return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print( f'Usage: {__file__} container_name\n\nWill list all files in container "container_name" with tier and size' ) exit(1) load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) AZURE_URL, AZURE_KEY = os.getenv("AZURE_URL"), os.getenv("AZURE_KEY") SERVICE = azure_client.connect_service(AZURE_URL, AZURE_KEY) CONTAINER = azure_client.connect_container(SERVICE, sys.argv[1], create=False) BLOB_INFO = azure_client.get_blob_list_information(CONTAINER) TABLE = prettytable.PrettyTable() TABLE.field_names = ['Filename', 'Tier', 'Size'] TABLE.align = 'l' total_size = 0 for fn, bt, sz in BLOB_INFO: total_size += sz fn = '.../' + fn[-75:] if len(fn) > 75 else fn TABLE.add_row([fn, bt, human_readable(sz)]) TABLE.add_row(['TOTALS', 'NA', human_readable(total_size)])
PARSER.add_argument('--strip-base-folder', '-s', action='store_true') PARSER.add_argument('--workers', '-w', default=1, type=int) PARSER.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true') PARSER.add_argument('--logfile', '-l') ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() if ARGS.logfile: handler = logging.FileHandler(ARGS.logfile) handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) if ARGS.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) SERVICE = azure_client.connect_service(AZURE_URL, AZURE_KEY) CONTAINER = azure_client.connect_container(SERVICE, ARGS.container) BLOB_FILENAMES = azure_client.get_blob_manifest(CONTAINER) # Getting the folders filenames and stripping absoulte paths for upload to azure, # cutting of first folder name if flagged. Added this flag since the container might be named the same as the folder # and then it would be silly to have a container named like movies with the only folder being movies in it. ABS_FOLDER = pathlib.Path(ARGS.folder) BASE_ABS_FOLDER = pathlib.Path(ARGS.folder).parents[0] file_list = [z for z in [ y for x in os.walk(ARGS.folder) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*'))] if not os.path.isdir(z)] if ARGS.folder.startswith('/'): FINAL_FOLDER = str(pathlib.Path(ARGS.folder)).split(str(BASE_ABS_FOLDER) + os.sep)[1] azure_filename_list = [ x.split(str(BASE_ABS_FOLDER) + os.sep)[-1] for x in file_list] if ARGS.strip_base_folder:
from azure_client.logger import log, formatter PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Rehydrate/dehydrate an archive blob') PARSER.add_argument('--container', '-c', required=True) PARSER.add_argument('--tier', '-t', default='Cool') PARSER.add_argument('--priority', '-p', default='Standard') PARSER.add_argument('--workers', '-w', default=1, type=int) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) AZURE_URL, AZURE_KEY = os.getenv("AZURE_URL"), os.getenv("AZURE_KEY") SERVICE = azure_client.connect_service(AZURE_URL, AZURE_KEY) CONTAINER = azure_client.connect_container(SERVICE, ARGS.container, create=False) BLOB_FILENAMES = azure_client.get_blob_manifest(CONTAINER) q = queue.Queue() def worker(): while True: try: file = q.get() BLOB = CONTAINER.get_blob_client(file) BLOB_INFO = BLOB.get_blob_properties() if BLOB_INFO.blob_tier == ARGS.tier:'File {file} is already at tier {ARGS.tier}') q.task_done()