def snapshot(self): """ Create a snapshot from the training state. Return True if the snapshot was created False if the snapshot could not be created """ if self.getState() is State.RUNNING: if self.proc: self.last_solverstate = None try: self.proc.send_signal(signal.SIGHUP) except Exception as e: Log.error('Failed to take snapshot: ' + str(e), self.getCallerId()) return False Log.log( 'Snapshot was saved for session ' + self.getRunLogFileName(True) + '', self.getCallerId()) return True else: Log.error( 'Could not take a session snapshot in state ' + str(self.getState()), self.getCallerId()) return False
def _promptForAutoNetImport(self, netPath): """Open a message box and ask the user if he/she wants to import the net definition given in netPath. netPath contains a net definition that has been extracted from a loaded solver definition. """ # check whether the specified file does exist if os.path.isfile(netPath): # get the file content with open(netPath, 'r') as file: netPrototxt = msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle("Barista") msgBox.setText("Solver definition contains a network reference.")) msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to import the network, too?")) msgBox.setDetailedText("File:\n{}\n\nNet definition:\n{}".format( netPath, netPrototxt)) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self.openNet(netPath) else: callerId = Log.getCallerId('file_loader') Log.log( "Found network reference in loaded solver definition, but the file {} does not exist." .format(netPath), callerId)
def fetchParserData(self): if self._assertConnection() and self.transaction is not None: msg = { "key": Protocol.SESSION, "subkey": SessionProtocol.FETCHPARSERDATA } self.transaction.send(msg) ret = self.transaction.asyncRead( staging=True, attr=("subkey", SessionProtocol.FETCHPARSERDATA)) if ret: if ret["status"]: parserRows = ret["ParserRows"] parserKeys = ret["ParserKeys"] parserHandle = ret["ParserHandle"] parserLog = ret["ParserLogs"] for phase, key in parserKeys: self.parser.sendParserRegisterKeys(phase, key) for phase, row in parserRows: self.parser.sendParserUpdate(phase, row) for event, line, groups in parserHandle: self.parser.sendParserHandle(event, line, groups) for log, error in parserLog: if error: Log.error(log, self.getCallerId()) else: Log.log(log, self.getCallerId()) return else: self._handleErrors(ret["error"]) self._handleErrors(["Failed to fetch parser data from host."])
def printLog(self, log, error=False): if self.log_id is not None: if not error: Log.log(log, self.log_id) else: Log.error(log, self.log_id) else: self.printLogSignl.emit(log, error)
def _addSoftmax(self): """Add a softmax layer to the very end of the net, but only if a SoftmaxWithLoss layer was used before.""" # check whether the net used to contain a SoftmaxWithLoss layer softmaxWithLossWasUsed = False for id, layer in self._originalNetworkDictionary["layers"].iteritems(): if layer["type"].name() == "SoftmaxWithLoss": softmaxWithLossWasUsed = True break if softmaxWithLossWasUsed: # ensure that the remaining deployment net has at least one layer if len(self._deployedNetworkDictionary["layers"]) > 0: softmaxLayerType = info.CaffeMetaInformation( ).availableLayerTypes()["Softmax"] # do not add another softmax, if the current deployment network already contains one softmaxAlreadyIncluded = False for id, layer in self._deployedNetworkDictionary[ "layers"].iteritems(): if layer["type"].name() == softmaxAlreadyIncluded = True break if not softmaxAlreadyIncluded: # get the very last layer lastLayerId = self._deployedNetworkDictionary[ "layerOrder"][-1] lastLayer = self._deployedNetworkDictionary["layers"][ lastLayerId] # ensure that the determined last layer does have a top blob if "top" in lastLayer["parameters"] and len( lastLayer["parameters"]["top"]) > 0: # create new softmax layer with default values and add it to the deployment net name = "softmax" position = len( self._deployedNetworkDictionary["layers"]) softmaxLayer, softmaxLayerId = self._dHelper.addLayer( softmaxLayerType, name, position) # connect the softmax layer with the existing network softmaxLayer["parameters"]["bottom"] = [ lastLayer["parameters"]["top"][0] ] # name the output softmaxLayer["parameters"]["top"] = ["probabilities"] else: Log.log( "Could not add Softmax layer as the very last layer of the deployment net does not have any " "top blobs.", self._logId) else: Log.log( "Could not add Softmax layer as the remaining deployment net does not have any layers.", self._logId)
