Example #1
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # Valid react_id (Only 1 is currently valid)
    if react_id != 1:
        raise ValueError("not a valid react_id")

    # search through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "You haven't reacted to this message with this reaction")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                j += 1
        i += 1

    # check react id's
    raise ValueError("Not a valid message in a channel that the user is apart of")
Example #2
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # if the token owner is an owner or an admin (p_id 1 and 2)
    # (search through all users for permission level)
    # look through all channels the user is apart of
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
            if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["ownersUID"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "This message is already pinned")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] = False
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                    raise ValueError("User isn't an admin")
                raise errors.AccessError("User isn't a member of the channel the message is in")
            j += 1
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("message_id isn't a valid message")
Example #3
def standup_start(token, channel_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        if data["channels"][i]["channelID"] == channel_id:
            # check if currently running a stand_up
            if data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] >= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise ValueError("This channel already has a standup started")
            elif u_id not in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                raise errors.AccessError(
                    "This user isn't a member of the channel")
                # return time + 15 mins
                time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
                data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] = time
                return time
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")
Example #4
def message_send(token, channel_id, text):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(text) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel")

    # generate a message_id, and post it
    message = message_create(u_id, text, datetime.now())

    # put the message onto a channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)


    return message['message_id']
Example #5
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters.")

    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        if data["channels"][i]["channelID"] == channel_id:
            # check if currently running a stand_up
            if data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] <= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise ValueError("This channel doesn't have a standup")
            elif u_id not in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                raise errors.AccessError(
                    "This user isn't a member of the channel")
                timesent = data["channels"][i]["standup_time"]
                message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message,
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")
Example #6
def search(token, query_str):

    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    if len(query_str) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Messages cannot be more than 1000 characters")

    messages = []

    # find the channels the user is apart of.
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if query_str in data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message"]:
                j += 1
        i += 1

    return messages
Example #7
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # find message through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if (u_id not in data["channels"][i]['ownersUID']) and \
                        (u_id not in data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]['u_id']):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Neither the original poster of this message or an owner")
                    del data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]
                j += 1
        i += 1

    raise errors.AccessError("Message_id isn't in any channel you have access too")
Example #8
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters.")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel.")

    # time in the future
    if time_sent < datetime.now():
        raise ValueError("Time sent is in the past.")

    # generate a message_id, and set to post at correct time
    message = message_create(u_id, message, time_sent)

    # put the message into the channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)

    return message['message_id']
Example #9
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):

    user_index = 0
    index = 0
    new_info = {}
    user_data = get_user_data()

    decoded_token = authentication.decode_token(token)

    if decoded_token is None:
        raise errors.AccessError

    u_id = decoded_token["u_id"]

    # check the length of the firstname and lastname
    # change the name for the profile with the specified token
    if not (authentication.is_valid_first_name(name_first)
            and authentication.is_valid_last_name(name_last)):
        raise ValueError

    for user in user_data:
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            index = user_index
            new_info['u_id'] = user['u_id']
            new_info['handle_str'] = user['handle_str']
            new_info['first_name'] = name_first
            new_info['last_name'] = name_last
            new_info['email'] = user['email']
            new_info['hashed_password'] = user['hashed_password']
        user_index = user_index + 1

    update_pickle(index, new_info)

    return {}
Example #10
def test_decode_token():
    Tests decoding tokens

    # test for valid token decode
    token = authentication.generate_token(100)
    res = authentication.decode_token(
        token, check_expiry=False)
    assert "u_id" in res and res["u_id"] == 100

    # test for tampered token signature decode
    token = authentication.generate_token(100)
    token = token[:-2] + "AA"
    assert authentication.decode_token(token, check_expiry=False) is None
Example #11
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    user_index = 0
    index = 0
    new_info = {}
    user_data = get_user_data()
    decoded_token = authentication.decode_token(token)

    if decoded_token is None:
        raise errors.AccessError

    u_id = decoded_token["u_id"]

    # remove leading and trailing whitespace
    handle_str = handle_str.strip()
    # check the handle is not in use:
    for user in user_data:
        if user['handle_str'] == handle_str:
            raise ValueError("This handle already exists")
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            if len(handle_str) >= 3 and len(
                    handle_str) <= 20 and not handle_str.isspace():
                index = user_index
                new_info['u_id'] = user['u_id']
                new_info['handle_str'] = handle_str
                new_info['first_name'] = user['first_name']
                new_info['last_name'] = user['last_name']
                new_info['email'] = user['email']
                new_info['hashed_password'] = user['hashed_password']
                raise ValueError("Invalid handle")
        user_index = user_index + 1

    update_pickle(index, new_info)
    return {}
Example #12
def test_message_unreact():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # message to be unreacted
    message = "unReact to me :)"
    message_id = message_utils.message_send(token1, channel_id_valid, message)

    # Setting the message to have been reacted to by token1 with a react_id 1
    react_id = 1
    message_utils.message_react(token1, message_id, react_id)

    # Everything valid.
    token = token1
    react_id = 1
    message_utils.message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id)

    # Prove that it worked
    channel = channel_utils.get_channel(channel_id_valid)
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]
    assert channel['messages'][0]['reacts'] == [{'is_this_user_reacted': False, \
                                                'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': []}]

    # message_id isn't a valid message within a channel that the user has joined
    token = token1
    message_id = -99
    react_id = 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id)

    # react id isn't valid
    token = token1
    react_id = -99
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id)

    # message with id message_id does not contain an active react with given id
    token = token1
    react_id = 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id)

    # Invalid token
    token = "Invalidtoken"
    react_id = 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id)
Example #13
def admin_userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    Changes the permission level for a user

    # check for valid users
    decoded_token = authentication.decode_token(token)
    if decoded_token is None:
        raise errors.AccessError("Not a valid user")

    # check for valid permission_id
    if not permission_id in set(perm.value for perm in SlackrPermissions):
        raise ValueError("Not a valid permission_id")

    admin_id = decoded_token["u_id"]
    data = authentication.get_auth_store()

    user_to_change = None

    # Get user and admin levels
    for user_index, user in enumerate(data["users"]):
        if user["u_id"] == admin_id:
            admin = user

        if user["u_id"] == u_id:
            user_to_change = user_index

    # check if user exists
    if user_to_change is None:
        raise ValueError("Unknown user to modify")

    # check if modifying their own permissions (to avoid getting stuck with no one with permissions)
    if admin["u_id"] == data["users"][user_to_change]["u_id"]:
        raise ValueError("Can't modify own permissions")

    # check if level is either admin or owner
    if admin["permission_id"] not in VALID_ADMIN_LEVELS:
        raise errors.AccessError("Not a valid owner or admin")

    # check if is another owner if modifying an owner
    if (admin["permission_id"] != SlackrPermissions.OWNER.value
            and data["users"][user_to_change]["permission_id"]
            == SlackrPermissions.OWNER.value):
        raise errors.AccessError("Admins cannot change a owner's permission")

    data["users"][user_to_change]["permission_id"] = permission_id


    return True
Example #14
def test_auth_logout():
    Tests logout

    # test a simple logout
    email = "*****@*****.**"
    first_name = "test"
    last_name = "test"
    password = "******"
    user = authentication.auth_register(email, password, first_name, last_name)
    token = user["token"]

    assert authentication.auth_logout(token)
    # Should return None because token is expired
    assert authentication.decode_token(user["token"]) is None

    # test logout invalid token
    assert not authentication.auth_logout("invalid")
Example #15
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):

    regex = r'^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$'
    user_index = 0
    index = 0
    new_info = {}
    user_data = get_user_data()
    decoded_token = authentication.decode_token(token)

    if decoded_token is None:
        raise errors.AccessError

    u_id = decoded_token["u_id"]

    # remove trailing and leading whitespace
    email = email.strip()
    # check the email is not in use:
    for user in user_data:
        if user['email'] == email:
            raise ValueError("Email address taken")

            # pass the regualar expression
            # and the string in search() method
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            if re.search(regex, email):
                index = user_index
                new_info['u_id'] = user['u_id']
                new_info['handle_str'] = user['handle_str']
                new_info['first_name'] = user['first_name']
                new_info['last_name'] = user['last_name']
                new_info['email'] = email
                new_info['hashed_password'] = user['hashed_password']
                raise ValueError("Not a valid Email")
        user_index = user_index + 1

    update_pickle(index, new_info)

    return {}
Example #16
def test_message_send():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # Value error when message too long
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "0123456789" * 101
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    # Invalid token.
    token = "InvalidToken"
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Valid message"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    # Channel_id doesn't exist.
    token = token1
    channel_id = -1
    message = "Valid message"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    # set up another channel, which the original user doesn't have access too
    dic2 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password2',
                                        'Bobby', 'Jamesy')
    token2 = dic2['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic_a = channel_utils.channels_create(token2, 'matth', False)
    channel_id_valid1 = dic_a['channel_id']

    # User lacks access to current channel trying to post in.
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid1
    message = "Valid message"
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    # Everything Valid
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Valid message"
    message_id = message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]
    channel = channel_utils.get_channel(channel_id)
    assert channel['messages'][0]['message_id'] == message_id
    assert channel['messages'][0]['u_id'] == u_id
    assert channel['messages'][0]['message'] == "Valid message"
    assert channel['messages'][0]['reacts'] == [{
        'react_id': 1,
        'u_ids': [],
        'is_this_user_reacted': False
    assert channel['messages'][0]['is_pinned'] == False

    # send a second message
    message = "Second message"
    token = token1
    message_id2 = message_utils.message_send(token, channel_id, message)
    channel = channel_utils.get_channel(channel_id)
    assert channel['messages'][0]['message_id'] == message_id2
    assert channel['messages'][1]['message_id'] == message_id
Example #17
def test_message_sendlater():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # Everything valid.
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Valid message."
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 10, 31, 10, 10)
    message_id = message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message,

    # Prove it worked
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]
    channel = channel_utils.get_channel(channel_id)
    assert channel['messages'][0]['message_id'] == message_id

    # Token invaid
    token = "NotValid"
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Valid message."
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 10, 31, 10, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # The channel which the message is getting posted too doesn't exist
    token = token1
    channel_id = -12
    message = "Valid message."
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 10, 31, 10, 10)
    # use channel_list
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # set up another channel, which the original user doesn't have access too
    dic2 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password2',
                                        'Bobby', 'Jamesy')
    token2 = dic2['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic_a = channel_utils.channels_create(token2, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid1 = dic_a['channel_id']

    # User lacks access to current channel trying to post in.
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid1
    message = "Valid message"
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 10, 31, 10, 10)
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # Message is too long (over 1000 characters).
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "0123456789" * 101
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 10, 31, 10, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # Time sent is in the past
    token = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Valid message."
    time_sent = datetime(2019, 8, 31, 10, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)
