async def test_key_rotation_policy(self, client, **kwargs):
        if (not is_public_cloud() and self.is_live):
            pytest.skip("This test not supprot in usgov/china region. Follow up with service team.")

        key_name = self.get_resource_name("rotation-key")
        await self._create_rsa_key(client, key_name)

        actions = [KeyRotationLifetimeAction(KeyRotationPolicyAction.ROTATE, time_after_create="P2M")]
        updated_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name, lifetime_actions=actions)
        fetched_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert updated_policy.expires_in is None
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(updated_policy, fetched_policy)

        updated_policy_actions = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        fetched_policy_actions = fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        assert updated_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.ROTATE
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_after_create == "P2M"
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_before_expiry is None
        _assert_lifetime_actions_equal(updated_policy_actions, fetched_policy_actions)

        new_actions = [KeyRotationLifetimeAction(KeyRotationPolicyAction.NOTIFY, time_before_expiry="P30D")]
        new_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name, expires_in="P90D", lifetime_actions=new_actions)
        new_fetched_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert new_policy.expires_in == "P90D"
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(new_policy, new_fetched_policy)

        new_policy_actions = new_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        new_fetched_policy_actions = new_fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        assert new_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.NOTIFY
        assert new_policy_actions.time_after_create is None
        assert new_policy_actions.time_before_expiry == "P30D"
        _assert_lifetime_actions_equal(new_policy_actions, new_fetched_policy_actions)
    async def test_key_rotation_policy(self, client, **kwargs):
        key_name = self.get_resource_name("rotation-key")
        await self._create_rsa_key(client, key_name)

        actions = [
        updated_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(
            key_name, lifetime_actions=actions)
        fetched_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert updated_policy.expires_in is None
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(updated_policy, fetched_policy)

        updated_policy_actions = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        fetched_policy_actions = fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        assert updated_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.ROTATE
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_after_create == "P2M"
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_before_expiry is None

        new_actions = [
        new_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(
            key_name, expires_in="P90D", lifetime_actions=new_actions)
        new_fetched_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert new_policy.expires_in == "P90D"
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(new_policy, new_fetched_policy)

        new_policy_actions = new_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        new_fetched_policy_actions = new_fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
        assert new_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.NOTIFY
        assert new_policy_actions.time_after_create is None
        assert new_policy_actions.time_before_expiry == "P30D"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Instantiate a key client that will be used to call the service.
# Here we use the DefaultAzureCredential, but any azure-identity credential can be used.
VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"]
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = KeyClient(vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential)

# First, create a key
key_name = "rotation-sample-key"
key = client.create_rsa_key(key_name)
print("\nCreated a key; new version is {}".format(

# Set the key's automated rotation policy to rotate the key two months after the key was created
actions = [
updated_policy = client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name,

# The created policy should only have one action
assert len(updated_policy.lifetime_actions
           ) == 1, "There should be exactly one rotation policy action"
policy_action = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
print("\nCreated a new key rotation policy: {} after {}".format(
    policy_action.action, policy_action.time_after_create))

# Get the key's current rotation policy
current_policy = client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
policy_action = current_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
print("\nCurrent rotation policy: {} after {}".format(
async def run_sample():
    # Instantiate a key client that will be used to call the service.
    # Here we use the DefaultAzureCredential, but any azure-identity credential can be used.
    VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"]
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    client = KeyClient(vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential)

    # First, create a key
    key_name = "rotation-sample-key"
    key = await client.create_rsa_key(key_name)
    print("\nCreated a key; new version is {}".format(

    # Set the key's automated rotation policy to rotate the key two months after the key was created
    actions = [
    updated_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(
        key_name, lifetime_actions=actions)

    # The created policy should only have one action
    assert len(updated_policy.lifetime_actions
               ) == 1, "There should be exactly one rotation policy action"
    policy_action = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
    print("\nCreated a new key rotation policy: {} after {}".format(
        policy_action.action, policy_action.time_after_create))

