Example #1
 def test_invalid_vars_type(self):
     data = "[1, 2, 3]"
     with pytest.raises(ParseError) as exc:
         common.parse_yaml_or_json(data, silent_failure=False)
     message = str(exc.value)
     assert "Cannot parse as" in message
     assert "Input type `list` is not a dictionary" in message
Example #2
def test_recursive_vars_not_allowed():
    rdict = {}
    rdict['a'] = rdict
    # YAML dumper will use a tag to give recursive data
    data = yaml.dump(rdict, default_flow_style=False)
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as exc:
        common.parse_yaml_or_json(data, silent_failure=False)
    assert 'Circular reference detected' in str(exc)
Example #3
 def test_invalid_JSON_and_YAML(self):
     data = "{key:val"
     with pytest.raises(ParseError) as exc:
         common.parse_yaml_or_json(data, silent_failure=False)
     message = str(exc.value)
     assert "Cannot parse as" in message
     assert self.json_error(data) in message
     assert self.yaml_error(data) in message
Example #4
    def pod_definition(self):
        default_pod_spec = {
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
                "namespace": settings.AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
            "spec": {
                "containers": [{
                    "image": settings.AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_DEFAULT_IMAGE,
                    "tty": True,
                    "stdin": True,
                    "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                    "args": ['sleep', 'infinity'],

        pod_spec_override = {}
        if self.task and self.task.instance_group.pod_spec_override:
            pod_spec_override = parse_yaml_or_json(
        pod_spec = {**default_pod_spec, **pod_spec_override}

        if self.task:
            pod_spec['metadata'] = deepmerge(
                pod_spec.get('metadata', {}),
                         'ansible-awx': settings.INSTALL_UUID,
                         'ansible-awx-job-id': str(self.task.id)
            pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] = self.pod_name

        return pod_spec
Example #5
    def pod_definition(self):
        default_pod_spec = {
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
                "namespace": settings.AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
            "spec": {
                "containers": [{
                    "image": settings.AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_DEFAULT_IMAGE,
                    "tty": True,
                    "stdin": True,
                    "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                    "args": [
                        'sleep', 'infinity'

        pod_spec_override = {}
        if self.task and self.task.instance_group.pod_spec_override:
            pod_spec_override = parse_yaml_or_json(
        pod_spec = {**default_pod_spec, **pod_spec_override}

        if self.task:
            pod_spec['metadata']['name'] = self.pod_name
            pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] = self.pod_name

        return pod_spec
Example #6
    def pod_definition(self):
        ee = self.task.instance.execution_environment

        default_pod_spec = get_default_pod_spec()

        pod_spec_override = {}
        if self.task and self.task.instance.instance_group.pod_spec_override:
            pod_spec_override = parse_yaml_or_json(
        # According to the deepmerge docstring, the second dictionary will override when
        # they share keys, which is the desired behavior.
        # This allows user to only provide elements they want to override, and for us to still provide any
        # defaults they don't want to change
        pod_spec = deepmerge(default_pod_spec, pod_spec_override)

        pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['image'] = ee.image
        pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['args'] = [
            'ansible-runner', 'worker', '--private-data-dir=/runner'

        # Enforce EE Pull Policy
        pull_options = {
            "always": "Always",
            "missing": "IfNotPresent",
            "never": "Never"
        if self.task and self.task.instance.execution_environment:
            if self.task.instance.execution_environment.pull:
                    'imagePullPolicy'] = pull_options[

        if self.task and self.task.instance.is_container_group_task:
            # If EE credential is passed, create an imagePullSecret
            if self.task.instance.execution_environment and self.task.instance.execution_environment.credential:
                # Create pull secret in k8s cluster based on ee cred
                from awx.main.scheduler.kubernetes import PodManager  # prevent circular import

                pm = PodManager(self.task.instance)
                secret_name = pm.create_secret(job=self.task.instance)

                # Inject secret name into podspec
                pod_spec['spec']['imagePullSecrets'] = [{"name": secret_name}]

        if self.task:
            pod_spec['metadata'] = deepmerge(
                pod_spec.get('metadata', {}),
                         'ansible-awx': settings.INSTALL_UUID,
                         'ansible-awx-job-id': str(self.task.instance.id)

        return pod_spec
Example #7
def back_out_new_instance_id(apps, source, new_id):
    Host = apps.get_model('main', 'Host')
    modified_ct = 0
    for host in Host.objects.filter(inventory_sources__source=source).iterator():
        host_vars = parse_yaml_or_json(host.variables)
        predicted_id_value = _get_instance_id(host_vars, new_id)
        if predicted_id_value != host.instance_id:
            logger.debug('Host {}-{} did not get its instance_id from {}, skipping'.format(host.name, host.pk, new_id))
        host.instance_id = ''
        modified_ct += 1
    if modified_ct:
        logger.info('Reverse migrated instance ID for {} hosts imported by {} source'.format(modified_ct, source))
    def pod_definition(self):
        default_pod_spec = get_default_pod_spec()

