def slam_callback(msg):
    # Publishing node: hector_slam, topic: /slam_out_pose
    global x, y, psi, x_vel, y_vel, psi_vel  # slam position and derived velocity
    global time_prev, x_prev, y_prev, psi_prev  # variables for next iteration

    # ----- Position and Velocity -----
    # Get current position, orientation and time:
    x = msg.pose.position.x
    y = msg.pose.position.y
    psi = tft.euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.orientation.y,\
    time = (msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001)

    # Derive velocities from slam data:
    time_diff = time - time_prev
    x_vel = control.get_velocity(x, x_prev, time_diff)
    y_vel = control.get_velocity(y, y_prev, time_diff)
    psi_vel = control.get_velocity(psi, psi_prev, time_diff)

    # control place holder if timer_callback inactive

    # ----- for next iteratioon -----
    time_prev = time
    x_prev = x
    y_prev = y
    psi_prev = psi
Example #2
def slam_callback(msg):
    # Publishing node: hector_slam, topic: /slam_out_pose
    global x,y,psi,x_vel,y_vel,psi_vel # slam position and derived velocity
    global time_prev,x_prev,y_prev,psi_prev # variables for next iteration

    # ----- Position and Velocity -----
    # Get current position, orientation and time:
    x   = msg.pose.position.x
    y   = msg.pose.position.y
    psi = tft.euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.orientation.y,\
    time = (msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001)

    # Derive velocities from slam data:
    time_diff = time - time_prev
    x_vel   = control.get_velocity(x,x_prev,time_diff)
    y_vel   = control.get_velocity(y,y_prev,time_diff)
    psi_vel = control.get_velocity(psi,psi_prev,time_diff)

    # Transmit vicon data toa topic
    p = PoseStamped()
    # Write to PoseStamp positions:
    p.pose.position.x  = x
    p.pose.position.y  = y
    # Angle
    p.pose.position.z  = psi
    # ----- for next iteratioon -----
    time_prev = time
    x_prev    = x
    y_prev    = y
    psi_prev  = psi
Example #3
def slam_callback(msg):
    global time_prev, x_prev, y_prev, psi_prev
    global thruster_1, thruster_2, thruster_3, thruster_4

    # ----- Goals recived? -----
    if (goals_received == False):
        thruster_1 = 0
        thruster_2 = 0
        thruster_3 = 0
        thruster_4 = 0
        print("No goals received, idle. ")
        # Turn off thrustrs and exit callback

    # ----- Position and Velocity -----
    # Get current position, orientation and time:
    x = msg.pose.position.x
    y = msg.pose.position.y
    psi = tft.euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.orientation.y,\
    time = (msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001)
    # Derive velocities from slam data:
    time_diff = time - time_prev
    x_vel = control.get_velocity(x, x_prev, time_diff)
    y_vel = control.get_velocity(y, y_prev, time_diff)
    psi_vel = control.get_velocity(psi, psi_prev, time_diff)

    # ----- Control -----
    #  Get forces in global frame using PD controller
    x_global_ctrl = control.proportional(x, x_goal, x_vel, x_vel_goal,
                                         param['kp'], param['kd'],
    y_global_ctrl = control.proportional(y, y_goal, y_vel, y_vel_goal,
                                         param['kp'], param['kd'],
    psi_global_ctrl = control.proportional_angle(psi, psi_goal, psi_vel,
                                                 psi_vel_goal, param['kp_psi'],
    # convert into body frame:
    x_body_ctrl = math.cos(psi) * x_global_ctrl + math.sin(psi) * y_global_ctrl
    y_body_ctrl = -math.sin(psi) * x_global_ctrl + math.cos(
        psi) * y_global_ctrl

    # ----- Simulation -----
    # vector forces scaled in body frame
    x_sim = (x_body_ctrl) * linear_scale
    y_sim = (y_body_ctrl) * linear_scale
    psi_sim = (-psi_global_ctrl) * angular_scale

    # thrust allocation
    thruster_1 = 0 + 0.5 * x_sim + a_sim * psi_sim
    thruster_2 = 0 + 0.5 * x_sim - a_sim * psi_sim
    thruster_3 = 0 - 0.5 * y_sim + b_sim * psi_sim
    thruster_4 = 0 - 0.5 * y_sim - b_sim * psi_sim
    # Publish forces to simulation (joint_state_publisher message)

    # ----- Next iteratioon -----
    # Before finishing, assign current values to previous ones
    time_prev = time
    x_prev = x
    y_prev = y
    psi_prev = psi