args.opt_params[idx][1] = float(args.opt_params[idx][1]) except ValueError: pass opt_params[args.opt_params[idx][0]] = args.opt_params[idx][1] iteration = 0 with bmf.Script(device=args.device) as script: if args.log: log = bmf.Log( signal_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(args.signal_model) if args.csv_file is not None: writer = bmf.FitWriter(args.csv_file, signal_coeffs) if writer.current_id > 0: bmf.stdout('{} already contains {} iteration(s)'.format( args.csv_file, writer.current_id)) bmf.stdout('') if writer.current_id >= args.iterations: bmf.stderr('Nothing to do') exit(0) iteration = writer.current_id # Show progress bar for fits for iteration in tqdm.trange(iteration + 1, args.iterations + 1, initial=iteration, total=args.iterations, unit='fit'): # Time each iteration for CSV writing script.timer_start('fit')
and not bmf.coeffs.is_trainable(fit_coeffs[coeff_id_alpha + 1]) \ and not bmf.coeffs.is_trainable(fit_coeffs[coeff_id_alpha + 2]): continue fig, axes = plt.subplots(bmf.coeffs.param_count) fig.suptitle(bmf.coeffs.amplitude_latex_names[a_idx]) # For each param in this amplitude for p_idx in range(0, bmf.coeffs.param_count): c_idx = a_idx * bmf.coeffs.param_count + p_idx # If this param coeff is not trainable then skip this subplot if not bmf.coeffs.is_trainable(fit_coeffs[c_idx]): continue bmf.stdout('Processing {} ({})'.format(bmf.coeffs.names[c_idx], c_idx)) # Set all coeffs to the constant signal ones try_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(bmf.coeffs.SM) c_range = np.linspace(plot_min, plot_max, plot_points, dtype=np.float32) axes[p_idx].plot( c_range, list(map(lambda c_val: try_nll(c_idx, c_val).numpy(), c_range))) # Add the param's greek letter on the Y-axis
colors = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette()) for name, points in data_points[c_name].items(): if not all(elem == 0.0 for elem in points): mean = np.mean(points) std_err = scipy.stats.sem(points, axis=None) pull = list( map(lambda p: (p - signal_coeffs[name][c_name]) / std_err, points)) pull_mean = np.mean(pull) bmf.stdout( '{}/{} signal: {} mean: {} std err: {} pull mean: {}'. format( c_name, name, signal_coeffs[name][c_name], mean, std_err, pull_mean, )) color = next(colors) sns.kdeplot(pull, cut=0, color=color, label=name) # Draw a dotted line to represent the pull mean plt.gca().axvline(pull_mean, color=color, linestyle=':') plt.xlabel('Pull') plt.ylabel('Density') if len(data_points[c_name]) > 1: plt.legend() else:
# Histogram bins to use bins = np.linspace(-x_max, x_max, args.bins) # Bin midpoints for x-axis x_list = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2 sm_hist = np.histogram(sm_data, bins=bins, density=True) np_hist = np.histogram(np_data, bins=bins, density=True) np_median = np.median(np_data) sm_gaussian = gaussian(x_list, sm_hist[0]) # Calculate sigma confidence level sm_mean = np.mean(sm_data) sm_stddev = np.std(sm_data) sigma_level = (sm_mean - np_median) / sm_stddev bmf.stdout('mean: {} stddev: {} sigma level: {}'.format( sm_mean, sm_stddev, sigma_level)) plt.figure() # Set style as well as font to Computer Modern Roman to match LaTeX output sns.set(style='ticks', font='cmr10', rc={ 'mathtext.fontset': 'cm', 'axes.unicode_minus': False }) # Blue open circles for SM data. Don't plot 0 values plt.scatter(x_list, [np.nan if x == 0 else x for x in sm_hist[0]], facecolors='none', edgecolors='b', s=15,
q2_at_max = q2.numpy() diff_at_max = diff_abs_max diff_at_max_plus = diff_plus diff_at_max_minus = diff_minus if diff_at_min == 0.0 or diff_abs_max < diff_at_min: q2_at_min = q2.numpy() diff_at_min = diff_abs_max diff_at_min_plus = diff_plus diff_at_min_minus = diff_minus bmf.stdout( 'Processed {}. 95% min +{}/-{} @ {}. 95% max +{}/-{} @ {}'.format( amplitude_name, diff_at_min_plus, diff_at_min_minus, q2_at_min, diff_at_max_plus, diff_at_max_minus, q2_at_max, ) ) plt.fill_between(q2_range.numpy(), min_95, max_95, label='95%', color='lightblue') plt.fill_between(q2_range.numpy(), min_68, max_68, label='68%', color='lightgreen') plt.plot( q2_range.numpy(), signal.numpy(), color='black', label='signal', linestyle=':' )
