Example #1
def dfaComp2Aimec(avaDir, cfg, rel, simType):
    """ Create a pathDict where the paths to all the files required by aimec are saved for two modules -
        in order to compare always two simulations at a time

        for now matching simulations are identified via releaseScenario and simType

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        cfgSetup: configParser object
            configuration for aimec
        rel: str
        simType: str
            simulation type (null, ent, entres, ..)

        pathDict: dict
            dictionary with paths to result and optionally mass files for matching simulations from two modules - matching in terms
            of releaseScenario and simType

    cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP']

    # initialise empty pathDict for all required files
    pathDict = {'ppr': [], 'pfd': [], 'pfv': [], 'massBal': []}
    # get directories where simulation results can be found for both modules
    inputDirRef, inputDirComp, pathDict, refModule = getCompDirs(avaDir, cfgSetup, pathDict)

    # Load all infos on reference simulations
    if refModule == 'benchmarkReference':
        refData = fU.makeSimDict(inputDirRef)
        refData = fU.makeSimDict(inputDirRef)

    # Load all infos on comparison module simulations
    compData = fU.makeSimDict(inputDirComp)

    # identify names of simulations that match criteria for both cases
    simSearch = True
    for countRef, simNameShort in enumerate(refData['simName']):
        for countComp, simNameComp in enumerate(compData['simName']):
            if simSearch:
                if refData['releaseArea'][countRef] == compData['releaseArea'][countComp] == rel and refData['simType'][countRef] == compData['simType'][countComp] == simType:
                    refSimName = refData['simName'][countRef]
                    compSimName = compData['simName'][countComp]
                    log.info('Reference simulation: %s and to comparison simulation: %s ' % (refSimName, compSimName))
                    simSearch = False
    if simSearch == True:
        message = 'No matching simulations found for reference and comparison simulation for releaseScenario: %s and simType: %s' % (rel, simType)
        raise FileNotFoundError(message)

    # fill pathDict
    pathDict = getPathsFromSimName(pathDict, avaDir, cfg, inputDirRef, refSimName, inputDirComp, compSimName)

    return pathDict
def test_makeSimDict():
    """ Test if simulation dictionary is generated correctly """

    # Test function
    dirPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    inputDir = os.path.join(dirPath, 'data', 'testSim')
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    cfg = {'varPar': 'test'}
    data = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, cfg['varPar'])

    assert data['names'][0] == 'releaseTest1_entres_dfa_0.888_ppr'
    assert data['releaseArea'][0] == 'releaseTest1'
    assert data['simType'][0] == 'entres'
    assert data['resType'][0] == 'ppr'
    assert data['cellSize'][0] == 5.0
    assert data['test'][0] == '0.888'
Example #3
cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir'] = avaDir

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanModuleFiles(avaDir, com1DFA, 'com1DFA')

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avaDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avaDir)

# Load configuration
damBreakCfg = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Inputs', 'damBreak_com1DFACfg.ini')
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, damBreakCfg)
cfgGen = cfg['GENERAL']

# Load flow depth from analytical solution
hL, hR, uR, phi, xR = damBreak.damBreakSol(avaDir, cfgMain, cfg)
xR = xR * np.cos(phi)  # projected on the horizontal plane
dtAnalysis = cfg['DAMBREAK'].getfloat('dtStep')

# call com1DFAPy to perform simulation - provide configuration file and release thickness function
Particles, Fields, Tsave, dem, plotDict, reportDictList = runCom1DFA.runCom1DFA(
    avaDir=avaDir, cfgFile=damBreakCfg)

# create simDict of results
inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'peakFiles', 'timeSteps')
dataComSol = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, avaDir=avaDir)

# make comparison plots
damBreak.plotComparison(dataComSol, hL, xR, hR, uR, dtAnalysis, cfgMain)
Example #4
def extractMaxValues(inputDir, cfgMain, avaDir, nameScenario=''):
    """ Extract max values of result parameters and save to dictionary

        inputDir: str
            path to directoy where peak files can be found
        cfgMain: dict
            configuration used to perform simulations
        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directoy

        peakValues: dict
            dictionary that contain max values for all result parameters for
            each simulation