def proceed(self, snapshot=None): """ Continue training from the (last) snapshot. Return True if the process was continued False if the continuation failed """ if self.getState() is State.PAUSED: self.__ensureDirectory(self.getSnapshotDirectory()) self.__ensureDirectory(self.logs) if snapshot is None: snapshot = self.getLastSnapshot() self.rid += 1 try: self.getParser().setLogging(True) self.proc = Popen([ caffeVersions.getVersionByName( self.project.getCaffeVersion()).getBinarypath(), 'train', '-solver', self.getSolver(), '-snapshot', snapshot ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd=self.getDirectory()) try: self.tee = Popen( ['tee', '-a', self.getRunLogFileName()], stdin=self.proc.stdout, stdout=PIPE) except Exception as e: # continue without tee Log.error('Failed to start tee: ' + str(e), self.getCallerId()) self.setState(State.RUNNING) Log.log( 'Session ' + self.getRunLogFileName(True) + ' was proceeded', self.getCallerId()) self.__startParsing() return True except Exception as e: # check if caffe root exists Log.error('Failed to continue session: ' + str(e), self.getCallerId()) if os.file.exists( caffeVersions.getVersionByName( self.project.getCaffeVersion()).getBinarypath() ) is False: Log.error( 'CAFFE_BINARY directory does not exists: ' + caffe_bin + '! Please set CAFFE_BINARY to run a session.', self.getCallerId()) elif self.getState() in (State.FAILED, State.FINISHED): Log.error( 'Could not continue a session in state ' + str(self.getState()), self.getCallerId()) return False
def getInternalNetFile(self, log=False): """ Returns the original net prototxt file name. When the log flag is set, a message will be sent to the logger console if the file does not exist. """ if log: if not os.path.isfile(self.__netInternalFile): Log.log( "This sessions net file: " + self.__netInternalFile + " does not exist.", self.caller_id) return self.__netInternalFile
def getSolver(self, log=False): """ Returns the solver prototxt file name. When the log flag is set, a message will be sent to the logger console if the file does not exist. """ if log: if not os.path.isfile(self.__solverFile): Log.log( "This sessions Solverfile: " + self.__solverFile + " does not exist.", self.caller_id) return self.__solverFile
def getSession(self, SID): if SID in self.getValidSIDs(): return self.__sessions[SID] else: Log.log( "Session " + str(SID) + " could not be loaded. Valid IDs are: " + ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.getValidSIDs()]), self.getCallerId()) return None
def getActiveSID(self): if self.__activeSID: if len(self.__sessions) > 0: if self.__activeSID not in self.__sessions: Log.log( "The Active Session is no longer available. The Project seems to be broken. The active Session is set to the highest ID available.", self.callerId) self.setActiveSID(self.__sessions.keys()[-1]) Log.log("Active Session set to " + str(self.__activeSID), self.callerId) return self.__activeSID
def pause(self): """ Pause the process. Return True if the process was paused False if the pause failed """ if self.getState() is State.RUNNING: if self.proc: self.snapshot() # give the caffe process a second to save the state time.sleep(1) try: if self.proc: self.proc.kill() except Exception as e: Log.error('Pausing session failed: ' + str(e)) try: if self.tee: self.tee.kill() except Exception: pass self.proc = None self.tee = None self.last_solverstate = None snap = self._getLastSnapshotFromSnapshotDirectory() if snap is not None: self.last_solverstate = os.path.basename( self._getLastSnapshotFromSnapshotDirectory()) regex_iter = re.compile( 'iter_([\d]+)\.solverstate[\.\w-]*$') iter_match = if iter_match: self.iteration = int( self.iterationChanged.emit() self.setState(State.PAUSED) Log.log( 'Session ' + self.getRunLogFileName(True) + ' was paused', self.getCallerId()) else: self.setState(State.WAITING) Log.log( 'Session ' + self.getRunLogFileName(True) + ' was halted', self.getCallerId()) return True else: Log.error( 'Could not pause a session in state ' + str(self.getState()), self.getCallerId()) self.setState(State.UNDEFINED) return False
def __ensureDirectory(self, directory): """ Creates a directory if it does not exist. """ if directory == '': return if not os.path.exists(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) Log.log('Created directory: ' + directory, self.getCallerId()) except Exception as e: Log.error( 'Failed to create directory ' + directory + ')' + str(e), self.getCallerId())
def _printLog(self): msg = self.transaction.asyncRead(attr=("subkey", SessionProtocol.PRINTLOG)) logs = msg["log"] for log, error in logs: if not isinstance(log, list): log = [log] # if msg["isError"]: if error: self._handleErrors(log) else: for l in log: Log.log(l, self.getCallerId())
def _deployAndExportUnsafe(self): """ This will be triggered when the user clicks the deploy button. It validates the user input and displays messages and errors if additional input is required. If everything is validated successfully, the session is exported to the destination directory. """ # If no snapshot exists, we show an error message and close the dialog. if not self._hasSnapshotsOrDisplayError(): self.close() return # Get the destination folder from the current user input. If the input # is empty, we show an error message and cancel. destinationFolder = self._getDestinationOrDisplayError() if not destinationFolder: return # Check if the path already exsists. If it doesn't exist yet, let the user # decide whether to create all missing folders and abort otherwise. folderExists = os.path.isdir(destinationFolder) if not folderExists and not self._askDirectoryCreatePermission(): return # Ensure that the full path points to a folder and not a file. if not self._ensurePathIsFolderOrDisplayError(destinationFolder): return # Determine the destination file paths for destinationPrototxtFile, caffemodelDestination = self._getDestinationFilePaths(destinationFolder) # Check if any of the destination files already exsist and ask the user # if they should be replaced. Abort if the user decides not to replace one # of the files. if not self._checkFilesDontExistOrAskReplacePermission([destinationPrototxtFile, caffemodelDestination]): return # Export files. session = self._selectedSession() snapshot = self._selectedSnapshot() caffemodelContents = session.readCaffemodelFile(self._replaceLast(snapshot, 'solverstate', 'caffemodel')) # Start deployment. deployedNet = session.readDeployedNetAsString() # Write prototxt file. with open(destinationPrototxtFile, 'w') as file: file.write(deployedNet) # Write caffemodel file. with open(caffemodelDestination, 'w') as caffemodelFile: caffemodelFile.write(caffemodelContents) Log.log("Deployment files have been saved successfully to {}.".format(destinationPrototxtFile), self.getCallerId()) # Close the current dialog. self.close()
def save(self): Log.log("Saving current Session status to disk.", self.getCallerId()) if self._assertConnection(): msg = {"key": Protocol.SESSION, "subkey": SessionProtocol.SAVE} self.transaction.send(msg) ret = self.transaction.asyncRead(attr=("subkey", SessionProtocol.SAVE)) if ret: if ret["status"]: return True else: self._handleErrors(ret["error"]) self._handleErrors(["Could not save session."]) return False
def changeSession(self, newSID, oldSID=None): """Changes the active session within one project. The current State of the netManager is saved to the old session. The state of the new session is loaded to the netManager.""" self.storeSessionState(SID=oldSID, stateDict=None) self._project.setActiveSID(newSID) if self._project.getActiveSID() == newSID: self.loadSessionState(SID=newSID) else: Log.log( "New Session " + str(newSID) + " could not be set. Valid SIDs are: " + ", ".join([str(id) for id in self._project.getValidSIDs()]), self._viewManager.sessionController.getCallerId()) return
def setActiveSID(self, sid): validSIDs = self.getValidSIDs() if sid in validSIDs: self.__activeSID = sid self.activeSessionChanged.emit(sid) else: Log.error( "Could not set active session to " + str(sid) + " valid Session-IDs are: " + ", ".join([str(s) for s in validSIDs]), self.getCallerId()) if not self.__activeSID: self.__activeSID = validSIDs[-1] if len( validSIDs) > 0 else None Log.log("Active session set to " + str(self.__activeSID), self.getCallerId())
def save(self, includeProtoTxt=False): """Saves the current session to a json file. If includeProtoTxt is True, prototxt files are saved as well.""" toSave = { "SessionState": self.state, "Iteration": self.iteration, "MaxIter": self.max_iter } toSave["ProjectID"] = self.project.projectId self.__ensureDirectory( Log.log("Saving current Session status to disk.", self.getCallerId()) if self.last_solverstate: toSave["LastSnapshot"] = self.last_solverstate if self.getPretrainedWeights(): toSave["PretrainedWeights"] = self.getPretrainedWeights() if self.state_dictionary: serializedDict = copy.deepcopy(self.state_dictionary) if includeProtoTxt: if "solver" in self.state_dictionary: solver = self.buildSolverPrototxt() with open(self.getSolver(log=False), 'w') as f: f.write(solver) else: Log.error( "Could not save a solver prototxt file, because no solver settings are defined.", self.getCallerId()) if "network" in serializedDict: if includeProtoTxt: net = self.buildNetPrototxt(internalVersion=False) with