Example #1
    def _execute_command(kwargs):
        from msrest.paging import Paged
        from msrest.exceptions import ValidationError, ClientRequestError
        from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller
        from azure.cli.core._profile import Profile
        from azure.cli.command_modules.keyvault.keyvaultclient import \
            (KeyVaultClient, KeyVaultAuthentication)
        from azure.cli.command_modules.keyvault.keyvaultclient.generated import \
            (KeyVaultClient as BaseKeyVaultClient)
        from azure.cli.command_modules.keyvault.keyvaultclient.generated.models import \


            def get_token(server, resource, scope):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
                return Profile().get_login_credentials(
                    resource)[0]._token_retriever()  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            op = get_op_handler(operation)
            # since the convenience client can be inconvenient, we have to check and create the
            # correct client version
            if 'generated' in op.__module__:
                client = BaseKeyVaultClient(KeyVaultAuthentication(get_token))
                client = KeyVaultClient(KeyVaultAuthentication(get_token))  # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            result = op(client, **kwargs)

            # apply results transform if specified
            if transform_result:
                return _encode_hex(transform_result(result))

            # otherwise handle based on return type of results
            if isinstance(result, AzureOperationPoller):
                return _encode_hex(
                    LongRunningOperation('Starting {}'.format(name))(result))
            elif isinstance(result, Paged):
                    return _encode_hex(list(result))
                except TypeError:
                    # TODO: Workaround for an issue in either KeyVault server-side or msrest
                    # See https://github.com/Azure/autorest/issues/1309
                    return []
                return _encode_hex(result)
        except (ValidationError, KeyVaultErrorException) as ex:
                raise CLIError(ex.inner_exception.error.message)
            except AttributeError:
                raise CLIError(ex)
        except ClientRequestError as ex:
            if 'Failed to establish a new connection' in str(
                raise CLIError(
                    'Max retries exceeded attempting to connect to vault. '
                    'The vault may not exist or you may need to flush your DNS cache '
                    'and try again later.')
            raise CLIError(ex)
Example #2
 def completer(prefix, action, parsed_args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     client = KeyVaultClient(KeyVaultAuthentication(_get_token)) # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
     func_name = 'get_{}s'.format(resource_name)
     vault = parsed_args.vault_base_url
     items = []
     for y in list(getattr(client, func_name)(vault)):
         id_val = getattr(y, 'id', None) or getattr(y, 'kid', None)
         items.append(id_val.rsplit('/', 1)[1])
     return items
Example #3
    def _execute_command(kwargs):


            def get_token(server, resource, scope): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
                return Profile().get_login_credentials(resource)[0]._token_retriever() # pylint: disable=protected-access

            # since the convenience client can be inconvenient, we have to check and create the
            # correct client version
            if 'generated' in operation.__module__:
                client = BaseKeyVaultClient(KeyVaultAuthentication(get_token))
                client = KeyVaultClient(KeyVaultAuthentication(get_token)) # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            result = operation(client, **kwargs)

            # apply results transform if specified
            if transform_result:
                return _encode_hex(transform_result(result))

            # otherwise handle based on return type of results
            if isinstance(result, AzureOperationPoller):
                return _encode_hex(LongRunningOperation('Starting {}'.format(name))(result))
            elif isinstance(result, Paged):
                    return _encode_hex(list(result))
                except TypeError:
                    # TODO: Workaround for an issue in either KeyVault server-side or msrest
                    # See https://github.com/Azure/autorest/issues/1309
                    return []
                return _encode_hex(result)
        except (ValidationError, KeyVaultErrorException) as ex:
                raise CLIError(ex.inner_exception.error.message)
            except AttributeError:
                raise CLIError(ex)