    # Get the key's current rotation policy
    current_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
    policy_action = current_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
    print("\nCurrent rotation policy: {} after {}".format(
        policy_action.action, policy_action.time_after_create))

    # Update the key's automated rotation policy to notify 30 days before the key expires
    new_actions = [
    # You may also specify the duration after which the newly rotated key will expire
    # In this example, any new key versions will expire after 90 days
    new_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(
        key_name, expires_in="P90D", lifetime_actions=new_actions)

    # The updated policy should only have one action
    assert len(new_policy.lifetime_actions
               ) == 1, "There should be exactly one rotation policy action"
    policy_action = new_policy.lifetime_actions[0]
    print("\nUpdated rotation policy: {} {} before expiry".format(
        policy_action.action, policy_action.time_before_expiry))

    # Finally, you can rotate a key on-demand by creating a new version of the key
    rotated_key = await client.rotate_key(key_name)
    print("\nRotated the key on-demand; new version is {}".format(

    # To clean up, delete the key
    await client.delete_key(key_name)
    print("\nDeleted the key")

    await credential.close()
    await client.close()
    def test_key_rotation_policy(self, client, **kwargs):
        if (not is_public_cloud() and self.is_live):
                "This test not supprot in usgov/china region. Follow up with service team."

        key_name = self.get_resource_name("rotation-key")
        self._create_rsa_key(client, key_name)

        # ensure passing an empty policy with no kwargs doesn't raise an error
        client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name, KeyRotationPolicy())

        # updating a rotation policy with an empty policy and override
        actions = [
        updated_policy = client.update_key_rotation_policy(
            key_name, KeyRotationPolicy(), lifetime_actions=actions)
        fetched_policy = client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert updated_policy.expires_in is None
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(updated_policy, fetched_policy)

        updated_policy_actions = None
        for i in range(len(updated_policy.lifetime_actions)):
            if updated_policy.lifetime_actions[
                    i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
                updated_policy_actions = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
        assert updated_policy_actions, "Specified rotation policy action not found in updated policy"
        assert updated_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_after_create == "P2M"
        assert updated_policy_actions.time_before_expiry is None

        fetched_policy_actions = None
        for i in range(len(fetched_policy.lifetime_actions)):
            if fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[
                    i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
                fetched_policy_actions = fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
        assert fetched_policy_actions, "Specified rotation policy action not found in fetched policy"

        # updating with a round-tripped policy and overriding expires_in
        new_policy = client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name,
        assert new_policy.expires_in == "P90D"

        new_policy_actions = None
        for i in range(len(new_policy.lifetime_actions)):
            if new_policy.lifetime_actions[
                    i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
                new_policy_actions = new_policy.lifetime_actions[i]

        # updating with a round-tripped policy and overriding lifetime_actions
        newest_actions = [
        newest_policy = client.update_key_rotation_policy(
            key_name, policy=new_policy, lifetime_actions=newest_actions)
        newest_fetched_policy = client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
        assert newest_policy.expires_in == "P90D"
        _assert_rotation_policies_equal(newest_policy, newest_fetched_policy)

        newest_policy_actions = None
        for i in range(len(newest_policy.lifetime_actions)):
            if newest_policy.lifetime_actions[
                    i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.notify:
                newest_policy_actions = newest_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
        assert newest_policy_actions.action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.notify
        assert newest_policy_actions.time_after_create is None
        assert newest_policy_actions.time_before_expiry == "P60D"

        newest_fetched_policy_actions = None
        for i in range(len(newest_fetched_policy.lifetime_actions)):
            if newest_fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[
                    i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.notify:
                newest_fetched_policy_actions = newest_fetched_policy.lifetime_actions[
async def run_sample():
    # Instantiate a key client that will be used to call the service.
    # Here we use the DefaultAzureCredential, but any azure-identity credential can be used.
    VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"]
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    client = KeyClient(vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential)

    # First, create a key
    key_name = "rotation-sample-key"
    key = await client.create_rsa_key(key_name)
    print("\nCreated a key; new version is {}".format(

    # Set the key's automated rotation policy to rotate the key two months after the key was created.
    # If you pass an empty KeyRotationPolicy() as the `policy` parameter, the rotation policy will be set to the
    # default policy. Any keyword arguments will update specified properties of the policy.
    actions = [KeyRotationLifetimeAction(KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate, time_after_create="P2M")]
    updated_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(
        key_name, KeyRotationPolicy(), expires_in="P90D", lifetime_actions=actions
    assert updated_policy.expires_in == "P90D"

    # The updated policy should have the specified lifetime action
    policy_action = None
    for i in range(len(updated_policy.lifetime_actions)):
        if updated_policy.lifetime_actions[i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
            policy_action = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
    assert policy_action, "The specified action should exist in the key rotation policy"
    assert policy_action.time_after_create == "P2M", "The action should have the specified time_after_create"
    assert policy_action.time_before_expiry is None, "The action shouldn't have a time_before_expiry"
        "\nCreated a new key rotation policy: {} after {}".format(policy_action.action, policy_action.time_after_create)

    # Get the key's current rotation policy
    current_policy = await client.get_key_rotation_policy(key_name)
    policy_action = None
    for i in range(len(current_policy.lifetime_actions)):
        if current_policy.lifetime_actions[i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
            policy_action = current_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
    print("\nCurrent rotation policy: {} after {}".format(policy_action.action, policy_action.time_after_create))

    # Update the key's automated rotation policy to notify 10 days before the key expires
    new_actions = [KeyRotationLifetimeAction(KeyRotationPolicyAction.notify, time_before_expiry="P10D")]
    # To preserve an existing rotation policy, pass in the existing policy as the `policy` parameter.
    # Any property specified as a keyword argument will be overridden completely by the provided value.
    # In this case, the rotate action we created earlier will be removed from the policy.
    new_policy = await client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name, current_policy, lifetime_actions=new_actions)
    assert new_policy.expires_in == "P90D", "The key's expiry time should have been preserved"

    # The updated policy should include the new notify action
    notify_action = None
    for i in range(len(new_policy.lifetime_actions)):
        if new_policy.lifetime_actions[i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.notify:
            notify_action = new_policy.lifetime_actions[i]

    assert notify_action, "The specified action should exist in the key rotation policy"
    assert notify_action.time_after_create is None, "The action shouldn't have a time_after_create"
    assert notify_action.time_before_expiry == "P10D", "The action should have the specified time_before_expiry"
    print("\nNew policy action: {} {} before expiry".format(notify_action.action, notify_action.time_before_expiry))

    # Finally, you can rotate a key on-demand by creating a new version of the key
    rotated_key = await client.rotate_key(key_name)
    print("\nRotated the key on-demand; new version is {}".format(

    # To clean up, delete the key
    await client.delete_key(key_name)
    print("\nDeleted the key")

    await credential.close()
    await client.close()
# Instantiate a key client that will be used to call the service.
# Here we use the DefaultAzureCredential, but any azure-identity credential can be used.
VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"]
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = KeyClient(vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential)

# First, create a key
key_name = "rotation-sample-key"
key = client.create_rsa_key(key_name)
print("\nCreated a key; new version is {}".format(

# Set the key's automated rotation policy to rotate the key two months after the key was created.
# If you pass an empty KeyRotationPolicy() as the `policy` parameter, the rotation policy will be set to the
# default policy. Any keyword arguments will update specified properties of the policy.
actions = [
updated_policy = client.update_key_rotation_policy(key_name,
assert updated_policy.expires_in == "P90D"

# The updated policy should have the specified lifetime action
policy_action = None
for i in range(len(updated_policy.lifetime_actions)):
    if updated_policy.lifetime_actions[
            i].action == KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate:
        policy_action = updated_policy.lifetime_actions[i]
assert policy_action, "The specified action should exist in the key rotation policy"
assert policy_action.time_after_create == "P2M", "The action should have the specified time_after_create"