        pod_spec_override = {}
        if self.task and self.task.instance_group.pod_spec_override:
            pod_spec_override = parse_yaml_or_json(self.task.instance_group.pod_spec_override)
        pod_spec = {**default_pod_spec, **pod_spec_override}

        if self.task:
            pod_spec['metadata'] = deepmerge(
                pod_spec.get('metadata', {}), dict(name=self.pod_name, labels={'ansible-awx': settings.INSTALL_UUID, 'ansible-awx-job-id': str(self.task.id)})
            pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] = self.pod_name

        return pod_spec
Example #9
def _get_instance_id_for_upgrade(host, new_id):
    if host.instance_id:
        # this should not have happened, but nothing to really do about it...
        logger.debug('Unexpectedly, host {}-{} has instance_id set'.format(host.name, host.pk))
        return None
    host_vars = parse_yaml_or_json(host.variables)
    new_id_value = _get_instance_id(host_vars, new_id)
    if not new_id_value:
        # another source type with overwrite_vars or pesky users could have done this
        logger.info('Host {}-{} has no {} var, probably due to separate modifications'.format(host.name, host.pk, new_id))
        return None
    if len(new_id) > 255:
        # this should never happen
        logger.warn('Computed instance id "{}"" for host {}-{} is too long'.format(new_id_value, host.name, host.pk))
        return None
    return new_id_value
Example #10
def test_parse_yaml_or_json(input_, output):
    assert common.parse_yaml_or_json(input_) == output
Example #11
    def pod_definition(self):
        ee = self.task.instance.execution_environment

        default_pod_spec = get_default_pod_spec()

        pod_spec_override = {}
        if self.task and self.task.instance.instance_group.pod_spec_override:
            pod_spec_override = parse_yaml_or_json(
        # According to the deepmerge docstring, the second dictionary will override when
        # they share keys, which is the desired behavior.
        # This allows user to only provide elements they want to override, and for us to still provide any
        # defaults they don't want to change
        pod_spec = deepmerge(default_pod_spec, pod_spec_override)

        pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['image'] = ee.image
        pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['args'] = [
            'ansible-runner', 'worker', '--private-data-dir=/runner'

        # Enforce EE Pull Policy
        pull_options = {
            "always": "Always",
            "missing": "IfNotPresent",
            "never": "Never"
        if self.task and self.task.instance.execution_environment:
            if self.task.instance.execution_environment.pull:
                    'imagePullPolicy'] = pull_options[

        # This allows the user to also expose the isolated path list
        # to EEs running in k8s/ocp environments, i.e. container groups.
        # This assumes the node and SA supports hostPath volumes
        # type is not passed due to backward compatibility,
        # which means that no checks will be performed before mounting the hostPath volume.
            spec_volume_mounts = []
            spec_volumes = []

            for idx, this_path in enumerate(settings.AWX_ISOLATION_SHOW_PATHS):
                mount_option = None
                if this_path.count(':') == MAX_ISOLATED_PATH_COLON_DELIMITER:
                    src, dest, mount_option = this_path.split(':')
                elif this_path.count(
                        ':') == MAX_ISOLATED_PATH_COLON_DELIMITER - 1:
                    src, dest = this_path.split(':')
                    src = dest = this_path

                # Enforce read-only volume if 'ro' has been explicitly passed
                # We do this so we can use the same configuration for regular scenarios and k8s
                # Since flags like ':O', ':z' or ':Z' are not valid in the k8s realm
                # Example: /data:/data:ro
                read_only = bool('ro' == mount_option)

                # Since type is not being passed, k8s by default will not perform any checks if the
                # hostPath volume exists on the k8s node itself.
                    'name': f'volume-{idx}',
                    'hostPath': {
                        'path': src

                    'name': f'volume-{idx}',
                    'mountPath': f'{dest}',
                    'readOnly': read_only

            # merge any volumes definition already present in the pod_spec
            if 'volumes' in pod_spec['spec']:
                pod_spec['spec']['volumes'] += spec_volumes
                pod_spec['spec']['volumes'] = spec_volumes

            # merge any volumesMounts definition already present in the pod_spec
            if 'volumeMounts' in pod_spec['spec']['containers'][0]:
                    'volumeMounts'] += spec_volume_mounts
                    'volumeMounts'] = spec_volume_mounts

        if self.task and self.task.instance.is_container_group_task:
            # If EE credential is passed, create an imagePullSecret
            if self.task.instance.execution_environment and self.task.instance.execution_environment.credential:
                # Create pull secret in k8s cluster based on ee cred
                from awx.main.scheduler.kubernetes import PodManager  # prevent circular import

                pm = PodManager(self.task.instance)
                secret_name = pm.create_secret(job=self.task.instance)

                # Inject secret name into podspec
                pod_spec['spec']['imagePullSecrets'] = [{"name": secret_name}]

        if self.task:
            pod_spec['metadata'] = deepmerge(
                pod_spec.get('metadata', {}),
                         'ansible-awx': settings.INSTALL_UUID,
                         'ansible-awx-job-id': str(self.task.instance.id)

        return pod_spec