open(self.getOriginalNetFile(log=False), 'w') as f: f.write(net) net = self.buildNetPrototxt(internalVersion=True) with open(self.getInternalNetFile(log=False), 'w') as f: f.write(net) if "layers" in serializedDict["network"]: layers = serializedDict["network"]["layers"] for id in layers: del layers[id]["type"] else: Log.error( "Could not save the network state because no state was defined.", self.getCallerId()) toSave["NetworkState"] = serializedDict with open(baristaSessionFile(, "w") as f: json.dump(toSave, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def __saveImage(self): """ Gives the user the opportunity to save the image on disk. The user can choose from allowed extension, and is alerted if the entered extension is not valid. If no extension is entered by the user, the extension is set to png. """ allowedExtensions = [".png", ".bmp", ".jpeg", ".jpg"] allowedAsString = str(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: " *" + x, allowedExtensions))) callerId = self.getCallerId() try: filename = "" # While the entered extension does not matches the allowd extensions while not self.__validateFilename(filename, allowedExtensions): fileDialog = QFileDialog() fileDialog.setDefaultSuffix("png") filenameArray = fileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save File", filename, allowedAsString ) filename = filenameArray[0] if filename != "": _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) # If no extension has been entered, append .png if extension == "": filename += ".png" else: # If user clicks on abort, leave the loop break # Show an alert message, when an unknown extension has been entered if not self.__validateFilename(filename, allowedExtensions): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setText("Please enter a valid extension:\n" + allowedAsString) msg.exec_() if filename != "": if self.__currentNet: image = calculateConvWeights(self.__currentNet, self.__currentLayerName) self.canvasWidget.saveImage(image, filename) Log.log("Saved image under " + filename, callerId) else: Log.error("Try to save image of weights without a network being loaded.", callerId) except Exception as e: Log.error("Saving the file failed. " + str(e), callerId)
def errorMsg(self, errorMsg, loggerIdString=None, addStacktrace=True): """Show an error message in the Logger as well as in an additional GUI popup.""" # use the logger if loggerIdString is not None: callerId = Log.getCallerId(loggerIdString) else: callerId = None Log.log(errorMsg, callerId) # show message in the GUI msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle("Barista - Error") msgBox.setText( if addStacktrace: stacktrace = traceback.format_exc() msgBox.setDetailedText(stacktrace) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) _ = msgBox.exec_()
def _insertInputLayers(self): """Insert new input layers with fixed dimensions. Note that, the number of newly-added input layer might be lower than the number of previously-removed data layers. On the one hand, we will add only one new input layer for each unique data blob name, while multiple data layers might have used the same data blob name. On the other hand, input layers will only be added, if at least one other layer is using the provided data. """ inputLayerType = info.CaffeMetaInformation().availableLayerTypes( )["Input"] inputLayerNr = 1 for dataBlobName in self._dataBlobNames: # create a new input layer with default values and add it to the deployment net name = self._getNewInputLayerName(inputLayerNr) inputLayer, inputLayerId = self._dHelper.addLayer( inputLayerType, name, inputLayerNr - 1) # modify the layer template inputLayer["parameters"]["top"] = [dataBlobName] # set input_param.shape with batch size 1 and the dimensions of the first data element inputLayer["parameters"]["input_param"] = dict() inputLayer["parameters"]["input_param"]["shape"] = [] inputLayer["parameters"]["input_param"]["shape"].append(dict()) inputLayer["parameters"]["input_param"]["shape"][0][ "dim"] = self._inputBlobShapes[dataBlobName] inputLayer["parameters"]["input_param"]["shape"][0]["dim"].insert( 0, 1) # prepare next input layer inputLayerNr += 1 # check whether there is any shape that could not be determined automatically and needs to be set manually inputShapeWarning = False for inputShape in self._inputBlobShapes: if len(inputShape) < 1: inputShapeWarning = True break if inputShapeWarning: Log.log( "At least one input shape could not be determined automatically. Please open the created prototxt " "and manually fix all input shapes which include only the batch size (1).", self._logId)
