def checkQueue(aName,aKey,aQueue): while 1: try: queue_service = QueueService(account_name=aName, account_key=aKey) except: print "Could not connect to queue" else: try: queue_metadata = queue_service.get_queue_metadata(aQueue) except: print "Could not find queue" else: try: count = queue_metadata['x-ms-approximate-messages-count'] print aQueue + " queue is empty" if int(count) > 0: print "Messages in " + aQueue + " queue: " + count messages = queue_service.get_messages(aQueue) for message in messages: print "Message " + message.message_id + " : " + message.message_text queue_service.delete_message(aQueue, message.message_id, message.pop_receipt) except: print "Could not read queue" time.sleep(15)
def message(self): try: queue_service = QueueService(account_name='portalvhdspbrd34f2fnbl',account_key='y48JkXg+VcHQRCgsylJf4xV4Fd0AuJNkQKSwGhAR+BppHnFhkI+UHPOS/oYaTo0rqFCGQkEBW+thNFZNB9W8yg==') #queue_service.create_queue('taskqueue') self.messages = queue_service.get_messages('taskqueue') for message in messages: ''' print(message.message_text)''' self.queue_service.delete_message('taskqueue', message.message_id, message.pop_receipt) except: pass return self.messages
def connect_sqs(self): try: self.q = QueueService(account_name=self.key['AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME'], account_key=self.key['AZURE_ACCESS_KEY']) self.q.create_queue(self.q_name) return self.q except: logging.critical(_("Connection Failure: possibly bad key")) return None
def checkQueue(aName, aKey, aQueue): while 1: try: queue_service = QueueService(account_name=aName, account_key=aKey) except Exception as e: print "Could not connect to queue" else: try: queue_metadata = queue_service.get_queue_metadata(aQueue) except Exception as e: print "Could not find queue" else: try: count = queue_metadata['x-ms-approximate-messages-count'] print aQueue + " queue is empty" if int(count) > 0: print "Messages in " + aQueue + " queue: " + count messages = queue_service.get_messages(aQueue) for message in messages: print "Message " + message.message_id + " : " + message.message_text queue_service.delete_message( aQueue, message.message_id, message.pop_receipt) except Exception as e: print "Could not read queue " + str(e) time.sleep(15)
# Get queue credentials # accountName = environ["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT"] with open ("ASA.key", "r") as myfile:'\n', '') # accountKey = environ["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY"] with open ("ASK.key", "r") as myfile:'\n', '') # Create blob service blob_service = BlobService( account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey ) blob_service.create_container( blob_container ) blob_service.create_container( blob_analysis ) # Open queue with given credentials queue_service = QueueService( account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey ) # Open table service table_service = TableService( account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey ) # Analysis results results = None # Regions for analysis region = 4 # Repeat while(True): # get images form *imagesQueue* - it is invoked by CRON messages = queue_service.get_messages( imagesQueue ) if len(messages) == 0:
class Azure(): def __init__(self): self.tbl_name = 'alxserver' self.tbl_net = "net" self.tbl_info = "info" self.tbl_node = "node" self.q_name = 'alxserver' self.msg_delete_ids = {self.q_name: {}, } self.msg_no_process = {self.q_name: {}, } self.msg_template = {"from": "", "from-ip": "", "to": "", "cmd": "", } self.msg_key_na = _('Key not available') self.msg_ttl = 60 * 60 self.msg_delete_ids_ttl = 60 * 60 * 3 try: key = alxlib.key.Key() if os.path.isfile(key.get_path()): sys.path.insert(0, key.get_dir()) import alxkey self.key = alxkey.alxkey_azure self.tbl = TableService(account_name=self.key['AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME'], account_key=self.key['AZURE_ACCESS_KEY']) else: raise (self.msg_key_na) except: raise (self.msg_key_na) # Connection def connect_sqs(self): try: self.q = QueueService(account_name=self.key['AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME'], account_key=self.key['AZURE_ACCESS_KEY']) self.q.create_queue(self.q_name) return