Example #1
    def _handle_hit(self, msg: ba.HitMessage) -> None:
        ispunch = (msg.srcnode and msg.srcnode.getnodetype() == 'spaz')

        # Normal bombs are triggered by non-punch impacts;
        # impact-bombs by all impacts.
        if (not self._exploded and not ispunch
                or self.bomb_type in ['impact', 'land_mine']):
            # Also lets change the owner of the bomb to whoever is setting
            # us off. (this way points for big chain reactions go to the
            # person causing them).
            source_player = msg.get_source_player(ba.Player)
            if source_player is not None:
                self.source_player = source_player

                # Also inherit the hit type (if a landmine sets off by a bomb,
                # the credit should go to the mine)
                # the exception is TNT.  TNT always gets credit.
                if self.bomb_type != 'tnt':
                    self.hit_type = msg.hit_type
                    self.hit_subtype = msg.hit_subtype

            ba.timer(100 + int(random.random() * 100),
                     ba.WeakCall(self.handlemessage, ExplodeMessage()),
        assert self.node
        self.node.handlemessage('impulse', msg.pos[0], msg.pos[1], msg.pos[2],
                                msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1],
                                msg.velocity[2], msg.magnitude,
                                msg.velocity_magnitude, msg.radius, 0,
                                msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1],

        if msg.srcnode:
    def _handle_hit(self, msg: ba.HitMessage) -> None:
        ispunched = (msg.srcnode and msg.srcnode.getnodetype() == 'spaz')

        # Normal bombs are triggered by non-punch impacts;
        # impact-bombs by all impacts.
        if (not self._exploded and
            (not ispunched or self.bomb_type in ['impact', 'land_mine'])):

            # Also lets change the owner of the bomb to whoever is setting
            # us off. (this way points for big chain reactions go to the
            # person causing them).
            source_player = msg.get_source_player(ba.Player)
            if source_player is not None:
                self._source_player = source_player

                # Also inherit the hit type (if a landmine sets off by a bomb,
                # the credit should go to the mine)
                # the exception is TNT.  TNT always gets credit.
                # UPDATE (July 2020): not doing this anymore. Causes too much
                # weird logic such as bombs acting like punches. Holler if
                # anything is noticeably broken due to this.
                # if self.bomb_type != 'tnt':
                #     self.hit_type = msg.hit_type
                #     self.hit_subtype = msg.hit_subtype

            ba.timer(0.1 + random.random() * 0.1,
                     ba.WeakCall(self.handlemessage, ExplodeMessage()))
        assert self.node
        self.node.handlemessage('impulse', msg.pos[0], msg.pos[1], msg.pos[2],
                                msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1],
                                msg.velocity[2], msg.magnitude,
                                msg.velocity_magnitude, msg.radius, 0,
                                msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1],

        if msg.srcnode: