def genres(addon, addonID, pluginhandle, metapath, viewpath, callstackpath, maxrequestsperminute, cookiepath, metaroot):

	content = ""

		fh = open(metapath, 'r')
		content =

	itemcount = 0
	if content != "":
		genres = json.loads(content, object_pairs_hook = collections.OrderedDict)

		for title in genres:
			itemcount += 1
			li = xbmcgui.ListItem(title)
			ctxitms = []
			ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon, 30101), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=listsubgenres&genre=' + genres[title] + ')', ))
			#ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon, 30111), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=updategenretitles&genre=' + genres[title] + '&genrename=' + title + ')', ))

			ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon,30111), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxrequestsperminute) + ', ' + addonID + ',' + metaroot + ',' + genres[title] + ',' + title + ')', ))
			url = viewpath + '?mode=listgenretitles&genre=' + genres[title] + "&genrename=" + urllib.quote_plus(title)
			xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle, url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=True)

	if itemcount >= 1:
def index(addon, addonID, pluginhandle, metapath, viewpath, callstackpath, maxrequestsperminute, cookiepath):

	# create plugin list item (Browse Genres)
	li = xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.translation(addon,30100))
	ctxitms = []

	#xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update(' + sys.argv[0] + '?mode=updategenretitles&genre=' + genre + '&genrename=' + genrename + ')')
	#ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon, 30110), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=updategenres)', ))
	ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon, 30110), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxrequestsperminute) + ', ' + addonID + ',' + metapath + ')'))

	url = sys.argv[0] + '?mode=listgenres'
	xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle, url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=True)

	li = xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.translation(addon,30102))
	ctxitms = []

	ctxitms.append((utils.translation(addon, 30113), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxrequestsperminute) + ', ' + addonID + ', ' + metapath + ')', ))

	url = sys.argv[0] + '?mode=mylist'
	xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle, url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=True)

	li = xbmcgui.ListItem(utils.translation(addon, 30103))
	url = sys.argv[0] + '?mode=search'
	xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle, url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=True)

	#end of directory listing
def search(addon, addonID, pluginhandle, viewpath, callstackpath, maxrequestsperminute, cookies, search_string, metaroot, cookiepath):
	search_query = search_string.replace(' ', '+')

	response = utils.makeGetRequest('' + search_query, cookies, callstackpath, maxrequestsperminute)

	expr = "<div class=\"lockup\" data-titleid=\"(.*?)\" data-trackid=\"(.*?)\">"

	matches = re.compile(expr, re.DOTALL).findall(response)

	itemcount = 0
	for title, track in matches:
		listTitle(title, viewpath, pluginhandle, metaroot, addon, callstackpath, maxrequestsperminute, cookiepath)
		itemcount += 1

	if itemcount >= 1:
		dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
		ok = dialog.ok('Netflix', utils.translation(addon, 30204))
    # is the genre file out-of-date or missing?
    updateGenreTitles = False
    if os.path.exists(genretitlesmetapath):
        oneday = 24 * 60 * 60
        if utils.fileIsOlderThan(genretitlesmetapath, (oneday * int(addon.getSetting("cacheage")))):
            updateGenreTitles = True
        updateGenreTitles = True

        # if the genre file is out-of-date or missing run the update script
    if updateGenreTitles:
        # do the settings call for a prompt before updating?
        if addon.getSetting("promptforcache") == "true":
            dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            ret = dialog.yesno("Netflix", utils.translation(addon, 30200))
            if ret:
                # run the script if the user says so...
                # 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxrequestsperminute) + ', ' + addonID + ',' + metaroot + ',' + genres[title] + ',' + title + ')'
                    + addonID
                    + "/resources/scripts/, "
                    + addon.getSetting("username")
                    + ", "
                    + addon.getSetting("password")
                    + ", "
                    + addon.getSetting("cacheage")
                    + ", "
                    + cookiepath
                    + ", "
def listTitle(titleid, viewpath, pluginhandle, metaroot, addon, callstackpath, maxreq, cookiepath, trackid):
	metapath = os.path.join(metaroot, "Titles", titleid)
	UpdateTitle = False
	addonID = addon.getAddonInfo('id')
	if os.path.exists(metapath):
		datafile = os.path.join(metapath, "meta.json")
		thumbfile = os.path.join(metapath, "coverart.jpg")

		if os.path.exists(datafile):
			fh = open(datafile, 'r')
			content =
			print "Netflix: Title metadata not found - " + str(titleid)
			content = ""
			UpdateTitle = True

		data = json.loads(content)

		li = xbmcgui.ListItem(data["title"], iconImage = thumbfile, thumbnailImage = thumbfile)
		ctxItems = []

		ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30112), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + str(addonID) + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxreq) + ', ' + addonID + ', ' + metaroot + ', ' + titleid + ', ' + str(data["trackId"]) + ')', ))
		#ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30112), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=updatetitle&title=' + titleid + '&track=' + str(data["trackId"]) + ')', ))

		if os.path.exists(os.path.join(metaroot, "MyList", titleid)):
			ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30115), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxreq) + ', ' + addonID + ', ' + metaroot + ', ' + titleid + ', ' + str(data["trackId"]) + ')', ))
			#ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30115), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=removefrommylist&title=' + titleid + '&track=' + str(data["trackId"]) +')', ))
			ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30114), 'xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + addonID + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxreq) + ', ' + addonID + ', ' + metaroot + ', ' + titleid + ', ' + str(data["trackId"]) + ')', ))
			#ctxItems.append((utils.translation(addon, 30114), 'Container.Update(' + viewpath + '?mode=addtomylist&title=' + titleid + '&track=' + str(data["trackId"]) +')', ))


		genres = ""

		if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(metapath, "Genres")):
			for ffile in os.listdir(os.path.join(metapath,"Genres")):
				if genres != "":
					genres += " / "
				genres += ffile

		cast = []
		for castmember in data["actors"]:
			cast += [castmember["name"]]

		if data["isShow"]:
			# TV Series
			xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
			url = viewpath + "?mode=listseasons&series=" + titleid
			isfolder = True
			playcount = 0
			if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(metapath, "seasondata.json"))):
				fh = open(os.path.join(metapath, "seasondata.json"))
				seasoncontent =

				seasondata = json.loads(seasoncontent)
				episodecount = 0
				watched = 0
				for season in seasondata["episodes"]:
					for episode in season:
						#episodeexpr = '{"title":".*?","season":(.*?),"seasonYear":.*?,"episode":.*?,"synopsis":".*?","seasonId":.*?,"episodeId":.*?,"videoId":.*?,"nonMemberViewable":.*?,"runtime":(.*?),"availableForED":.*?,"availabilityMessage":.*?,"stills":\[.*?\],"bookmarkPosition":(.*?),"lastModified":".*?"}'
						episodecount += 1
							if float(episode["bookmarkPosition"])/float(episode["runtime"]) >= 0.9:
								watched += 1

				if (episodecount - watched) == 0:
					playcount = 1
				elif watched == 0:
					playcount = 0
					li.setProperty('TotalTime', '100')
					li.setProperty('ResumeTime', '50')

				UpdateTitle = True

			info = {'plot': data['synopsis'], 'year': int(data["year"]), 'mpaa': data["maturityLabel"], "cast": cast, "genre": genres, "playcount": playcount}

			# Movie/TV Movie or documentary
			xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'movies')
			url = viewpath + "?mode=playvideo&title=" + titleid
			isfolder = False

			info = {'plot': data['synopsis'], 'year': int(data["year"]), 'mpaa': data["maturityLabel"], "cast": cast, "genre": genres}

		li.setInfo('video', infoLabels=info)

#        - genre : string (Comedy)
#        - year : integer (2009)
#        - episode : integer (4)
#        - season : integer (1)
#        - top250 : integer (192)
#        - tracknumber : integer (3)
#        - rating : float (6.4) - range is 0..10
#        - watched : depreciated - use playcount instead
#        - playcount : integer (2) - number of times this item has been played
#        - overlay : integer (2) - range is 0..8. See GUIListItem.h for values
#        - cast : list (Michal C. Hall)
#        - castandrole : list (Michael C. Hall|Dexter)
#        - director : string (Dagur Kari)
#        - mpaa : string (PG-13)
#        - plot : string (Long Description)
#        - plotoutline : string (Short Description)
#        - title : string (Big Fan)
#        - originaltitle : string (Big Fan)
#        - sorttitle : string (Big Fan)
#        - duration : string (3:18)
#        - studio : string (Warner Bros.)
#        - tagline : string (An awesome movie) - short description of movie
#        - writer : string (Robert D. Siegel)
#        - tvshowtitle : string (Heroes)
#        - premiered : string (2005-03-04)
#        - status : string (Continuing) - status of a TVshow
#        - code : string (tt0110293) - IMDb code
#        - aired : string (2008-12-07)
#        - credits : string (Andy Kaufman) - writing credits
#        - lastplayed : string (Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04)
#        - album : string (The Joshua Tree)
#        - artist : list (['U2'])
#        - votes : string (12345 votes)
#        - trailer : string (/home/user/trailer.avi)
#        - dateadded : string (Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04)

		xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle, url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=isfolder)

		print "Netflix: Title not found - " + str(titleid)
		UpdateTitle = True

	if UpdateTitle:
		xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.runscript(special://home/addons/' + str(addonID) + '/resources/scripts/, ' + addon.getSetting("username") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("password") + ', ' + addon.getSetting("cacheage") + ', ' + cookiepath + ', ' + callstackpath + ', ' + str(maxreq) + ', ' + addonID + ', ' + metaroot + ', ' + titleid + ', ' + str(trackid) + ')')