def storeSessionState(self, SID=None, stateDict=None): """Stores the stateDict to a session. If no SID is provided, the currently active session is used. If no dictionary is provided, the current netManager state is used.""" dict = stateDict if not dict: dict = self._netManager.getStateDictionary() _SID = SID if not _SID: _SID = self._project.getActiveSID() elif _SID not in self._project.getValidSIDs(): Log.log( "Could not store state to SID ", _SID, ". Valid SIDs are:" + ", ".join([str(id) for id in self._project.getValidSIDs()]), self._viewManager.sessionController.getCallerId()) self._project.getSession(_SID).setStateDict(dict) return
def loadSessionState(self, SID=None): """Loades the state from a session to the netManager. If no Session is provided, the currently active session is used.""" _SID = SID if not _SID: _SID = self._project.getActiveSID() if _SID in self._project.getValidSIDs(): if self._project.getSession(_SID).hasStateDict(): dict = self._project.getSession(_SID).state_dictionary net = None pos = None sel = None if "network" in dict: net = dict["network"] elif ("layerOrder" in dict) and ("layers" in dict): net = dict if "position" in dict: pos = dict["position"] if "selection" in dict: sel = dict["selection"] if net: self._netManager.setStateDictionary(dictionary=dict, clearHistory=True) else: Log.log( "Could not load state from Session," + str(_SID) + " is this an old Project?", self._viewManager.sessionController.getCallerId()) else: # TODO: write proper Error to log print("Could not load state from session", _SID) Log.log("Could not load state from session " + str(_SID), self._viewManager.sessionController.getCallerId()) return
def ensureSolverConstraints(solverDictionary): """Ensure that all constraints for the given solverDictionary are valid. Sets static values and removes invalid values. """ # The file names inside of a session are static and must not be altered by the user if "net" not in solverDictionary or solverDictionary[ "net"] != backend.barista.session.session_utils.Paths.FILE_NAME_NET_INTERNAL: Log.log( "The solver property 'net' must point to the generated network file. " "Value has been changed from '{}' to '{}'.".format( solverDictionary["net"] if "net" in solverDictionary else "None", backend.barista. session.session_utils.Paths.FILE_NAME_NET_INTERNAL), logID) solverDictionary[ "net"] = backend.barista.session.session_utils.Paths.FILE_NAME_NET_INTERNAL # An additional net definition inside of the solver would be inconsistent to the separately handled network if "net_param" in solverDictionary: Log.log( "The solver property 'net_param' is not supported as it would be inconsistent with the separately " "handled network. Property has been removed.", logID) del solverDictionary["net_param"] # a snapshot_prefix containing a path is not supported either if "snapshot_prefix" in solverDictionary: head, tail = os.path.split(solverDictionary["snapshot_prefix"]) if len(head) > 0: Log.log( "The solver property 'snapshot_prefix' contained an unsupported path. " "Property was shortened from '{}' to '{}'.".format( solverDictionary["snapshot_prefix"], tail), logID) solverDictionary["snapshot_prefix"] = tail return solverDictionary
def __init__(self, project, directory=None, sid=None, parse_old=False, caffe_bin=None, last_solverstate=None, last_caffemodel=None, state_dictionary=None): super(Session, self).__init__() self.caller_id = None self.state = State.UNDEFINED self.invalidErrorsList = [] self.sid = sid = directory self.rid = 0 self.project = project self.logs = None if is None: if self.sid is None: raise ValueError( 'Either directory or sid must be provided to create a session.' ) = self.__createSessionDirectoryName() self.logs = os.path.join(, 'logs') else: self.logs = os.path.join(directory, 'logs') dir_sid, self.rid = self.__parseSessionId() if self.sid is None: self.sid = dir_sid else: Log.log( 'Provided sid and directory do not match (' + str(self.sid) + ' vs. ' + str(dir_sid) + '), ' + 'provided sid is used.', self.getCallerId()) self.parse_old = parse_old self.caffe_bin = caffe_bin # overrides project caffe_root if necessary, i.e. if deployed to another system self.pretrainedWeights = None self.last_solverstate = last_solverstate self.last_caffemodel = last_caffemodel self.state_dictionary = state_dictionary # state as saved from the network manager, such it can be restored self.start_time = self.__parseStartTime() self.snapshot_dir = None self.snapshot_prefix = None self.proc = None self.tee = None self.parser = None self.iteration = 0 self.max_iter = 1 self.parser_initialized = False self.__getSettingsFromSessionFile() if self.state_dictionary is not None: self.__parseSettings(self.state_dictionary) self.__solverFile = os.path.join(, Paths.FILE_NAME_SOLVER) self.__netInternalFile = os.path.join(, Paths.FILE_NAME_NET_INTERNAL) self.__netOriginalFile = os.path.join(, Paths.FILE_NAME_NET_ORIGINAL) self.lock = Lock() self.getSnapshotDirectory()
