)

    assert in1[0].gett() == 0
    assert in1[1] == 42
    assert out[0].gett() == 0
    assert out[1] == 42

    in1 = [1, t]
    out = t.process4(in1)

    assert in1[0] == 42
    assert in1[1].gett() == 0
    assert out[0] == 42
    assert out[1].gett() == 0

    t2 = libcpp.LibCppTest(12)
    in1 = [t, t2]
    out = t.process5(in1)
    assert in1[0].gett() == 43
    assert in1[1].gett() == 12
    assert out[0].gett() == 12
    assert out[1].gett() == 43

    in1 = [[1, 2.0], [2, 3.0]]
    out = t.process6(in1)
    assert in1 == [(1, 2.0), (2, 3.0), (7, 11.0)]
    assert out[::-1] == [(1, 2.0), (2, 3.0), (7, 11.0)]

    out = t.process7([0, 1])
    assert out == [1, 0]

    in_ = [0, 1, 0]
    out = t.process8(in_)
    assert in_ == out[::-1]

    in_ = set((1, 2))
    out = t.process9(in_)
    assert sorted(out) == [1, 2, 42]
    assert sorted(in_) == [1, 2, 42]

    in_ = set((libcpp.EEE.A, libcpp.EEE.B))
    out = t.process10(in_)
    assert sorted(out) == sorted(in_)
    assert sorted(in_) == sorted(in_)

    in_ = set((t2,))
    out = t.process11(in_)
    assert sorted(x.gett() for x in in_) == [12, 42]
    assert sorted(x.gett() for x in out) == [12, 42]

    out = t.process12(1, 2.0)
    assert list(out.items()) == [(1, 2.0)]

    out = t.process13(libcpp.EEE.A, 2)
    print (list(out.items()))
    print ([(libcpp.EEE.A, 2)])
    print (list(out.items()) == [(libcpp.EEE.A, 2)])
    assert list(out.items()) == [(libcpp.EEE.A, 2)]

    out = t.process14(libcpp.EEE.A, 3)
    assert list(out.items()) == [(3, libcpp.EEE.A)]

    out = t.process15(12)
    (k, v),  = out.items()
    assert k == 12
    assert v.gett() == 12

    assert t.process16({42: 2.0, 12: 1.0}) == 2.0

    assert t.process17({libcpp.EEE.A: 2.0, libcpp.EEE.B: 1.0}) == 2.0

    assert t.process18({23: t, 12: t2}) == t.gett()

    dd = dict()
    assert len(dd) == 1
    assert list(dd.keys()) == [23]
    assert list(dd.values())[0].gett() == 12

    dd = dict()
    assert list(dd.items()) == [(23, 42.0)]

    d1 = dict()
    t.process21(d1, {42: 11})
    assert d1.get(1) == 11

    d1 = set((42,))
    d2 = set()
    t.process22(d1, d2)
    assert d1 == set()
    assert d2 == set((42,))

    l1 = [1, 2]
    l2 = []

    t.process23(l1, l2)
    assert l1 == [1]
    assert l2 == [2.0]

    l1 = [1, 2.0]
    l2 = [2, 3]

    t.process24(l1, l2)
    assert l1 == [3, 2.0]

    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    i2 = libcpp.Int(2)
    i3 = libcpp.Int(3)

    assert t.process25([i1, i2, i3]) == 6
    assert t.process25([]) == 0

    assert t.process26([[i1, i2, i3]]) == 6
    assert t.process26([[i1, i2, i3], [i1]]) == 7
    assert t.process26([[i1, i2, i3], [i1], [i1, i2]]) == 10

    empty_list = [[]]
    empty_list = [[], [], []]
    assert len(empty_list) == 3
    assert len(empty_list[0]) == 1
    assert len(empty_list[1]) == 1
    assert len(empty_list[2]) == 1
    assert empty_list[0][0].i_ == 42

    empty_list = [[[[]]],   [[[]]]]

    assert len(empty_list) == 2
    assert len(empty_list[0]) == 2
    assert len(empty_list[1]) == 2
    assert empty_list[0][1][0][0].i_ == 42
    assert empty_list[1][1][0][0].i_ == 42

    assert t.process31([1, 2, 3]) == 6
    assert t.process31([]) == 0

    assert t.process32([[1, 2, 3]]) == 6
    assert t.process32([[1, 2, 3], [1]]) == 7
    assert t.process32([[1, 2, 3], [1], [1, 2]]) == 10