    # load simulation results and info
    varPar = cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar']
    peakFiles = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, varPar, avaDir)
    nSims = len(peakFiles['simName'])

    # load parameter variation values to check if they include default value
    itemsRaw = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(
    dVal = float(cfgMain['DEFVALUES'][varPar])
    flagValue = False
    if dVal in itemsRaw:
        flagValue = True

    # initialize dictionary to save values, if default value not in parameter variation, exclude this value
    peakValues = {}
    count = 0
    for simName in peakFiles['simName']:
        if flagValue == False:
            if peakFiles[varPar][count] != dVal:
                peakValues[simName] = {}
            peakValues[simName] = {}
        count = count + 1

    # Loop through peakFiles and compute probability
    for m in range(nSims):

        # Load peak fields
        # be aware of the standard simulation - so if default value should not be part of the analysis
        if flagValue == True:
            log.debug('Simulation parameter %s= %s' %
                      (varPar, peakFiles[varPar][m]))

            # Load data
            fileName = peakFiles['files'][m]
            simName = peakFiles['simName'][m]
            data = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=6)

            # compute max
            max = np.amax(data)

            # add statistical measures
            peakValues[simName].update({peakFiles['resType'][m]: max})
            peakValues[simName].update({'varPar': float(peakFiles[varPar][m])})
            if nameScenario != '':
                peakValues[simName].update({'scenario': nameScenario})
            if peakFiles[varPar][m] != dVal:
                log.debug('Simulation parameter %s= %s' %
                          (varPar, peakFiles[varPar][m]))

                # Load data
                fileName = peakFiles['files'][m]
                simName = peakFiles['simName'][m]
                data = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=6)

                # compute max
                max = np.amax(data)

                # add statistical measures
                peakValues[simName].update({peakFiles['resType'][m]: max})
                    {'varPar': float(peakFiles[varPar][m])})
                if nameScenario != '':
                    peakValues[simName].update({'scenario': nameScenario})

    return peakValues
Example #5
def quickPlot(avaDir,
    """ Plot simulation result and compare to reference solution
        (two raster datasets of identical dimension) and save to
        Outputs/out3Plot within avalanche directoy

        figure 1: plot raster data for dataset1, dataset2 and their difference,
                  including a histogram and the cumulative density function of the differences
        figure 2: plot cross and longprofiles for both datasets (ny_loc and nx_loc define location of profiles)
        -plots are saved to Outputs/out3Plot

        avaDir : str
            path to avalanche directory
        suffix : str
            result parameter abbreviation (e.g. 'ppr')
        val : str
            value of parameter
        parameter : str
            parameter that is used to filter simulation results within folder,
            for example, symType, parameter variation, etc.
        cfg : dict
            global configuration settings
        cfgPlot : dict
            configuration settings for plots, required for flag if plots shall be shown or only saved
        rel : str
            optional - name of release area scenarios
        simType : str
            optional - simulation type null or entres

        plotList : list
            list of plot dictionaries (path to plots, min, mean and max difference
            between plotted datasets, max and mean value of reference dataset )


    # Create required directories
    workDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Work', 'out3Plot')
    outDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'out3Plot')

    # Initialise plotDictList
    plotList = []

    # Setup input from com1DFA
    fU.getDFAData(avaDir, workDir, suffix, comModule=comModule)
    if comModule2 == '':
        # Get data from reference run
        fU.getRefData(testDir, workDir, suffix)
        fU.getDFAData(avaDir, workDir, suffix, comModule=comModule2)

    # prepare data
    if parameter == 'Mu' or parameter == 'RelTh':
        data = fU.makeSimDict(workDir, parameter, avaDir)
        data = fU.makeSimDict(workDir, '', avaDir)

    cellSize = data['cellSize'][0]
    unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % suffix]