def _searchDataLayers(self): """Search for all data layers in self._originalNetworkDictionary and store them in self._dataLayers. Additionally, the names of all top blobs containing label data will be saved in self._labelBlobNames. """ nLabelBlobUndetermined = 0 # check whether some label blobs couldn't be determined automatically nTooManyTopBlobs = 0 # check whether some data layers do have too many top blobs for id, layer in self._originalNetworkDictionary["layers"].iteritems(): if layer["type"].isDataLayer(): self._dataLayers[id] = layer # validate number of top blobs if "top" in layer["parameters"] and len( layer["parameters"]["top"]) > 2: nTooManyTopBlobs += 1 # remember the associated label blob name labelBlobName = self._getLabelBlobName(layer) if labelBlobName is not None and labelBlobName not in self._labelBlobNames: self._labelBlobNames.append(labelBlobName) elif labelBlobName is None: nLabelBlobUndetermined += 1 # remember the associated data blob name and its shape dataBlobName = self._getDataBlobName(layer) if dataBlobName is not None and dataBlobName not in self._dataBlobNames: self._dataBlobNames.append(dataBlobName) # calculate the shape (this assumes that data layers with the same name are using the same shape) blobShape = [ ] # will be left empty, if shape cannot be calculated automatically if layer["type"].name() in ["Data", "HDF5Data"]: if layer["type"].name() == "Data": path = layer["parameters"].get("data_param", {}).get("source") type = layer["parameters"].get("data_param", {}).get("backend") elif layer["type"].name() == "HDF5Data": path = layer["parameters"].get( "hdf5_data_param", {}).get("source") type = "HDF5TXT" if path is not None and type is not None: db = DatabaseObject() db.openFromPath(path, type) blobShapeTupel = db.getDimensions() if blobShapeTupel is not None: blobShapeTupel = blobShapeTupel.get( dataBlobName) if blobShapeTupel is not None: blobShape = list(blobShapeTupel) self._inputBlobShapes[dataBlobName] = blobShape # show warning, if some label blobs do not have the correct name if nLabelBlobUndetermined > 0: Log.log( "{} data layers might have been handled incorrectly, because their top blobs are named " "unconventionally. Please change the name of the blobs which provide labels to \"label\"." .format(nLabelBlobUndetermined), self._logId) # show warning, if some data layers have too many top blobs if nTooManyTopBlobs > 0: Log.log( "{} data layers have too many top blobs. The native caffe version does support only a maximum of 2 " "top blobs per data layer. Deployment result might be incorrect." .format(nTooManyTopBlobs), self._logId)
def save(self): try: # get user input netFullPath = self._textPathNet.text() solverFullPath = self._textPathSolver.text() solverDirPath = os.path.dirname(solverFullPath) netInSeparateFile = (self._comboNet.currentIndex() == self.COMBO_INDEX_SEPARATE_FILE) netPathIsValid = len(netFullPath) > 0 and os.path.exists(netFullPath) \ and os.path.isfile(netFullPath) # ensure that the input isn't empty if len(solverFullPath) > 0: # ensure that the path (except the base name) does already exist folderExists = os.path.isdir(solverDirPath) # if it doesn't exist yet, let the user decide whether to create all missing folders if not folderExists: reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self,"Destination doesn't exist yet."),"Do you want to create all non-existing folders " "in the given path?"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: folderExists = True os.makedirs(solverDirPath) if folderExists: # ensure that the full path does point to a file and not a folder fileIsNoFolder = not os.path.exists(solverFullPath) or not os.path.isdir(solverFullPath) # input is valid, go ahead and start the actual export if fileIsNoFolder: if netInSeparateFile: # network path does not need to be valid, as we are not doing anything with the referenced file # anyway: let the user decide whether an invalid path is used on purpose if not netPathIsValid: reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self,"Network path seems to be invalid."), "Do you want to continue anyway?", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: netPathIsValid = True if netPathIsValid: # point to selected network file