self.q except: logging.critical(_("Connection Failure: possibly bad key")) return None # msg def msg_get_all(self): try: self.connect_sqs() msgs = self.q.peek_messages(self.q_name, numofmessages=16) queue_metadata = self.q.get_queue_metadata(self.q_name) count = queue_metadata['x-ms-approximate-messages-count']"Checking queue {0}, {1} message".format(self.q_name, count)) if count == 0: return None else: return msgs except Exception as e: logging.critical(_("MSG check error")) return None def msg_send(self, dict): try: self.connect_sqs() body = self.msg_encode(dict) self.q.put_message(self.q_name, body, messagettl=self.msg_ttl) #print(encode.decode()) except Exception as e: logging.critical(_("Message creation failure: msg_send()")) def msg_encode(self, dict): try: j = json.dumps(dict, ensure_ascii=False) body = base64.b64encode(j.encode()).decode() return body except Exception as e: logging.critical(_("Message creation failure: msg_encode()")) def msg_decode(self, body): try: dict = eval(base64.b64decode(body.encode()).decode()) return dict except: logging.critical(_("Message decode failure: msg_decode()")) return None def msg_delete(self): try: if len(self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name]) > 0: self.connect_sqs() msgs = self.q.get_messages(self.q_name, numofmessages=16) for msg in msgs: if self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name].get(msg.message_id, None) is not None: self.q.delete_message(self.q_name, msg.message_id, msg.pop_receipt) del self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name][msg.message_id]"Deleting msg {0}".format(msg.message_id)) for key, value in self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name].items(): seconds = ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.get_timestamp_now()) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float(value))).seconds if seconds > self.msg_delete_ids_ttl: del self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name][key] except: logging.critical(_("Message delete failure: msg_delete()")) def process_my_msg(self, func, msgs): try: if msgs is not None: for msg in msgs: body = msg.message_text if body is not None: dict = self.msg_decode(body) if dict["to"] == "*" or dict["to"] == format(socket.gethostname()): if self.msg_no_process[self.q_name].get(msg.message_id, None) is None: self.msg_no_process[self.q_name][msg.message_id] = dict['creation-time'] func(msg, dict) else: logging.debug("Ignore msg ...{0}".format(msg.message_id)) except BaseException as e: logging.critical(_("MSG process error: process_my_msg() {0}").format(e)) #Server def server_run(self): while True: try: self.update_net() """ msgs = self.msg_get_all() self.process_my_msg(lambda x, y: self.server_msg_process(x, y), msgs) time.sleep(int(self.key["AZURE_POLL"])) self.msg_delete() for key, value in self.msg_no_process[self.q_name].items(): seconds = ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.get_timestamp_now()) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float(value))).seconds if seconds > self.msg_delete_ids_ttl: del self.msg_no_process[self.q_name][key] logging.debug("msg_no_process->{0}".format(self.msg_no_process))""" except Exception as e: logging.critical("server_run->while {0}".format(e)) #print(e) raise () def server_msg_process(self, msg, dict): try: if dict["cmd"] == "ping":"Processing ... {0}".format(msg.message_id)) self.pong_send(dict["from"], msg.message_id) if dict["to"] == format(socket.gethostname()): #self.q.delete_message(self.q_name, msg.message_id, msg.pop_receipt) self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name][msg.message_id] = dict['creation-time'] except BaseException as e: logging.critical(_("MSG process error: server_cmd() {0}").format(e)) #Client def client_print(self): try: msgs = self.msg_get_all() self.process_my_msg(lambda x, y: self.client_msg_process(x, y), msgs) self.msg_delete() #time.sleep(5) except: raise () def client_msg_process(self, msg, dict): try: if dict["cmd"] == "pong": self.msg_delete_ids[self.q_name][msg.message_id] = dict['creation-time'] #self.q.delete_message(self.q_name, msg.message_id, msg.pop_receipt) import datetime print("reply\t\t{0}\t\t{1}\t\t{2}".format(dict["from"], dict["from-ip"], self.get_time(float(dict['creation-time'])) )) logging.debug("client_msg_process creation-time {0}".format(dict['creation-time'])) #print(self.get_time(msg.attributes['ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp'])) #print(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time(int(msg.attributes["ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp"]))).