    # check if release Area and simType area provided
    if rel != '':
        relAreas = [rel]
        # Count the number of release areas
        relAreas = set(data['releaseArea'])
    if parameter == 'simType':
        simType = val

    for rel in relAreas:

        # Initialise plotList
        plotDict = {'relArea': rel, 'plots': [], 'difference': [], 'stats': []}

        # get list of indices of files that are of correct simulation type and result paramete
        indSuffix = [-9999, -9999]
        findComp = True
        for m in range(len(data['files'])):
            if data['resType'][m] == suffix and data['releaseArea'][
                    m] == rel and data[parameter][m] == val and data[
                        'simType'][m] == simType:
                if (data['modelType'][m] == 'dfa') and findComp:
                    indSuffix[0] = m
                    findComp = False
                elif data['modelType'][m] == cfgPlot['PLOT']['refModel']:
                    indSuffix[1] = m
        if findComp:
            log.error('No matching files found')

        # Load data
        raster = IOf.readRaster(data['files'][indSuffix[0]])
        rasterRef = IOf.readRaster(data['files'][indSuffix[1]])
        data1, data2 = geoTrans.resizeData(raster, rasterRef)
        log.debug('dataset1: %s' % data['files'][indSuffix[0]])
        log.debug('dataset2: %s' % data['files'][indSuffix[1]])

        # Get name of Avalanche
        avaName = data['avaName'][indSuffix[0]]

        # Create dataDict to be passed to generatePlot
        dataDict = {
            'data1': data1,
            'data2': data2,
            'name1': data['names'][indSuffix[0]],
            'name2': data['names'][indSuffix[1]],
            'compareType': 'compToRef',
            'simName': data['simName'][indSuffix[0]],
            'suffix': suffix,
            'cellSize': cellSize,
            'unit': unit

        # Create Plots
        plotDictNew = generatePlot(dataDict, avaName, outDir, cfg, plotDict)

    return plotList
Example #6
def plotAllPeakFields(avaDir, cfg, cfgFLAGS, modName):
    """ Plot all peak fields and return dictionary with paths to plots

        avaDir : str
            path to avalanche directoy
        cfg : dict
            configuration used to perform simulations
        cfgFLAGS : str
            general configuration, required to define if plots saved to reports directoy
        modName : str
            name of module that has been used to produce data to be plotted

        plotDict : dict
            dictionary with info on plots, like path to plot

    # Load all infos on simulations
    inputDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', modName, 'peakFiles')
    peakFiles = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, '', avaDir)

    demFile = gI.getDEMPath(avaDir)
    demData = IOf.readRaster(demFile)
    demField = demData['rasterData']

    # Output directory
    if cfgFLAGS.getboolean('ReportDir'):
        outDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', modName, 'reports')
        outDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'out1Peak')

    # Initialise plot dictionary with simulation names
    plotDict = {}
    for sName in peakFiles['simName']:
        plotDict[sName] = {}

    # Loop through peakFiles and generate plot
    for m in range(len(peakFiles['names'])):

        # Load names and paths of peakFiles
        name = peakFiles['names'][m]
        fileName = peakFiles['files'][m]
        avaName = peakFiles['avaName'][m]
        log.debug('now plot %s:' % (fileName))

        # Load data
        raster = IOf.readRaster(fileName)
        data = raster['rasterData']

        # constrain data to where there is data
        cellSize = peakFiles['cellSize'][m]
        rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax = pU.constrainPlotsToData(
            data, cellSize)
        dataConstrained = data[rowsMin:rowsMax + 1, colsMin:colsMax + 1]
        demConstrained = demField[rowsMin:rowsMax + 1, colsMin:colsMax + 1]

        data = np.ma.masked_where(dataConstrained == 0.0, dataConstrained)
        unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % peakFiles['resType'][m]]

        # Set extent of peak file
        ny = data.shape[0]
        nx = data.shape[1]
        Ly = ny * cellSize
        Lx = nx * cellSize