    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    assert t.process33(i1) == 2
    i2 = libcpp.Int(10)
    assert t.process33(i2) == 11

    # process34 modifies the shared ptr and returns it as well, there exists
    # only 1 C++ object of libcpp.Int but multiple Python objects point to it
    # using their shared_ptr.
    i1 = libcpp.Int(10)
    i2 = t.process34(i1)
    assert isinstance(i2, libcpp.Int)
    assert i1.i_ == 11
    assert i2.i_ == 11
    i3 = t.process34(i2)
    assert i1.i_ == 12
    assert i2.i_ == 12
    assert i3.i_ == 12

        assert t.integer_ptr is None
        assert False
    except Exception:
        # Should throw an exception
        assert True

    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    i2 = libcpp.Int(2)
    i3 = libcpp.Int(3)
    t.integer_ptr = i1
    assert t.integer_ptr.i_ == 1
    t.integer_ptr = i2
    assert t.integer_ptr.i_ == 2

        assert False
    except Exception:
        # Should throw an exception
        assert True

    t.integer_vector_ptr = [i1, i2, i3]
    assert len(t.integer_vector_ptr) == 3

    # process35 uses a const shared_ptr of which it makes a copy
    # This means that i1, i2 and i3 are three distinct objects that will not
    # affect each other when manipulated
    i1 = libcpp.Int(20)
    i2 = t.process35(i1)
    assert isinstance(i2, libcpp.Int)
    assert i1.i_ == 21
    assert i2.i_ == 21
    i3 = t.process35(i2)
    assert i1.i_ == 21
    assert i2.i_ == 22
    assert i3.i_ == 22

    # Testing raw ptr
    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    assert t.process36(i1) == 2
    assert t.process36(i1) == 3
    i2 = libcpp.Int(10)
    assert t.process36(i2) == 11
    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    assert t.process37(i1).i_ == 2
    assert t.process37(i1).i_ == 3
    i2 = libcpp.Int(10)
    assert t.process37(i2).i_ == 11

    # return of NULL
    i1 = libcpp.Int(18)
    assert t.process37(i1) == None

    # return of const ptr
    i1 = libcpp.Int(1)
    assert t.process39(i1).i_ == 2
    assert t.process39(i1).i_ == 3
    i2 = libcpp.Int(10)
    assert t.process39(i2).i_ == 11

    rval = t.process39(i2)
    assert rval.i_ == 12

    # Unsigned Int 
    res = t.process38(5)
    assert len(res) == 2
    assert len(res[0]) == 1
    assert res[0][0] == 5
    assert res[1][0] == 5

    # Testing abstract base class
    i1 = libcpp.ABS_Impl1(1)
    i2 = libcpp.ABS_Impl1(4)
    res = t.process40(i1)
    assert res == 1
    res = t.process40(i2)
    assert res == 4

    assert i1.get() == 1
    assert i2.get() == 4

    # Testing unsafe call
    i1 = libcpp.ABS_Impl1(__createUnsafeObject__=True)
    i2 = libcpp.ABS_Impl2(__createUnsafeObject__=True)

        i1 = libcpp.ABS_Impl1()
        raise Exception("Expected Exception not thrown")
    except Exception:

        i1 = libcpp.ABS_Impl2()
        raise Exception("Expected Exception not thrown")
    except Exception:

    # Use in dict/set
    # For this to work, the class needs to have __hash__ and __richcmp__ which
    # are wrapped by "wrap-hash" and operator== and operator!=
    tset = set([libcpp.LibCppTest(), libcpp.LibCppTest()])
    assert len(tset) == 1, len(tset)
    t1 = libcpp.LibCppTest(1)
    t2 = libcpp.LibCppTest(2)
    tset = set([t1, t1])
    assert len(tset) == 1
    tset = set([t1, t2])
    assert len(tset) == 2

    tdict = {t1 : "a", t2 : "b"}
    assert len(tdict) == 2
Example #13
def test_minimal():

    from autowrap.ConversionProvider import (TypeConverterBase,

    class SpecialIntConverter(TypeConverterBase):

        def get_base_types(self):
            return "int",

        def matches(self, cpp_type):
            return cpp_type.is_unsigned

        def matching_python_type(self, cpp_type):
            return "int"

        def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, argument_var):
            return "isinstance(%s, int)" % (argument_var,)

        def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
            code = ""
            # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
            # was called !
            call_as = "(1 + <int>%s)" % argument_var
            cleanup = ""
            return code, call_as, cleanup

        def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
            return "%s = <int>%s" % (output_py_var, input_cpp_var)


    target = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal_wrapper.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(["minimal.pxd",
                                                    root=test_files, target=target,  debug=True)
    cpp_source = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal.cpp")
    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("wrapped", [target, cpp_source],
    assert wrapped.__name__ == "wrapped"

    minimal = wrapped.Minimal()

    # test members
    assert minimal.m_accessible == 0
    assert minimal.m_const == -1

    minimal.m_accessible = 10
    assert minimal.m_accessible == 10

        minimal.m_const = 10
        assert False
    except AttributeError:
        # That is what we expected, cant modify a const member

    assert minimal.compute(3) == 4
    # overloaded for float:
    assert minimal.compute(0.0) == 42.0

    assert minimal.compute(1, 2) == 3
    assert minimal.compute_int(4) == 5
    assert minimal.compute(b"uwe") == b'ewu'
    assert minimal.compute_str(b"emzed") == b"dezme"
    assert minimal.pass_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"
    assert minimal.pass_const_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"

    assert minimal.compute_int() == 42

    # the c++ code of test_special_converter returns the same value, but
    # our special converter above modifies the function, so:
    assert minimal.test_special_converter(0) == 1

    expect_exception(lambda: minimal.compute(None))()

    assert minimal.compute_charp(b"uwe") == 3

    assert minimal.run(minimal) == 4
    assert minimal.run2(minimal) == 5

    # Note that both C++ calls run3 and run4 do modify the object -- the fact
    # that Cython thinks run4 is const does not impact this!
    tm = wrapped.Minimal(5)
    assert tm.get() == 5
    assert tm.run3(tm) == 14
    assert tm.get() == 10
    assert tm.run3(tm) == 24
    assert tm.get() == 20
    tm = wrapped.Minimal(5)
    assert tm.run4(tm) == 14
    assert tm.get() == 10
    assert tm.run4(tm) == 24
    assert tm.get() == 20

    assert minimal.create().compute(3) == 4

    assert minimal.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6

    m2 = wrapped.Minimal(-1)
    assert m2.compute(3) == 3

    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A == 0
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.B == 2
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.C == 3
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.D == 4

    in_ = [m2, minimal]

    m3 = copy.copy(m2)
    assert m3 == m2

    m3 = wrapped.Minimal([1, 2, 3])
    assert m3.compute(0) == 4

    ### Different ways of wrapping a function: 
    # all three call() methods (call, call2, call3) do exactly the same thing
    # and all modify the input argument. However, they are wrapped differently
    # in the pxd file:
    #   int call(libcpp_vector[Minimal] what) # ref-arg-out:0
    #   int call2(libcpp_vector[Minimal]& what) # ref-arg-out:0
    #   int call3(const libcpp_vector[Minimal]& what) # ref-arg-out:0
    # and therefore only call2 will actually modify its input arguments (since
    # call assumes call by value, call3 assumes call by const-ref and only
    # call2 implements a full call by ref).
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal]