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Benchmark time taken to run key functions. Used to check for performance regressions. """ import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf import timeit import b_meson_fit as bmf tf.enable_v2_behavior() times = [10, 100, 1000] functions = { "nll": lambda: bmf.signal.nll(fit_coeffs, signal_events), "minimize": lambda: optimizer.minimize() } with bmf.Script() as script: signal_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(bmf.coeffs.SM) signal_events = bmf.signal.generate(signal_coeffs) fit_coeffs = optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(fit_coeffs, signal_events) for n, f in functions.items(): for t in times: time_taken = timeit.timeit(f, number=t) bmf.stdout("{}() x {}: ".format(n, t), time_taken)
metavar='SVG_PATH', help='write plot as SVG using this filepath') args = parser.parse_args() with bmf.Script(device=args.device) as script: if args.write_svg is not None: matplotlib.use('SVG') # Import these after we optionally set SVG backend - otherwise matplotlib may bail on a missing TK backend when # running from the CLI import matplotlib.pylab as plt import seaborn as sns bmf.stdout( 'Integrated values between +/- 100 MeV of K892 mass: K892: {} K700: {} Mix: {}' .format(bmf.breit_wigner.k892_distribution_integrated(), bmf.breit_wigner.k700_distribution_integrated(), bmf.breit_wigner.k700_k892_distribution_integrated())) masses = tf.linspace( bmf.breit_wigner.mass_k_plus + bmf.breit_wigner.mass_pi_minus + 0.01, 2.0, 150) k700 = bmf.breit_wigner.k700_distribution(masses) k892 = bmf.breit_wigner.k892_distribution(masses) mix = tf.math.abs(bmf.breit_wigner.k700_k892_distribution(masses)) plt.figure() # Set style as well as font to Computer Modern Roman to match LaTeX output sns.set(style='ticks', font='cmr10',
plt.figure() # Set style as well as font to Computer Modern Roman to match LaTeX output sns.set(style='ticks', font='cmr10', rc={'mathtext.fontset': 'cm', 'axes.unicode_minus': False}) plt.title(bmf.coeffs.latex_names[bmf.coeffs.names.index(c_name)]) colors = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette()) for name, points in data_points[c_name].items(): if not all(elem == 0.0 for elem in points): mean = np.mean(points) bmf.stdout( '{}/{} signal: {} mean: {}'.format( c_name, name, signal_coeffs[name][c_name], mean, ) ) color = next(colors) sns.kdeplot(points, cut=0, color=color, label=name) # Draw a dotted line to represent the mean plt.gca().axvline(mean, color=color, linestyle=':') # Draw a magenta line to represent the signal plt.gca().axvline(signal_coeffs[name][c_name], ymax=0.25, color='magenta') plt.xlabel('Fitted value') plt.ylabel('Density') if len(data_points[c_name]) > 1:
x_list.append(val) y_list.append(nll) for step_sign in [-1, +1]: fit_coeffs2 = [] for coeff in fit_coeffs: if bmf.coeffs.is_trainable(coeff): fit_coeffs2.append(tf.Variable(coeff.numpy())) else: fit_coeffs2.append(tf.constant(coeff.numpy())) for step in range(1, 11): fit_coeffs2[c_idx] = tf.constant(fit_coeffs[c_idx].numpy() + (step * step_size * step_sign), dtype=tf.float32) bmf.stdout(bmf.coeffs.to_str(fit_coeffs2)) val, nll = fit(fit_coeffs2, signal_events, 0.001) x_list.append(val) y_list.append(nll) # if len(y_list) > 0 and nll >= y_list[0] + 0.1: # break print(x_list) print(y_list) lists = zip(x_list, y_list) y_list = [x for _, x in sorted(lists)] x_list = sorted(x_list) print(x_list) print(y_list)