Example #1
    def load_module(self, name, extra_path=None):
        """Load a Python module that should be useable from Jamfiles.

        There are generally two types of modules Jamfiles might want to
        - Core Boost.Build. Those are imported using plain names, e.g.
        'toolset', so this function checks if we have module named
        b2.package.module already.
        - Python modules in the same directory as Jamfile. We don't
        want to even temporary add Jamfile's directory to sys.path,
        since then we might get naming conflicts between standard
        Python modules and those.

        # See if we loaded module of this name already
        existing = self.loaded_tool_modules_.get(name)
        if existing:
            return existing

        # See if we have a module b2.whatever.<name>, where <name>
        # is what is passed to this function
        modules = sys.modules
        for class_name in modules:
            parts = class_name.split('.')
            if name is class_name or parts[0] == "b2" \
            and parts[-1] == name.replace("-", "_"):
                module = modules[class_name]
                self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
                return module

        # Lookup a module in BOOST_BUILD_PATH
        path = extra_path
        if not path:
            path = []
        location = None
        for p in path:
            l = os.path.join(p, name + ".py")
            if os.path.exists(l):
                location = l

        if not location:
            self.manager.errors()("Cannot find module '%s'" % name)

        mname = name + "__for_jamfile"
        file = open(location)
            # TODO: this means we'll never make use of .pyc module,
            # which might be a problem, or not.
            self.loaded_tool_module_path_[mname] = location
            module = imp.load_module(mname, file, os.path.basename(location),
                                     (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
            self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
            return module
Example #2
    def load_module(self, name, extra_path=None):
        """Load a Python module that should be useable from Jamfiles.

        There are generally two types of modules Jamfiles might want to
        - Core Boost.Build. Those are imported using plain names, e.g.
        'toolset', so this function checks if we have module named
        b2.package.module already.
        - Python modules in the same directory as Jamfile. We don't
        want to even temporary add Jamfile's directory to sys.path,
        since then we might get naming conflicts between standard
        Python modules and those.

        # See if we loaded module of this name already
        existing = self.loaded_tool_modules_.get(name)
        if existing:
            return existing

        # See if we have a module b2.whatever.<name>, where <name>
        # is what is passed to this function
        modules = sys.modules
        for class_name in modules:
            parts = class_name.split('.')
            if name is class_name or parts[0] == "b2" \
            and parts[-1] == name.replace("-", "_"):
                module = modules[class_name]
                self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
                return module

        # Lookup a module in BOOST_BUILD_PATH
        path = extra_path
        if not path:
            path = []
        location = None
        for p in path:
            l = os.path.join(p, name + ".py")
            if os.path.exists(l):
                location = l

        if not location:
            self.manager.errors()("Cannot find module '%s'" % name)

        mname = name + "__for_jamfile"
        file = open(location)
            # TODO: this means we'll never make use of .pyc module,
            # which might be a problem, or not.
            self.loaded_tool_module_path_[mname] = location
            module = imp.load_module(mname, file, os.path.basename(location),
                                     (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
            self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
            return module
Example #3
    def load_module(self, name, extra_path=None):
        """Classic Boost.Build 'modules' are in fact global variables.
        Therefore, try to find an already loaded Python module called 'name' in sys.modules. 
        If the module ist not loaded, find it Boost.Build search
        path and load it.  The new module is not entered in sys.modules.
        The motivation here is to have disjoint namespace of modules
        loaded via 'import/using' in Jamfile, and ordinary Python
        modules. We don't want 'using foo' in Jamfile to load ordinary
        Python module 'foo' which is going to not work. And we
        also don't want 'import foo' in regular Python module to
        accidentally grab module named foo that is internal to
        Boost.Build and intended to provide interface to Jamfiles."""

        existing = self.loaded_tool_modules_.get(name)
        if existing:
            return existing

        modules = sys.modules
        for class_name in modules:
            if name is class_name:
                module = modules[class_name]
                self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
                return module

        path = extra_path
        if not path:
            path = []
        location = None
        for p in path:
            l = os.path.join(p, name + ".py")
            if os.path.exists(l):
                location = l

        if not location:
            self.manager.errors()("Cannot find module '%s'" % name)

        mname = "__build_build_temporary__"
        file = open(location)
            # TODO: this means we'll never make use of .pyc module,
            # which might be a problem, or not.
            module = imp.load_module(mname, file, os.path.basename(location),
                                     (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
            del sys.modules[mname]
            self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
            return module
Example #4
    def load_module(self, name, extra_path=None):
        """Classic Boost.Build 'modules' are in fact global variables.
        Therefore, try to find an already loaded Python module called 'name' in sys.modules. 
        If the module ist not loaded, find it Boost.Build search
        path and load it.  The new module is not entered in sys.modules.
        The motivation here is to have disjoint namespace of modules
        loaded via 'import/using' in Jamfile, and ordinary Python
        modules. We don't want 'using foo' in Jamfile to load ordinary
        Python module 'foo' which is going to not work. And we
        also don't want 'import foo' in regular Python module to
        accidentally grab module named foo that is internal to
        Boost.Build and intended to provide interface to Jamfiles."""

        existing = self.loaded_tool_modules_.get(name)
        if existing:
            return existing

        modules = sys.modules
        for class_name in modules:
            if name is class_name:
                module = modules[class_name]
                self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
                return module
        path = extra_path
        if not path:
            path = []
        location = None
        for p in path:
            l = os.path.join(p, name + ".py")
            if os.path.exists(l):
                location = l

        if not location:
            self.manager.errors()("Cannot find module '%s'" % name)

        mname = "__build_build_temporary__"
        file = open(location)
            # TODO: this means we'll never make use of .pyc module,
            # which might be a problem, or not.
            module = imp.load_module(mname, file, os.path.basename(location),
                                     (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
            del sys.modules[mname]
            self.loaded_tool_modules_[name] = module
            return module