    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call3(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal]

    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call2(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 3
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal, m2]

    in_ = [b"a", b"bc"]
    assert m3.call_str(in_) == 3
    assert in_ == [b"a", b"bc", b"hi"]

    msg, = m3.message()
    assert msg == b"hello"

    m1, m2 = m3.create_two()
    assert m1.compute(42) == 42
    assert m2.compute(42) == 43

    assert m2.enumTest(wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A) == wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A

    expect_exception(lambda: m2.enumTest(1))()

    m2.setVector([m2, m1, m3])
    a, b, c = m2.getVector()
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    a, b, c = list(m2)  # call __iter__
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    assert m2.test2Lists([m1], [1, 2]) == 3
    assert m1 == m1

    # tests operator[] + size:
    assert list(m1) == []
    assert list(m2) == [m2, m1, m3]

    assert wrapped.top_function(42) == 84
    assert wrapped.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6
    assert wrapped.Minimal.run_static(1) == 4
    assert wrapped.Minimal.run_static_extra_arg(1, True) == 4

    # != not declared, so:
    expect_exception(lambda m1, m2: m1 != m2)(m1, m2)

    assert m1.toInt() == 4711

    assert m2[0] == 1
    assert m2[1] == 2
    assert m2[2] == 3

    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # operator add
    assert wrapped.Minimal(1) + wrapped.Minimal(2) == wrapped.Minimal(3)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(1)
    m1 += m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(2)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(1)
    m1 = m1 + m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(2)

    # operator mult
    assert wrapped.Minimal(5) * wrapped.Minimal(2) == wrapped.Minimal(10)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(3)
    m1 = m1 * m1
    m2 = m1 * m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(9)
    assert m2 == wrapped.Minimal(81)
def test_minimal():

    from autowrap.ConversionProvider import (TypeConverterBase,

    class SpecialIntConverter(TypeConverterBase):
        def get_base_types(self):
            return "int",

        def matches(self, cpp_type):
            return cpp_type.is_unsigned

        def matching_python_type(self, cpp_type):
            return "int"

        def type_check_expression(self, cpp_type, argument_var):
            return "isinstance(%s, int)" % (argument_var, )

        def input_conversion(self, cpp_type, argument_var, arg_num):
            code = ""
            # here we inject special behavoir for testing if this converter
            # was called !
            call_as = "(1 + <int>%s)" % argument_var
            cleanup = ""
            return code, call_as, cleanup

        def output_conversion(self, cpp_type, input_cpp_var, output_py_var):
            return "%s = <int>%s" % (output_py_var, input_cpp_var)


    target = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal_wrapper.pyx")
    include_dirs = autowrap.parse_and_generate_code(
        ["minimal.pxd", "minimal_td.pxd"],
    cpp_source = os.path.join(test_files, "minimal.cpp")
    wrapped = autowrap.Utils.compile_and_import("wrapped",
                                                [target, cpp_source],
    assert wrapped.__name__ == "wrapped"

    minimal = wrapped.Minimal()

    assert len(minimal.compute.__doc__) == 297

    # test members
    assert minimal.m_accessible == 0
    assert minimal.m_const == -1

    minimal.m_accessible = 10
    assert minimal.m_accessible == 10

        minimal.m_const = 10
        assert False
    except AttributeError:
        # That is what we expected, cant modify a const member

    assert minimal.compute(3) == 4
    # overloaded for float:
    assert minimal.compute(0.0) == 42.0

    assert minimal.compute(1, 2) == 3
    assert minimal.compute_int(4) == 5
    assert minimal.compute(b"uwe") == b'ewu'
    assert minimal.compute_str(b"emzed") == b"dezme"
    assert minimal.pass_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"
    assert minimal.pass_const_charptr(b"emzed") == b"emzed"