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) except BaseException as e: logging.critical(_("MSG process error: client_msg_process() {0}").format(e)) #cmd def ping(self, count, timeout): self.connect_sqs() print(_("Sending ping ...")) self.ping_send(count) print(_("Waiting for reply ...")) time.sleep(timeout) self.client_print() print(_("Timeout")) def ping_send(self, count): try: import copy, dict = copy.deepcopy(self.msg_template) dict["from"] = format(socket.gethostname()) dict["from-ip"] = dict["to"] = "*" dict["cmd"] = "ping" dict["creation-time"] = str(self.get_timestamp_now()) for i in range(0, count): self.msg_send(dict) except Exception as e: logging.critical(_("Message creation failure: ping_send()")) def pong_send(self, to, replyToId): try: import copy, dict = copy.deepcopy(self.msg_template) dict["from"] = format(socket.gethostname()) dict["from-ip"] = dict["to"] = to dict["reply-to-id"] = replyToId dict["cmd"] = "pong" dict['creation-time'] = str(self.get_timestamp_now()) self.msg_send(dict) except: logging.critical(_("Message creation failure")) #helper def get_time(self, timestamp): try: return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(timestamp)) except: return "" def get_timestamp_now(self): return time.time() #table def tbl_update(self, name, p, r, d): try: d["updatetime"] = str(self.get_timestamp_now()) self.tbl.create_table(name) self.tbl.insert_or_merge_entity(name, p, r, d) except Exception as e: logging.critical("Error update_tbl {0}".format(e)) def tbl_row_query(self, name, q, n=1000, next_partition_key_=None, next_row_key_=None): try: self.tbl.create_table(name) rows = self.tbl.query_entities(name, filter=q, top=n, next_partition_key=next_partition_key_, next_row_key=next_row_key_) return rows except Exception as e: return None def entity2dict(self, e): try: keys = dir(e) d = {} for key in keys: d[key] = getattr(e, key, "") return d except: return None def update_net(self): try: info = Info().get_all() self.tbl_update(self.tbl_name, self.tbl_net, info["hostname"], info) except: logging.warning("Error update_net") def wrap_text(self, text, max_width): if text is not None: from textwrap import wrap return '\n'.join(wrap(text, max_width)) else: return "" def print_list(self): try: rows = self.tbl_row_query(self.tbl_name, "PartitionKey eq 'net'") #print(dir(row)) from colorclass import Color, Windows from terminaltables import AsciiTable Windows.enable(auto_colors=True, reset_atexit=True) table_data = [[Color('{autocyan}Hostname'), Color('{autocyan}Last Reply'), Color('{autocyan}IP'), Color('{autocyan}OS'), Color('{autocyan}OS Release'), Color('{autocyan}OS Version'), Color('{autocyan}System'), Color('{autocyan}Processor'), ] ] max_wrap=10 for row in rows: #d = self.entity2dict(row) d = row.__dict__ time = alxlib.time_help.format_from_timestamp(d['Timestamp']) li = [d['hostname'], time, d['ip'], d['os'], d['osrelease'], self.wrap_text(d['osversion'], max_wrap), d["system"], self.wrap_text(d["processor"], max_wrap), ] table_data.append(li) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.table_data = table_data print(table.table) except Exception as e: logging.warning("Error print_list") print(e)
import time from helperFunctions import * from import Entity, QueueService #import spidev CHANGE THIS BACK ON FOR PI DEPLOYMENT #spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0) myaccount = getAccount() mykey = getKey() queue_service = QueueService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service.create_queue('mlqueue') i = 0 periods = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') #def analog_read(channel): # r = spi.xfer2([1, (8 + channel) << 4, 0]) # adc_out = ((r[1]&3) << 8) + r[2] # return adc_out #a_r = analog_read a_r = generateRandom