        # Figure  shows the result parameter data
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW, pU.figH))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        # choose colormap
        cmap, _, _, norm, ticks = makePalette.makeColorMap(
            pU.cmapPres, np.amin(data), np.amax(data), continuous=pU.contCmap)
        rowsMinPlot = rowsMin * cellSize
        rowsMaxPlot = (rowsMax + 1) * cellSize
        colsMinPlot = colsMin * cellSize
        colsMaxPlot = (colsMax + 1) * cellSize
        im0 = ax.imshow(
            extent=[colsMinPlot, colsMaxPlot, rowsMinPlot, rowsMaxPlot],
        im1 = ax.imshow(
            extent=[colsMinPlot, colsMaxPlot, rowsMinPlot, rowsMaxPlot],
        pU.addColorBar(im1, ax, ticks, unit)

        title = str('%s' % name)
        ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
        ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')

        plotName = os.path.join(outDir, '%s.%s' % (name, pU.outputFormat))

        pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax, avaDir)

        if cfgFLAGS.getboolean('showPlot'):
        plotPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), plotName)
            {peakFiles['resType'][m]: plotPath})

    return plotDict
Example #7
def probAnalysis(avaDir, cfg, cfgMain='', inputDir=''):
    """ Compute propability map of a given set of simulation result exceeding a particular threshold and save to outDir

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        cfg : dict
            configuration read from ini file of probAna function
        cfgMain : dict
            configuration read from ini file that has been used for the com1DFA simulation
        inputDir : str
            optional - path to directory where data that should be analysed can be found, required if not in com1DFA results
        outDir : str
            optional - path to directory where results shall be saved to

    # Set input and output directory and Load all infos on simulations
    flagStandard = False
    if inputDir == '':
        inputDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'peakFiles')
        flagStandard = True
        peakFiles = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar'], avaDir=avaDir)
        peakFiles = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, avaDir=avaDir)

    outDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'ana4Stats')

    # get header info from peak files
    header = IOf.readASCheader(peakFiles['files'][0])
    cellSize = header.cellsize
    nRows = header.nrows
    nCols = header.ncols
    xllcenter = header.xllcenter
    yllcenter = header.yllcenter
    noDataValue = header.noDataValue

    # Initialise array for computations
    probSum = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))
    count = 0

    # Loop through peakFiles and compute probability
    for m in range(len(peakFiles['names'])):

        # Load peak field for desired peak field parameter
        # be aware of the standard simulation - so if default value should not be part of the analysis
        if peakFiles['resType'][m] == cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']:
            log.info('Simulation parameter %s ' % ( cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']))

            if flagStandard:
                if peakFiles[cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar']][m] != cfgMain['DEFVALUES'][cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar']]:
                    log.info('Simulation parameter %s= %s ' % (cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar'], peakFiles[cfgMain['PARAMETERVAR']['varPar']][m]))

                # Load data
                fileName = peakFiles['files'][m]
                data = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=6)
                dataLim = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))

                log.debug('File name is %s' % fileName)

                # Check if peak values exceed desired threshold
                dataLim[data>float(cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'])] = 1.0
                probSum = probSum + dataLim
                count = count + 1


                # Load data
                fileName = peakFiles['files'][m]
                data = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=6)
                dataLim = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))

                log.debug('File name is %s' % fileName)

                # Check if peak values exceed desired threshold
                dataLim[data>float(cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'])] = 1.0
                probSum = probSum + dataLim
                count = count + 1

    # Create probability map ranging from 0-1
    probMap = probSum / count
    unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']]
    log.info('probability analysis performed for peak parameter: %s and a peak value threshold of: %s %s' % (cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar'], cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'], unit))
    log.info('%s peak fields added to analysis' % count)

    # # Save to .asc file
    avaName = os.path.basename(avaDir)
    outFile = os.path.join(outDir, '%s_probMap%s.asc' % (avaName, cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim']))
    IOf.writeResultToAsc(header, probMap, outFile)