self._solver["net"] = netFullPath # remove any other references to a network definition if "net_param" in self._solver: del self._solver["net_param"] else: # include inline definition of the network self._solver["net_param"] = self._network # remove any other references to a network file if "net" in self._solver: del self._solver["net"] # finally, save solver prototxt if not netInSeparateFile or netPathIsValid: with open(solverFullPath, 'w') as file: file.write(saver.saveSolver(self._solver)) callerId = Log.getCallerId('export_solver') Log.log( "The solver has been exported successfully to {}.".format( solverFullPath ), callerId) # add used file paths to the recent file list if self._defaultActions is not None: self._defaultActions.recentSolverData.addRecently(solverFullPath, solverFullPath) if netInSeparateFile and netPathIsValid: self._defaultActions.recentNetData.addRecently(netFullPath, netFullPath) self.close() else: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Can't save solver"),"The given path points to an existing folder instead of " "a file.")) else: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Can't save solver"),"Please select a valid destination for the solver file.")) except: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Can't save solver"),"Unknown error.")) self.close()
def loadNet(netstring): """ Load the prototxt string "netstring" into a dictionary. The dictionary has the following form { "name": "Somenetwork", "input_dim": [1,2,1,1], "state": { "phase": "TRAIN" }, ... "layers": { "somerandomid1": { "type": LayerType Instance of Pooling-Layer, "parameters": { "pooling_param": [ "kernel_size": 23, "engine": "DEFAULT" ] .... "input_param": [ {"shape": {"dim": [...], .... }, {"shape": {"dim": [...], .... }, ] } }, "somerandomid2": {"type": ..., "parameters": ....} }, "layerOrder": ["somerandomid1", "somerandomid2", ....] } """ from backend.caffe.path_loader import PathLoader proto = PathLoader().importProto() # Load Protoclass for parsing net = proto.NetParameter() # Get DESCRIPTION for meta infos descr = info.ParameterGroupDescriptor(net) # "Parse" the netdefinition in prototxt-format try: text_format.Merge(netstring, net) except ParseError as ex: raise ParseException(str(ex)) params = descr.parameter().copy() # All Parameters of the network # add logger output if deprecated layers have been found, to inform the user that those can't be parsed yet if len(net.layers) > 0: callerId = Log.getCallerId('protoxt-parser') Log.log( "The given network contains deprecated layer definitions which are not supported and will be dropped.", callerId) # Layers is deprecated, Layer will be handled seperatly and linked to "Layers" key del params["layers"] del params["layer"] if params.has_key("layerOrder"): raise ValueError('Key layerOrder not expected!') # Extract every other parameters res = _extract_param(net, params) res["layers"], res["layerOrder"] = _load_layers(net.layer) res = copy.deepcopy(res) return res
def start(self, solverstate=None, caffemodel=None): """ Start the process. Return True if the process was started False if the start failed """ if self.getState() is State.WAITING: self.rid += 1 # (re-)write all session files # check if the session has its own caffeRoot caffeBin = self.caffe_bin if not caffeBin: # else take the project's caffeRoot path caffeBin = caffeVersions.getVersionByName( self.project.getCaffeVersion()).getBinarypath() try: self.getParser().setLogging(True) cmd = [caffeBin, 'train', '-solver', self.getSolver()] if solverstate: cmd.append('-snapshot') cmd.append(str(solverstate)) elif caffemodel: cmd.append('-weights') cmd.append(str(caffemodel)) self.proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd=self.getDirectory()) try: self.tee = Popen( ['tee', '-a', self.getRunLogFileName()], stdin=self.proc.stdout, stdout=PIPE) except Exception as e: # continue without tee Log.error('Failed to start tee: ' + str(e), self.getCallerId()) self.setState(State.RUNNING) Log.log( 'Session ' + self.getRunLogFileName(True) + ' was started', self.getCallerId()) self.__startParsing() return True except Exception as e: # check if caffe root exists Log.error('Failed to start session: ' + str(e), self.getCallerId()) if os.file.exists( caffeVersions.getVersionByName( self.project.getCaffeVersion()).getBinarypath() ) is False: Log.error( 'CAFFE_BINARY directory does not exists: ' + caffe_bin + '! Please set CAFFE_BINARY to run a session.', self.getCallerId()) else: Log.error( 'Could not start a session in state ' + str(self.getState()), self.getCallerId()) # self.setState(State.UNDEFINED) return False