from import TableService, Entity, QueueService import time import redis import spidev from tokens import * spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0) myaccount = getAccount() mykey = getKey() #table_service = TableService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service = QueueService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service.create_queue('acceldata') i = 0 #TableSlotList = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, $ periods = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') #table_service.insert_or_replace_entity(accel2, accel, tableSlot, periodSlot) record = {} #records = {'aX': generateX(),'aY': generateY(),'aZ': generateZ(),'bX': generateX(),'bY': generateY(),'bZ': generateZ(), 'cX': generateX(),'$ def analog_read(channel):
from import TableService, Entity, QueueService import time import redis from tokens import * from helperFUNctions import * myaccount = getAccount() mykey = getKey() table_service = TableService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service = QueueService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service.create_queue(getQueueName()) i = 0 TableSlotList = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) periods = ("a", "b", "c", "d") # table_service.insert_or_replace_entity(accel2, accel, tableSlot, periodSlot) record = {} def analog_read(channel): if channel == 0: return generateRandom("x") if channel == 1: return generateRandom("y") if channel == 2:
def get_storage_account_name(): return STORAGE_ACCOUNT def get_storage_account_key(): return STORAGE_KEY def get_account_sid(): return ACCOUNT_SID def get_auth_token(): return AUTH_TOKEN def get_twilio_number(): return TWILIO_SANDBOX_NUMBER def get_phone_number(): return MY_PHONE_NUMBER account_name = get_storage_account_name() account_key = get_storage_account_key() working_queue = get_working_queue() queue_service = QueueService(account_name, account_key) def get_state_managed_queue(): messages = queue_service.get_messages(working_queue) for message in messages: print(message.message_text) queue_service.delete_message(working_queue, message.message_id, message.pop_receipt) return str(message.message_text)
# Get queue credentials # accountName = environ["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT"] with open("ASA.key", "r") as myfile: accountName ='\n', '') # accountKey = environ["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY"] with open("ASK.key", "r") as myfile: accountKey ='\n', '') # Create blob service blob_service = BlobService(account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey) blob_service.create_container(blob_small) blob_service.create_container(blob_big) blob_service.create_container(blob_analysis) # Open queue with given credentials queue_service = QueueService(account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey) # Open table service table_service = TableService(account_name=accountName, account_key=accountKey) # Repeat while (True): # get images form *imagesQueue* - it is invoked by CRON messages = queue_service.get_messages(imagesQueue) if len(messages) == 0: sleep(15) for message in messages: # get image: image ID imgBlobName = b64decode(message.message_text) print(imgBlobName)
def __init__(self, initdir=None): self.queue_service = QueueService(account_name='barttuesday2', account_key='djfmQs5bJjtA7Oinbzf5vn89iQf6EGdP6DTNAIS30Qc9xqllP1ifgJFtWE8YHs5SobyOl5Kk1xepaPbbyagNPg==') self.sw_queue = self.queue_service.create_queue('swqueue') = Tk() self.label = Label(, text='my Messages') self.label.pack() self.cwd = StringVar( self.dirl = Label(, fg='blue', font=('Helvietica', 12, 'bold')) self.dirl.pack() self.dirfm = Frame( self.dirsb = Scrollbar(self.dirfm) self.dirsb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.dirs = Listbox(self.dirfm, height=35, width=100, yscrollcommand=self.dirsb.set) self.dirs.bind('<Double-1>', self.setDirAndGo) self.dirsb.config(command=self.dirs.yview) self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.dirfm.pack() self.dirn = Entry(, width=50, textvariable=self.cwd) self.dirn.bind('<Return>', self.doLS); self.dirn.pack() self.bfm = Frame( self.clr = Button(self.bfm, text='Clear', command=self.clrDir, activeforeground='white', activebackground='blue') = Button(self.bfm, text='List Messages', command=self.doLS, activeforeground='white', activebackground='green') = Button(self.bfm, text='Send Message', command=self.doSM, activeforeground='white', activebackground='green') self.quit = Button(self.bfm, text='Quit',, activeforeground='white', activebackground='red') self.clr.pack(side=LEFT) self.quit.pack(side=LEFT) self.bfm.pack() if initdir: self.cwd.set(os.curdir) self.doLS()
