class AzRotatingFileHandler(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler): from azure.cli.core._environment import get_config_dir from azure.cli.core._config import az_config ENABLED = az_config.getboolean('logging', 'enable_log_file', fallback=False) LOGFILE_DIR = os.path.expanduser( az_config.get('logging', 'log_dir', fallback=os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'logs'))) def __init__(self): logging_file_path = self.get_log_file_path() super(AzRotatingFileHandler, self).__init__(logging_file_path, maxBytes=10 * 1024 * 1024, backupCount=5) self.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(process)d : %(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s' )) self.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def get_log_file_path(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.LOGFILE_DIR): os.makedirs(self.LOGFILE_DIR) return os.path.join(self.LOGFILE_DIR, 'az.log')
def _execute_command(kwargs): if confirmation \ and not kwargs.get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, kwargs): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') client = client_factory(kwargs) if client_factory else None try: op = get_op_handler(operation) try: result = op(client, **kwargs) if client else op(**kwargs) if no_wait_param and kwargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None # return None for 'no-wait' # apply results transform if specified if transform_result: return transform_result(result) # otherwise handle based on return type of results if _is_poller(result): return LongRunningOperation( 'Starting {}'.format(name))(result) elif _is_paged(result): return list(result) return result except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except if exception_handler: exception_handler(ex) else: reraise(*sys.exc_info()) except _load_validation_error_class() as validation_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-validation-error' telemetry.set_exception(validation_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='SDK validation error') raise CLIError(validation_error) except _load_client_exception_class() as client_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-client-error' telemetry.set_exception( client_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected client exception during command creation') raise client_exception except _load_azure_exception_class() as azure_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-service-error' telemetry.set_exception( azure_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected azure exception during command creation') message ="([A-Za-z\t .])+", str(azure_exception)) raise CLIError('\n{}'.format( if message else str(azure_exception))) except ValueError as value_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-value-error' telemetry.set_exception( value_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected value exception during command creation') raise CLIError(value_error)
def _execute_command(kwargs): from msrest.paging import Paged from msrest.exceptions import ClientException from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller from azure.common import AzureException if confirmation \ and not kwargs.get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, kwargs): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') client = client_factory(kwargs) if client_factory else None try: op = get_op_handler(operation) result = op(client, **kwargs) if client else op(**kwargs) if no_wait_param and kwargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None # return None for 'no-wait' # apply results transform if specified if transform_result: return transform_result(result) # otherwise handle based on return type of results if isinstance(result, AzureOperationPoller): return LongRunningOperation('Starting {}'.format(name))(result) elif isinstance(result, Paged): return list(result) else: return result except ClientException as client_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-client-error' telemetry.set_exception( client_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected client exception during command creation') message = getattr(client_exception, 'message', client_exception) raise _polish_rp_not_registerd_error(CLIError(message)) except AzureException as azure_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-service-error' telemetry.set_exception( azure_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected azure exception during command creation') message ="([A-Za-z\t .])+", str(azure_exception)) raise CLIError('\n{}'.format( if message else str(azure_exception))) except ValueError as value_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-value-error' telemetry.set_exception( value_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected value exception during command creation') raise CLIError(value_error) except CLIError as cli_error: raise _polish_rp_not_registerd_error(cli_error)
def firsttime(self): """ sets it as already done""" self.config.set('DEFAULT', 'firsttime', 'no') if az_config.getboolean('core', 'collect_telemetry', fallback=False): print(PRIVACY_STATEMENT) else: set_global_config_value('core', 'collect_telemetry', ask_user_for_telemetry()) self.update()
def _execute_command(kwargs): if confirmation \ and not kwargs.get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, kwargs): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') client = client_factory(kwargs) if client_factory else None try: op = get_op_handler(operation) for _ in range(2): # for possible retry, we do maximum 2 times. try: result = op(client, **kwargs) if client else op(**kwargs) if no_wait_param and kwargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None # return None for 'no-wait' # apply results transform if specified if transform_result: return transform_result(result) # otherwise handle based on return type of results if _is_poller(result): return LongRunningOperation('Starting {}'.format(name))(result) elif _is_paged(result): return list(result) return result except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except rp = _check_rp_not_registered_err(ex) if rp: _register_rp(rp) continue # retry if exception_handler: exception_handler(ex) return else: reraise(*sys.exc_info()) except _load_validation_error_class() as validation_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-validation-error' telemetry.set_exception(validation_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='SDK validation error') raise CLIError(validation_error) except _load_client_exception_class() as client_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-client-error' telemetry.set_exception(client_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected client exception during command creation') raise client_exception except _load_azure_exception_class() as azure_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-service-error' telemetry.set_exception(azure_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected azure exception during command creation') message ="([A-Za-z\t .])+", str(azure_exception)) raise CLIError('\n{}'.format( if message else str(azure_exception))) except ValueError as value_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-value-error' telemetry.set_exception(value_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected value exception during command creation') raise CLIError(value_error)
def _execute_command(kwargs): from msrest.paging import Paged from msrest.exceptions import ClientException from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller from azure.common import AzureException if confirmation \ and not kwargs.get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, kwargs): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') client = client_factory(kwargs) if client_factory else None try: op = get_op_handler(operation) try: result = op(client, **kwargs) if client else op(**kwargs) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except if exception_handler: result = exception_handler(ex) else: raise ex if no_wait_param and kwargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None # return None for 'no-wait' # apply results transform if specified if transform_result: return transform_result(result) # otherwise handle based on return type of results if isinstance(result, AzureOperationPoller): return LongRunningOperation('Starting {}'.format(name))(result) elif isinstance(result, Paged): return list(result) else: return result except ClientException as client_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-client-error' telemetry.set_exception(client_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected client exception during command creation') message = getattr(client_exception, 'message', client_exception) raise _polish_rp_not_registerd_error(CLIError(message)) except AzureException as azure_exception: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-service-error' telemetry.set_exception(azure_exception, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected azure exception during command creation') message ="([A-Za-z\t .])+", str(azure_exception)) raise CLIError('\n{}'.format( if message else str(azure_exception))) except ValueError as value_error: fault_type = name.replace(' ', '-') + '-value-error' telemetry.set_exception(value_error, fault_type=fault_type, summary='Unexpected value exception during command creation') raise CLIError(value_error) except CLIError as cli_error: raise _polish_rp_not_registerd_error(cli_error)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import platform import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import colorama from azure.cli.core._environment import get_config_dir from azure.cli.core._config import az_config AZ_LOGFILE_NAME = 'az.log' DEFAULT_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'logs') ENABLE_LOG_FILE = az_config.getboolean('logging', 'enable_log_file', fallback=False) LOG_DIR = os.path.expanduser(az_config.get('logging', 'log_dir', fallback=DEFAULT_LOG_DIR)) CONSOLE_LOG_CONFIGS = [ # (default) { 'az': logging.WARNING, 'root': logging.CRITICAL, }, # --verbose { 'az': logging.INFO, 'root': logging.CRITICAL, }, # --debug {
def handler(args): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller if confirmation \ and not args.items().get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, args.items()): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') ordered_arguments = args.pop('ordered_arguments', []) for item in [ 'properties_to_add', 'properties_to_set', 'properties_to_remove' ]: if args[item]: raise CLIError("Unexpected '{}' was not empty.".format(item)) del args[item] try: client = factory() if factory else None except TypeError: client = factory(None) if factory else None getterargs = { key: val for key, val in args.items() if key in get_arguments_loader() } getter = get_op_handler(getter_op) try: if child_collection_prop_name: parent = getter(client, **getterargs) if client else getter( **getterargs) instance = _get_child(parent, child_collection_prop_name, args.get(child_arg_name), child_collection_key) else: parent = None instance = getter(client, **getterargs) if client else getter( **getterargs) # pass instance to the custom_function, if provided if custom_function_op: custom_function = get_op_handler(custom_function_op) custom_func_args = \ {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in function_arguments_loader()} if child_collection_prop_name: parent = custom_function(instance, parent, **custom_func_args) else: instance = custom_function(instance, **custom_func_args) # apply generic updates after custom updates setterargs = { key: val for key, val in args.items() if key in set_arguments_loader() } for arg in ordered_arguments: arg_type, arg_values = arg if arg_type == '--set': try: for expression in arg_values: set_properties(instance, expression) except ValueError: raise CLIError('invalid syntax: {}'.format(set_usage)) elif arg_type == '--add': try: add_properties(instance, arg_values) except ValueError: raise CLIError('invalid syntax: {}'.format(add_usage)) elif arg_type == '--remove': try: remove_properties(instance, arg_values) except ValueError: raise CLIError( 'invalid syntax: {}'.format(remove_usage)) # Done... update the instance! setterargs[ setter_arg_name] = parent if child_collection_prop_name else instance setter = get_op_handler(setter_op) opres = setter(client, **setterargs) if client else setter( **setterargs) if setterargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None result = opres.result() if isinstance( opres, AzureOperationPoller) else opres if child_collection_prop_name: result = _get_child(result, child_collection_prop_name, args.get(child_arg_name), child_collection_key) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except if exception_handler: result = exception_handler(ex) else: raise ex # apply results transform if specified if transform: return transform(result) return result
def has_feedback(self): """ returns whether user has given feedback """ return az_config.getboolean('core', 'given feedback', fallback='false')
import os import platform import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import colorama from azure.cli.core._environment import get_config_dir from azure.cli.core._config import az_config AZ_LOGFILE_NAME = 'az.log' DEFAULT_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'logs') ENABLE_LOG_FILE = az_config.getboolean('logging', 'enable_log_file', fallback=False) LOG_DIR = os.path.expanduser( az_config.get('logging', 'log_dir', fallback=DEFAULT_LOG_DIR)) CONSOLE_LOG_CONFIGS = [ # (default) { 'az': logging.WARNING, 'root': logging.CRITICAL, }, # --verbose { 'az': logging.INFO, 'root': logging.CRITICAL, },
def handler(args): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller if confirmation \ and not args.items().get(CONFIRM_PARAM_NAME) \ and not az_config.getboolean('core', 'disable_confirm_prompt', fallback=False) \ and not _user_confirmed(confirmation, args.items()): raise CLIError('Operation cancelled.') ordered_arguments = args.pop('ordered_arguments', []) for item in ['properties_to_add', 'properties_to_set', 'properties_to_remove']: if args[item]: raise CLIError("Unexpected '{}' was not empty.".format(item)) del args[item] try: client = factory() if factory else None except TypeError: client = factory(None) if factory else None getterargs = {key: val for key, val in args.items() if key in get_arguments_loader()} getter = get_op_handler(getter_op) try: if child_collection_prop_name: parent = getter(client, **getterargs) if client else getter(**getterargs) instance = _get_child( parent, child_collection_prop_name, args.get(child_arg_name), child_collection_key ) else: parent = None instance = getter(client, **getterargs) if client else getter(**getterargs) # pass instance to the custom_function, if provided if custom_function_op: custom_function = get_op_handler(custom_function_op) custom_func_args = \ {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in function_arguments_loader()} if child_collection_prop_name: parent = custom_function(instance, parent, **custom_func_args) else: instance = custom_function(instance, **custom_func_args) # apply generic updates after custom updates setterargs = {key: val for key, val in args.items() if key in set_arguments_loader()} for arg in ordered_arguments: arg_type, arg_values = arg if arg_type == '--set': try: for expression in arg_values: set_properties(instance, expression) except ValueError: raise CLIError('invalid syntax: {}'.format(set_usage)) elif arg_type == '--add': try: add_properties(instance, arg_values) except ValueError: raise CLIError('invalid syntax: {}'.format(add_usage)) elif arg_type == '--remove': try: remove_properties(instance, arg_values) except ValueError: raise CLIError('invalid syntax: {}'.format(remove_usage)) # Done... update the instance! setterargs[setter_arg_name] = parent if child_collection_prop_name else instance setter = get_op_handler(setter_op) opres = setter(client, **setterargs) if client else setter(**setterargs) if setterargs.get(no_wait_param, None): return None result = opres.result() if isinstance(opres, AzureOperationPoller) else opres if child_collection_prop_name: result = _get_child( result, child_collection_prop_name, args.get(child_arg_name), child_collection_key ) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except if exception_handler: result = exception_handler(ex) else: raise ex # apply results transform if specified if transform: return transform(result) return result
def user_agrees_to_telemetry(): return az_config.getboolean('core', 'collect_telemetry', fallback=True)
def show_privacy_statement(): from azure.cli.core._config import az_config, set_global_config_value first_ran = az_config.getboolean('core', 'first_run', fallback=False) if not first_ran: print(PRIVACY_STATEMENT, file=sys.stdout) set_global_config_value('core', 'first_run', 'yes')