    assert minimal.compute_int() == 42

    # the c++ code of test_special_converter returns the same value, but
    # our special converter above modifies the function, so:
    assert minimal.test_special_converter(0) == 1

    expect_exception(lambda: minimal.compute(None))()

    assert minimal.compute_charp(b"uwe") == 3

    assert minimal.run(minimal) == 4
    assert minimal.run2(minimal) == 5

    # Note that both C++ calls run3 and run4 do modify the object -- the fact
    # that Cython thinks run4 is const does not impact this!
    tm = wrapped.Minimal(5)
    assert tm.get() == 5
    assert tm.run3(tm) == 14
    assert tm.get() == 10
    assert tm.run3(tm) == 24
    assert tm.get() == 20
    tm = wrapped.Minimal(5)
    assert tm.run4(tm) == 14
    assert tm.get() == 10
    assert tm.run4(tm) == 24
    assert tm.get() == 20

    assert minimal.create().compute(3) == 4

    assert minimal.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6

    m2 = wrapped.Minimal(-1)
    assert m2.compute(3) == 3

    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A == 0
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.B == 2
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.C == 3
    assert wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.D == 4

    in_ = [m2, minimal]

    m3 = copy.copy(m2)
    assert m3 == m2

    m3 = wrapped.Minimal([1, 2, 3])
    assert m3.compute(0) == 4

    ### Different ways of wrapping a function:
    # all three call() methods (call, call2, call3) do exactly the same thing
    # and all modify the input argument. However, they are wrapped differently
    # in the pxd file:
    #   int call(libcpp_vector[Minimal] what) # ref-arg-out:0
    #   int call2(libcpp_vector[Minimal]& what) # ref-arg-out:0
    #   int call3(const libcpp_vector[Minimal]& what) # ref-arg-out:0
    # and therefore only call2 will actually modify its input arguments (since
    # call assumes call by value, call3 assumes call by const-ref and only
    # call2 implements a full call by ref).
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal]

    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call3(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal]

    assert len(in_) == 2
    assert m3.call2(in_) == 1
    assert len(in_) == 3
    assert in_ == [m2, minimal, m2]

    in_ = [b"a", b"bc"]
    assert m3.call_str(in_) == 3
    assert in_ == [b"a", b"bc", b"hi"]

    msg, = m3.message()
    assert msg == b"hello"

    m1, m2 = m3.create_two()
    assert m1.compute(42) == 42
    assert m2.compute(42) == 43

    assert m2.enumTest(wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A) == wrapped.Minimal.ABCorD.A

    expect_exception(lambda: m2.enumTest(1))()

    m2.setVector([m2, m1, m3])
    a, b, c = m2.getVector()
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    a, b, c = list(m2)  # call __iter__
    assert a == m2
    assert b == m1
    assert c == m3

    assert m2.test2Lists([m1], [1, 2]) == 3
    assert m1 == m1

    # tests operator[] + size:
    assert list(m1) == []
    assert list(m2) == [m2, m1, m3]

    assert wrapped.top_function(42) == 84
    assert wrapped.sumup([1, 2, 3]) == 6
    assert wrapped.Minimal.run_static(1) == 4
    assert wrapped.Minimal.run_static_extra_arg(1, True) == 4

    # != not declared, so:
    expect_exception(lambda m1, m2: m1 != m2)(m1, m2)

    assert m1.toInt() == 4711

    assert m2[0] == 1
    assert m2[1] == 2
    assert m2[2] == 3

    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # operator add
    assert wrapped.Minimal(1) + wrapped.Minimal(2) == wrapped.Minimal(3)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(1)
    m1 += m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(2)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(1)
    m1 = m1 + m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(2)

    # operator mult
    assert wrapped.Minimal(5) * wrapped.Minimal(2) == wrapped.Minimal(10)

    m1 = wrapped.Minimal(3)
    m1 = m1 * m1
    m2 = m1 * m1
    assert m1 == wrapped.Minimal(9)
    assert m2 == wrapped.Minimal(81)