class TodoList(object): def __init__(self, initdir=None): self.queue_service = QueueService(account_name='barttuesday2', account_key='djfmQs5bJjtA7Oinbzf5vn89iQf6EGdP6DTNAIS30Qc9xqllP1ifgJFtWE8YHs5SobyOl5Kk1xepaPbbyagNPg==') self.sw_queue = self.queue_service.create_queue('swqueue') = Tk() self.label = Label(, text='my Messages') self.label.pack() self.cwd = StringVar( self.dirl = Label(, fg='blue', font=('Helvietica', 12, 'bold')) self.dirl.pack() self.dirfm = Frame( self.dirsb = Scrollbar(self.dirfm) self.dirsb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.dirs = Listbox(self.dirfm, height=35, width=100, yscrollcommand=self.dirsb.set) self.dirs.bind('<Double-1>', self.setDirAndGo) self.dirsb.config(command=self.dirs.yview) self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.dirfm.pack() self.dirn = Entry(, width=50, textvariable=self.cwd) self.dirn.bind('<Return>', self.doLS); self.dirn.pack() self.bfm = Frame( self.clr = Button(self.bfm, text='Clear', command=self.clrDir, activeforeground='white', activebackground='blue') = Button(self.bfm, text='List Messages', command=self.doLS, activeforeground='white', activebackground='green') = Button(self.bfm, text='Send Message', command=self.doSM, activeforeground='white', activebackground='green') self.quit = Button(self.bfm, text='Quit',, activeforeground='white', activebackground='red') self.clr.pack(side=LEFT) self.quit.pack(side=LEFT) self.bfm.pack() if initdir: self.cwd.set(os.curdir) self.doLS() def clrDir(self, ev=None): self.dirs.delete(0, END) self.cwd.set('') self.queue_service.clear_messages('swqueue') self.queue_service.put_message('swqueue', 'learn queues, tables and blobs on azure') self.queue_service.put_message('swqueue', 'research DRM format and implement in dbg ext') self.queue_service.put_message('swqueue', 'buy island in France') def setDirAndGo(self, ev=None): top = Toplevel() top.title("About this application...") msg = Message(top, text="message details") msg.pack() button = Button(top, text="Dismiss", command=top.destroy) button.pack() pass def doSM(self, ev=None): msg = self.dirn.get() print("put message ", msg); self.queue_service.put_message('swqueue', msg) def doLS(self, ev=None): result = self.queue_service.get_messages('swqueue', numofmessages=7) print("Number of messages: ", len(result)) for message in result: msg = message.insertion_time + ": " + message.message_text self.dirs.insert(END, msg) #self.queue_service.update_message('swqueue', message.message_id, message.message_text, visibilitytimeout=0, ) self.dirs.config(selectbackground='LightSkyBlue')
import time from helperFUNctions import * from import Entity, QueueService # import spidev CHANGE THIS BACK ON FOR PI DEPLOYMENT # spi = spidev.SpiDev() #,0) myaccount = getAccount() mykey = getKey() queue_service = QueueService(account_name=myaccount, account_key=mykey) queue_service.create_queue("mlqueue") i = 0 periods = ("a", "b", "c", "d") # def analog_read(channel): # r = spi.xfer2([1, (8 + channel) << 4, 0]) # adc_out = ((r[1]&3) << 8) + r[2] # return adc_out # a_r = analog_read a_r = generateRandom
from import TableService from import QueueService import time import string account_name = "tr15sharemyphoto" storage_key = "4yhu8YT3Y6A3do0s+anHFAX6ZUA11V2NJJNhjmJc0iAgSLW8Xwk3QvVQn2Um+hgMmO+vGf0UFd2zOo8K63PD4w==" queue_service = QueueService(account_name, storage_key) table_service = TableService(account_name, storage_key) tags = ('pillow', 'soft', 'white') def tag_text(text): t = [] words = string.split(text, " ") for w in words: if w in tags: t.append(w) ret = set(t) print "keywords: " print ret return ret def tag_table_entry(rowKey, entry): tags = tag_text(entry.title + " " + entry.message)