def fit(self, kernel=None, n_restarts_optimizer=4): start = current_milli_time() if kernel is None: kernel = self.kernel # self.model = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=RationalQuadratic(length_scale_bounds=(0.08, 100)) + WhiteKernel(noise_level_bounds=(1e-5, 1e-2)), n_restarts_optimizer=10) self.model = GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts_optimizer, copy_X_train=True, random_state=self.seed) + self.fixed_xys, self.first_zs + probe(self.f, self.fixed_xys)) self.model_time += current_milli_time() - start
def calculate_tour(self): """ps. Keep the old tour if it's still within the budget and the number of cities remains compatible with the tour length.""" start = current_milli_time() xys = [self.depot] + self.fixed_xys + self.xys n = len(self.tour) tmptour = self.tour + [0] self.cost, self.feasible = n, True for i in list(range(n)): a, b = xys[tmptour[i]] c, d = xys[tmptour[i + 1]] self.cost += dist(a, b, c, d) if self.budget - self.cost >= 1: self.possibly_no_more_room_left = False if self.cost > self.budget or self.tour == [] or n != len(xys): self.tour, self.feasible, self.cost, self.possibly_no_more_room_left = plan_tour( [self.depot] + self.fixed_xys + self.xys, self.budget, True, self.fixed_tour) self.tour_time += current_milli_time() - start
def select_kernel(self): start = current_milli_time() self.kernel = kernel_selector( self.first_xys + self.fixed_xys, self.first_zs + probe(self.f, self.fixed_xys)) self.model_time += current_milli_time() - start
def predict(self, xys): start = current_milli_time() preds = self.model.predict(xys, return_std=False) self.pred_time += current_milli_time() - start return preds
def predict_stds(self, xys): start = current_milli_time() _, stds = self.model.predict(xys, return_std=True) self.pred_time += current_milli_time() - start return stds
trip = Trip(f, depot, first_xys, first_zs, budget, plotter) print('# selecting kernel...') trip.select_kernel() # TOD print('# fitting...') # Main loop. Report stddev and error...: first iteration -> ...using only known points; (conta == 0) # second iteration -> ...after orienteering; (conta == 1) # third iteration -> ...after first distortion; (conta == 2) # next iterations -> ...after probing [only for online mode] and next distortions; (conta > 2) conta, acctime = 0, 0 trip_var = sum(trip.stds_simulated(TSxy)) if argv[1] == 'plotvar': trip.plotvar = True while acctime < time_limit * 3600000: trip.tour_time, trip.model_time, trip.pred_time = 0, 0, 0 start = current_milli_time() if conta > 0: trip.add_while_possible(trip.add_maxvar_point(TSxy)) if conta == 1: trip_var = sum(trip.stds_simulated(TSxy)) elif conta > 1: if online and conta > 2: trip.probe_next() if len(trip.xys) > 0: if alg == '1c': trip_var = custom_distortion(trip, TSxy, nb, random_distortion) if alg == 'sw': trip_var = swarm_distortion( trip, TSxy, time_limit * 3600000 - acctime - (current_milli_time() - start)) if alg == 'ga': trip_var = ga_distortion(trip, TSxy) if alg == 'a4':
def py_outf(it, leader, fx, x): """Function called at every iteration. It is for logging purposes, but also to stop when a criterion is matched.""" elapsed = current_milli_time() - start # print(available_time - elapsed ) return available_time - elapsed # negative number = stop
def swarm_distortion(trip, testset_xy, available_time, maxf=4000, maxit=4000, size=100): """Optimize points in trip via PSO, evaluating over a test set. The available time is almost never respected.""" def py_outf(it, leader, fx, x): """Function called at every iteration. It is for logging purposes, but also to stop when a criterion is matched.""" elapsed = current_milli_time() - start # print(available_time - elapsed ) return available_time - elapsed # negative number = stop def py_objf(xs): """Function called at every iteration. It is for swarm fitness evaluation.""" def var(x): """Evaluates fitness of a given particle of the swarm.""" xys = tuplefy( x ) # Ps.: According to my tests with oldtrip.count(), trip methods don't need to be thread-safe here. v, _ =, testset_xy) return v return [var(x) for x in xs] # Initial PSO settings. start = current_milli_time() x0 = flat(trip.xys) variabs = len(x0) problem = { 'Variables': variabs, 'objf': py_objf, 'lb': zeros(variabs), 'ub': ones(variabs), 'x0': x0 } # , 'A': [[-1.0 / sqrt(3), 1], [-1.0, sqrt(3)], [1.0, sqrt(3)]], 'b': [0, 0, 6] # <- Defaults options = { 'maxf': maxf, 'maxit': maxit, 'social': 0.5, 'cognitial': 0.5, 'fweight': 0.4, 'iweight': 0.9, 'size': size, 'iprint': 10, 'tol': 1E-5, 'ddelta': 0.5, 'idelta': 2.0, 'outputfcn': py_outf, 'vectorized': 1 } # PSO running. result = pswarm(problem, options) # PSO results. if result['ret'] == 0: # zero means successful new_xys = tuplefy(result['x']) trip.xys = new_xys.copy() return result['f']